A/N: This is a longer story that contains sex later on. If you are looking for instant sex, this is not the story for you. If you want a story with a plot line and character development, you are in the right place.
Chapter 1
OneRepublic was on the radio declaring it "too late to apologize" as Dillon looked around the room. He couldn't help smiling at the sight. So many friends he and his best friend, Jeremy, had made over the years! And now they had all come together to throw Jeremy a housewarming party. When had they gone from being young bachelors, dedicated to seeing how much alcohol they could drink in one night without ending up with alcohol poisoning, to the last of them having bought his first house?
Across the room, Dillon's boyfriend, Brad, was talking to Jeremy's boyfriend, Carter, about the latest downturn of the stock market. The two of them almost appeared to be brothers as they stood next to each other.
Each had brown hair and brown eyes, but Brad's eyes were deep chestnut while Carter's were more of an amber color. Both were tall, slender men with bodies containing hard, dense muscles that were not incredibly noticeable in the conservative suits they wore. There was a difference though. Carter had a polish, almost a veneer, to him that could only come from growing up rich and going to all the right schools and events. Brad hadn't been that lucky. While his family hadn't been poor, they'd definitely had to work for each penny. As a result, Brad was struggling to become who Carter already was. He was succeeding too. Even in these hard times, he was the most successful investment broker at the bank where he worked. He and Carter spent a lot of time talking together about the market as a result. Since Dillon had no desire to analyze the future (or lack thereof) of the American economy, he had decided to find a conversation more to his liking.
It sometimes surprised Dillon that he was dating Brad while Jeremy was dating Carter. If you asked anyone, they would have said that Brad and Carter belonged with each other, while Jeremy and Dillon would make a perfect couple. Still, life just didn't work out that way sometimes. Despite Dillon's lack of interest in financial matters, other than making sure his bills were paid and he made enough to build a good nest egg for retirement, and Carter's complete indifference toward computers, they enjoyed each other.
On the other side of the room, Scott, who Dillon had been friends with since middle school, stood entertaining three or four people with stories about his last competition. Scott was a body builder and it showed. Even in the chill of late winter he wore short sleeves, his muscles radiating more heat than the average fireplace. The short sleeves of his green shirt, which matched his eyes, strained around his biceps, looking as if they would split any time.
Jeremy was speaking to Dave. It looked to Dillon as if they were arguing about something, actually, and he began to seriously consider going over there to break them up. The only reason he hesitated is that he didn't want to upset Brad. Dillon and Dave had dated once upon a time, before deciding they were better off as friends, and Brad still had some issues with Dillon's continuing friendship with Dave.
When Dave's voice began to raise, Dillon shook his head and headed over to where he and Jeremy stood near the doorway to the kitchen. This was a party, damnit!
As he passed Scott, Dillon bumped him with his hip. Without pausing in what he was saying to the people standing around him, Scott bumped Dillon back, pushing a bit harder. Since Scott was a giant mass of muscles, he packed a lot of power behind that bump and Dillon ended up flying sideways for a few steps before he regained his balance. Dillon smiled and saluted Scott before moving on. Scott smiled back, his green eyes sparkling, and wiggled his ginger eyebrows that were half a shade darker than his hair.
"Oh, come on Dave, you can't tell me that you think Booth and Brennan shouldn't end up together. Everyone who watches Bones can see the chemistry between them," Jeremy opined.
"I'm not arguing with that," Dave replied as Dillon stepped close enough to hear their conversation. "What I'm saying is that their getting together would completely throw off the feel of the show. It's happened before. Remember Moonlighting and Remington Steele? The lead characters on those got together and it ruined the shows!"
"I can't believe the two of you are still arguing about Bones," Dillon laughed, relieved that they weren't really talking about anything serious. "Does it really matter all that much if two characters on TV hit the sack?"
Jeremy rolled his eyes at Dave before turning to Dillon. "Some of us actually enjoy the various entertainment options out there beyond what 'reality TV' offers," Jeremy replied.
Dillon sighed and rubbed Jeremy's shoulder. "Don't' worry, hun, I'm sure you'll be able to get your vicarious sex thrills soon."
Jeremy laughed and punched Dillon lightly in the stomach. In response, Dillon threw his arm around Jeremy's neck and pulled him into a headlock. The two of them wrestled around for a few minutes, ramming into people who laughed at the good-natured fun.
Once they were both thoroughly winded, they called a truce and went to get a couple of beers. Using the relative quiet of the spacious kitchen, they sat and talked.
"I see you and Brad are getting more serious," Jeremy commented as he dipped a nacho into some salsa. His black hair was falling into his eyes and he impatiently pushed it away with one hand. The aquamarine eyes that were revealed were startling in their intensity. "I like seeing you happy."
"You're such a romantic," Dillon said with a smile. "You want a family so bad that you see happy couples every where you look."
"Hey, I may want a good relationship and family as much as the next mature guy, but that doesn't mean I'm naïve," Jeremy pretended to be offended. "I can tell the difference between a relationship and a good relationship. I definitely think you and Brad are heading toward the latter."
Dillon blushed. "Yeah, we are," he said, taking another swig of his beer. "We spend more nights together than apart. In fact, I'm staying at his place tonight since we're going boating tomorrow."
"Isn't it a bit cold for boating yet?" Jeremy asked with a slight frown. He gave a mock shiver, the muscles in his body trembling at his command. Jeremy was one of those rare and lucky people that had a great body no matter what he put into it. His whole family was that way. "You'll get sick out on the water this early in the year."
"Don't worry, mom, I promise to wear a sweater!"
Dillon turned and waved one last time before taking Brad's perfectly manicured hand and following him out to the car. The sound of music and laughter faded as Jeremy closed the front door behind them.
Giving a jaw-popping yawn, Dillon smiled. "I am pooped, baby," he said to Brad. "It was a great party, but I'm just not as young as I used to be."
Brad brought Dillon's fingers to his mouth and kissed them. "It's a good thing that you're staying at my place tonight, then," he commented as he unlocked the car doors. "It's only a twenty minute drive compared to the hour it would take you to get home."
After helping Dillon into the car and pecking him on the lips, Brad jogged around the front of the car and slid behind the wheel. Tuning the radio to a station playing soft, soothing music, he rubbed his fingers against Dillon's jaw. "I'll have you home soon, baby, and then you can get a good night's sleep."
Dillon smiled and reclined his seat back so that the seatbelt barely touched his body. His eyes drifted closed and he was lightly sleeping before Brad had even pulled out of Jeremy's driveway.
Dillon felt as though his head was going to explode. He didn't remember having all that much to drink at Jeremy's house warming party, but his head had never ached this much. In fact, his whole body ached. He seemed to be one big, red-hot nerve, pulsing and throbbing in pain.
He sucked in a breath, trying to control the need to cry out against the pain. Suddenly, he heard someone moving around. Soft-soled shoes squeaked as they passed over an unseen floor and then Dillon felt a presence leaning over him. He struggled to open his eyes, but for some reason seemed to be unable to do so.
"Well, well, well," a tender voice said, "Welcome back to the world of the living Dillon Marshall." A hand stroked his hair back then moved down his arm. "I imagine you're in quite a bit of pain. I'll get a doctor in here and we'll see what we can do about that. It's a good thing you waited until I was making my rounds to wake up."
Once again Dillon heard the squeak of unseen shoes. He wanted to protest, to beg the person to not leave him. But for some reason his mouth was too dry to form words.
Nothing made sense. What had she meant about a doctor? Was he in a hospital? He'd never been hospitalized for a hangover before. Why on earth would they do so now?
This time he heard multiple pairs of feet entering the room. Someone moved to the foot of the bed and he heard a jangling noise and then some papers being flipped.
"I'm glad to see you've decided to join us Mr. Marshall," another female voice, this one sounding older, said. "We were beginning to worry that you didn't like us."
Once again Dillon struggled to speak. He wanted to ask so many questions. Who were they? How did they know him? Why was he in so much pain? Why couldn't he open his eyes? But while his mouth opened and closed, he was unable to force any sound out.
"Tina, I think our young friend here needs some ice chips," the older voice said. "He's bound to be thirsty after so long a time without anything to drink."
"I'll get some right away, Dr. Morgan," the kind voice said. Then, her footsteps retreated again.
"Now, I've worked with lots of patients as they come out of comas," Dr. Morgan spoke. "I'm pretty sure you have lots of questions going through your head. Let me see if I can answer most of them for you."
A coma? He had been in a COMA? He couldn't have been!
"You've been with us just over two weeks now," Dr. Morgan continued, seemingly unaware of Dillon's panic. "You were in a car accident, but we got to you in time. It's a good thing, because you were pretty bad when you came in. I'm not going to sugarcoat things. I don't see it doing you any good.
"Your right knee was crushed. We've done reconstructive surgery and after some hard work, you will walk again. It's going to take time, but we have some amazing surgeons here at Crestwick Sinai.
"Your right arm is also broken in two places, but they were clean breaks and give every indication that they will heal fine. You'll also have to work to regain some of the strength in that arm, but if you played tennis before, we'll make sure you do again.
"The real challenge was your eyes." This statement was followed by a sigh.
His eyes. He couldn't open them. The world was dark. It had been bad enough when she'd been listing off his other injuries. Then, she had just sounded matter-of-fact. Now, though, there was something else in her voice.
"The car you were in was badly damaged by the force of the impact. The steel cage crumpled, striking you on the back of your head, causing a severe concussion and damage to your Occipital Lobe. I don't know how much you know about the brain, but the Occipital Lobe is responsible for the interpretation of what you see. Right now, CAT scans and MRIs show massive swelling and bruising in the region.
"That would be enough to concern us, but you also got glass in your eyes. Slivers penetrated right through your eyelids in order to pierce the eyes themselves. We dug out all that we could fine, but your corneas are severely scarred."
Dillon felt like he couldn't breathe. What was she telling him? Was she saying he was blind? She couldn't be saying that! There was just no way that could be true!
"We do have a small bit of hope. There is a chance that when the swelling goes down and the bruising subsides, your brain will have healed enough to process whatever input your eyes supply. However, they're not going to be giving much. In other words, Mr. Marshall, the most you can hope for is to be able to distinguish when large objects are in the way, even while you won't know what they are."
Dillon heard a knock on the hospital room door and out of habit turned his head. He didn't see a thing. Of course he didn't. He was blind. But the automatic response was still there. Someone knocked, you turned to see who it was.
The person at the door nervously cleared his throat. He didn't say anything, but he didn't need to. Dillon already knew who it was. Brad was here.
It had been a week since Dillon had awoken from his coma. Each day he had hoped that Brad would arrive. Each day, he was too scared to ask where Brad was. The dread that Brad had died in the accident was too awful. Dillon hadn't wanted to risk finding out it was true, so he had never asked.
Now, though, Brad was here! He was alive! Dillon didn't care where he had been. After all, he had been so badly injured himself, surely Brad had spent his own time in the hospital. This could very well be the first day that Brad was well enough to come see him.
Feeling a now unfamiliar smile curve his lips, Dillon spoke. "Brad, oh Brad, you're alright!" He held out his left arm, his right still strapped to his side.
"Hello Dillon," Brad said with a tremor in his voice as he walked forward.
Dillon expected to feel Brad's hand in his, Brad's lips on his. Instead, Brad placed something wrapped in his outstretched hand.
"I didn't bring flowers," Brad rushed to say. "I wasn't sure if you would want them since you can't, well, you know."
There was an awkward silence. Dillon would have loved anything Brad had brought him. If Brad had arrived with flowers, than Dillon would have thought of him every time he smelled them.
"Go ahead, open it," Brad urged after a tense moment. "I hope you like it. It was the only thing I could really think of."
"Whatever it is, I'm sure I'll love it," Dillon responded. He awkwardly reached out and placed the package on the table suspended over the bed. Next, he tore into the paper, getting frustrated as the box scooted out of reach time and again.
Brad never offered to help. Instead, he just stood there, saying nothing.
Finally, the wrapping was off the box. Dillon felt around until he found the flap and pried it open. He spilled the contents onto the table.
"Careful!" Brad exclaimed. "You don't want to break it."
"Ok, I won't break it," Dillon responded. "What is it?"
Brad gave off a nervous laugh. "It's a CD player. I also have five books on disc for you. I know what a book worm you are and that you were really getting into those medical thrillers, so I thought you might like to have them to listen to while you're here."
"That's great," Dillon said, smiling. "Of course, I won't have much time to listen to them now that you're better. All my available hours are going to be spent with you. I'm so gladly you weren't badly hurt!"
There was another awkward silence. Then Brad cleared his throat again. "I was lucky Dillon. I wasn't hurt at all."
"You weren't? How is that possible?" Dillon couldn't seem to wrap his brain around that fact. The accident had been so bad he'd ended up blind and in a coma for two weeks. Now Brad was saying that he'd come out of if without a scratch. How was that possible?
Not that he wasn't glad Brad was okay. He was thrilled by that fact, of course. But if Brad had never been hurt, then nothing made sense. Where had Brad been for the last week? Why hadn't Brad come to see him before today? For that matter, why had the nursing staff and doctors never mentioned Brad? If Brad had been visiting him while he was in a coma, then someone would have noticed his absence after Dillon regained consciousness and commented on it.
"Didn't they tell you anything about the accident?" Brad asked, his voice low.
"I never asked," Dillon admitted. "I was kind of too scared of what they would say."
Dillon heard Brad inhale and hold his breath before letting it out slowly. Then, Brad moved forward and took Dillon's hand.
Dillon's body sang at the contact. He'd missed the feel of Brad's slender hand in his own. He rubbed the pad of his thumb over Brad's neatly manicured nails, seeing them in his mind.
"We were hit on the passenger side, Dillon," Brad said. "I never saw him coming. It was at the corner of Ericson and Maple. You know how that intersection is. . . all those trees and the stop signs on Maple. Half the time you can't see them because of the low-hanging branches."
Dillon screwed up his forehead in thought, picturing a map in his head. "Why weren't we on Ericson? Why would we have been on Maple?"
"We were on Ericson. And we had the right of way. It never occurred to me to check and see if anyone was on Maple. It was so late at night and Maple's not a busy road even during rush hour. I just kept driving along, I never even saw him!"
Dillon brought Brad's hand to his face and rubbed it against his cheek, making low, soothing sounds with his voice, trying to comfort Brad the best he could. "It's okay Brad. Whatever happened, I'm sure it wasn't your fault. But you need to tell me what happened."
Brad took a deep breath. Dillon could hear how shaky he was, even if he couldn't see it. "I had just driven out into the intersection. You were asleep. I saw the lights to my right, but I barely looked at first. After all, if there were a car there, surely they'd stop! But he didn't. He came barreling out into that intersection. He was flying Dillon! He was going so fast I couldn't think fast enough, move fast enough. And then he just slammed into the car. My airbags went off and I was thrown against them. Yours didn't do a thing. I remember feeling my seat belt tighten and my body hitting the airbags, but then I remember your body hitting mine.
"When I came to, there were ambulances and paramedics and police everywhere. They took me to the ER. I tried to see you, but they wouldn't let me. You have to believe that Dillon! They wouldn't let me!"
"Shhhh, shhhh, it's okay," Dillon comforted Brad. "I know you would have been by my side the whole time if they had let you be."
Brad stepped back, pulling his hand out of Dillon's grasp. "I wanted to be there for you. It was killing me inside not to be there. All I did was think about the accident and how you could have died. I walked away from it, but you didn't."
"No, I didn't walk away. Even if I hadn't broken anything, I wouldn't have been able to see where I was walking," Dillon allowed some bitterness to creep into his voice. The doctors and nurses kept telling him how lucky he was to be alive, how lucky he was that he'd walk again. Walk where, he wanted to yell. I can't see; how on earth am I going to know where I'm walking?
No one seemed to notice, though. They just kept talking about his luck. At the moment, he didn't feel lucky at all.
"I know," Brad said. "I know you're blind and I know it's my fault. That's why I haven't been here. I figured you wouldn't want to see . . . I mean, talk to me."
"Oh Brad no!" Dillon exclaimed. "I always wanted you here. I was just too scared to ask where you were, too scared to find out that something awful had happened to you."
Dillon heard Brad take another deep breath. "The thing is, Dillon, I really have spent all this time thinking. Whether you believe it or not, I still see the accident as my fault. I still tell myself over and over again that I should have been more alert. I know I'm responsible for your being blind.
"I'm not strong enough, Dillon. I'm not strong enough to spend the rest of my life with you, looking at you, knowing I took away your life. I just can't do it, Dillon."