Chapter 5:
The Untold
It was a chilly December evening ,the sun was barley going down and the sky had a beautiful pink tint. She stood before him her short blond hair swaying in the breeze, "Daniel its beautiful out here ,isn't it?" "Yeah Jessie it is, but its not as beautiful as you.", he said his arms snaking around her waist. "Your just saying that.", she pouted. "No I'm not its true you are the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen", Daniel said as he kissed her softly. They parted and he led her to her house's door,"Good night Jessica. I love you." He walked on in the darkening evening until he heard a low raspy voice he recognised ,"Hey Daniel what are you doing walking home alone?" Just as Daniel turned around he got a hard hit to the side of his head. He fell to the ground and got kicks and punches hit at him then his vision slowly dimmed to black. He awoke and the first thing he realized was that he was tied up. Daniel regained his vision by blinking a couple of times ,he saw a pair of blue jean covered legs standing in front of him. Then a sharp jerk on his hair pulled up his head ,"So Danny what are you planning to do with my girl?" asked a familiar figure ,his best friend Dylan. "D-Dylan what do you mean your girl? I've been going out with her for the past two months!" "Well if I remember correctly she was mine first, so technically she's mine." Daniel looked at Dylan with confused eyes before saying ,"Dylan i thought you were over her." "As did I Danny, but I guess I'm not.", he smiled evilly at him and tightened his grip on Daniel's hair. "But I'll hand her over to you as soon as I'm done having my fun with her." "W-What do you mean?!? Where is Jessica? What are you going to do with her?" A sharp smack across his mouth made Daniel yelp in surprise then he became silent. That was when he finally realized there was a dark figure in the far corner of the room they were in. "Dylan is t-that ....." Dylan turned his head in the direction Daniel was looking and smirked,"Jessie? Yes Danny that's her how observant of you." He walked over to her and pulled up her limp head and kissed Jessica, her unconscious body whimpered softly. "Stop it Dylan!", Daniel yelled at him. "Stop doing what, Daniel? This?", Dylan smirked and kissed her even rougher than the first time. "You bastard!", Daniel twisted and turned but he still couldn't get the ropes off his hands and feet. "God Daniel I really want to have my fun with Jessie now but I don't like people watching me.", Dylan smiled "then again it would make for very good torture, oh well I'll just have to deal with it." Daniel sat on the cold ground unable to speak, or think clear thoughts as Dylan tore off Jessica's shirt. Just as he tore off her skirt and underwear Daniel screamed,"STOP IT DYLAN! STOP IT!" Tears started streaming down his cheeks as Dylan walked over to him ,"What's wrong Daniel you don't want to watch the show? Well you don't have to." Dylan said in an innocent voice before knocking Daniel out. Daniel awoke just as the rays of morning came through the small window of the dirty abandoned room. He moved his hands around only to find that the rope had been cut off them. As he rubbed his eyes the memory of the previous night came back to him. Quickly he looked around and saw her. Jessica lay bloodied and unmoving in the middle of the room with shreds of clothes around her. He crawled over to her and picked her cold body up," Jessica wake up. Wake up darling your all right now. Just please...", Daniel's voice trailed off as tears once again came to his eyes. He hugged her lifeless body and cried into her shoulder," You god dammed bastard y-you killed her your going to pay."
After he buried her body the best he could in the alley he walked his way home. As soon as he came in view of his house he saw police cars parked outside his house. When he was only a few meters from the front gate a shriek stopped him ,"Look there he is! Daniel!" Soon enough he heard the rushed steps of heels and soft sound of regular shoes following. Slowly the comforting warm arms of his mother wrapped around his shoulders and swayed him softly. His tired head fell onto her shoulder and stayed their as he listened to his parents' multiple questions. "Daniel where were you? I was so worried. Please don't run off again. I understand you a growing young man and probably want alone time with Jessica but...." As his mother spoke her name all the memories of the past night flooded back into his head. Remembering what his former best friend did to her he let his tears fall now that he was safe in his mother's arms. His mother feeling the sudden moisture on her shoulder looked down at Daniel's crying frail form. Lifting his chin up she saw the bruises and cuts he had on his face and finally her husband's question snapped her out of her gaze at the boy's face. "Daniel, what happened yesterday?", his father asked urgently. "N-Nothing happened d-dad.",Daniel said quietly while wiping away his tears on his sleeve. He pushed himself out of his mother's embrace and walked with his head down into the apartment building from which police men were walking out of. All that day Daniel stayed in his room the door closed ,the curtains as well, and loud rock music streaming from the ear buds of his Ipod. He didn't respond to the knocks on the door no matter how loud or worried the person on the other side was. All he wanted was for the salty tears to stop running down his cheeks and for the images to get out of mind. At night after everyone was asleep he still sat in the same position he had been since he came home and as he sat a thought came to mind in an evil sounding voice it said ,"Daniel he killed her Daniel what are you going to do? Just sit there and cry like a baby or you can always get revenge......." The small evil voice trailed off back into the dark depths of his mind. Smiling wickedly he sat up in bed the Ipod ear buds falling from his ears. He chuckled ,walked to his closet ,pulled on a black hoodie, and walked quietly down the hallway to his parent's room. Slowly creeping into the sleeping couple's room he stole the hand gun his father saved in the bedside table for emergencies, then he sighed and kissed both lightly on the cheek before walking to the door of their apartment and taking the keys to his father's red Mercedes.
Being his best friend he had shown him his house during their friend so finding Dylan's house was a piece of cake getting inside was another matter. He was parked outside in his father's stolen car with his father's stolen hand gun. What he was about to do would be what would start his horrible reputation and what would forbid him from ever seeing his family, friends, and all his loved ones. What Daniel was about to do would be the riskiest thing he would ever do in his life or so he thought. Getting out of the car he looked around the abandoned street. He looked a the flickering street light and watched as it struggled to stay lit. He walked casually to the back of Dylan's red brick house only to meet up with an over-friendly street cat. The cat curled its body around his legs and meowed loudly in a raspy tone begging for food. Immediately noticing how much noise it was making he quickly kicked the cat aside only to have it come back. Once again he kicked it ,harder this time. Daniel heard a small crack as he kicked the cat and flinched as the cat limped away hurriedly. He looked up and after he was sure no one was awake he walked on silently ,and it was only when he finally reached the back door that he found out he had no way to actually get inside. "Damn! Nice going dipshit!",he mentally cursed. Then he remembered one day when Dylan and himself were still friends he came to Dylan's house. At that time Dylan had opened the door with a key that had been in a fake rock. Almost as soon as Daniel had remembered that he spotted the rock which obviously looked nothing like the others which were all about the back door to camouflage the fake one. He smirked and picked it up sliding the piece of plastic at the base only to uncover that the spare key was gone. "Fuck!" Daniel sat down on the back door steps and sighed he looked up at the cloudy sky then down. When he looked down he eyes strayed to the side of the house noticing light gleaming off the surface of a small cellar window. "Thank god it a window! Lets just hope its open!", Daniel thought as he walked over to the small window that was partly covered by a dead bush. He got on his stomach and tried opening it but with his luck it was locked. He sat trying to find a way to break the window without any noise. Quickly getting an idea he pulled off his hoodie and shivered in the cold night air. Daniel pressed the hoodie to the small window ,moved the branches of the small tree and kicked his leg through the window. Daniel put his hoodie back on and climbed through the window the sharp pieces of glass jabbing at his back and stomach. He landed quietly inside the house due to a pile of laundry he fell on. He moved on silently up the cellar stairs, through the kitchen ,through the dining room, and finally he got to one of the house objects he feared: the stairs. Oh the many times he had climbed up the stairs at Dylan's house they would make a squeaky sound with each step, so why should he have to use them he could use the handrail. If one could go down the stairs on the handrail then one could go up as well. Daniel griped the rail and attempted to climb it by the time he got up quite a few feet almost to the top Daniel looked down. His eyes widened in terror as he saw how high off the ground he currently was, the terror got to him and he almost fell as his foot reached for the next banister that supported the rail. Luckily he caught himself just as he was going to fall, breathing slowly to himself eventually Daniel got calm and continued upwards with his eyes closed. Daniel landed at the top wincing to soft 'thump' he made as he got off the rail. Slowly he looked around listening for any signs that told him somone was awake. Hearing none he walked one to Dylan's room. He slowly opened the door and saw his former best friend laying in his bed face up with drool falling out the side of his mouth. Daniel snickered at the idiotic sight of how Dylan slept. "This is your last day ...alive. Bastard hehehe.", Daniel chuckled silently to himself. He took out the gun he had stolen and pointed it at Dylan's sleeping form. "Goodbye.", he whispered before shooting the gun. He stood staring at the now bleeding body amazed that he shot him strait in the head, but a yell from downstairs snapped him back to reality. "Who's there?!.......Come out now! ........Honey, call the cops hurry!" Quickly Daniel looked for the best and nearest exit and there was only one possible exit in the whole room: the window. He had no time to think it over he ran to the window, pulled it open, and jumped out. As Daniel hit the hard grass- covered ground he heard a crack. He got up and instantaneously fell down due to the pain that came from his ankle. Once agian he picked himself up and ignoring the pain hurried out of the lot to a near by alley where his car awaited. Just as he was about to put the key into the ignition a flock of police cars rushed by towards Dylan's house.
Daniel sighed as he passed the "You Are Now Leaving" sign of the city. Killing Dylan was only the beginning of the rest of his life and horrified as he was he had actually gotten a thrill from killing him. Daniel sighed once again and smiled to himself wondering who would be next. He had to admit it was actually fun.