A/N – This is it, the final chapter. To be honest I really hate to see this story end. Thank you all for your support and I hope that you have enjoyed my story. Happy Holidays!

I was enjoying myself throughout the night, except for the fact that I really desired to be with Jack. James was a good escort and seemed to be a cousin of Jack's since they shared so many similarities. James and I had danced and visited eaten and danced some more. The orchestra the school had hired played marvelously and I was still continually stunned at the expensive and rich tastes of this not so ordinary school. The night had reached its climax and the singer of the orchestra approached the mike and spoke, "I hope that you all have had a wonderful evening tonight and to top the night off I would like to present to you all the couple for our final waltz. The couple who will have this honor is the couple who has the best dancing; our conductor will be the judge. So please, join us in this dance and see if the final waltz will be yours. Good luck to you all!" And the music began. Without a question James took my hand and swept me onto the floor.

"I think that we have been the best dancers at this ball so far." James said leading me in a fast waltz. "I am sure that we could win."

I nodded, wishing that I had a chance to win over the last waltz with Jack. "Yes, I am sure that we could win but I was really hoping to have the last dance of the night with my boyfriend."

"Oh, so you have a boyfriend. I should have known, is he the one you have been scanning the room for all night?"

I blushed, embarrassed that he had noticed.

"So tell me what you love about him. I'm sure that he is a great guy to win over such a heart of gold."

"Well," I began, feeling Jack's soft touch all over again, "He is sweet and caring and he is always worried about me it seems. Which I think is very cute. My Jack is the most handsome man on the plant I could just stare into his eyes forever."

I looked at James's face; it felt strange to be telling this to another guy that I was dancing with, I noticed that his eyes were staring intently upon me. I didn't get an awkward feeling in my stomach though; I felt a sense of peace and love. The feelings that I would get if Jack were looking at me like that.

"Keep going." James said, "I haven't heard all of the reasons why you love this man so much."

"Well, every time I hold his hand I feel his love. I never know what to saw around him because I want to be perfect for him. He is so insightful and perfect that I feel like he is too good for me. I know that I can trust him and that he can trust me and-"

James kissed me right then and there. I was so taken by surprise that I stopped dancing. I wanted to slap him but I couldn't bring myself to, I was lost in the moment. James then pulled away from me and before I could say anything he just barely lifted up the mask.

That was when I saw his face. "Jack!" I said softly, yet surprised. "It was you this whole time!"

Jack smiled and put his mask back on.

I felt his soft hair and carefully brushed it out of his face. "I love you." I said softly. Before anything else romantic could be said between us to a spotlight was flashed onto the two of us and the conductor announced, "Ladies and Gentleman I present to you the couple who will dance tonight's final waltz." The conductor turned around and then the orchestra began to play a beautiful symphony. Jack playfully bowed and out stretched his hand. "May I have the honor?" He asked me.

I carefully curtsied and put my hand in his. "Of course you may."

Jack drew me in and put his hand carefully around my waist, making sure I was close to him. The spot light followed us as Jack twirled me around the ballroom. I felt like a modern day Cinderella even my shoes seemed to turn into glass slippers. The crowed around us no longer existed and neither did the floor. All I knew was the music, and Jack's hand holding my waist. I never wanted the music to end but when it did Jack smiled at me and gracefully led me off of the ballroom floor.

Our night ended with the three couples taking a nice moonlight stroll through the courtyard of the school. I was holding Jack's hand; I looked at Sam and whispered. "It's this wonderful? This has to be the most memorable night of our whole freshman year." I said. Sam smiled. "Yeah, this and the look on your face when you fell into our phantom trap."

My eye's got big; I had no idea that the phantom trick had been Sam and Will. We just laughed together. I was overflowing with happiness and contentment and nothing would be able to bring me down.

Epilogue –

Mom had a baby girl at the beginning of summer. My heart was still damaged but I couldn't help but love the little girl. Jack and Sam helped me to slowly forgive my parents and make the rest of my high school year's better then the first.

Corey and Chris both graduated before us all and were still a couple but went to different college's, breaking their relationship and they went their separate ways. Jack was the next to graduate but we still continued our relationship with the full support of our parents. He went to college in the area and stayed at home, allowing me to see him frequently. Jack studied to be an attorney and did well at school.

Sam and Will broke up their sophomore year but continued to be distant friends. Sam ended up marrying a pilot at the age of 19 and they went and traveled around the world. As for me, I stayed in the area and went to the same college as Jack. We wed when I turned 21 and moved back to the states a year later. Jack found his job as an attorney boring after a while and went on to work in the air force while I stayed at home with our two kids. We only came in contact with our high school friends once when our school held its 20 year party for our graduating class. Jack and I flew over to England for the weekend and caught up with Sam and Will. That was the last time we ever saw them again. But still, in the end, we all lived happily ever after.