You aren't here anymore
One o'clock, my clock says
The books in front seem
Endlessly deep, just like the night.
My yawns grow longer and I
Fight the sleep invading my eyes.
I yearn to run to your room
To see whether you're still up
Playing Star Craft or Dawn of War
So I could get a little help.
But you aren't here anymore,
To alleviate my exam worries
Help me with Biology lessons
And crack jokes to make me laugh,
To defend me against ludicrous
Complaints of too much time
Spent with my computer,
The excuses they invent,
To cheer me up when I
Feel down, hurt or sad
To punch or kick me when bored
Starting a playful fight,
Show me great movies
Games and fun stuff;
Turn up the volume full
When dinosaurs scream
in Jurassic Park,
Watch soccer matches that
You love so much, into the night
Discuss the Barclays or UEFA
Champions League, anymore.
There're so many little things
That I miss about you,
But you aren't here anymore.
I'll have to finish my homework
Without your help every night.
A/N: Yeah, I know that it's a bit random and that there isn't a nice, proper rhythm to it, but I just wanted to get some feelings on paper, it is. I really miss my brother who's abroad studying, thousands of miles away.