Three days passed by in silence. I hadn't left the sofa and my father couldn't figure out why. I woke up my fourth day back to scratching at the door. Papa had left the night before to go into town and wouldn't be back until later in the afternoon. I got up slowly from the sofa and pulled my robe tighter around my body heading to open the door. "What do you need… Bailey?" A small golden retriever puppy came bounding into the room holding something in his mouth. He dropped it to the floor. "Bailey, how did you get here?"

"I sniffed my way here all by myself." He looked proud of himself.

"Does your father know you're here?"

He looked away. "Well no… but Papa won't come out of his room. I found this thrown outside into the hallway." He nudged the box he had dropped on the floor towards me. "I think he was going to give this to you."

I picked up the box off of the ground. A small card was attached: Abigail- So I'm always with you. Curious, I lifted the lid off of the top. A necklace lay inside with a small charm on the end. I pulled it out so I could get a closer look. The charm on the end was shaped like a wolf. I could tell it was hand carved and very delicately made. Derek must have made it before I left.

I looked at the note again. So I'm always with you…. He hadn't planned on letting me go! I felt so happy. He must have thought he was doing what was best letting me go home, but, he didn't know, I already was home.

"Bailey, do you know the right way back from here?"

He nodded. "Yep. I can sniff my way home. Are you coming with me?" He wagged his tail.

"Yes, I am."

I ran into my room and threw on the gown I had come in. I tied the necklace quickly around my neck then put a few light sundresses in a bag, packed some food, and ran back out to the living room.

"Are you ready to go back now?" I asked Bailey.

Bailey said he was and we ran out the door. My father rode up at that moment. He looked at my bags then back at me.

"Abigail, where are you going?"

I wrapped my father in a hug. "Home, Papa. I'm going home."

I told my father that I loved him and I needed to do this. He protested and tried to get me to stay but finally just kissed me on the cheek and said. "Be safe."

After refusing my father's offer of taking a horse with me, Bailey and I set off into the woods. The day passed by slowly. Bailey and I stopped a few times to eat and take a break. The stone had just come into view when I heard rustling in the trees. The two bears from previous days were back and they did not look happy. Not again…

"Bailey." I heard him whimper. "I want you to run back home and get your father. Hurry!" He ran off barking.

I found a large stick on the ground in front of me. Picking it up, I held it in front of me protectively. "Stay back."

I had only gotten one good swipe at the bears when I heard a loud snarl come from behind me. I turned to look at an angry Derek.

It didn't take long for the bears to leave. One hit from Derek scared them and they ran off into the woods. Derek took a few steps back towards the castle. "I meant it when I said you and Bailey were my family." He looked at me with sad eyes.

"Thank you for bringing my son back home." He turned away from me.

"I didn't bring him back home." He turned slowly to look at me, curious. "He brought me." The sadness in his eyes lifted and he took a step towards me.

"Why are you back, Abigail?" He kept getting closer.

"Because," I closed my eyes, "I love you." It was time for me to stop denying my feeling for Derek and I knew I had to let him know how I felt.

It got too quiet. I should have known he doesn't feel the same way. I opened my eyes.

There was no way Derek could have answered me. He was currently covered in a bright light. I felt a tingling in my body and looked down. The blue gown I had on was slowly shortening into a light sundress. What's happening?

The light around Derek slowly faded and I saw that he was no longer a wolf but back to his human self, dressed in blues and silvers to match myself. He looked at his hands in shock then back at me, his eyes gleaming.

I took a step forward and he ran up to me grabbing me in his arms and twirling me around. I laughed. "What happened?" I asked.

"You broke the curse Abby!" His arms were around my waist.

"How?" He smiled down at me.

"I had to find someone who could love me, and love them in return."

"You mean…?" I was shocked.

"Yes, Abby. I love you. I love you with all of my heart." He slowly lowered his lips to my own and kissed me slowly, fireworks going off in the distance.

It's officially over. This story did not get a lot of attention but that's okay. :) It was just something I wrote in my spare time in between the writing of other stories. Speaking of other stories....


Clueless: He was my brother's best friend, the most wanted guy in school, and the best quarterback Westward High had ever seen. He was the love of my life.

Behind the Mask: I went to this masquerade ball because my grandmother made me. I didn't know I'd be leaving with a crush on the hottest guy in school or that said guy would be doing anything to find out who I was. Who was I? Well I'm just the girl behind the mask. ONESHOT

Just the Beginning: I thought it was just a random coincidence that I found that rose in my locker. But now I'm hanging out with two of the most popular boys in school and have a supposed secret admirer. My senior year just got interesting.