This is just something that has been floating around in my head for awhile. I finally took the time to write it all down and... this is what you get. I do have it completed so you don't have to worry about writer's block. WARNING. Plot line does go kind of quickly. This is supposed to be short and sweet; something I did for fun. It does have similarities to Disney's Beauty and the Beast but the character's are my own. Hope you all enjoy!
From when I was younger, all I can remember is growing up around horses. My father had always loved to ride and was always out and about enjoying time to himself. One day he went out for his daily ride. Soon after he left a thunderstorm started that was hard to see out of. Two days passed and my father had not returned. I couldn't ask the neighbors for help because we didn't have any. And the closest town had lazy people that I knew would never help.
Oh Papa, where are you? It was times like this that I wished we had kept up with the times and bought cell phones or other electronic devices so we could reach one another. But my father had always been old fashioned and I had taken up after him.
I was sitting on our front porch thinking about where my father could be when his horse, Flash, came into view. No one was riding him. Papa. Flash stopped when he reached me but was prancing around frantically.
"Flash, where's Papa?" He wouldn't calm down.
I ran inside quickly and threw on a light jacket over my sundress, not wanting to take the time to change. Running back out I got on Flash's back and started him into a gallop.
Flash seemed to know where he was going so I let him lead. He led me far off our land and deep into the woods. I saw a NO TRESPASSING sign hanging loosely off a tree. I tried turning Flash to see if he would go a different way but he was set on taking me further into the dark woods. We slowed down into a walk soon enough. I thought I saw a light coming from the distance and I soon saw what was there. A large stone castle was located out here in the middle of nowhere. I had known there was a castle but I didn't know it was so close to my home. I pushed Flash a little further until we were in front of the large doors. I slipped off his back carefully and patted his neck. "Stay."
When I reached the door, I lifted the brass knocker and hit it as loud as I could. The door creaked open slowly. I walked inside carefully. The place seemed deserted. If it wasn't for the clean stature of the place, I would have thought no one lived there.
"Hello? Is anyone here? I'm looking for my father." I walked further into the room. A small border collie seemed to come out of nowhere. "Hello there. Is your master here?" Like the dogs going to understand me. "I'm looking for my father." It was no use.
I stood there thinking about what I could do when the small dog grabbed the bottom of my dress in his teeth and tugged me forward. I let him lead me further into the castle. He led me to a set of stairs that led downstairs.
"You want me to go down there?" The dog just ran down the stairs excitedly. I followed down more slowly. "Papa?" I called near the bottom.
"Abby?!" I picked up my speed. I found my father locked behind bars like a kind of prisoner.
"Papa, what happened to you?" I grabbed his hand through the bars.
"Oh Abby, you need to get out of here."
"Why Papa? I'm not leaving here without you."
"A wolf! A mean, ferocious wolf. Please leave!"
"What are you talki--?"
I heard a door slam and loud footsteps coming down the stairs. The border collie that had led me down the stairs hid behind my back.
A large russet colored wolf made its way into view. It growled. "What are you doing down here?" It talked. I sat there shocked for a second. It showed its large teeth. "What are you here for?"
I spoke to him for the first time. "I came looking for my father. Please, let him go."
"No, he is my prisoner. Now leave!"
"What are you; some sadistic jerk?!" I couldn't help but scream.
"He shouldn't have trespassed into my home."
"There was a storm. Where else was he supposed to go?"
"I don't know. And I don't care." He growled. "Get out of my home."
"Please, just let him out. I'll," I didn't know what to say, "I'll take his place."
"You would take his place and stay here forever?" I looked at my sweet father then back into the eyes of a monster.
"Yes." I looked down as the great wolf unlocked the iron lock using his mouth to turn the key. My father rushed out and I brushed a strand of stray hair out of his face. "I love you Papa." I said placing a kiss to his forehead.
The wolf seemed to think that was plenty of time together for he grabbed the back of my father's shirt and pulled him towards the stairs. "Go!" He growled. My father looked back helplessly one more time and ran the rest of the way up, tears running down his face. The collie that had cowered behind my back came out slowly.
"Master," He talks too! "maybe this young lady would like a more comfortable room."
The wolf gave a curt nod. "Follow me."
"You mean I don't have to stay down here?"
"No, now come." The border collie pushed me forward. I wasn't going to argue. I followed up the stairs slowly. As we walked through the main hall I saw more dogs start to appear. Most looked curious but none stepped forward.
"You can go anywhere you want within these walls. You are not to go outside."
Just then a small golden retriever puppy ran towards us. He jumped and landed near the wolf's back. The wolf rolled around with the small dog, nipping at it. I reached forward. "Don't hurt him!" Both dogs stopped. I pulled my hand away. The puppy giggled? They were playing? I was surprised. Here was this small dog that didn't seem scared at all.
The puppy nudged the wolf's face. "Papa, who's that girl?" Papa?!
"She is a new resident." That was the only explanation he gave.
He started walking ahead again while the small dog bounced towards me, choosing to walk beside me. "My names Bailey. What's yours?" How could this sweet pup call someone as mean as the master of this house, Papa?
"Abigail, but you can call me Abby."
"Abby, Abby, Abby. I'm so glad you're here! Now I have someone else to play with me. No one ever wants to play. Well, Papa does sometimes."
We had stopped at a closed door. "This is your new room. If you need anything let someone know and they will get it for you." He started walking again.
"Wait," I couldn't help but call out. He looked at me, "what's your name?"
It took him a second to answer. "Derek." He said roughly. He walked away. Bailey looked at me once before scurrying off.
I opened the door that he had led me to and walked inside. The room was more extravagant than I expected. It was decorated beautifully in rich red and gold. I walked to the bed and sat down thinking about all that had happened that day. A few tears ran down my face, then they started coming down more freely. I sobbed and buried my head in the pillows. After a few minutes I had calmed down. Crying isn't going to get you anywhere. I was lying there on the bed thinking when I heard scratching on the door. I made my way to the door and opened it. The border collie from earlier was sitting there.
"Hello Miss. My name is Collin." He stuck out his paw. I was finally starting to get over the initial shock that these dogs acted like humans. I kneeled down to the ground and shook the given paw.
"My names Abby."
"Well Miss Abby. I was told to come see if you were hungry."
"I am actually. Thank you."
"Follow me then dear. I'll show you to the kitchen." I stood up and followed the nice dog. He led me to a large spacious kitchen. "I suppose we'll need to get a better variety of foods. We seem to stick to the meat department." I laughed. He started opening some doors. "Do you like steak dear?" I nodded. He pulled one out of a cooler. They seemed very modern here. "Oh dear, you can't eat it raw can you?" I shook my head.
"Would you mind if I use the stove?"
"Oh, of course. The stove! Why didn't I think of that?" Collin sat and talked with me while I made and ate my dinner.
"Bailey seems like a sweetheart."
"Oh he is. But he sure does get into things, the little rascal."
"How is it that Bailey is a golden retriever but Derek is a…." I left the sentence open, when Collin gasped at my use of his master's name.
Collin shook it off though and gave a quiet chuckle before turning more somber. "Bailey's parents died soon after he was born. The master took a liking to him and they've been inseparable ever since. Bailey brings out the best in him. He's really changed him." I was confused. The best in him? This guy is keeping me here. But then I thought about how the wolf had started playing when Bailey came in.
The rest of my meal was quiet. I did my dishes and followed Collin back to my room. I yawned. "Tired?" He asked. I nodded and opened my door.
"Collin?" I asked. "What am I supposed to do for clothes? I didn't bring any with me." Collin looked as stumped as I was.
"Ah wait here." He bounced away before I could say anything. A few minutes passed and Collin was back with a white button down shirt in his mouth. I took it from him. "You can wear that to bed and give me your dress. I'll make sure it's washed and give it back to you as soon as I can."
I nodded. "Thank you." I shut the door and dressed in the nice shirt. It fell to my lower thighs, large on my small frame. Whoever's it was, must have been tall. Opening the door again I found Collin still waiting. I handed him my dress and he soon walked to wherever it was he was going.
I fell asleep quickly, tired from the day's events. When I woke up, I stayed in my room for the entire day not knowing what to with myself but not wanting to leave either. Night came soon enough and I fell asleep in the warm bed.
When I woke up on my third day there I was starting to wonder where everyone was. And where is Collin with my dress?
Since the long shirt fit me like a dress, I opened the door and made my way out into the halls trying to find Collin. A large set of doors came into my view. I opened them and walked into a large sitting room. The books on one wall caught my attention. I closed the door behind me and walked over. A soft growl made me gasp and turn around.
Derek was lying with his head on his front paws. "Oh, I'm sorry! I was looking for Collin and saw the books. I didn't know someone was in here."
He lifted his head. "Well next time maybe you should knock."
"You told me I could go anywhere in the castle. I didn't think I had to knock."
"Well maybe next time you should think a little harder."
"Well maybe you should give better instructions."
He finally noticed what I was wearing. "Where did you get that shirt?" He growled, standing up and advancing towards me. I took a step backwards towards the door.
"I needed something to wear. I didn't bring any clothes."
"You didn't answer my question. Where did you get that? Were you in my room?"
"No, I wasn't in your room. I don't even know where your room is!" Here he was making assumptions. "What's the big deal anyway? It's not like you even wear shirts."
"Whether I can or I can't, you shouldn't be taking other peoples things!"
"I didn't take it!" I yelled.
"Well then who gave it to you?" He growled back.
I didn't want to get Collin in trouble. "What does it matter? You can have it back as soon as I get my dress back."
He kept coming closer to me. I backed up into the door. He growled scaring me. "Who gave it to you?" I opened the door and ran out shutting it behind me. I can't take it anymore. I ran as fast as I could towards the front door, passing Collin on the way.
"Miss, I have your dress!" Collin called.
"Forget it!" I hollered back as I reached the front doors. I heard a loud snarl come from behind me. I can't stay here anymore. I didn't shut the doors behind me in my haste and I ran into the dark woods. When I had run far enough I slowed to a walk. Rustling in the trees made me stop.
"Who's there?"
I know it's not the best. Like I said, this is just something I did for fun. Review if you want. Your comments really mean a lot to me. : )
If anyone has a better title idea, don't hesitate to suggest it.
P.s. Check out my other story, Clueless. Don't forget to review!