Bloody Sweet Kisses


Chapter 1:

The Killing Spree

The wide eyed victim stared at him in horror. He stared at the blood stained clothes,dark red eyes, pale skin, and a sharp pocket knife held to his neck.


He watched the stupid creature struggling beneath his grasp. It pleased him to watch the horror in his victim's eyes. This person , his victim, didn't utter a word, not a sound as he held his pocket knife. The freshly cleaned blade glittered in the moonlight from a nearby window, holding it to his victim's throat he looked him in the eyes. " Today is your last day you stupid creature, for I have lust for blood for many days.", in a low raspy voice he had said this causing his victim to gulp in fear. Smirking he slashed his blade across the victim's neck, splattering crimson blood on the wall behind for air ,his victim slid down the wall his eyes rolling to the back of his head. "He he, the beautiful effect of blood on a white washed wall, simply lovely.", the killer the crimson liquid pour from his victim's throat, he keeled over and carved his initials to the victim's chest. He looked over his work one last time before he slipped silently out the door into the cold midnight air. He walked silently for a few blocks until he turned at an ally were he had parked his shining, black, mustang. He got into the car without a word ,then drove out of the dark alley and sped towards his next victim's house.


His next victim was a young boy whose parents had spoiled him far too much. Outside the murderer waited until all the lights were turned off except one: the little boy's room. He picked the back door's lock silently and cautiously. Finally breaking in he tip-toed upstairs and stopped at the top step, he stood quietly listing to the sounds of a TV ,and the soft snores of the kid's parents. He decided to kill the parents first so they couldn't call the police if they heard the boy's screams. He walked past the boy's room, the white TV light streaming though the crack at the bottom of the door. He passed a few other rooms the came to the parent's room, he opening the door and slipped in silently. He looked at the sleeping couple, the man with his hands around the woman's waist. "Ugh", he said the sight disgusting him. He reached into the back pocket of the black jeans he was wearing, pulling out his pocket knife. Carefully going through their closet he found what he was looking for: a bed sheet. Putting the white cloth up to the knife he made several cuts, then he grabbed the hem and started tearing the cloth apart into strips. He looked over his shoulder to the still sleeping couple behind him, stupid stupid foolshe thought to himself. He crept slowly toward the bed in the shadows of the room. Looming over his victims, he bound them to the bed. Amazingly the man and woman were still asleep, even when he tied them to their bed. After he bound the man's gag, he noticed the woman had stirred. Opening her eyes she stared in horror,at the man in front of her. As she was about to scream he quickly put his hand and a pillow over her mouth to mute the sound. "Stupid, stupid idiot you shouldn't have done that.", he told her as a mischievous glint shimmered in his eyes. Quickly grabbing his pocket knife he slit her throat, the blood splattering one the bed and man beside her. She died slowly choking on her own blood, this image making her murder chuckle.

As the blood hit her mate, he woke seeing her dead next to him and a dark figure looming over him caused him to panic. "Would you like to join her?", he heard the figure say. Upon seeing a shimmering blade above his neck he gulped and shook him head in fear. "Well you have no choice in this ,sadly.", the figure said ,as an evil smirk spread across his face.

He killed the man in the same manner as the woman ,except more slowly to make the vile creature beneath him suffer. "Mommy?",he heard a tiny voice behind him say. "Your mother can't help you now, stupid creature.", as he spoke the boy seemed to almost freeze as he took in the scene in front of him. He quickly pounced at the child, knocking him unconscious. He killed the child by stabbing him violentlyin the chest. Picking up a piece of the shredded bed sheet ,he soaked it in blood and wrote his initials on the wall nearest to the bed before fleeing the scene.


He killed many other people that night quenching his need of seeing blood. He hadn't killed for a while and now he was satisfied.