Brace yourself: it may not be surprising?

Hey, guys.

Sorry to be a complete ass-munch, but I've officially quit writing the sequel of this, Hook, Line and Sinker!

Yeah. You might have seen that one coming, actually; me, not posting it after a full year? It was pretty much a fail in the first place…

Hopefully –I'm emphasizing the 'hopefully'- it may end up happening in the (hopefully nearby) future, but my procrastination and writer's block has won the battle.

I am defeated.

Now. Bring on the tomatoes – and other veggie-like fruit, if need be. Even I know I deserve this.

xmonkeybar OHmaniac. -hell, it's josee. :)-

post. script. Was this note a little rushed? Sorry 'bout that, I'm a little busy at the moment with other work. Either check out my account page for more info on this, other little fail-stories to amuse your time, or just PM me any more questions, comments, head-bite-offing sneers, et cetera.

All I ask is to take it easy on me... Just a little.