Chapter One
It was the first day of school and I couldn't have been more nervous. The halls were big and grand filled with fancy chandeliers and paintings.
Wow. I thought. This place is really whacked. Why do they even make schools like this?
Everyone walked through the halls in uniforms of navy blue and white. The girls were in knee length skirts and a blouse while the boys were in navy pants and plain white shirts. I felt terribly uncomfortable in the attire since I myself was used to my own eccentric style. I wasn't even allowed to have my own bag!!!! This really pissed me off. I mean, I understand how this is a rich kid school and all but can't they allow any individuality?! The only items that I had with me that were actually my own were my notebooks, pens, etc. which really isn't much when you think about it. Well, I guess I had my bracelet with me which was actually of some significance since it was my only tie what I like to call my 'real life'.
You see, I was a normal girl not but a year ago, with friends and a great life. I was homeschooled and was really looking forward to my first year of high school since there were so many events for that age group of homeschoolers. It was going to be a great school year until my dad suddenly won the California lottery (and you wonder why California's broke!) and he won the biggest jackpot ever won – $1,000,000,000,000. So Dad decided to have us move to a fancy town in England just outside of London. Mom was absolutely thrilled – let's just say that I wasn't asked about any of this.
Now I am stuck here, in a prestigious school where people think I have an accent! (HA! I think not! They have an accent!) And my only sentimental tie to my 'real life' is my bracelet that me and my best friends made for each other when we where nine, maybe ten. At least with my Blackberry I can call them at least once a week since Dad doesn't mind paying for the long distance calls every once and a while.
Suddenly I was snapped back down to earth when a voice came out on the speaker saying, "All students please head in for your first period classes. Thank you!"
Great, they don't even have a bell to announce the periods or that school is out!
I then realized that the halls were almost empty and I was standing in the middle of the halls thinking to myself! I must have looked like a complete idiot! Then a girl came up to me, she had soft brown eyes and short brown hair and her cheeks were a rosy red. "Excuse me do you need help find your classes?" She smiled up at me since I was freakishly tall.
"No," I said annoyed, "I know where I am going."
"Oh you're American! You have the funniest accent!" the girl commented.
"I DON'T HAVE AN ACCENT!" I yelled, simply done with my new life in a foreign country. I suddenly felt bad for my yelling when the girls face looked like it was about to cry and she ran down the hall crying, "YOU'RE A JERK!"
Then again, I didn't care, she was a totally marshmallow.
Great, ten minutes into my first day of school and my day already sucks! I can't wait for the next four years of my high school life! Now where is my first class????? Ah yes, class room 4112 - English.
I figured that English was something that I was good at so something had to be right in my day………..right???
I walked into the room. Class had just begun and everyone was already seated. There was one empty desk at the front of the classroom. Great, just what I needed. All eyes were on me. The teacher, Miss Senra, as said on the sheet to be exact stood up and said, "Hello! You must be our new American student. Nice to meet you! I was wondering when you would arrive. I am Miss Senra. Why don't you come out and introduce yourself to the class." She had a wonderful smile on her face. She was a tiny woman but very pretty, I liked her already. I just didn't like having to be called the American student all the time. Really, I didn't feel all that new and interesting.
When I got up to the front of the class I smiled and said as calmly as I could, "Hi, I'm Nicole."
There was utter silence from the class until Miss Senra nodded and gave them a stern eye, commanding them to speak, "Hello Nicole." Satisfied, Miss Senra then allowed me to go and sit down in my empty desk. I slung my bag down casually, glances shot my way for doing so.
What is their problem? I didn't get this school at all.
Class went by fine although it seemed terribly long. I guess I just wasn't used to long classes since through homeschooling I was used to getting things done on my own time. I already had a pile of homework for English and couldn't imagine how much homework I would have for my other classes. I looked down at my schedule sheet. Next was a fifteen minute break for a small tea break.
A tea break? Who in the world has a tea break at a school? This rich kid school needs a lesson or two in 'Reality 101'. Besides, it's only ten O'clock.
Shrugging my shoulders I then headed off for my "Tea Break". It was in dance room number 3#. Dance rooms……..are schools even supposed to have dance rooms? Obviously there was a lot still left to be figured out about this school.
I walked through the doorway and was greeted by two young women in fine attire. They looked young enough to go to school here.
"Hello Miss, let me escort you to your table for today." One of the girls said, taking my arm and carefully leading me to a free spot at a table.
"Um, thank you." I said. The girl giggled.
"I see you are American. You have a funny accent." She commented.
WHY DO PEOPLE COMMENT ABOUT THE WAY I SPEAK ALL THE TIME!!!!! I thought, very peeved. But all I did was nod and sit down at the table. I looked around and studied each character beside me. There were three others, two boys and one other girl. There was not much to say about any of them in particular; after all they looked like any normal human being would. Except, there was one boy who particularly caught my attention, he was tall but not a toothpick, in fact he was very fit. He had black eyes that practically shone through his jet black hair. Although acting in a very proper fashion adventure and curiosity danced about in his eyes.
Needless to say I was entranced, dazzled. In fact, I hope that I had silently prayed that I had every other class with this boy and not said anything out loud for my head was in the clouds and I think that my chances of saying the last thing I would want anyone to hear out loud had probably double at that point.
"Hi." I managed to squeak out as the tea was being placed before us. They all nodded in acknowledgement but said nothing. I then noticed that no one around us was saying anything either. Although I desperately wanted to ask this guy what classes he had I decided that it would be best to shut up. After all this was tea break not 'chat with a cute guy next to you' break. Silence enveloped the room and not even the sipping of the tea could be heard. It was beyond awkward. Finally, just as I finally got the silent sipping down my phone beeped a loud and noisy beep, disrupting the entire room and causing everyone within a five table range to look straight at me.
I had a text message.
I must have been blushing really bad because the girl I yelled at had to muffle a giggle, and I could feel the heat in my cheeks. I took my phone out of my bag. The message was from my mom. Great. A text message had to interrupt the entire room and of all the people it was my mother. Of course, who else could message me since all my friends couldn't afford to send me anything. But still, it HAD to be from my mother!!!! It read –
Hope u r having a gr8t 1st day of school honey!
Yep Mom, I'm having a great day. NOT! I would think that she would have the since to at least text me when school is over. And for heaven's sake she has a keyboard so why can't she take the time to spell anything right?! Whatever.
Comparatively the rest of my day was not really that exciting. I did have math and journalism with the cute guy from the tea break but nothing interesting happened. In other words, no 'movie magic' moments happened. It was all pretty much boring so when I got home I was in a pretty bad mood from my bad first day of school. On top of all that I had no time to feel sorrow for myself because I had loads of homework to do. I don't understand why Mom couldn't have homeschooled me even though we moved.
Speaking of parents they didn't get home until late that night, because they were out having fun with all these rich people all night and left me to make dinner and keep myself company in this strange new place.
Well, at least someone was enjoying our new life.