Marcus wears dark shades even on the cloudiest days. He says it's because his eyes are very sensitive to the sunlight, but in actuality he wears them because they hide his eyes. Marcus is a notorious crotch watcher. He can't pass up a nice piece of ass either. Young, old, straight, gay, handsome, troll...he can't help himself. His eyes automatically go there. Down there. And many times with HUGE rewards.
Just last week, trouble. Hunky Jason More (married to a beautiful women, 2 kids, one in college) came in for a large 15 gallon white oak. This was great for business, but Mr. More was wearing baggy nylon shorts and no underwear. The material displayed his package so that there was nothing left to the imagination. Talk about distraction. Marcus honestly could not help himself. His eyes could not unstick themselves. Mrs. More must be a very happy woman. Is this the reason she's always smiling? Certainly makes you wonder. The shades kept Marcus's eyes from falling out and rolling onto the pavement, but he had to wonder if things had gone a bit too far. Had Jason noticed?
If he were honest with himself, perhaps by having a "how's that working for you" talk with Dr. Phil, he might come to the realization that even the crotch watching isn't the true reason behind the sunglasses, although a pleasant benefit. Marcus uses them to hide from the world. They are a refuge. A wall that keeps out intruders, marauders and anyone else that steps a little too close. His nursery, The Native Rose, is another refuge. His place of beauty in an ugly world.
Marcus takes a break from office work and strolls out into the nursery, pruners in hand. He stops dead when his shaded eyes spy the most beautiful ass he has ever seen. He's seen more than a few in his almost 50 years. This specific ass is bent over a rose, a white Bolero hybrid tea rose, in fact. The faded 501's cling almost desperately to each cheek and delve into that secret unknown Marcus would like to know. He steps closer to the "ass" and it rears its head. The head is as gorgeous as the ass. Bruce Willis eat your heart out. The scrubby beard, close cropped hair, high cheekbones and full lips...oh my.
"Hi, I'm Marcus. Owner of Native Rose. I didn't hear you drive up or I would have come out to help you sooner."
"Oliver Twist," the handsome face replies.
"You...seriously?" Marcus blurts out before he can stop himself.
"Yeah, I don't think my parents could resist. With a last name like Twist, what are you gonna do, you know?"
"I'm so sorry. That was rude. It just came out before I could stop it."
"Don't worry about it. Happens all the time."
"So can I help you?" Marcus says as his eyes deftly lower themselves to crotch level.
"Are you checking me out?" laughs Oliver.
Marcus turns as scarlet as a Mr. Lincoln rose. The cat also absconds with his tongue. During a long uncomfortable pause, Oliver relishes Marcus's discomfort. A Cheshire cat size smile sprouts across his face.
"Guilty," Marcus says once he gains control. He removes his glasses. "I don't know what's gotten into me today. What a letch."
"Don't worry I won't tell anyone," Oliver says and smiles again, kindly. "Actually, it's the nicest compliment I've received in quite some time."
"I really am very sorry," Marcus says as he looks directly into Oliver's eyes. They are the color of moss and seem just as soft and inviting. "Perhaps we can start over?"
"Marcus Scott" Marcus says as he extends his hand.
"Oliver Twist" Oliver replies as he grasps the offered hand.
A visible spark pops as they shake and they both immediately step back.
"Wow," says Oliver.
"Damn, that hurt," Marcus replies. They both burst into laughter, shaking out their hands, but they never break eye contact.
"So, can I help you with a rose, Oliver?" Marcus asks as he looks down at the stock.
"Actually, you can. What about this white rose here?"
"It's called Bolero. You remember the movie 10?" asks Marcus.
"The one with Bo Derek, right?"
"Yeah, the music they make love to is called Bolero," Marcus blushes yet again. " It's also the name for a string tie. It 's quite a romantic rose I think. Huge cabbage rose blossom, very fragrant and blooms its head off." Marcus begins to feel like a 12 year boy at a school dance and does not enjoy it.
" I like it. It's pretty."
"Would you like me to wrap it up for your? I mean is it a gift? For a boyfriend, girlfriend?" Marcus asks fishing.
"Just a friend. A house warming gift. He just closed on a beach house down here and this is the first weekend he's invited friends."
"I've got colored foils and ribbons and cards and all manner of crap, if you want to come into the office we'll get her all dressed up," Marcus grabs the rose by its pot and walks into the office. Oliver follows behind checking out Marcus's ass as he walks...without the protection of shades. A large smile covers his face like a cream pie.
Marcus sits in the office at his desk. He stares through the mountains of paperwork and out the window into the rose garden in full bloom. It seems as if he is counting sheep, but he's counting his babies. His roses. He can't stop looking at them. He can't stop thinking about Oliver.
"Anybody here?" a voice asks, jolting Marcus for his revelry. He turns from his desk as Jen and her young daughter Emma walk into the office. "Much business?" his first and favorite employee asks. Emma runs up to Marcus and gives him a hug and kiss.
Jen stops and stares at Marcus. "Is everything alright?"
"What? Yeah, um..sure. Why do you ask?" Marcus says flustered.
"You seem distracted, that's all."
"Mrs. Mallery called and wants a few more roses. Mostly climbers. There's a list here somewhere..." Marcus searches his mess of a desk for the list. "There was this really handsome guy in here today, too." Marcus says nonchalantly. This pricks up Jen's ears. It's been way to long since the boss got laid.
"Do tell," Jen quips.
"It was nothing. He bought a rose."
"And..." Jen continues.
Marcus pauses, then confesses, "He caught me checking him out".
"I told you those sunglasses would get you in trouble one day," Jen says and gives him her mom look.
"No, it's OK. He was totally cool."
"What happened?"
"He laughed. He said it was the best compliment he'd had in a while."
"You're kidding? So, are you going to see him again?" Jen asks.
"What? Are you kidding?" Marcus replies. He surprises himself with the regret he feels.
"Why not. Call him."
"I would need a phone number for that."
"I could trace his credit card info for you," Jen smiles.
"I'm not the stalking kind, Jen."
"Just Facebook him or something. Dial 411 for gosh sake."
"You're such a Mom," Marcus says as he gets up from the desk and heads out to the perennial greenhouse to transplant some babies.
Early Sunday morning Marcus finds himself staring into the bathroom mirror. He makes a few muscle poses, flexes, checks out his biceps and pecks. Inspects the ass and thighs. FAT! He thinks as he looks at his sorry middle aged abs. "God, who would want to be with me looking like this. I've really let myself go to shit in a hand basket."
He throws on a red pair of boxer briefs and heads down to the kitchen to make some coffee. Murphy, the Siamese cat and Watson, the basset hound, follow loyally behind. They rarely stray from their human: out of love and love of treats.
"So what do you guys think," Marcus asks the critters as he fills their food bowls. "Why am I so obsessed with this guy Oliver . I just met him. Is it because he caught me checking him out? Or, am I simply angry with myself for getting caught? And then there was that spark. Did I tell you about the freaky spark thing the happened when we shook hands? God, that was so weird. It hurt, I'm telling you." Marcus finishes filling the bowls with kibble and water and finally takes a breath.
Murph say, "MAYER, MEAYL." Turns his nose up at the food and walks through the pet door and out into the back garden. Watson buries his nose in the kibble and woofs nothing. He thinks Dad's love life is better left to Dad. Evidently Murphy thinks otherwise.
Sunday morning is brisk with business. Mostly beach people buying veggies, perennials and a few native grasses for the dunes around their homes. Jen and her daughter Emma arrive to help with the post-church, pre-lunch crowd. They're headed home to DC, Philly or Baltimore afterwards. Loaded up with Marcus's plants. He can always beat city prices because he grows the stuff.
In the late afternoon, as Jen cashes out the register and totals the daily figures, Marcus and Emma close down the office. Just as they close the front door, they hear the roar of a motorcycle. It throttles down and pulls into a parking spot and Oliver, the rose guy, pops out from underneath a helmet.
"Why don't you go inside and help you mom, Em and I'll greet this customer," Marcus says as he ruffles Emma hair.
" 'K," says Em and skips off inside or so Marcus thinks.
"Hey, Oliver. How are you?" Marcus says as he walks towards the motorcycle. Marcus is not fond of motorcycles. They are way too dangerous and people die riding them.
"Well, thank you. I know you're closing. I wanted to stop by and thank you for helping me with the Bolero. It was a big hit and is already planted. With some compost, I might add."
"Gosh, you're so welcome and I must say I'm impressed, the compost thing and all."
"I Googled : how to plant a rose."
"Cool," Marcus replies. Feeling like a jerk, not knowing how to say what he really wants to say. "So...What's up?"
"Well, I was wondering if you were free to go for a ride?" Oliver asks shyly.
"What happened to the car you were driving yesterday?"
"That was my friend Pat's car. You remember, the guy who just bought the beach house?"
"Oh, I've never..."
Jen interrupts Marcus by shouting out the door. "We've got it here Boss if you want to take a ride."
Marcus smiles. He knows when he's been outwitted. And by a 12 year old, at that.
"I guess you better come in and meet the girls," Marcus gestures to the front door and follows Oliver inside.
"Guys, this is Oliver. Oliver this is Jen and her mother Emma," Marcus say smiling.
"You've got it backwards, Uncle Marcus," squeaks Emma.
"I'm teasing you because you were listening to our conversation. Minx!"
"She's doing that to everyone these days. I find I have to watch every little thing I say," Jen says then winks at Marcus.
"Oh, I'm sure no one put her up to it," Marcus replies and winks back
"Seriously, I'll put the receipts and bank bag in your safe," Jen says with a twinkle in her eye. She motions for Marcus to approach and she whispers in his ear. "There's cold chicken in the fridge and a bottle of chardonnay, plus a bag of salad."
"What are you up to woman?" Marcus says under his breath. "Are you trying to marry me off?"
"If only you'd cooperate, it would be much easier. From here, he already looks like a goner". Jen smiles and walks back to her work. Lamely, Marcus turns to Oliver and says, "Looks like it's a go," and walks out. Oliver follows, smiling yet again.
"Oliver," Marcus says quietly. "I've never ridden on a motorcycle before."
"Oh, it's easy. No big deal."
"Oliver..." Marcus says standing by the cycle. He turns to him. "Really, dude. It is serious. I'm scared. A very good friend died. He was sideswiped by a car that ran a red light."
"I'm sorry. You don't have to go. I just wanted to spend some time with you. We could take a walk if you'd rather. Show me the nursery. It's OK," Oliver says and places an arm around Marcus to comfort him.
"No," Marcus says and pauses. He turns to Oliver with bright eyes and says, "You know what? I want to do this with you."
"Really? Cool," Oliver replies. This time he feels like the teenager and not the forty-five year old man he is. Oliver immediately throws his leg over the cycle and looks to Marcus to do the same. He manages, but there are no points for grace.
"How do I hold on. There's nothing to keep me from falling off?" Marcus says a bit excited.
"Well," Oliver confesses. "I was hoping you'd hold on to me."
"Really?" Marcus says a bit astounded.
"Duh. Why do you think guys like bikes?...Because the passenger always has to hold onto the driver. GET IT?!"
"Sly dog," Marcus says as his slips his arms around Oliver's waist and he fires up his ride.
Marcus buries his face in the back of Oliver's leather jacket. He holds onto his waist for dear life. For Marcus, just holding onto Oliver's waist is enough excitement for the evening, but then good old Oliver throttles up the bike and they tear down the country road, leaving dust in their wake. Marcus's hand slips and finds itself in Oliver's crotch. It shoots back up to his waist quicker than the spark of their original electrical handshake. Jen laughs out loud as she and Emma lock the doors and walk to the back gate to deposit the bank bag in the house safe.
Twenty terrifying minutes later, Oliver gears down the bike and pulls into a very privileged and gated beach community. Marcus wants to ask where they're going, but he knows he won't be heard. Finally, Oliver pulls into a driveway next to a dune ridge and cuts the engine.
Oliver pulls off his helmet and dismounts the motorcycle. He tries to help Marcus off, but only succeeds in pulling him off balance. Oliver manages to catch him, but both end up in the sand, laughing.
"I was doing alright until you tried to be Sir Galahad," Marcus says as he dusts off the sand. He pulls up a crestfallen Oliver with his other hand.
"Just trying to get you on your knees," Oliver say taunting.
"Oink," Oliver says. His ego definitely not bruised.
"Where are we?" Marcus asks.
"My friend Pat's house. He's rich, as you can see."
"Duh..." Marcus replies and falls silent. The house looks like a sand castle. A castle on pylons with the ocean as its moat.
"Don't worry, we aren't going in. He left anyway."
"So, what are we doing here, then?" Marcus asks.
"It's the only place on the beach where I knew we'd be alone."
"Come on, the public access is over this dune bridge. Come see."
"Oliver, I grew up here I've seen every beach on this coast."
"I know, but you've never seen it with me," he says and starts walking. Marcus follows.
Once on the beach, Oliver sits on the high dune edge and removes his boots. He runs towards the waves, then stops and rolls up the legs of his jeans. Marcus joins him at the water's edge, tossing his crocs to the side.
"Oliver, what are you so excited about?" asks Marcus.
"You don't understand, Marcus. I grew up in the Midwest. I didn't see the ocean until I was thirty years old and Julia and I came here for our honeymoon."
"Oliver, you're married?"
"Oh, God, no. Divorced. Ten years now. She's totally cool."
They wade in the waves for a while. Oliver grabs Marcus's hand, but he pulls away. The married thing freaked him out. "What am I potentially getting myself into?" he thinks. He walks back towards the dunes, then stops and sits down. Oliver follows.
"Did I weird you out with the divorce thing?" Oliver asks.
"I just don't know what's coming next. I'm not used to this...this..."
"This what?" Oliver asks honestly.
"I don't know. All of this...well, dates actually."
Oliver sits beside Marcus and reaches for his hand. Marcus doesn't pull away this time. They sit in silence and watch the waves as they break onto the shore. The sea water churns into foam as it hits and crashes onto the sand.
"I have to be honest with you Marcus. I have a kid. He's 10."
"That's not a problem, Oliver. You know I like kids."
"I know, you just seemed so shocked when I mentioned the divorce."
"Taken aback. Yes. But it's OK," Marcus admits. "Can we not talk. Can we just be?" Marcus asks.
"Yes," Oliver replies. He turns toward Marcus. Oliver places his hand behind Marcus's head and pulls him close. At first Marcus resists, but decides to give in. It's been so long since someone wanted him. Since he wanted to be with someone. The urge is too great to resist. The man too beautiful, the moon too full. As Oliver's mouth falls onto his, Marcus prays that he's not making a mistake. He opens his mouth and welcomes the kiss. Deep and sweet and long...
Marcus breaks away gently and gasps for air...his lips tingling, his heart pounding, his pants tenting. He looks into Oliver's mossy eyes and brings his hand up to caress his face. Oliver's scruffy beard feels alive in his palm. Marcus moves closer. He lightly brushes his lips against Oliver's. Oliver sighs and returns the simple kiss, then presses his lips tightly against their partner's; then, travel down Marcus's neck, nibbling, leaving behind a trail of goosebumps that make him shiver. Oliver pulls him even closer, closer still until Marcus is sitting in Oliver's lap. Legs wrapped tightly around his waist. For a moment, they stop kissing, stop caressing and simply hold each other. Chest to chest, man to man, heartbeat to heartbeat. They hold each other forcefully, as if willing their bodies to merge. They remain quiet and listen to the sound of the ocean's waves. They lay their heads on the other's shoulder and breathe. All tension, loneliness, fear gone. At least for the moment.
Oliver finally speaks, breaking the spell. "You're trembling, are you cold? Are you OK?" he asks concerned.
Marcus lifts his head and looks directly into Oliver's amazing eyes. Oliver notices the tears that quietly fall from his eyes and is immediately crestfallen. "Have I done something wrong?" he asks softly. "I didn't mean to upset you. I just want to show you how I feel about you. I'm sorry if I got too carried away. Really, I am." he confesses.
Marcus still does not respond. He can't stop the tears. He can't stop these emotions, cannot keep them in check like before. He didn't think he'd ever allow himself to feel like this again. And feel it all at once. Warm, safe, cared for, wanted, lusted after. His head swims in confusion, but he dismisses it. "I want this. I need this" he admits to himself. Marcus finds his courage and speaks.
"No, I'm the one that's sorry. You've done nothing wrong. All this is a bit overwhelming for me. It's been a very long time since I've even looked twice at another man and now this...this amazing you. I'm a bit stunned, a little breathless, but I like it," he says, then smiles through the last of the tears.
"I think maybe I should get you home," Oliver says as he caresses Marcus face and wipes his tear stained eyes dry.
"Can we wait just a minute?" Marcus replies, then laughs. "I don't think I can stand up yet. At least not without poking out an eye."
Oliver laughs, then looks down at Marcus's 'pup tent'. "The problem is mutual."
The ride home chills them to their bones, but the good night kisses rekindles the fire on the beach. Marcus stands back, holds Oliver at shoulder's distance and takes him all in, as if he is memorizing this beautiful man's image. His short cropped gray hair, only slightly receding, makes his eyes seem larger then they really are. His stocky muscles and compact frame bursts with energy and sexuality. Marcus is so very tempted to jump him cave man style and drag him into his bed, but checks himself. "Slow baby steps. Slowly," he whispers to himself.
"So, when can I see you again?" Oliver asks.
"Do you really want to take me on Oliver?" Marcus sighs. "I come with baggage. I don't think I could live through another bad relationship. I don't want to be hurt again and I definitely don't want to hurt you."
"Don't you think everyone our age has had bad times? Has been hurt, and hurt someone?" Oliver asks Marcus. "All I know is one thing. I can't get you out of my mind. I want to get to know you, share life with you and you with me..." Oliver smiles in an attempt to reassure Marcus of his honorable intentions.
" I understand that, but..." Marcus drops his gaze to the ground. Unable to look at Oliver.
"But what?" Oliver asks as he caress Marcus's arm. "On the beach your body and your heart were telling me you want this. Why are you over thinking things?" he asks.
"Because I never have before. I've more at risk this time. My life is great. It took a lot of soul searching, self criticism and plain old work to get me to my present me. Then there's the nursery. That's the love of my life. What I've wanted for many years. I can't risk all that I've worked for. I can't risk loosing me."
"I appreciate your honestly and I think I can understand at least some of your anxiety because I've also felt that, but don't turn yourself off from life. From experiencing love."
"Do you really and truly believe in love?" Marcus asks.
"I was beginning to doubt it, but since I met you I can honestly say that, yes I do."
"How do you feel about Santa Claus," Marcus asks, smiling.
"Oh, I've always believed in Santa. He's the MAN!" Oliver laughs and lightly punches Marcus in the arm.
"We just need to proceed slowly, Oliver. Go slow and tread lightly."
"That I can do," he says and grabs Marcus in a bear hug and swings him around.
"This is slow?" Marcus laughs then says, "Unhand me, you man!"
"You are so silly. I love that," Oliver laughs and then kisses his man. Marcus kisses him back with force and meaning. He needs to let Oliver know that even though he has reservations, those reservations have everything to do with himself, not Oliver.
"I'll call you when I get back to DC, OK?" Oliver says with one last peck, then hops onto his bike and roars off down the road. Marcus watches until the dust trail disappears, then goes inside to greet the critter crew.
Come morning Marcus has buyer's remorse. His mind races with the 'what ifs' that swirl around in his head like cows caught in a tornado. He can't concentrate on anything else. He puts sugar in the filter, instead of coffee. He reaches for the salt instead of the sugar. He pours kibble into the water bowls. The always vocal Murphy complains loudly as he heads upstairs and climbs back into the unmade bed and kneads the blanket into a nice mound, perfect for a peaceful early morning nap. Watson simply heads out the pet door and the relative safety of the garden.
"What am I thinking? I don't even know this man. He knows nothing about me. This is crazy," he thinks as he broods over his coffee at the long farm table in the kitchen.
Marcus sits in silence and listens to the nothings. He gets up from the table and walks to the bay of kitchen windows. Outside, Watson is rooting through the mulch sniffing and snorting and being the hound he is. Marcus smiles and suddenly relaxes. "My life is wonderful and that's all that matters," he says out loud, then climbs the stairs to dress and enjoy his nursery.
The red light of the answering machine winks at him as he closes the door to the nursery office. He press the button, then puts the phone on speaker, as he turns on lights and readies the register.
"Hey boss man, this is Jen. Call me back ASAP and let me know how the date went."
"Oh, god. That woman is not going to give up on this." Marcus carefully takes notes regarding the other messages, then hangs the phone up. "A TO DO list already and it's not even 8am," he sighs. He then picks up his cell phone and presses Jens number. She picks up on the second ring.
"Good morning lover-boy," she giggles into the phone.
"Lord girl, have you been waiting by the blasted phone all night?" Marcus replies.
"OOo, grumpy. Must not have gotten much sleep last night. Tell all and tell it now," she says and laughs naughtily.
"Nothing to tell," Marcus lies.
"Liar, liar. Dick's on fire," she whispers the last part, so Emma can't hear her.
"OK, you are now officially obsessed with my love life," Marcus hisses.
"So, you actually admit to having one?" Jen retorts.
"God, I hate you."
"Really, what happened."
"You feel like holding down the fort today while I make some deliveries?"
"What?! Is this bribery? No worky, no telly?"
"Bingo," Marcus yells into the phone. "Plus you can bring me a Subway."
"This better be worth it," she says. "See you at noon," and she hangs up.
Marcus busies himself with pulling the orders he needs to deliver today and by the time the girls arrive, Marcus's box truck is full and he's ready to hit the road.
"You're not going to stop for lunch?" Jen asks as he climbs into the cab.
"I want to get these deliveries out of the way. It won't take more than an hour and then we'll have the rest of the afternoon to marry me off," Marcus laughs and guns the hulking truck.
In actuality, it takes more than an hour to do all the deliveries. The beach traffic is bumper to bumper, but he arrives back to Native Rose, before 2. Jen gives him a 'you're avoiding me' look, but hands him a glass of homemade peach sun tea, so he knows he's not in too much trouble.
"I'm sorry. I forgot my cell or I would have called," he confesses as he gulps the cold and fragrant tea."
"It's OK, sweetie," Jen says
"Where's Em?" Marcus asks, looking for his favorite girl.
"She's at a friend's house. Probably texting boys and being silly. I'm telling you Marcus, I hate this phase she's going through." Jen says, confessing her motherly worries. "Enough about us, TELL ME EVERYTHING!" Jen screeches, then lunges at his throat with her fire engine red nails.
"Can I eat, woman? I'm a hungry working man, if nothing else," he says as he draws back his neck.
"Your sandwich is in the fridge. I got you a 6 inch veggie deluxe," she teases.
"I figured you be on a diet by now."
"What in blazes are you talking about?" he asks
"I'm just teasing. I got you your usual. A loaded roast beast,"
"Thank god. I'm starving."
As Marcus tears into the submarine sandwich, Jen peppers him with questions.
"What'd you do, where'd you go, did he kiss you, did you kiss him..."
"Are you 12?" Marcus asks with his mouth half full.
"OK. Well, living with Emma.
Yeah, sometimes I think so."
Marcus laughs and takes another
drink from his glass of tea. It's so delicious with small pieces of
peach floating in it. Jen is the one who should be married off.
She'd make some man very happy...and very fat.
Marcus never had the pleasure of meeting her husband. He died in the Pentagon on September the 11th. She never talks about him. After the year anniversary, she decided she'd had enough of DC life and sold everything. She found a small farm house not too far from the beach and with the profit from the house sale and the tiny life insurance policy payout, she bought the place outright. No mortgage. She also started her own CPA firm. Her first client was The Native Rose. Marcus knew he had the right person for the job when she said, "Oh my God, it's a wonder you've not been audited yet!" He turned crimson, but ended up laughing. She went straight to work.
"Alright, here goes," Marcus says as he finishes the last of his lunch and tosses the wrapper in the trash. Jen pulls a chair up to the break room table and leans in.
"I was scared shitless on that damn motorcycle. But, I have to admit it was pretty hot sitting behind him with my arms wrapped tight around his waist. It felt good," Marcus smiles, then continues. "We drove through the country roads until he hit the beach highway, then turned south. By this time we were moving so fast I didn't dare look at anything. I just held on for dear life and buried my face in the back of his leather jacket. I remember it smelled so good. He'd recently oiled it, I think," Marcus pauses. Takes another swig of tea.
"Come on get to the good part," Jen chides him.
"I will. Who's story is this anyway?"
"OK, OK. Go, go!"
"Finally we arrive at this immense gated community right on the beach and he taps on the keyboard and those huge gates just part like the bloody red sea. It was amazing. We drove to this house...Jen I swear it looked like a sand castle. He said it was his friend Pat's house. My stomach dropped for a moment because I thought we were going inside, but then he lead me down the dunes to the beach. He was so cute. He tossed off his boots, rolled up his jeans and waded into the waves like a kid. It was so fun to watch.
"You didn't join him?" she asks surprised.
"What? Of course I did. I had to take in the moment though. The man is breathtaking. I've never met someone so unaffected. So unaware of the effect he has on people." Marcus pauses yet again. This time to remember and also to gather his thoughts.
"After acting like little boys for a few moments, we headed back to the dune and sat on the sand. That's when he kissed me. And I kissed him back. Again and again. I'm telling you Jen, either I've become this huge middle aged whatever, or that time on the beach was the most romantic moment of my life. I remember every second. I remember how his eyes looked in the moon light. The feel of his stubble on the palm of my hand. Against my cheek. Girlfriend, it was one hot session."
Marcus stops. He looks away, then back at Jen. He stares her right in the eyes and says, "Once we got back things kind of changed."
"What do you mean, 'they kind of changed'?" she asks. "Marcus, I am not going to let you screw this up."
"Look, Jen you have to see it from my side of the coin. Yes, he's hot. Yes, he likes me and yes ditto for me. But I have to live in the real world, not a soap opera. My life up to now has been a mess. Some my doing, some others, but hell girl...I've gotta lot to loose these days. I'm not up to another broken heart."
"Marcus, you broke it off before it began?"
"No, no. I was honest and told him I didn't know if I was ready for a relationship, or whatever it is we're starting up." Marcus looks down into his glass of tea as if it holds answers to the future."
"Marcus, you're going to blow this, darn it," Jen sighs.
"Jen, I know you worry about me and I appreciate it. But I've got to do this at my own speed or possibly not at all. You can't be pushing me, however well intentioned it may be."
"I know. It's not fair though. I just want you to be happy. I've never seen you like this before. You have such a little boy quality to your personality right now. It's charming. And you act like you're happy. That you want this. Why can't you just go with the flow?"
"Oliver said something very close to that. I told him what I'm going to tell you right now. If the flow flows slowly, I can very happily go along with it. But that's it."
"Well, at least you didn't say no."
"No, I didn't Miss Smarty pants. So can I get back to work, or do I have to fire you?"
"I'm out of here. I gotta go pick up my mother, Emma,"
"Kiss her for me. And thanks for the talk...and for lunch."
Later that evening, the phone rings. Marcus's heart leaps into his chest. He knows instinctively that it's Oliver on the other end. He picks up the phone, but waits several rings before he answers. He doesn't want to seem too eager.
"Hello Oliver," Marcus say into the phone.
"Hey yourself. How's every little thing. Busy at the nursery?" Marcus can hear Oliver's nerves through the line.
"Everything is great. Really. I had a little bit of buyer's remorse this morning, but I'm doing fine now. Kind of like a hang over. It makes you forget the fun you had the night before.
"Really, you're OK?" Oliver doesn't sound convinced.
"Yes, I swear. Didn't sleep much. Tossed and turned all night. And if I'm honest with you...I was so worked up I had to jerk off.
"Oh God, me too. It didn't work though, I still couldn't sleep."
"Alright, so here goes..." Marcus starts.
"What're you..."
"So that you don't feel like you're pressuring me I'm asking you to come down for a visit this weekend. No Pat, just my place. We can have Jen and Emma over on Saturday night, maybe watch a movie together. With Friday night just for us. Sound like something you might be into?"
"Are you kidding me, that sounds great," Oliver practically screams into the phone.
"So, I'll see you sometime on Friday. OK?"
"It's a plan."
"And Oliver?"
"Yes, Marcus?"
"Thanks for calling. It made my day."
"Mine too. Good night." Oliver says and they hang up. Both men sleep like logs.
All day long Marcus is as nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. He jumps at every phone call, paranoid that Oliver will have to cancel. He can't concentrate on the books, plant orders, delivery schedules. Nothing. As a last resort, he grabs the portable phone, shoves it in his pocket and walks into the propagation house determined to not only get work done, but get dirty at it. He begins by filling flats of six packs with soil, leveling them off, then placing them on the tables. He continues until one entire side of the 100 foot greenhouse is full. Then he pulls out a bag of oak leaf lettuce seed and puts 2 or 3 seeds in each cell. Halfway through he switches to black seeded Simpson lettuce seed remembering to take a marker to locate the change of veggie type. By the time he's finished filling, seeding and tagging, Marcus is sweaty, dirty and ready for a break. The phone hasn't rung. Bad for business. Good for relationships.
At noon, Jen shows up with a bowl of grilled vegetables and more peach tea. She asks if Oliver has called, and seeing that Marcus is tense, thinks it better not to tease or push the matter. After lunch, she tackles the week's figures, which surprising to them both, are up. Way up.
"Adding the veggies has really upped our sales, don't you think?" Marcus asks Jen then turns silent as he hears a car drive up and park. He pokes his head out the door, then rushes back inside.
"Oh my god, he's early. Oliver's here, " he says panicked. "Of all day's to seed. I'm dirty as a pig. What am I going to do?"
Jen balls over in a fit of laughter she tries to stifle. It doesn't work. Marcus gives her the evil eye which turns into pleading.
"Marcus, just calm down. The man has seen you dirty before. He probably finds it sexy, for heaven's sake."
"You're right. I'm just freaked out that he's early," Marcus says.
"No," replies Jen. "You're freaked out that he's here period."
"Well, yes. I'm glad he's here. I'm relieved." he admits.
"YES!" Jen hollers just as Oliver walks into the office.
"Now that's quite the greeting," He says as he walks up to Jen and gives her a peck on the cheek.
"Oliver," Jen blushes. "I ..." Marcus falls into a break room chair and howls with laughter. Tit for tat. Karma, for sure.
"Did I miss something?" Oliver asks.
"No," Marcus replies calming himself. "It's just so funny. Jen at a lack for words. And then I also had a flash of the fake orgasm scene in 'When Harry Met Sally'."
"Will you grow up?" Jen says as she walks over to Marcus and punches him in the arm. "Boys!" she fusses. "You never really do grow up, do you?"
"Not if we can help it, " Oliver adds.
Marcus, now calm, gets up out of his seat and walks over to Oliver and plants a big hello kiss on him. "Hello you," he says.
"I've been waiting for that all week," Oliver replies.
"Presents?" Marcus asks when he spies Oliver's shopping bag.
"Not for you," he smiles and kisses Marcus back. Marcus laughs and grabs Oliver by the waist, pulling him close. "They're for your long suffering employees: Miss Jen and her mother Emma." He places the bag on the table and pulls out a box of dark chocolate for Jen and a bunch of hair bobs and other girlie stuff for Emma.
"I noticed Emma likes barrettes and things the last time we met, so I picked up a few things. The lipstick, it's mostly chapstick with a little glitter in it. I hope you don't mind," Oliver hands the bag to Jen.
"Oliver that's so sweet. I can tell you that you'll have a friend for life if you keep up the hair bob thing."
"Bribery was intended," Oliver confesses and adds a wink.
"Well, chocolate always works for me." Jen replies. An awkward pause rears it head, Jen feels it and slaps it down. "It's slow here fellas, why don't you take your guest home, Marcus and get him settled?"
"Are you sure? You don't mind if I steal him for awhile?" Oliver asks relieved.
"No. Take him, clean him up. He smells like a pig for crying out loud." Jen says and stares directly at Marcus, daring him to try and back out.
"I'll be back to close up," Marcus says without breaking the stare.
"I should hope so. I've got to pick my mother up from a hot Mahjong's game.
"Emma plays Mahjong's?" Oliver asks.
"Beats the pants off us all," Jen say proudly.
Marcus leads Oliver out of the office and into the parking lot here he finds a beautiful new Jeep Wrangler with the top off.
"Who's car is this? Where's your motorcycle?" he asks surprised.
"It's my car. You didn't seem to enjoy the bike so much last time, so I drove the car instead."
"You drive a Jeep? You didn't just get it did you?" he asks shyly.
"No, I've had it for a year now. What did you think I drove in the winter? The bike?" Oliver replies.
"Drive up to the house. I'll show you," Marcus says and goes mute.
Not understanding, Oliver jumps into the doorless car and drives his dirty host to his home, a mere 100 yards away from the nursery.
"Didn't you ever wonder what kind of car I drove?" Marcus says. "Look in the driveway."
A vintage 1978 Jeep Wrangler, fully restored with new soft top and surf fishing poles sticking out of the famous front grill, sits as if waiting to be worshiped.
"My Grandfather's 16th birthday present. My father was furious, which of course made my Grandfather even happier. The funny this is, my father had it restored for me before he died. Even though he hated my mom's father, he knew how much this car meant to me. It's as if my love eclipsed everything. And it was all about a thing. Or...maybe not. I guess it was more about me. But you know I really don't like to think like that. Control, power struggles. That kind of thing. That's why I ultimately left DC. I couldn't deal with the head games. Gosh, I talking a lot of bullshit," Marcus say quietly then sits silent.
"You still drive it?" Oliver asks surprised.
"Of course, it's my only car."
"I love antiques Oliver, not museums. If I can't use it, I don't own it. Grab your bags and I'll show you the inside."
"You don't want to show me the garden?" he asks.
"What, you can't see it from here?"
"Well, yeah," Oliver replies somewhat surprised at Marcus's lack of ego.
"It's a lot of roses, Oliver. Some people love them, some people are bored by them. If you really want an in depth tour we can definitely do it later in the weekend, but right now I want to get you settled, so I can get Jen on the road. I've been very selfish this week, and I'm feeling a bit guilty. I find the mixing of friendship and business a bit overwhelming. I always worry if I've crossed over some imaginary line drawn in the sand."
"I have a feeling I have a bit to do with the selfish part," Oliver says as he grabs his overnight bag from the car and follows Marcus up the walkway.
"No, actually it's mostly on me. I over think things. I 'm kind of silly sometimes," Marcus say, then turn back towards Oliver and attempts to grab the handle of his bag. Oliver holds tight.
"I'm not being a very good host Oliver, I'm sorry. I'm afraid I'm a bit nervous, perhaps over excited is a better definition. Are you going to keep letting me make a fool of myself, or are you going to save me from myself and just kiss me, damn it!" Marcus laughs. Oliver continues to hold tight to the handle, then pulls it and Marcus comes with it, towards him. Marcus ends up bumping him chest to chest, which is Oliver's intention. He immediately drops his bag, and pulls Marcus into a deep embrace.
"It's about flipping time," Marcus quips when they finally come up for air. "Are you ready to see the house, now?"
"I don't know," he replies.
"Are you kidding me?" Marcus looks at him sideways.
"I think I want to stand here in front of the porch for a minute." Oliver says and slips his arm around Marcus. "I want to take this all in, so I can always remember this first time. Your home is stunning Babe," Oliver squeezes Marcus's waist excitedly. A huge smile blooms across Marcus's face.
The garden around the house is indeed extremely rose oriented. Marcus is after all a rose merchant, if nothing else. More than 100 roses line each side of the walk way to the old restored Victorian farmhouse. A 2 story red rambler rose seems to raps itself magically around the turret as it pokes its shingled cone shaped head through the roof of the house. Each porch column has a different climber ascending to the roof where they intermingle to join forces, then cascade over each other as if wrestling for the championship belt. Wind scattered petals litter the steps.
Oliver bends over to smells a blossom as he ascends the front steps and Marcus pinches him on the ass.
"Sorry, I couldn't resist" Marcus confesses as a sheepish grin creeps across his face. He bursts into a fit of laughter. "I've wanted to do that for the longest time. Actually, since the first time I saw that fantastic ass of yours."
"Am I complaining?" Oliver retorts. He drops his overnight bag on the porch and grabs Marcus and pulls him tight against him; slips his arms around his waist and pressed his lip against his nervous hosts. Marcus responds, and opens his mouth to welcome Oliver's tongue. They slowly move towards the door, lips locked until Marcus is pressed tightly against the door and the bell rings. Watson, ever the vigilant keeper of the gate begins to raise hell.
"I think someone's a bit agitated," Oliver says as he breaks away from Marcus.
"Why don't you come inside and meet my protector." Marcus replies.
"Should I be afraid?" Oliver asks .
"Are you kidding me, that dog is afraid of the cat. Please." Marcus says as he turns the key and opens the front door to his home. Butterflies flutter in his stomach as he crosses the threshold. He smiles at Oliver as he welcomes him into the foyer, worrying what this weekend will bring.
Oliver notices the botanical rose prints hanging on the walls, but its the color that he finds so striking. A pale, soft gold that seems to grow stronger and deeper the farther they travel down the hallway. At the end, soft light begins to glow from the approaching room. He sees the green of plants and as they enter the kitchen, the magical room at the end of the hall, his eyes grow large with wonder at the space his new found friend has created.
French doors and a bank of windows line the back wall. Glass shelving in front of the widows holds a plethora of moth orchids. Many in bloom. To the left of the French doors is a breakfast nook. The open shelving on the side wall holds a huge collection of teapots.
"You drink a lot of tea?" Marcus teases.
"No, not really. I just like the shape of a teapot," he says a bit embarrassed. "I'm a bit of a design freak. I like lines. The lines of things."
Oliver turns to take in the rest of the room. A large field stone fireplace anchors the room to the right of the French doors. A small simple love seat and a trio of captain's chairs sit before it waiting to be occupied. Everything about the room echoes a welcome that is warm and pleasant. The actual kitchen is very simple. The opens shelves continue about the room, this time with beautiful sets of china and crystal lining them. The counters are cover by sheets of zinc, like in a Parisian cafe and the center island holds a soap stone sink big enough for a toddler to bathe in.
"This is an incredible room, Marcus," Oliver says.
"I can't take much of the credit. The bones were always here. I added the island, French doors and I opened up the shelves. Painted of course. That's it. Can you see why I love it here so much?"
"Yes, I do. I'm blown away," he says and moves towards Marcus. Marcus blocks him by placing a hand on his chest.
"Look, I'm a bit overwhelmed right now and I need to catch my breath, plus I've got an employee to relieve...
"I totally understand,"
Marcus slips his hand around Oliver's waist and down onto his ass and cups it. "I'm really glad you came, Oliver. Just having you in my home as my guest is the most amazing thing, but I'm freaking out inside and I've got to calm myself down. OK?"
"I'm cool."
OK, I'll be back in a while, after I close the nursery. Oh, and Oliver?" Marcus says as he heads out the French doors. "You're welcome to snoop through my medicine cabinet."
Oliver waits until Marcus slips out the French doors and walks back to the nursery; then, he makes his way out the front door and begins to remove all his goodies from the backseat of the Wrangler. Watson looks on from the safety of the porch.
Oliver wastes no time. He only has two hours to prepare his surprises for Marcus. He begins with dinner. He searches the cabinets for a roasting pan, then washes and seasons the chicken and veggies. He pops open a bottle of Marcus's favorite wine and glugs a glass or two into the bottom of the pan. He turns the oven on and places everything in. He turns back to the bags on the counter and removes the rest of the wine, placing it in the fridge to cool. By this time both critters, Murphy and Watson, become interested in what this stranger is doing. They sit next to the treats cabinet, hoping he's a softy and intelligent enough to catch on to their hints.
"Harooo," Watson softy howls. Murphy turns towards him and comes close to giving him a human eye roll.
"Marawl," Murphy meows. He shamelessly turns his 'big eye' look on Oliver.
Oliver, pet less since he was a boy, pays no attention to the kids, so Murphy raises the ante. He strides over to Oliver, claws extended and whacks his bare leg. Oliver, surprised, turns to look down at the cat. Murphy is sitting back next to Watson with an innocent look across his furry face.
"I take it you need my attention?" he asks Murphy.
"Mrawl," he replies.
"I suppose there's something in that cabinet you both want?"
"Mra-mra-mra," Murph meows.
Oliver opens the door and looks inside. "let's see," he says as he rummages the shelves. "Kibble, brushes...treats. I take it a few treats are in order?" he says and removes the bags and places them on the counter. "So are you demanding a bribe here Murphy?" Oliver asks the cat as he removes a handful of treats and puts them by the smaller kibble bowl. Murphy simply turns and walks away, tail held high, as if to say...'Don't ever ignore the Siamese'. Oliver, baffled, returns that bag to its proper shelf, then fishes out a dogbone treat for Watson. He gratefully accepts it, turns and makes a beeline for the kitchen table. He likes to enjoy his treats underneath it.
Pet duties done, or so he hopes, Oliver returns to his surprises. He rubs his leg and laughs out loud. "Human training has begun".
Oliver removes the items from the final bag, strawberries, cubed assorted fruit, blue cheese and water crackers and then searches for the sugar and a mixing bowl. Once found, he pours the clean fruit into the bowl, sprinkles a bit of sugar over them and mixes everything up, then places it in the fridge next to the chilling wine. Finished with this part of his surprise, he returns to his car and retrieves a large, long white box. Once back inside the house he grabs his overnight bag and climbs the stairs to find the master bedroom.
He stops in mid-stride at the doorway, astonished. He's learning that his new friend has incredible talents. The room is simple, but not stark. Dominated by a huge black rod iron bed the room is open and bright. No curtains on the windows lets the sun flood the room with light. Ultramodern art covers every inch of wall space. A window seat fills the turret area, flanked by built-in books shelves. The naked floor shines like a mirror. The wood glows with warmth.
Oliver crosses to the bed and places his bag on the bench at the end. The box, he places on the bed, simply covered with a home made quilt. Pillows, in starched white cases, sit at the headboard as if waiting for tired heads. He opens the box, folds back the tissue paper to reveal 2 dozen white roses. He carefully scatters them across the bed and stands back to admire his work. Pleased, he grabs the empty box and walks back downstairs. He leaves the door open.
Back in the kitchen, he crumples the box and tosses it into the trash. Opens the fridge and retrieves the wine. He selects a wine glass from Marcus's huge collection, a green depression glass goblet. He likes the way it feels in his hand. Its weight. He pours a glass of Marcus's favorite white and inspects the teapot collection. Modern, antique, Asian inspired, large, small...they are fascinating to look at. Next, he wanders over to the French doors and looks out onto the garden. From the windows, he can only see a part of it. Lush and full of flowers, it seems like a mystery to Oliver. A fantasy world where little girls fall through rabbit holes and meet queens and play croquet.
Just as Oliver is about to turn from the garden, Marcus's head pops into view. Surprised, but happy to see his friend, he opens the door and steps outside.
"Wow, is it five already?" he asks as Marcus approaches with a huge smile on his face.
"Not quite. I closed early. No one was there and I couldn't wait any longer," he says a bit flushed.
"Well, how about a glass of wine?" Oliver asks.
"First a shower I think. I 'm dirty and sweaty," Marcus pleads as he shakes out his sticky tee shirt from his chest.
"I think you look sexy as hell," Oliver replies and kisses him. He turns back into the house, holding the door for Marcus. He grabs his hand and leads him to the kitchen counter. "I've got plans for you. Tonight is about surprises and you," Oliver says as he opens the fridge and pulls out the wine."
"Vouvray?" Marcus shouts. "How did you know about Vouvray?"
"A little birdie told me," Oliver slyly says.
"I'm going to get that Jen,"
"I wouldn't be too harsh on her until you've had all your surprises. She gave me great guidance. What did she say? Oh, I remember...5 easy ways to seduce Marcus," Oliver teases. Marcus laughs and accepts a glass of wine. "I hope you don't mind me making myself at home."
"I did tell you, you could rummage through my medicine cabinet."
"I did a little more than that," Oliver confesses.
"I can smell."
"Roasted chicken for dinner."
"Yummy. My favorite. The kids like it too."
"I had my first training session with Murphy this afternoon."
"Oh heavens. What did that cat do?"
"Informed me where the treats are kept, and that I should never again ignore the desires of a Siamese."
"Oliver I'm so sorry. That cat..."
"It's fine. I should have known better. I definitely will not make that mistake again. OK, so grab you wine and lets get you cleaned up."
Marcus hesitates, suddenly nervous. Oliver moves around the counter and takes him by the hands and leads him upstairs. He pauses at the doorway, allowing Marcus to enter first.
"What on earth happen here...Murphy!" Marcus hollers as Oliver jumps. He follows Marcus into the room and discovers shredded white roses scattered all over the once impeccably clean floor. Oliver falls to his knees laughing, almost to the point of crying. Marcus soon follows suit.
"It was a very romantic gesture, Oliver," Marcus say through his laughter.
"Apparently Murphy didn't think so."
"I think it was just too great a temptation for him to pass up. He loves roses almost as much as I do, though I don't chew them to pieces."
Marcus pulls himself up off the floor and crawls over to Oliver. He leans over and plants a huge kiss on his lips. Oliver pulls him down into his arms and folds him into a tight embrace. "I'll grab a trash can and the broom and be back in a jiffy," Marcus says when they come up for air.
"I'll gather the larger pieces together," Oliver replies through stifled giggles.
They pull themselves up off the floor and go their separate ways. Instead of gathering the destroyed roses, Oliver slips into the bathroom and turns on the tub water. He stoppers the drain and pours in the lavender bath salts he brought. The tub is full and steaming when Marcus returns.
"I'll get this," Oliver says. "Why don't you slip into the tub and relax. I'll come in and check on you when I've finished cleaning up in here?"
"You ran me a bath?" Marcus says surprised. "No one's ever done that for me before. I thought that was something that happened in movies."
"With lavender..."
"Let me guess. Jen, again."
"Hey, I aim to please."
"Well, if you're sure?"
"I think I can handle it," Oliver smiles and shows Marcus into the bathroom.
Marcus closes the door and sits on the edge of the tub. His hands are shaking slightly and the butterflies are beating each other up inside his stomach. He breathes in the relaxing scent of lavender and begins to calm down. Slowly he undresses, tossing his dirty clothes into the hamper. He eases himself into the steaming hot water and closes his eyes. He tries not to think about Oliver, but it is useless. He tries not to think about Oliver's wet hands moving over his naked body, but it's useless. He tries not to think about their naked bodies joined in his soft bed, but it's useless.
He opens his eyes as the door cracks open. "You doing OK in here?" Oliver asks. "Would you like your glass of wine, sir?" he jokes and enters the room with both glasses. He hands Marcus his, then sits on top of the hamper and stares at him.
"God, you're beautiful Marcus." Oliver takes a sip of the cool wine. The lavender clouded water hides most of his body, but Oliver can tell from the faint outlines that it is a body made of honest hard and heavy work. He watches as the steam curls the hair framing Marcus's face. He watches the rise and fall of his breath. The hair on his strong chest is wet and matted. His arms are large and powerful as they lay along the outer rim of the claw foot tub. Oliver pulls himself out of his revelry and sits his glass on the floor.
"Would you like me to scrub your back, sir?" he continues.
"That would be quite acceptable, thank you," Marcus plays along, wondering where this is going, but deep down knows.
Oliver grabs the luffa hanging from the shower head as Marcus sits up. Oliver wets it and gently begins to scrub. After a few brief moments, he discards it and begins to massage Marcus's shoulders. The slippery soapy water aiding the task at hand. Gently he leans Marcus back. Marcus closes his eyes and sighs as Oliver's hands roam across his chest and down his belly. Oliver ignores Marcus's penis on purpose and moves down his legs, massaging them. His hand occasionally brushes against Marcus's scrotum. Oliver can tell without feeling it that Marcus is sporting a major boner. This puts a large smile on his face.
Oliver moves onto Marcus's hard working feet. He lifts each one out of the water and offers it a real massage. Then moves back up Marcus's body. This time, he massages each thigh, occasionally and on purpose stroking Marcus's sack with the back of his hand. Moving up Marcus's body he places one hand behind Marcus's head and brings him to his lips. He kisses him deeply, strongly, forcefully. His tongue plunging into his mouth. At the same time he grabs Marcus's erect penis. Marcus moans into Oliver's mouth.
Oliver squeezes Marcus's boner, then slides his fist up and down. Marcus thrusts back against his fist and is soon breathing hard. Still locked in a passionate kiss, Oliver quickens his pace and Marcus moans again.
"Oliver, I'm going to shoot," Marcus says, pulling his lips slightly away from Oliver's.
"I know baby, That's my goal," Oliver replies and presses his mouth again over Marcus's. He picks up the pace of his jacking and suddenly Marcus starts shaking. He grabs the back of Oliver head and presses their mouths closer. And he shoots. Like hot white light, wave after wave of orgasm shoots from down his spine through his guts and crotch and out his penis. After his body calms and the water stops splashing, they break their kiss.
"Marcus shoots, Oliver scores," Marcus quips and pulls Oliver back to him for another kiss.
This time it's Oliver's turn to be shy and nervous. He pulls back from Marcus, adjusting his crotch and lingering erection. "I'm going to give you some privacy, so you can finish up." Oliver blushes and gets to his feet. His clothes are wet from top to bottom. "I'm going to change in the other room, and check on the chicken. I hope I haven't let it burn," he says and turns to leave.
"Did I do something wrong, Oliver?" Marcus asks, leaning on the tub's edge.
"No. No. It's a...I. Oh gosh, I'm a little bit embarrassed," he says and sits on the hamper. "I came in my pants."
Marcus erupts into laughter. "That's too hot. Oh my god, I didn't even touch you. You shouldn't be embarrassed. That's quite a compliment to me...us."
"It was pretty hot, that's for sure," he grins. "I'm going to go change into some sweats and meet you downstairs, OK Marcus?"
"OK," he replies. Oliver slips off the hamper and leans down to kiss Marcus. Marcus gropes his crotch with a wet hand. Oliver places his hand on top and squeezes, then leaves the room.
Oliver is busy in the kitchen when Marcus enters the room. Dressed in sweats and carrying his empty wine glass, he walks up behind Oliver and slips his arms around his waist.
"Everything smells so good," Marcus whispers into Oliver's ear and pulls him close, so his ass fits into Marcus's crotch. He grinds his crotch against Oliver's firm round ass cheeks and slips his hands down into his sweats. Oliver stops slicing the blue cheese and laughs.
"Somebody's still hot to trot," Oliver says and turns around to embrace Marcus. They kiss open mouth, their hands explore each other. "I've got blue cheese," Oliver says when they finally break apart.
"I don't know what I like better, a hot ass or cool blue cheese," Marcus says as he reaches across the counter and grabs a piece, then pops it in his mouth.
"Why don't you set the table and we'll get this dinner started."
Marcus slaps Oliver on the ass and moves over to his china collection and begins to set the table. Oliver puts the finishing touches on the roasted chicken. Ladling the veggies around it and takes it to the table. He returns with the wine. The cheese is left on the counter. Marcus has already eaten half of it anyway.
Oliver pulls out the head chair for Marcus, then sits at the place setting next to him. He begins to carve the chicken. Marcus hops up quickly and says, "We forgot to light the candles." He dims the lights and returns with a pack of matches. He lights the candles and returns to his seat.
"So tell me about your life, Oliver," Marcus asks as Oliver carves and serves the chicken. "You know a lot more a bout me than I do about you. Especially now that you've seen my home."
"Which I love, by the way,"Oliver says as he hands Marcus back his plate.
"Evasion tactics won't work,"
"No evasion. Really, my life's not that big a deal. I used to be married to Julia, I have a 10 year old son, Satchel who spends at least one weekend a month with me. I own and run a web site management company from my townhouse and that's about it."
"No deep dark secrets?" Marcus teases and takes a sip of wine.
"Not really. Julia's going through a rough patch right now, so I'm helping out with Satchel as much as I can," he confesses.
"What's wrong?" Marcus asks as he lifts a piece of chicken to his mouth.
"She has breast cancer."
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry," he says and lays his fork against his plate and touches Oliver's hand.
"I've been going over to their house most nights recently just to help out with the little stuff. Laundry, cleaning, helping the boy with school projects. Things his mother no longer has the energy for."
Oliver takes a long pull from his wine glass, then returns it to the table. Empty. "This weekend's supposed to be about us, though," he smiles and squeezes Marcus's hand.
Marcus looks into his friend's mossy green eyes and notices the worry hidden just beneath their surface. He holds Oliver's return gaze, willing him to know that he has his support.
The men sit and eat in a comfortable silence for a few moments. Taking quiet pleasure in the food and company. It feels natural and warm. The candles burn slowly. Wax drips pleasantly down the tapers. The sun light fades gradually and softness surrounds them. Both shoeless, they play a lazy game of footsie under the table. Watson notices and wants in on the action. He crawls in between their feet and rolls onto his back so each pair of feet is able to scratch his belly. They obey.
"He's such a slut," Marcus says of his beloved hound and shakes his head.
"I feel so welcome here, Marcus. Thank you."
"You've very welcome, but I haven't done anything special. You cooked dinner. Brought roses," they both chuckle at the memory of the shredded roses. "You even washed my back and massaged my...ah, feet."
"I think we both enjoyed that," Oliver says and winks. He gets up from the table and gathers the plates. "Time for dessert, don't you think?" he asks as he scrapes chicken bones into the trashcan and places the plates in the sink.
"Do you clean windows too?" Marcus asks, kidding. "You are the perfect guest. And I'm a horrible host. I shouldn't let you do that."
"Why not? I made the mess, I should clean it up," he says as he brings the fruit back to the table.
"I can see why Julia married you," Marcus says as he dishes out the dessert.
"Why?" Oliver asks.
"Why? A man who cooks, cleans up after himself and massages your feet? Oliver you're a Stepford husband. You're not real," Marcus says truthfully.
"I'm very real," Oliver says, then leans over and plants a kiss on Marcus's cheek. "Simply gay."
"Touche," Marcus replies. "And a toast to that."
They raise their glasses and clink. The fruit is cold and juicy. The wine crisp and dry. Their eyes meet and hold.
Marcus breaks the silence. "It's funny, but I find I'm not much in the mood for dessert tonight."
"Me neither," Oliver smiles.
Together they move from the table, dishes in hand. The uneaten fruit returns to the fridge for another day. Marcus turns to the sink and closes the drain, then runs hot water and a squirt of soap over the dishes. Oliver kisses Marcus's neck and fondles his nipples from underneath his tee shirt. Marcus finally shuts off the water and turns back to Oliver. He places his hand on Oliver's ass and pulls him closer. Grinds into him.
"Get me upstairs," Oliver says hoarsely. "Before I explode all over your clean kitchen floor."
Holding hands, they make their way upstairs. At the doorway to the bedroom, Marcus whispers softly into Oliver's ear, "I've never wanted a man the way I want you right now, Oliver Twist." He kisses Oliver's neck, biting ever so slightly and begins to undress him. "Today might have been about me and your surprises, but tonight is all about you." Marcus removes Oliver's tee shirt and tosses it to the floor. He bends to Oliver's nipples and sucks until they are hard, then nibbles and bites them. He works his hand down to the ties that hold up Oliver's sweats and with one pull they fall to the floor. Marcus kneels in front of his erection and swallows it to the balls in one go. Oliver weakens at the knees, but Marcus steadies him and helps him step out of his pants.
He maneuvers Oliver to the bed and pushes him down onto it, then climbs in between his legs. Marcus runs his hands over Oliver's entire body, relishing the feel of hard muscle beneath the light covering of hair on his chest and flat belly.
Oliver's penis salutes like a flag pole, then disappears inside Marcus's mouth. Oliver moans. He places his hands on the back of Marcus's head and forces himself deeper into his mouth. Marcus bobs up and down on Oliver's erection, making it slick with his mouth. Oliver thrusts in and out to meet his lover's lips.
"I'm going to shoot," Oliver warns Marcus, "if you don't slow down."
Marcus backs off Oliver's penis and moves back up his toned body. "Oliver, I don't think I have any condoms or lube," he sadly confesses.
"Don't worry, baby. There are many things you can do without condoms and lube. Besides, I brought some. Look in my bag. Down there on the floor."
Marcus reaches down and finds the bag and rips it open. On the top is a roll of condoms and a bottle of lube. "Sure of yourself aren't you," Marcus laughs.
"No, just lustful thinking. Plus I was an eagle scout and I'm always prepared."
Marcus sighs and tucks the necessities under the pillow and resumes his former spot: between Oliver's legs. Still breathtakingly hard, Marcus swallow Oliver's penis. But takes his time as he slowly bobs up and off. He licks and teases the head, then down again. And again. Soon Oliver is breathing fast and shallow. Marcus switches tracks and moves onto his balls. He takes each into his mouth and sucks and licks them clean.
"Oh god baby, come up for air. Come up here to me so I can kiss you," Oliver pants.
Still clothed, Marcus moves up Oliver's torso, leaving behind a trail of kisses. Oliver reaches out and pulls him to his lips. Oliver reaches between their bodies and pulls on the ties to release Marcus's sweats. He pushes them down past his ass and frees Marcus's dick.
Naked, they begin to grind against each other and as the heat of their passion grows, they moan into each other's mouths. Oliver breaks free of Marcus's kiss to whisper in his ear.
"I want you inside me, now. Please."
"I thought you were a top man?" Marcus asks.
"I thought you were," he replies.
"For the right man, I've been known to be... versatile, shall we say."
"Me too."
Oliver pulls Marcus's tee shirt over his head as he retreats down Oliver's body. Again leaving nibbling kisses in his wake. Marcus pushes off his sweats so now he is as naked as his lover. He reaches for the lube and opens the bottle and positions himself between his lover's legs. He scoots down and returns Oliver's penis to his mouth. Slowly he resumes his bobbing. Marcus squeezes a glob of lube into the palm of his hand and with the tips of his fingers from the other hand, gently massages Oliver's asshole. First one finger, then more lube, then another finger and more lube. Oliver's hole begins to open, to welcome the invasion as he begins to push back onto Marcus's fingers. When properly lubed and open, Marcus frees Oliver's penis from the wet confines of his mouth and tears open a condom. He rolls it onto his erection, and positions himself at Oliver's entrance.
"Are you ready, Oliver?" Marcus whisper into his ear, in between nibbles and kisses.
"Go slowly, OK?" he replies.
"Just stop me if it's too much. I don't want to hurt you."
"You won't hurt me, I can take you. I want you, baby," Oliver whispers back. He bites Marcus's ear. Hard.
Marcus places the head of his penis at Oliver's entrance and pushes. Oliver pushes back and it slips in. Deeply. They both moan, but remain still, wanting Oliver to be as relaxed as possible. Marcus gently pushes his last few inches into Oliver then lays on top of him. They kiss deeply.
Gently Marcus starts moving in circles, opening Oliver up so he can take his thrusts. Little by little he begins. In and out, barely moving. Oliver sighs and cups Marcus's ass, pulling him in deeper. Marcus thrusts begin now in earnest as he slowly pulls back but not out of Oliver's ass. Then back in deep.
"Oh god, fuck me damn it. Stop playing around," Oliver finally says laughing.
"I don't want to hurt you," he replied.
"I'm hardly a virgin at 45 Marcus," Oliver says.
Marcus takes the hint. He throws Oliver's legs over his shoulders and slams into his ass. He pumps for all he's worth and soon they are both breathing shallow and fast. In between thrusts, Oliver whispers into Marcus's ear, "I'm about to go over the edge."
"And I'm right there with you babe," Marcus replies. He raises up onto his knees with Oliver's ankles gripped tightly in each hand to steady themselves. He opens Oliver's legs slightly, for better penetration and begins his final assault on his lover's ass. He pulls completely out of Oliver, then thrusts all the way back in side. Not once, but twice and this sends Oliver over the edge without even touching his penis. Cum shoots out of the narrow slit in huge burst that cover Oliver's chest and torso, matting the hair. The spasms from his orgasm contracts the muscles surrounding Marcus's penis and sends him overboard, filling the condom. Marcus collapses on top of Oliver and they rest in silence until their breathing returns to normal.
"Let me get us a warm rag to clean up with," Marcus quietly says and begins to move. Oliver stops him by gripping him tightly around the waist and holds him to his body.
"Don't leave, please. Just hold me. We can shower in the morning,"
"I won't leave," Marcus says as he rolls to the side and slips his arms around Oliver, who immediately slides down next to him and places his head on Marcus's chest. Carefully, Marcus reaches for the disheveled quilt and pulls it over them and they fall into a contented sleep.
Sunlight floods into the bedroom, casting a warm glow across the bodies of the naked lovers. The moment is perfection and only needs a careless action to shatter it. It is as delicate as a antique mirror, silver peeling at points to reveal only glass, but it's beauty is beyond measure and should be treasured.
Marcus wakes and carefully slips out of bed. A contented smile rests gently on his face. Happiness agrees with him. He searches for his sweat pants and slip them on. He pads quietly out of the room and down the stairs. He lets Watson out for his morning pee-pee, and fills the kibble bowls. He puts on the coffee and rummages through the fridge for breakfast and settles on the fruit they didn't eat last night. Quickly, he fills a tray with bowls, mugs, sugar and fruit. A coffee carafe is last, but not of least importance. He climbs the stairs and re-enters the room. Oliver is still asleep. He places the tray on the end of the bed and sits next to it and watches his incredible new man.
Asleep on his side, Oliver looks as innocent as a little boy. A little boy with massive biceps and a hairy chest and big dick. 'Oh, yes. Big boys are such fun to play with,' Marcus thinks to himself. He's unable to resist Oliver's beautiful face. He inches up the bed and leans against the edge. He lowers his face to Olivers' and gently kisses his eyes, his lips. He kisses them again. And again. A response this last time. He opens his mouth and is pleasantly greeted with a tongue. Oliver stirs, grabs Marcus by the waist and drags him back into bed. He rolls on top of him and grinds his morning hard on into his lover.
"Want some breakfast." Marcus asks in between kisses.
"Coffee?" Oliver whispers.
"Of course, and the dessert we didn't eat last night."
"Coffee first, you second, fruit may be later," He says and finally opens his eyes.
Marcus moves down to the bottom of the bed and brings the tray up to Oliver.
"I don't even know how you take your coffee," Marcus groans.
"Baby, you worry about the most unimportant stuff. I take it black with a teaspoon of sugar," Oliver says and laughs. "All you need to worry about is if we fit and I believe last night we proved that theorem to be true."
"Yes, we definitely did," Marcus says as he pours coffee into mugs. "I take my coffee the same way you do, by the way."
Oliver laughs and takes the offered mug, sips the warm liquid, then rests it on his chest. Marcus plucks a strawberry from the bowl and offers it to Oliver. He opens his mouth and Marcus pops it in, then rubs the juice from his fingers over Oliver's lips. Marcus tries this move again, but this time with a berry in his mouth. He drops it in Oliver's open mouth , then closes his mouth over his lover's in a kiss. They mix the berry around, then Oliver swallows it. He breaks off the kiss and rolls over on top of Marcus.
"OK, You are really asking for it now. I'm going nail your butt to the wall, boy," Oliver says as he pushes Marcus's sweats down around his knees. He lays back down on top of Marcus and grinds his hard on into his lover's crotch. Oliver kisses Marcus's neck, then licks and suck just behind the ear and down. Marcus squirms against him. Oliver moves his kisses down Marcus's body, stopping at his nipples, biting them until they stand to attention like an erect penis. Kisses travel down his torso leaving behind red bite marks that make Marcus tingle. Oliver doesn't stop until he reaches his lover's penis. It disappears deep into his mouth. Oliver holds it there for several seconds. Deep inside his throat.
Oliver moves down ever farther and takes Marcus's balls into his mouth, one by one. He gently closes his lips around them and pulls. A groan escapes Marcus's mouth. Encouraged, Oliver delves even deeper into the nether regions of Marcus's pouting asshole. He lifts his legs up and over his lover's head and dives into his ass. He licks and probes with his wet tongue. Opening and lubing. Stretching and teasing the opening until he can fit himself inside. He reaches underneath the pillow for a condom and slips it onto his erect penis.
"Are you ready for this, babe," Oliver asks as he hovers over Marcus's body.
"Oliver, I'm about to explode. But be gentle. I need you to love me. To make love to me. I don't want to be fucked. OK?"
"What did you say to me last night?" Oliver asks as he places the head of his penis at Marcus entrance. "I don't want to hurt you. Marcus, I'd die if I hurt you. I want exactly the opposite. I want to send you to the moon. Into the stars, the sun." Oliver pushes into Marcus's entrance and sinks. "Oh Marcus," Oliver moans as he rest his entire body atop his lover, his penis deep inside him vibrating with life and emotion. Oliver breaths deeply and looks into Marcus's eyes. They kiss, eyes locked. Motionless, they are one. Then begin to move, together as a unit. Push and pull; thrust and retreat. Rhythm and rhyme. In and out. Over and over and over their passion builds until their bodies pound against each other. Slapping body against body. Marcus suddenly shudders and erupts.
"Oliver, oh my... kiss me please."
Oliver lays his mouth on Marcus. Their tongues mix and tease and then Oliver looses himself. He moans into Marcus's mouth and cums. He too fills his condom and collapses onto his lover's body. Again they rest silent until their breathing returns to normal.
"So, what's on for today? Oliver asks.
"Holy crap, what time is it?" Marcus says and bolts straight up.
"The alarm clock reads 9:30, why?"
"Baby, I've got to open the nursery at 10." Marcus hops out of bed and walks into the bathroom.
Oliver scoots down to the bottom of the bed and dishes out some fruit into a bowl. He pulls the tray back up with him and sits with his back resting on the headboard and eats. The coffee in his mug is cool, but he drinks it anyway. Then pours another from the hot thermos. He fills another bowl with fruit and walks into the bathroom. The shower is running, and Oliver can see his naked lover's outline.
"Want some fruit?" he asks as he pokes his head behind the shower curtain. Marcus jumps.
"Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Oliver." Marcus screeches. "You scared the crap out of me."
"I'm only bringing you your breakfast. It's the most important meal of the day Marcus," Oliver says with a straight face. He walks right into the shower with Marcus, spoon full of mixed berries. "Open up wide," he laughs, no longer able to maintain his composure.
Marcus smiles and opens his mouth. Oliver sits the bowl in the shower caddy and grabs the soap from Marcus's hand. "It'll go quicker if I scrub you down," he says.
"Oliver Twist, if I'm late Jen is going to skin me alive and there will be nothing left for you to scrub," Marcus say as he turns to Oliver with a smile on his face and a huge boner poking out from his crotch.
Five minutes and 2 quickie orgasms later, the lovers are clean and toweling each other off.
"You feel like cooking again tonight Oliver?" Marcus sheepishly asks.
"What, sex slave? And now personal chef?" he jokes.
"Oh, OK"
"Remember, Jen and Emma are coming over for a movie night."
"So, I guess I'm cooking burgers and hot dogs?" Oliver asks.
"How'd you guess?"
"Marcus, I'm a father. Remember?"
"Oh, yeah. A little hard for me to get used to."
"I thought you liked kids?"
"Oh, it's not that. I've just never dated somebody's Dad, that's all," Marcus teases.
"I'll get you for that one buddy," Oliver says and slings his wet towel at Marcus, but he escapes through the doorway before it makes contact.
"The burgers and dogs and in the freezer, buns in the pantry as well as potatoes and onions for potato salad, or there's mac in the pantry too, if you'd rather have a pasta salad. I'll pick greens and veggies from the nursery gardens."
"Don't forget, lots of tomatoes and cucumbers. I love cucumbers Marcus. A lot." Oliver says and laughs. "Forget I said that."
"No really you like cukes?"
"Yeah. Really."
"I'll definitely pick a bunch so you can take some home with you, OK?" he says as he zips up his shorts and tosses a fresh tee shirt over his head. He walks up to Oliver and kisses him on the mouth. "I can't believe I'm about to leave a beautiful, naked man in my bedroom to go to work. God are my priorities screwed up."
Jen closes out the register as Marcus locks the doors to the office. The Native Rose had a good day. Both Jen and Marcus wear the demands of a successful day at the nursery. Dirty from head to toe, they actually glow from the results of their hard work.
"If these sales figures keep up, we're going to have a hell of a year, Marcus," Jen says, calculator in hand. Add on to the sales of the veggies you supply to the local restaurants and we are definitely in the RED, red," Jen smiles and Marcus laughs.
"You are such a number nerd, Jen," he says, but is very pleased with the recent figures. "But we can't forget to figure in the Orlanders's cut of the veggies."
Hans and Oleg Orlander plant and tend Oliver's acre of veggies. They are Jen's neighbor's and wonderful small scale farmers. They can bring in the most bountiful harvest from the smallest plot of land. The Dutch have learned to do such amazing things.
"OK, who did you just call a numbers nerd?" Jen asks faining insult and injury.
"Alright, sometimes I forget that I'm talking to the accounting wizard. No insult to Harry Potter intended."
"Ass," Jen says.
"I know you are but what am I?" Marcus teases.
"I don't like it when you get laid. You're too damn happy!"
This totally closes Marcus down. He shuts his mouth and rummages through the mountains of paper on his desk.
"Oh, no, no," Jens says and walks over to his desk and sits down. "Don't even go there with this...this angst crap Marcus. I finally see you happy and you're going to second guess yourself out of it?"
"It's all happening too fast Jen," Marcus frowns.
"Is the sex good?" Jen asks.
"Jen, really...
"OK, have you noticed the way he looks at you?" she tries again.
"What do you mean?" Marcus asks, his interest peaked.
"Like a puppy, please. Marcus, really I can't believe you cut your teeth in the gay bars of Washington, DC and still remain this clueless. Are you trying to revert back to a straight man?"
"What the hell would you know about it?"
"Darling I was once a single girl in the city with many a gay friend...
"You were a fag hag? How come you've never told me this before?"
" Still am baby boy."
"Alright, fine I'm crazy about this guy that I've only known for two weeks, who has a kid and who's ex-wife is 'really cool' and happens to be dealing with breast cancer...and might I add, runs the fricking Senate Committee on Intelligence. She speaks 2 languages, has a doctorate and a security clearance and, she's...she's thin."
"She's also divorced and he's GAY! You don't think you're worthy of happiness do you Marcus?"
"Well, of course I do Jen," Marcus say, not really knowing if he believes what he's saying.
"I don't think so sweetie, because if that were true, you wouldn't have been single for so long. You're a catch Marcus. A handsome, fit, single gay man with his own business? Come on, even straight women wouldn't turn that down." Jen says and gathers her purse. "So dinner at 7 with mother and a video, right?"
"Right," Marcus says.
Oliver is busy at the kitchen island making hamburgers when Marcus enters. He tries to slips upstairs on the sly, but nothing gets by Oliver.
"Hey, babe. How was the nursery today. Earn lots of money?"
"Doesn't it show?" Marcus asks miffed.
"You OK?" Oliver asks concerned.
"Yeah, sorry. Tough day and I'm tired. Everything good with you?" he asks and leans in to kiss the cook.
"I'm peachy keen and dandy. We're almost ready for the girls. Another few minutes and the burgers will be begging for the grill," Oliver smiles.
"I'm going to jump in the shower if that's OK?"
"Sure. I'll bring you a beer when I'm finished with this, alright?"
"Thanks. That sounds wonderful." Marcus drags himself up the stairs, strips off his clothes and steps into a hot shower. Shaved and partially shampooed, a hand trusts itself into the shower holding a beer. Marcus rinses the shampoo from his hair and grabs the beer. It's cold and goes down very easy. He sits the half empty bottle in the shower caddy and begins to soap himself down with his favorite Yardley lavender soap.
"Are you going to tell me why you're down. It's not because of the nursery, judging from the number of cars that were in the parking lot today. I almost came down to lend a hand."
"We managed," Marcus replies quietly.
"Talk to me Marcus. This morning you were walking on air, and now...well, now I don't know what's up," Oliver says truthfully. "And don't say it's not me...er...you...er...whatever...talk to me from behind the curtain. Talk to me as if I weren't here."
"I'm scared. I'm scared that you're here. I'm scared that you'll go away. I'm scared that it's happening so fast. I'm scared that you have a kid and an ex-wife. I'm scared that I'll get hurt yet again. I'm scared that I'll hurt you...shall I continue?" Marcus asks.
"Wow, OK. Let me think. OK, I'm scared too. I'm scared because I've never felt this way about another human being in my life. Not even Julia. I'm scared that you don't feel the same way about me. I'm scared what this will do to my life, to Satchel's life. I'm scared of what will happen if I don't take this chance. And yes, I'm scared too that it's happening so fast" Oliver sticks his head into the shower. "Like I told you last night, babe...All I know is we fit. That's what I know and that's what I'm believing in."
Suddenly Marcus bursts into tears. "I feel the same way. I feel the same way," he confesses. He huddles in the back of the corner, away from Oliver.
"Will you turn the damn shower off, so I don't get wet?" he hollers, then does it himself. He drenches his hair and most of his shirt in the process. "Come here to me," Oliver asks softly tenderly. Marcus stands naked and shivering in the shower. "Baby, please.?" Marcus turns and steps towards Oliver. Oliver throws back the shower curtain and steps into the tub. He grabs Marcus and folds him into his body and kisses him. Deeply, sweetly, tenderly.
"You do know I have to change clothes, now because of you," Oliver teases Marcus and kisses him yet again. By this time, he's sitting in the middle of the tub, sopping wet with his naked sobbing lover in his arms and he is the happiest man on earth. "Marcus Scott, I love you."
"Oliver, you're twisted."
"That's all you've got for me?" he asks with a wink in his eye.
"I'll jump off the bridge, too. I love you right back," He smiles.
"We're here!" Jen hollers and closes the front door behind her. Emma totes a large paper bag full of goodies including tonights feature movie. They proceed to the kitchen and place everything on the island counter. The boys sheepishly follow them in, only recently finding their clothes. Their hair still wet.
"A little wet behind the ears, boys?" Jen teases. They blush. Emma remains clueless.
"I'll get the grill fired up ladies, Oliver says and retreats to the garden.
Marcus walks to the fridge and suddenly remembers he was suppose to cut greens for a salad. "I totally zoned out and forgot the salad," he confesses.
"Doesn't matter, sweetie. I brought Emma's favorite cuke salad. And peach tea."
"I think Oliver made a pasta or potato salad," Marcus says as he opens the door to the fridge and rummages around. "Ah, pasta salad. Here it is," he says and plops it on the counter.
"Are you alright? Did we interrupt something?" Jen asks concerned.
"No. Yes...no..."
"Which is it Marcus?"
"We said the L word."
"What, you're lesbians now?" Jen teases.
"NO! We really said it to each other. And MEANT IT."
"Oh, gosh. Before, during or after. That matters you know. The intent, the meaning, the seriousness."
"I was in the shower, he was outside and we were talking and he just said it, and then I said it right back and it frightened me because I do mean it. He jumped into the shower fully clothed and kissed me and then I kissed him back and we held each other and said it again and again. Holy crap. Jesus, I'm in love with a man I've only known for freaking weeks. Where's mother?"
"Outside with lover boy," Jen laughs and shakes her head. "Baby, you've got it bad."
"It could be worse," Marcus says.
"How so?"
"He could have been lousy in bed," he says and laughs.
"OK, I officially hate you." Jen replies, having fallen for Marcus's little joke.
"Seriously, I am a bit freaked out by all the suddenness of this...fine romance."
"Take moment by moment. Enjoy it. Take it from me Marcus, all this can be gone in a flash and then you're left with nothing," Jen says and turns away. She heads out to the garden to check on her daughter and the man of the decade. Marcus follows after taking a deep breath to center himself.
"So, what's the main feature at the miniplex tonight?" Oliver asks as he wipes hamburger grease from his mouth.
"Twilight," Emma says smiling.
"Emma, not again."
"Mom, I'm sure Oliver hasn't seen it yet and I know uncle Marcus hasn't."
"Doesn't it have that really cute guy in it?" Marcus asks.
"With the funky wild hair?" Oliver chimes in.
"Do I smell a crush, Mother?" Marcus teases. Emma blushes.
"I think you hit a nerve uncle Marcus," Jen says as she heaps more pasta salad onto her plate. "Oliver, you're such a great chef. I love this pasta."
"And I love your cucumbers," he says, returning the compliment.
"Oliver loves cukes, Jen." Marcus winks and Oliver blushes.
"They're from Marcus's garden. Their Emma's favorite, too."
While Emma readies the DVD player, the adults clear the table and stack the dishes in the dishwasher. Marcus pops some microwave popcorn and Oliver opens the final bottle of wine.
"Emma, you want some tea with popcorn?" Oliver asks, playing bartender.
"Yes, please. Are we ready?" she impatiently asks.
"Almost," her mom replies.
Oliver carries the drinks tray into the living room, Marcus follows with the popcorn. Jen brings up the rear, turning out lights as they progress into the front of the house. Oliver places the tray on the coffee table and hands Emma her tea. She sits cross legged on the floor in front of the TV, remote in hand. Jen settles into her favorite club chair while Oliver pulls Marcus onto the huge daybed in the middle of the room. Emma presses play on the remote and the credits begin to roll. She hops up from her place on the floor and walks over to the light switch dimmer and lowers the lights. She winks at Oliver and he winks back. Marcus looks at Jen and she shrugs her shoulders. Jen passes around small bowls full of salty popcorn and the movies begins. Oliver pulls Marcus back into the recesses of the daybed pillows and raps his arm around him.
Jen, having sat through this movie a dozen times with Emma, turns her eyes to the men. Marcus curls up against Oliver's lounging body. He watches the movie, Marcus is a sucker for a vampire movie and a romantic vampire movie is right up his alley. Oliver on the other hand, isn't watching the movie at all. He's watching Marcus. The look in is eyes is intense . His eyes are large and round and seem to be soaking up every inch of Marcus's body. As if he were memorizing it, searing it into his memory. Marcus feels it. Every few minutes he looks away from the TV screen and up into Oliver's green eyes and smiles. He strokes his scruffy face, tenderly.
Mesmerized by the almost visible chemistry between these two people, Jen feels suddenly lost. Alone. She can almost see the electricity that passes between them. She finds herself jealous. A tear escapes her eye and rolls lazily down her cheek. Afraid she'll draw attention to herself, she doesn't bother to wipe it away. She is all at once happy for her best friend, and sad at the emptiness of her own life. She once had what they now share. A union the goes beyond the physical. That leaves its mark on a person and the person is never the same again.
Involuntarily, Jen sighs. Marcus hears and lifts his head from Oliver's chest and looks into her eyes. She shakes her head, no and he returns his head to its resting place atop Olivers' chest. He looks back at her and she nods, yes and turns her head to the TV.
Jen moves to the dimmer as the final credit roll. She turns them up only half way so as to not jolt everyone's eyes. Oliver and Marcus stir on the daybed, though Emma is long fast asleep on the floor.
"You want to stay the night?" Marcus sleepily asks as he sits up.
"No, she kicks in her sleep. I'd be up all night long,"
"Really, Jen you don't have to go," Oliver chimes in.
"We've got church in the morning, I've got a few thing I want to do before then..."
"Let me at least carry her to the car for you," Oliver offers.
"She can walk," Jen says in strict mom voice.
"You don't want to wake her up. She definitely weighs less then Satchel," Oliver says and moves toward the sleeping child.
"You are a Dad aren't you?"
"Guilty," Oliver confesses with a smile.
"OK then, toss the sack of potatoes over your shoulder while I kiss this man of yours good bye."
Marcus walks Jen into the kitchen to retrieve her purse. "I'll pick up the rest of our stuff later," She says.
"What was with the nod thing. Are you alright?"
"Yes, I'm fine. I didn't want you to break the moment. You both looked so content and happy."
"Is that all?"
"Oh, Marcus don't say it like that. Don't be so cavalier. You really don't know what you have do you," she questions him.
"I think I'm beginning to understand something," he replies.
Jen shakes her head. "You won't until it's gone," she says and kisses him on the cheek. "We thank you for a wonderful evening. It was nice getting to meet Oliver." Marcus returns her kiss and she walks down the foyer. Oliver waits for her at the front door, then follows her to the car.
"You didn't have to do this Oliver. She's too old to be treated like a baby."
"I know, but I wanted to. She deserves to be treated like a princess," he says as he gently lays Princess Emma down onto the back seat of her Dodge Ram, quad-cab. "Pretty big truck for such a little lady," Oliver teases.
"Don't be fooled, Oliver. I can handle it."
"I know you can," he chuckles. "Can I ask you a question?"
"What was that nod thing between you and Marcus?"
"You saw that?"
"I'm a retired cop. I miss nothing."
"I can see what you two have. It's a very special bond. I had it once."
"Your husband?"
"Yes. Emma's Dad," Jen says and looks at the ground. "Deep down, Marcus knows it too, but he's scared of it. He's been hurt so badly in the past. Don't screw this up Oliver. I mean it."
"I don't intent to."
"That's all I need to know," Jen say and reaches up and kisses Oliver on the cheek. He hugs and kisses her back.
"I promise to take care of the man, that's all I want."
"Alright, see you in the morning?"
"Yes, good night." he says and opens the cab door for her, then shuts it. He steps aside, then walks back up the stairs to the front door. Marcus comes out and slips an arm around his waist. They wave together as Jen and Emma drive into the night.
"So what were you and Jen talking about tonight?"
"We're you spying on us?" Oliver teases and pokes Marcus in the ribs under the bed quilt.
"Oliver, really. I was cleaning up and happened to glance out the window. It seemed like you were in a deep discussion. I'm simply curious."
"Curiosity killed the cat you know?"
"Tell Murphy that and he'll scratch you again," Marcus laughs and pokes Oliver back.
"I saw a tear fall from her eye and I was worried," Oliver admits. "I think she's very lonely and still very sad. It's so unfair for her."
"I know," Marcus says and goes silent. Oliver pulls him close and kisses him. He tastes the salt from a tear that gently rolls down Marcus's cheek and knows that it is for Jen. This night they make love softly, quietly. Tender kisses and caresses. Gentle stroking that brings them to a climax, one against the other's body. They fall quickly asleep in each other arms. The air about them buzzes, crackling with electricity.
Marcus stands at the cook top naked except for his KISS THE COOK apron. Oliver, safe from the potential splatter of the scrambled eggs lazily cooking in the saute pan, sits totally naked on a bar stool on the other side of the island. Alone except for the critter crew, they didn't feel the need to dress.
"So, I guess you'll be going home when I leave to open the nursery?" Marcus asks. The white elephant of departure has been stalking them all morning long. By confronting it, he slays it, or at the very least takes away most of its magical power.
"Yeah, I probably should," Oliver says, but his tone suggests his heart really isn't into leaving.
"You know, the nursery is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays,"Marcus says in a nonchalant manner.
Oliver smiles, then laughs. "No, I didn't know that," he teases.
"Oh, shut up. I'll I meant to imply was that...well couldn't you work here today while I'm at the nursery. Then maybe you could play hooky tomorrow?" Marcus turns off the burner and plates the eggs. Serendipitously, the toast pops up and out of the toaster. He walks around the island with their breakfast and sits next to his man.
"I happened to have brought my laptop," Marcus punches him in the arm.
"If you think I'm going to let you have the access code to my WiFi account, you seriously are Twisted. It's top secret around here. Even Emma doesn't know it." He huffs and stuffs the fluffy egg into his mouth.
"Emma does know it," Oliver replies. "And so do I."
"Forget you....OK, prove it. What is it? I dare you. Hell, I double dare you!"
"Fiddle dee dee," Oliver says triumphant.
"Well I'll be...that child is an evil genius."
"So is her new BFF," Oliver replies.
"Alright, what did transpire between you two last night while you were cooking dinner?"
"A meeting of the minds. You do know she has both of you totally figured out."
"There's nothing much to figuring out me, that's for sure. But her mother? I don't know. Deep waters, that one and the death of her husband didn't help matters."
"She's not so hard to understand, Marcus. Now don't take this the wrong way, but you both tend to make things so complicated when in all actuality life is pretty simple. That's why Mother has both of your numbers. You guys are complicators."
"Oliver, that's a rather casual assumption," Marcus says a bit hurt. Or miffed because he dislikes the fact that someone knows him, about him. Illusion is his friend. Procrastination, too. He is under the false assumption that he is a mystery, even to himself. This frees him from the responsibility of working on himself as a person. Of becoming a better person—not that he is weak, or a bad person. Still it keeps him from living in the moment and giving up all the baggage he drags around like Scrooge's Marley. It's as if he takes pride in his wounds instead of healing them. Oliver knows all this and still loves him. Loves him because of it.
Oliver learned these lessons at a much younger age. Having a baby, getting shot and almost dieing, plus coming out of the closet... changes a man. Makes him re-evaluate how he lives his life and even what his personal life's philosophy is. Buddhism has helped some, although he has never identified himself as a true believer, the tenets ring true to his soul and he holds them dear. Oliver pays attention to the lessons life teaches us. He's unsure if Marcus even listens.
"So, what do you think?' Marcus asks hopeful.
"I think it's a plan. I might have to take a call or two, though. Is that OK"
"Yeah, sure. As long as I'm with you Oliver, everything is always, OK," Marcus says and kisses him on the cheek, then resumes eating. He's grateful the personal analyses is over.
"What a wonderful compliment that is. So what shall we do?" Oliver asks, covered in smiles.
"I thought we could go surf fishing and beach combing. I'm running low on beach glass bottles, plus we can take a picnic and some beer or wine. Make an entire day of it. I get cell phone bars out there and we can even take a laptop if you need to work a bit."
"Wow, that sounds great, but what are beach glass bottles?"
"Oh, they're a little touristy thing I sell at the nursery. They're clear antique bottles, filled with local sand and beach glass. They sell like hot cakes. It's the non-touristy tourist gift. I have customers that send them all over the world. They make a great Christmas present."
"Sounds like something you should be selling over the net?"
"I don't have a web site," Marcus confesses.
"Why didn't you say something, babe. We can get one up and running in a 24 hour period," Marcus says surprised.
"Isn't it expensive?" he asks.
"Not when you're sleeping with the web master," Oliver jokes.
Marcus kisses Oliver on his lips, they taste like butter and strawberry jam.
"I'll do the dishes, " Oliver says and cups Marcus's ass, then slaps one. Marcus removes his apron.
"I've got to get a move on, or I'll be late. Jen and Emma might be over after church, to pick up the stuff they left last night, so you might want to dress, babe."
"I wasn't planning to go au natural all day long. I'd get nothing done, except may be some Marcus lusting," he says as he pulls Marcus to him and kisses him passionately. Marcus returns the forceful kiss, pulling Oliver's body close to him. Laughing, they break the kiss. Oliver grabs the breakfast dishes as Marcus climbs up the stairs to shower and get ready for work.
With the remnants of dinner surrounding them, the boys sit at the kitchen table holding hands, finishing the last dregs of beer from their respective bottles. Oliver rises from the table and grabs the dirty dishes. Marcus stops him by grabbing his hand. He pulls him into his lap.
"Leave them," he simply says.
Oliver doesn't have to be told twice. He replaces the dishes onto the table and turns his attention to his lover. He holds his face in the palms of his hands, bends towards him and kisses him lightly. He barely touches his lips to his lover's. Brushes them against the sides of his stubbly cheeks. He breathes in his scent. Memorizing it, so that he can pick it out of a crowd. He begins to rock back and forth against Marcus's crotch. Marcus returns the pressure, grinding back against Oliver. They place their heads on each other's shoulders. The grinding continues, increases in ferocity; their kisses become demanding. Open and deep, searching for one another inside and finding themselves. It is a discovery. An exploration of their love...and lust.
"I'm going to cum," Marcus says as he thrusts against Oliver.
"Let it go, baby," Oliver replies.
Marcus continues his humping, but tears at Olivers jeans. He rips open his pants and jams in his hand, pulling out Oliver's erection. He jacks his hard penis as he approaches his orgasm. Olivers moans and shoot all over his lover. Marcus shoots into his boxers. They pull each other close, they kiss and laugh.
"Horn dog," Oliver says after he catches his breath. "I swear I cannot keep my hands off you."
"Do you hear me complaining?" Marcus asks, adjusting himself and his now moist underwear.
After a quick shower, they decide on an early night and some real sleep. Though they both sport erections after making out in bed, they fall into spooning and soon are silent and close to sleep.
Oliver quietly breaks the silence with a question he's been wanting to ask Marcus for some days now. "You've said on several occasions that you've been hurt. I want to know what happened to you. I want to know, so I can help you heal yourself. Kiss your wounds till they heal. I want to make you happy," Oliver confesses, the discomfort of the pending discussion makes him feel unsure of himself..
"I'm tired Oliver. Does this conversation have to happen right now?"
"Yes," Oliver replies quietly, but sternly.
"Alright, but I'm going to give you the Cliff Notes version, not because I'm lazy, but because I don't really want to relive the terrible moments of my life."
Marcus sighs and takes in an enormous breath, "I've always been called the class fagot. Ever since second grade. I've never known what I did to earn the hatred of my fellow classmates, but it got worse in high school. I was accused of having a hard on in the locker room and it got all over the school. Even the teachers were talking about it. It was untrue, which made me feel all the worse. My parents were of course, clueless of anything that went on in my life.
College was great, until I fell in love with a girl and then broke her heart by having an affair with her male best friend...Don't say it. I know it was a pretty crappy thing to do. It was all for the best thought because I finally admitted to myself that I was indeed Gay. I came out of the closet with a vengeance, on the prowl night and day for boy pussy. This lasted until my first boyfriend Michael. We moved to DC together, but soon he stopped coming home. The last I heard from him he was hooked up in a threesome with some junkie couple.
Failed romance after failed romance. Job after job. I had some good times too. I met my good friend Karen and we did a lot of theater. Leaned to cook and make bread. Make jams and jellies. Started to garden. Raised my first rose. I was also drinking.
Then I met Robert, I thought him the love of my life. My knight in shining armor. I gave up my self for him. Voluntarily, I suppressed who I was. It's taken me the last 10 years to get ME back. To rediscover who I am, who Marcus is, was and will become..." Marcus goes quiet with another sigh. He hugs Oliver close and kisses him on the ear.
"Why was it so bad?" Oliver asks.
"Control issues, abuse, alcoholism...eight years of it. Constantly. I never knew what to expect from him day to day. Love, disgust, tenderness, violence. It was more than I could take. I dealt with it by drinking as much as he did and then one day something in me changed. I saw what we were like. I looked at him, but more importantly I looked at myself and didn't like what I saw. I was an ugly person. Full of anger and hurt and self-loathing. I got out, with help from Karen, but the scars are deep and I fear they will never heal. I'm angry at him. I'm angry at myself, even more so. I've tried to forgive, but who do I forgive first. I simply can't forget any of it."
Oliver feels tears drip onto his shoulders. He rolls back towards Marcus and takes him into his arms and smothers him with kisses. He pets him and attempts to sooth him. Calm him.
"I'm sorry I brought up such difficult memories. But I need to know you. You can be so closed off. I know you're simply trying to protect yourself, but you also have to realize that you have to take risks in life to gain anything. Do you think we're worth it?"
"Yes," Marcus say calmly and pulls Oliver closer.
Marcus closes his eyes and is silent. He pretends to sleep. Oliver lets him pretend. It's easier, but all the same he keeps his arms tight around his man. He listens to his lover's breathing, for a hint of distress. Silence reigns. The conversation obviously over.
The morning rings bright and true. Sunlight floods through the windows of the master bedroom, making the flowers of the blooming orchids vibrate with intense color. Oliver is the first up this morning. He slips downstairs naked into the kitchen to make coffee. Watson follows hoping for a pee-pee and a treat. He gets both. Oliver fills two mugs and returns to their bedroom. He places one mug on Marcus's end table and slips back into bed. He sips his coffee and watches his lover sleep. He silently laughs to himself at how silly he's become about this man. What is it that makes him so crazy about Marcus. Oliver settles down into the bed, comfortable. He knows. Marcus is giving, hot, sexy, dirty, funny, sweet, stubborn, intelligent, honest...the adjectives keep flowing. They reassure him that he's made the correct decision. His gut feeling he thought was enough, the fact that they fit...but last night's honest talk reassures him that Marcus is the right man for him. His love. The right love. An honest love.
Oliver can't resist nuzzling Marcus's neck. He kisses and nibbles. Marcus stirs, turns in towards his lover and opens his eyes to the bright morning.
"Hey baby," Oliver says with a smile and a grab at Marcus's crotch from above the covers.
"Hey, You. Still here?"
"OH. Bitch," Oliver says and pokes Marcus in the ribs. "I guess you're not getting coffee this morning."
"On the side table."
Marcus reaches out to grab the mug. He scooches up into a sitting position and takes a deep drink. The warmth fills his insides and he smiles pleasantly.
"Thanks baby, that's such a nice thing...waking up with a hot man and a hot cup of coffee."
"So what are we going to do on this hooky day?" Oliver asks as he sips from his own mug of Joe.
"Well, I figured that we'd go surf fishing, and may be a bit of beach combing. A picnic and a little beach blanket bingo?"
"Sounds great, let's go!"
They drive the old wrangler onto the beach at Henlopen State Park. It's packed to the gills with technology, fishing gear and picnic stuff. Marcus unloads the fishing poles and sticks them into the sand, while Oliver unloads the picnic basket, blanket and cooler. The laptop stays in the Jeep, at least for the moment.
"So where's the bait," Oliver asks, knowing nothing about fishing. Surf or otherwise.
"No bait," Marcus confesses. "I don't really catch fish. I just cast and enjoy the view."
"What?" Oliver asks surprised. He'd been hoping for a great dinner.
"I've never been able to bait a hook. In fact there are no hooks on my rods."
Oliver laughs and hugs his man. "Well, I be darned. A Buddhist fisherman."
"Don't laugh at me Oliver. I love to cast a rod...no pun intended." Marcus scowls.
"Whatever you say babe," Oliver replies with a chuckle.
The boys cast their lines into the surf. Marcus wades hip deep into the waves. Oliver watches him from the shoreline. Marcus's eyes are intent on their goal. The cast is long and plops into the crest of a wave. Marcus backs up onto the shore, confident. He digs his pole into the sand and smiles back at Oliver who now sits on a beach chair next to his rod.
Marcus stumbles through the sand to the cooler and retrieves two cold beers from their cooler. He folds out his chair and sits next to Oliver. He hands him his beer. They watch the surf and drink. Content to be together, no words are necessary. Oliver reaches out for Marcus's hand. He grasps it. The seagulls cry, flying over them and the surf. Crabs chase the waves that cover the men's feet in sand. Calm reigns and they do nothing. Lovely nothing. Slowly they slip into another world. A world without time, trials, tribulations.
"Want to go for a walk?" Marcus asks as he gets up from his chair and puts his empty bottle back into the cooler.
"I'm up for anything kiddo," Oliver says following Marcus's lead.
"Grab the pots from the back of the Jeep and we'll go collect some beach jewels.
They walk the entire beach, to the point and back, picking through the beach debris, collecting unusual shells and beach glass for the nursery. They laugh and wade through the water, the waves. They act like little boys, at times trying to throw one or the other into the surf. Chasing the crabs through the crashing waves. Foam around their ankles.
Back at the Jeep, treasures stowed away, they pull out the blanket and picnic basket.
"Do you know I've had this picnic basket since I was a little boy? My mom bought it at a S&H Green Stamps store back in the 1960's."
"You're showing you age, Mr. Scott," Oliver says.
"Do you remember them?" Marcus asks.
"I do indeed." Oliver replies.
"My great aunt used to work in one. I remember she wore a rubber on the tip of her index finger that helped her flip through the pages of stamps. She'd tear out the needed number of stamps from the booklets and hand back the rest. There was a whole store full of things you could buy with those stamps. It was amazing."
"You are so charming when you get that little boy face going," Oliver says and hugs him.
"We used to come here to the park quite often as a family. Mostly on Sundays after church. My father was choir director there. I was even in the choir when I was a teenager. Until a got a job to pay for my first car. I had to work on Sundays then too."
"What was you first car?" Oliver asks.
"You rode in it. The Jeep. Remember I told you my Grandfather bought it for me? Well, I had to get a job to earn the money for its maintenance, for gas and insurance. My parents couldn't afford to pay for any of that stuff. They wouldn't have even if they could though. They wanted to teach me about responsibility. It worked. I think."
"The park's a lot different these days. Back then, we kids would run up and down the dunes, we'd sword fight using long pieces of drift wood. We'd pretend we were pirates and search for buried treasure. Sometimes whole groups of people would gather together just as the sun was going down and build a bonfire. We'd make s'mores and someone would pull out a guitar and we sing silly kid songs, or folk songs everyone knew by heart." Marcus closes his eyes and tries to make his memories come to life.
"Oh my gosh, am I rambling or what?" he says
"It sounds wonderful. Your memories," Oliver smiles and squeezes Marcus's hand.
"They are. I do have some wonderful ones. They aren't all horrid. Especially the ones of the beach and my Grandmother, Bessie. My mother's mother."
"What was she like?" Oliver asks.
"Mom mom was larger than life, at least to me. I was the oldest of the six grandchildren. Mom mom Bessie and my Grandfather lived on a farm with no bathroom or indoor plumbing. They raised soy beans and corn and a few chickens. I never remember her in shoes. She always had on men's slippers with a slit in the side for her bunions. As a kid I never understood what a bunion was. I still don't. The other thing I remember, is she always wore an 'over the head' apron. She made the best biscuits...and chicken and dumplings.
She never had much of a formal education. I don't think she made it much past the third grade, if I remember correctly. She'd use old fashion words like, 'et' and 'shaw' and 'journally'.
"What?" Oliver asks, not understanding.
"Oh they're old Pennsylvania Dutch English words. I'll use them in sentences for you...
'I et a good supper last night over at my daughter's house.'
'Oh shaw, you're pulling my leg, Marcus.'
'Where's Marcus? He journally watches Lawrence Welk with me on a Sunday.'
"Did they have an outhouse?" Oliver asks.
"Oh yes. The only bathroom, so to speak. And a hand pump on the back porch was their only source of water. They had to heat all their water on the stove for baths and washing dishes. They took the clothes to the laundromat," Marcus says.
"Wow, that's amazing."
"We kids thought so too, even back then. During summer vacation, all the grandkids would spend 2 weeks with them to give our parents a break. We all loved it. It was like going back in time. There was always a huge garden full of veggies. We kids would eat tomatoes like apples, straight from the vine. They were always warm from the sun and tasted like summer. Our tee shirts would be stained with the juice.
Sometimes, when I'd had enough of the little kids, Mom mom and I would sit on the front porch in the shade of the enormous maple tree and shell Lima beans and she'd tell me stories about when she was a little girl. How her father would take the family to town in a horse drawn wagon. They were too poor to own a car.
There was a huge lilac bush too, next to the soy bean field. It was larger than a king size bed and as tall as the first story of the old farm house. It bloomed every May and I would pick armfuls of blossoms and fill my room at home with them, using old mason jars and coffee tins as vases. I blame my obsession with gardening on my grandmother."
"Oliver, I haven't talked about this stuff in years," Marcus smiles. "I hope I'm not boring you?"
"Not at all baby. I love hearing about you're family. I'm having a wonderful time. You don't talk much about your mother though. Is there a reason?" he asks curious.
"I don't know. I love her, but we don't see eye to eye on many things."
"The Gay thing?"
"I thought she was OK, with it. I know she doesn't approve, really. Some of it's me I'm sure. The fact that I have no kid, no marriage...even to a man...Mom's about family and I haven't been around much, except for the last few years. With college, living in France, then DC, Florida and Virginia. The family got used to me not being around and not including me."
"And now you're back," Oliver says.
"And I no longer know them, nor they me. I don't think we really like each other, though things were different when Dad was alive," Marcus says honestly, confessing his mistakes, his short comings.
"You can still do something about it," Oliver reassures him.
"I've tried. I feel like an invader, a stranger. I've never felt unwelcome, just not a part. Different. And I am different. Not just Gay different. Different all together. My education, my travel, my life in the city, it's all made me different."
"Do you hold that against them?" he asks.
"I don't think so. I don't think they hold it against me. We simply have nothing in common. Plus being around Mom is depressing. She's never been the most positive person in the world," Marcus says, and admits to himself that he too, can be a downer.
Oliver's cell phone rings and breaks the moment.
"Sorry babe, I've got to take this call. It's Satchel," Oliver say as he flips open the phone. "Hey Kiddo, what you up to?" he asks his son and walks towards the water.
Marcus frowns selfishly and reaches into the cooler for another beer. He drinks it and watches the waves crash onto the beach and recede. "Everything OK at home?" he asks when Oliver returns and sits down in his beach chair.
"Yes, but I have to leave tomorrow morning. Julia is going into the hospital for some tests and I need to be home when Satchel gets off the bus from school."
"Is she OK?" Marcus asks concerned.
"As far as I know. I haven't talked to her since I've been here. Satchel hasn't said anything that would make me think otherwise," Oliver says. "You about ready to head home? I'm getting a little chilly in this wind."
"Yeah, if you want. I'll gather the poles and such if you take care of the picnic stuff?"
"There's one more stop to make on the way out of the park, if that's alright. Something I'd like to show you," Marcus says as he folds up the chairs and walks them to the back of the Jeep.
"It's your show," Oliver smiles up at Marcus as he closes the lid to the basket. He shakes the sand from the blanket, folds it and neatly places it on top of the basket. He raises the handles and quickly places the whole bundle into the rear of the car.
Marcus reels in the lines of each pole and stows them in the holders attached to the front bumper of the old Jeep. He jumps into the driver's seat and turns over the engine. Oliver slips into the passenger's seat and they roar off. Marcus drives parallel to the waves and occasionally directs the old girl into the surf, spraying them with water. Oliver laughs as he wipes the sea spray from his face.
"Do it again," he yells over the surf and the roar of the engine like an excited boy. He pokes Marcus in the ribs, so Marcus does. He enjoys seeing his lover smile with his eyes full of excitement like a kid on Christmas morning. "That was great," Oliver says as they drive over the dune and into the forested section of the park. Marcus drives to a clearing and cuts the engine. He reaches over Oliver into the glove compartment and pulls out a pair of binoculars.
"You have to be a bit patient here," he says as he looks through the binoculars.
"What are you looking for," Oliver asks.
"Something rather rare and very beautiful, like you."
"Marcus, that so nice," Oliver replies and places an arm around his shoulder.
"It's almost sundown, that's when they feed, so we should have a...there, there..."he says and hands the binoculars to Oliver. "Over by that clump of dead pines. There to the right. See them?" he asks Oliver.
"What am I looking for," he asks feeling stupid for not knowing.
"White deer. They're famous. At least they're the local celebrities. This is the only place you can see them. They're protected in the park, so they flourish," Marcus say excited.
"Wait, I see one. Oh my gosh there's, 1, 2, 3...that is so cool," Oliver hands the binoculars back to Marcus. He takes a look and returns them to Oliver.
"They're running through the pines, now. I, oh, they're gone," he say disappointed.
"They're always around," Marcus says and starts up the engine. "You feel up to a take out pizza from Grotto's?"
"Pizza sounds great to me," he says and returns the binoculars to the glove compartment and off they roll.
"Next weekend is my weekend with Satchel," Oliver quietly says as he stares into the empty pizza box. They sit in silence at one end off the large farm table. Marcus touches Oliver's hand.
"That's OK. With me working all the time it doesn't leave us much time anyway," Marcus says resigned to the fact. He always knew this weekend was coming. Sooner or later. How could he be mad at a man who wants to spent time with his child. Marcus is determined NOT to be an ass.
"Don't make it sound like that..."Oliver trails off, doesn't finish his sentence.
"Oliver, I'm going to miss you like...like...I don't know what, but I know better than to get in between you and Satchel."
"Now what is that supposed to mean?" Oliver asks.
"Look, this isn't coming out right. Any time we have together is special to me, but I know that the time you have with your son is special, too. I don't want to come in between you and him. We'll fit us in when we can. Understand? Did I say it better this time?"
"Yes, you had me worried there for a moment,"Oliver confesses.
"I'm kind of stuck on you, mister," Marcus says and he leaves his seat and slips into Oliver's lap. He kisses him and Oliver kisses him back. He wraps him in his arms and squeezes tight.
"How about an early night," Oliver suggests. Marcus gets up and takes Oliver by the hand. He leads him up to the bedroom where they make love until they are exhausted and fall into a dreamless sleep.
Marcus lays naked in bed, sipping coffee and watching his lover dress. It's odd that Oliver is the one leaving. Usually, it's him, Marcus who has to leave to open the nursery.
"You need any help," he asks Oliver.
"Getting dressed?" Oliver replies.
"No silly"
"I don't think so. My laptop is in my Jeep. My bag is packed...thanks for washing my clothes, by the way..."
"You've very welcome," Marcus says.
"My cell and keys are here on the dresser," he says as he tucks his tee shirt into his jeans and zips. "If there's anything left, I can get it when I come back," he says nervously. Afraid he might not be back. Hoping he'll be back as soon as possible. "I did leave the 'necessities' underneath the pillow."
"That sounds nice," Marcus says.
"What that I left them under the pillow?" Oliver is confused.
"No, the when I come back part," Marcus smiles.
"Oh yes," Oliver says as he stuffs his keys and cell phone into the pockets of his jeans. He walks over to the bed and sits next to a reclining Marcus. "You look good enough to eat," he says as he runs his hand up his lover's naked body. He kisses him deeply. "Hope that'll keep you till I get back."
"No, it won't," Marcus says with all honesty.
"No. Me neither." Oliver stands and Marcus sees tears roll down his cheeks. "I don't know why I'm crying. We'll only be a part for a little over a week," Oliver says and turns away, embarrassed.
Marcus gets out of bed and slips his arms around Oliver. He rests his head on his back. "Go be with your son. We'll be OK. I promise. We'll miss each other, we'll cry may be a bit, but we'll be back together soon, baby. I love you, remember. We jumped off that metaphorical bridge together. There's no turning back."
"Thank you,"Oliver says and turns to face Marcus. He places his arms around his lover's neck. "I love you, too. I needed to hear you say it so badly. I needed you to say it first, so that I know you mean it."
"I do. Now get the hell out of here while you still can. I'm feeling the need to get rope and tie you up so you can never leave," Marcus jokes and slaps Oliver hard on the ass.
"OK, OK," he laughs. "But don't get dressed. Go back to bed. I want to think about you naked and sleeping in your bed," he says. He picks up his bag and kisses Marcus one last time. Marcus climbs back into bed and waves good bye. Oliver leaves the room, descends the stairs and quietly shuts the front door. Marcus listens to the Jeep as it leaves the drive and heads down the country road, back to the city. He listens until there is nothing left but silence, then he buries his head in the pillow and cries himself to sleep.
Marcus wakes late in the day. He showers, shaves and goes through the motions of a normal day. Downstairs, the critters greet him with enthusiasm and he smiles at his little family. The phone rings suddenly and his heart leaps into his throat. He checks the caller ID and see Jen's number.
"How you doing," she asks, knowing Oliver was to leave this morning.
"Just got up a little while ago," he replies somewhat tired.
"Cheer up, you'll see him soon enough."
"I know, but it's like the day after you take the Christmas tree down. It feels like all the life has been sucked from the room. That there will be no more Christmases ever."
Jen laughs, "Honey, you can be such a little boy sometimes."
Now it's Marcus's turn to laugh,"Oliver said the same thing to me the other day."
"That's more like it. Laughter cures everything."
" Thanks Jen, you're so sweet to check up on me. I think Watson and I are going to take a walk. I'll see you in the morning," Marcus says and hangs up.
"Watson!" Marcus yells. "Want walkies?"
Watson barrels through the pet door and skids to a stop at Marcus's feet. Marcus grabs the leash and out the front door they go. They pass through the roses and out to the road. "Left or right?" Marcus asks Watson. "Rowoof," he barks, pulling his master down the small country road to the left, towards Jen's house.
"We're not walking all the way to Jen's house Watson. That's too far. Have a little pity for your old man," Marcus says. He lets the retractable leash out fully and with a bounce in his step, follows his loyal hound on a scenting adventure.
Four hours later, dirty, sweaty and starving, the adventurous duo returns to the safety and comfort of their air conditioned home. The message light blinks on the phone. Marcus knows it's Oliver. He pours fresh water into Watson's bowl, tosses him a treat and opens the fridge to retrieve the pitcher of Jen's peach tea. He pours a tall glass and walks to the phone. He pushes play.
"Hey it's me. Sorry I missed you. I tried your cell, but you must have it in the charger because it went straight to voice mail. I'm home and I miss you. I'll call again closer to bed time. I love you." The message ends. Marcus saves it.
Oliver does indeed call again that night, and every other night. Marcus lives for the phone calls, but he makes sure his days are not wasted and that he concentrates on the task at hand. Running his nursery. Jen is sensitive to Marcus's plight and refrains from teasing him, even when she find him mooning and staring out the window. She makes it her goal to get him through this week in one piece and without a melt down. So far everything is going according to plan. Mother even helps with a plan for a Friday night game night.
"I'm down with it as long as Mahjong's is banned," Marcus says. He understands what his friends are trying to do and he means to go along with their plan because he knows it's in his best interest. He does not want to be a mopey mooning jerk.
By closing time Sunday, Marcus believes the worst to be behind him and differs any invitation for the evening, but alone in his house with 2 long days off looming in front of him, he falters. By nine he is pacing the floor, trying to decide what to do. He's disgusted Murphy, who retreats to the safety of the turret window seats in the bedroom. He's exhausted Watson, who tries to keep pace with his master's pacing. By nine thirty, both he and Watson are packed and driving the Jeep to DC as Cindi Lauper sings in dramatic fashion...I drive all night just to be with you, to make love to you. Is that alright? Is that alright?
By midnight Marcus pulls into a parking spot across from Oliver's Logan Circle townhouse. He is almost certain that this is a mistake, but decides...in for a penny, in for a pound. He jumps out of the old Wrangler and walks across the street. Watson hangs his head out the window for moral support and 'woofs'. Marcus's hand shakes as he rings the bell, half hoping Oliver's not home.
After a few second, he sees a light turn on in the foyer and notices the shadow of a man as he descends the stairs. Oliver, confused for a moment, shades his eyes with his hand to see who's standing in the light on his stoop. He recognizes Marcus suddenly and flings the front door open and scoops him into a huge bear hug.
"Oh my God, I can't believe you're here. I was just thinking about you. Wishing you were here. Willing you to be here and now you are. Like magic," he says as he swings Marcus into the foyer and kisses him.
"Avon calling," Marcus quips. He's excited by Oliver's reaction, but still unsure if this surprise visit is a good idea. "Watson's in the car," he adds. "Do you always greet you guests in nothing but a pair of flimsy boxer briefs?" Marcus asks, noticing Oliver's attire.
"I was asleep."
"Oh, well I can leave," Marcus teases and turns to go. Oliver pulls him back inside and kisses him again. He puts Marcus's hand on his now tenting boxer briefs and says, "This is not a gun and I'm very happy to see you. Now go get the dog. I'm cold."
Marcus leashes Watson, tosses his knapsack over his shoulder and grabs the shopping bag with Watson's bowls and kibble and returns in a flash. Within seconds of closing the door, Oliver is naked and deep inside Marcus's mouth and Watson is asleep on the rug in the hallway. Human drama always tires him out.
"So, are you very mad at me?" Marcus asks post coitus. They lay naked and tangled in the bedsheets, both sporting devilish grins instead of erections.
"Are you kidding me? After the way I greeted you, you're worried I mad...Marcus,"
"Call me insecure. I didn't call, I brought the dog. I wondered if there'd been some imaginary line drawn in the sand when I wasn't paying attention to anything other than your ass."
"You are so silly," Oliver says and pulls him closer and kisses his eyes. "This calls for a celebration. I'll call Julia and Satchel tomorrow and they can come to dinner and meet you!"
"Hold on there chief. Aren't we rushing things a bit?" Marcus tenses.
"Not at all. I've told them all about you and they're eager to meet you."
"Not quite what I had planned..." Marcus says half under his breath.
"We can do that too, you know." Oliver laughs. "Or are you chicken?"
"Oliver Twist, don't you go there," Marcus say laughing and climbs on top of Oliver. He pins his arms to the head board, then kisses him.
"I double dare you," Oliver yells at the top of his lungs, causing poor disoriented Watson to rush under the bed.
"That's dirty pool, Twist. You know I just lost $20 to Mother on a double dare?"
"You gambled with a child?"
"Oliver, you know as well as I do that Emma is not a child. She's a wolf in child's clothing. And she beat the tail off me in Yhatzee!"
"OK...a dare's a dare. But you're such a cheater Oliver. You're...you're...you're twisted."
"Not the first time I've earned that name, babe," Oliver smiles and pins Marcus on his back.
"Hey, no fair, I wasn't ready," Marcus complains.
"You won't mind in a few seconds," Oliver say as he dives under the sheets. His lips travel down Marcus's torso and find a treasure.
Early Monday morning, a day and time most people hate, the boys are rather chipper. A good roll in the hay will do that for you. They sit at the kitchen bar in their respective boxer briefs, Marcus red, Oliver blue and sip coffee.
"That's an ugly back yard you have Oliver," Marcus says bluntly. "Watson almost refused to got out and pee. No good smells, probably. All squirrel and homeless man urine."
"Marcus, what a horrible thing to say," Oliver replies shocked.
"Oh shit, did I really say that out loud?"
"Yes, you did," Oliver says and shakes his head. He laughs in spite of the off handed insult.
"I'm so sorry, baby. I didn't mean to insult you, only the garden...or lack there of," Marcus says and kisses his man on the ear, then punches him in the arm.
"Serves you right. Now, I'll make a deal with you. We can go ahead with tonight's dinner, but you've got to let me at the back yard. You need a garden, Oliver."
"It's fine the way it is. Satchel and I can play football or baseball or chase each other around. Besides, it's too small for a garden."
"Chicken? Bock, bock, bock..." Marcus taunts and pokes Oliver's ribs, then grabs his crotch. "Oliver I can show restraint," Marcus says in his designer's voice.
"What, like right now?" Oliver asks as Marcus's hand inches into Oliver's briefs
"Well..." Marcus's says sheepishly.
"OK, do what you want, just leave us room to play,"
"Great!" Marcus says and jumps up from the kitchen bar and pulls his hand from Oliver's underwear and runs upstairs to shower, dress and get to work.
"What happened to the unrestrained?
"Sorry, no sex with clients. Bad for business," he says as his climbs up the stairs. "And no peaking while I'm working. I'm going to draw the curtains and I expect some restraint from you Mr. Twist," Marcus yells down from the top of the stairs.
Six hours later with many trips to many different stores, Marcus's gift of a garden is ready. He enters through the back door covered from head to toe with dirt and mulch. His arms are scratched and blood travels down his leg. He smiles from ear to ear.
"You look like something Murphy dragged in from the garden," Oliver says as Marcus closes the door.
"No peaking, Twist and I mean it," Marcus frowns. "I wounded myself for you, I'll have you know." Marcus points to the now dried blood that covers his leg.
"Perennials bite, now?" he asks, thinking himself clever for using a gardening term.
"Ha, Ha. No cheating. Got it?"
"Yes, sir."
"So when is the family coming over and what are we having?"
"An hour or so. You have plenty of time to clean up," he says. Oliver thinks to himself...an hour...and realizes he's nervous. He wonders about Marcus. Is he nervous, too? "I'll toss some steaks on the grill and a burger for Satchel if you'll make a salad?"
"Sounds great, I'll be quick because I want to take Watson on a short walkies. He hasn't walked the streets of DC since he was a puppy."
Cleaned up, walkies accomplished, food readied, the boys sit in Oliver's living room drinking chardonnay and saying next to nothing. They cross and uncross their legs. Hold hands, then let go. Too clammy. Oliver gets up to look out the front door window, then sits down. Marcus downs his drink out of nerves and frustration.
"Want another drink?" Oliver asks.
"No, I don't think so. Oliver I'm so nervous," Marcus confesses. "What if they don't like me?"
Oliver puts down his glass and slips his arm around Marcus's shoulder. "How could they not like someone as funny and kind and handsome as you, baby?" Oliver is honest and sincere.
"But this is your family, for heaven's sake!"
"It's not the Pope or Queen Elizabeth II. It's Julia and Satchel, that's all," he says and kisses Marcus for reassurance. Suddenly the door bell rings. It judgment day. Marcus's heart sinks.
Oliver sprints to the door. He smiles and opens it.
"Hey, buddy," Oliver says and swings Satchel up and into his arms. He pecks Julia's offered cheek and steps aside to let her enter. "Come on in, there's someone here I want you both to meet," he says and leads the way into the living room.
Marcus imagines he feels like a 'dead man walking' as the group proceeds toward him. He manages to smile and suck in his stomach at the same time. Watson, almost stumbling over his ears down the strange steps arrives on time.
"Who's dog?" Satchel asks and wiggles out of his father arms.
"That Watson. Marcus's dog," he replies to his son.
"Watson like in Sherlock Holmes?" Satchel asks.
"Is it Marcus? I never thought to ask," Oliver says, surprised his son knows about that fictional character.
"Elementary, my dear Watson," Marcus says and Watson woofs.
"Julia, I'd like you to meet my...my..." Oliver falters. "Wow, what do I say Marcus? I'm a little too old to say boyfriend. Oh, hell. Julia this is Marcus, my boyfriend. Marcus this is Julia, my best friend and mother of my son," Oliver smiles. Happy to have lived through the introduction.
"Very nice to meet you Marcus,"Julia says and extends her hand. "I've heard some very naughty things about you," she says and smiles.
Marcus blushes, but is not one to be outdone. He knows instantly that he is going to like this woman. "Ah, I see my reputation proceeds me. All true of course." Marcus bows deeply and takes Julia's hand and presses it against his lips.
"Oliver," Julia says. "I think you've met your match with this man."
"I think so too," he says and winks at Marcus.
"And this monkey," Oliver says as he pokes Satchel in the tummy. "This is my son Satchel James Twist."
"Very pleased to meet you, sir," Marcus says as he bends down to shake Satchel's hand.
"The pleasure is all mind, sir." he replies and surprises the hell out of Marcus.
"Too much PBS," Julia says when she notices the expression on Marcus's face. "I think he even knows the definition of precocious."
"I think he and my friend Emma will get along very well," Marcus sighs.
"Why doesn't everybody sit down and I fix some drinks?"
"Jen sent some peach tea with me. It's in the fridge," Marcus says.
"Daddy, can I go upstairs and play in my room?"
"Can you wait a bit, kiddo? Marcus and Watson have a surprise for us outside. Something you might like. You want a juice or a ginger ale?"
"Yes, please."
"Babe, you want a beer or another glass of wine?" Oliver asks Marcus. He doesn't respond, thinking Oliver is talking to Julia. "Marcus? Babe, beer or wine?"
"Oh, I'm sorry. I'll stick to wine, thanks."
"Oliver, I'll try some of Marcus's friend's tea if that's OK."
Oliver returns with a drinks tray full of beverages. They grab their drink and Oliver clears his throat and prepares to make a toast. Eyes roll.
"Oh come on guys. This is important to me. This is a big night in my life. My family together meeting my boyfriend...God, I'm too old for that word..."
"How do you think it makes me feel Oliver?" Marcus chimes in and Julia laughs.
"Alright already. I'll keep it simple...To the loves of my life," he says and raises his glass. Marcus looks down, tears in his eyes. When he looks up, he sees Julia smiling at him. She raises her glass and drinks. He steps forward and clinks her glass.
"I think we're going to be very good friends," she says and kisses him on the cheek. "Anyone who can fluster my Ex and keep him on his toes is golden in my book." Julia laughs and winks at Oliver. Oliver crosses over to Marcus and puts an arm around his waist.
"So Marcus, isn't it about time for the reveal?"
"I guess so. I'll keep it short and sweet. This is how I show my love," he says and pulls back the curtains and opens the doors.
"Marcus what have you done?" Oliver exclaims as he throws open the door to the back yard and runs out into the new garden. .
"Oliver, I'm sorry if you don't like it. I'll change it back tomorrow." he says crestfallen.
"You'll do no such thing," he replies. "I love it. It's amazing. Just the right thing for us, for Satchel," he says as he walks out into his new garden. "What a gift you've given us!" He grabs his boyfriend by the waist and embraces him. Kisses him straight on the mouth.
"It's beautiful," Julia says and places a hand on his shoulder. "You are a very talented man."
"It's a very simple garden, Oliver. One you can handle without a lot of work," Marcus says.
"I think you're going to have to help me, baby."
"No, really. It's very low maintenance. Trust me. I know my client." Oliver laughs.
"Here, look. On the patio, I have two pots with evergreens. Very drought tolerant, but I've put in drip irrigation. At the base of the patio, coneflowers. They bloom all season long, but are tough and need little care. Plus you can cut them and bring them inside. On each side are knock out roses, again very tolerant of dry soil and bloom for 5 months or more and paired with them are some little Japanese hollies called soft touch which stay very small. In the back corner I put a red crape myrtle that'll give you some shade for the table there. You and Satchel can have a picnic. And then over by the shed, I put a sand pit in for Satchel and his trucks and robots and such. The arbor here just has some honey suckle on it for scent and the hummingbirds, plus when I was Satchel's age, we'd pluck the blossoms and lick the honeydew from the pistil. I'll show him how to do it".
"Hey buddy, come see what Marcus made us," Oliver says and grabs Satchel by the waist and flings him over his shoulder. They run to the picnic area under the Myrtle and sit. Then they run to the sand pit and fill the dump truck Marcus bought and placed there. In five seconds they are dirty.
"I can't believe you did this in one day and that you included Satchel. You didn't even know him?"
"I knew what would make his father happy. A nice place for them to play. He's really just a boy at heart. Like me," Marcus confesses.
"I can see that," Julia says.
"I think we might be cooking dinner, Julia."
"Yes. Let's do it. It'll be fun. We'll let the boys play and call them into dinner later," she laughs.
Julia and Marcus slip back into the house. Before they close the door, they let Watson out to play. He runs straight for the sand pit and jumps in. Satchel howls with laughter and Watson howls right back.
Once in the kitchen, Julia and Marcus fall into a rhythm. Marcus follows Julia's lead, she being familiar with Oliver's kitchen and where he keeps everything.
"So what are we having?" Julia asks.
"Steaks, salad. I think Oliver said hamburgers for Satchel?" Marcus says opening the door to the fridge. "Here they are. Wow, nice steaks. The boy knows how to shop."
"Oliver never skimps on steak. He'd rather go without than eat a bad one," Julia laughs.
"My kind of man, God, doesn't that make you feel weird?"
"What," Julia asks not understanding.
"It's weird to me. I've never dated someone with an ex-wife and a child."
"It doesn't bother you though?"
"No, in fact it's wonderful..just not MY normal fare. Too ghettoized I suppose."
"That I understand. Working on the Hill, it's the same thing kind of. You loose your sense of what everyone else is doing and how they're living.
"I'm pretty much a hermit."
"A handsome man like you? Come on."
"Oliver is the first man I've dated in 10 years," Marcus confesses as he makes the salad. Julia molds the hamburgers. The steaks marinate.
"No way!"
"Way dude," Marcus says and Julia laughs again. Her laugh is light and airy and pleasant to the ear. Like crystals in a breeze.
"Marcus, you are way to charming to be single," she says.
"I'm not any longer," he says and smiles. Julia smiles back and touches his hand with her greasy burger fingers.
"Oh, I'm sorry."
"Hey, my hands have seen cow poop today. It's OK."
"I hope you've washed?" she jokes.
"Never. It's my dirty little secret."he says and pokes her in the arm. "I'm going to light the grill. We're almost ready aren't we?" he asks.
"I think so..."
Marcus watches Oliver and Satchel from the door. They are still playing in the sand pit Marcus made for them. Marcus swears he can see electricity flow from father to son and back. It's highlighted by the dimming sky. Marcus rubs his hand. He knows about electricity.
Julia walks up behind Marcus, she sees him watching her son and her ex. She lightly places her hand on Marcus's shoulder. "He's a very giving child, Marcus." she says. "You can be friends with him. He'll like you, I know."
Marcus turns to Julia with tears in his eyes. "Julia, I'm so frightened by what I feel for Oliver. I love him so much and it's all happened so fast. I'm afraid it'll go away that quickly. That I'll mess it up. I always have before."
"Marcus, come here," she says and motions to the couch. "Sit down sweetie. Listen to me. Oliver is just as crazy about you and has the same insecurities, tough police officer exterior or not. Listen, he's never even let anyone meet Satchel. He's never trusted them. He talks about you constantly until I'm blue in the face...no offense,"she says and places her hand on his.
"Julia I can't believe I'm sitting here having this conversation with you?"
"Why not?"
"You're his ex-wife and the mother of his child. Aren't you supposed to be bitter or something?" Again Julia laughs.
"Just because Oliver and I are divorced, doesn't mean we don't love one another. Our love has changed, yes. But it's as strong as it was when we married. We're brother and sister, best friends, mother and father to our beautiful child. How can I be bitter?" she asks. "Now the boys will be hungry soon, so we should get this dinner rolling, you with me?"
"Definitely," Marcus says and follows Julia out the back door.
"Boys, it's almost time for dinner. You might want to go inside and clean up?" Julia says.
"Mom, I want to play with Watson," Satchel replies, close to pleading.
"Watson's not going anywhere. You two can play after dinner and if you're good maybe Marcus will let you take him for a walk,"
"Julia..." Marcus begins, but she interrupts.
"Marcus, contrary to what the school says, he doesn't bite that hard," Julia jokes.
"Ah, what? Oh Julia, you almost had me," he replies.
"Boys are SO easy," she says in a valley girl accent and lays out the dishes on the patio table.
Marcus fires up the gas grill and tosses on the steaks and hamburgers when it's hot.
"Burgers are almost done guys!" Marcus yells over his shoulder. Julia sits at the table sipping her tea. She watches them play and her heart sings. She knows deep in her heart that her time on this earth is now limited, but pieces of the future are falling together and it pleases her.
"Yes, Julia?"
"Do you think your friend Jen would give me her recipe for this tea? It's the best southern sweet tea I've ever tasted."
"You know she's won blue ribbons at the fair for that tea. I've never been able to weasel it out of her. Maybe if we get her really drunk," Marcus says, imagining Jen drunk.
"I don't think that would be very fair."Julia says.
"And this coming from a woman who works at the highest level of government?"
"You've got me there, Marcus. You've got me there."
"Marcus why don't you and Satchel take Watson for a walk. Oliver and I will clean up and do the dishes, then I've got to get the little man home and to bed. It's a school night, plus I'm sure you fellas would enjoy some alone time," Julia says as she begins to gather the dishes. "The steaks were delicious, by the way," she adds as she gently pulls Marcus out of his chair."
"Julia?" Marcus says fumbling.
"I know for a fact that you love kids and are very good with you friend's daughter Emma," Julia whispers in his ear and pushes him towards Satchel." She calls Satchel. "Sweetheart, Bring Watson over here. Marcus said you and he can take him for a quick walk around the block," Julia says and hugs Marcus.
"I'll go grab his leash and we'll be off, OK Satchel?"
"That'll be fun Mr. Marcus," Satchel replies.
"I'm simply Marcus, Satchel," he says to the boy.
"OK Simply Marcus," the boy says as he runs towards him. Watson following, ears flapping like the wings of a demented bird. The dog is having as much fun as Satchel.
Marcus looks at Julia and laughs. She shrugs her shoulders. He walks into the kitchen to grab Watson's leash. Both dog and boy await him at the front door.
"Ready?" Marcus asks his new small friend as he clips the leash to Watson's collar. They slip out the door. Watson in the lead, Satchel in tow with a huge grin on his face, and Marcus bringing up the rear, a look of fear sprouts across his face as he grabs Satchel's hand and disappears into the night.
"You think they'll be alright?" Oliver asks his ex-wife.
"Honey, that boy is so in love with you, he'd slay a dragon if you asked him to. He's fearful, I can see that, but he's solid as a rock.
"I'm glad you think so," he replies as he loads the dishwasher.
Meanwhile, Marcus holds tight to Satchel's hand in order to keep Watson from dragging him off into some dark alley where he'll never be heard from again.
"Pull back on the leash Satchel, you have to make him know you're the boss or he'll run away with you," he says to the boy.
"OK, Marcus," Satchel replies and pulls the leash with both hands. Watson immediately sits and waits for his walkers to catch up.
"Can I show you how we walk?" Marcus ask Satchel. "We have to always make sure Watson is on his best behavior, especially here in the city with so many people around. He's so used to running around loose at the nursery that he forgets his manners."
"OK," Satchel says and hands the leash over to Marcus.
"Take Watson's leash in your right hand, run the excess through your left. Make sure Watson walks on your left, and at your side. Keep the leash taunt, but not tight. The term for this is: heeling. Heel as in your foot, not healing a wound. Understand?" Marcus asks the boy.
"I think so, Marcus," he responds.
Marcus hands the leash back to Satchel and he grabs it tightly in his right hand. He threads the remainder through his left and commands Watson to heel. Satchel resumes the walk and Watson, indeed finding his city manners, complies. He is in fact the epitome of the judging ring at Westminster. Marcus is proud of his pooch and breathes a sigh of relief. Slowly, they make their way around the block, at first in silence, then Satchel plucks up the courage to speak.
"So are you dating my Dad now Marcus?" he plainly asks.
Shocked at the directness and simplicity of the question, Marcus is momentarily speechless. Once he gains his voice, he says, "Yes. I like your Dad very much. This doesn't upset you does it?" Marcus asks.
"No. It's about time he settled down with someone. You're nice and I can tell you really like him."
"Why thank you. I think that the best compliment I've had in a long time Satchel," Marcus smiles, feeling less nervous. Wondering deep down if he understands what repercussions that statement could bring him in the future. Of course, Satchel doesn't have any idea. Marcus doesn't know, Oliver can't know, nor even Julia.
They continue their walk in silence and just before they round the corner and return to the front door of the townhouse, Marcus can sense Satchel hesitate.
"Is there something else that you want to ask me Satchel? Something you want to know?" Marcus asks concerned.
"Can you ask my Dad...I've asked him before and he's said 'we'll see...'" Satchel fumbles his words, bows his head and stoops down to hug Watson.
"You want a dog don't you?" Marcus asks. Grateful to the man upstairs for the clue.
"Oh, Marcus you don't know how much I want a dog. Mom has already said no, but I thought that may be I could have a dog at Dad's house, and I could come home from school every day and take care of him and walk him and play with him and everything. Now that you made the backyard so pretty it would be so great to have a dog there. He'd be real comfortable and we could all play with him. He'd be a great friend to Watson. Don't you think Watson would like having a friend. I like having friends." Satchel finally stops and takes a breath. He looks into Marcus's eyes with his little boy's pleading eyes and Marcus melts. Marcus has always been a sucker for kids. Emma has him wrapped around her finger, but to her credit, she never abuses that specific talent. Much.
"Would you like me to talk to your Dad for you? Put in a good word about how well you handle Watson? Is that what you'd like me to do?"
"Would you really?" Satchel asks excited. He rushes up to Marcus and gives him a big hug. "That would be so super." He bends down to pet Watson again.
"I have to be honest with you kiddo," Marcus says and looks Satchel straight in the eyes. "I don't know how much influence I'll have with your Dad on this subject, but I can definitely promise you one thing. I will be honest with him and explain how much you would like a dog and how well you walked Watson. I will also promise you and your Dad that if he does decide to get you a dog I will help you train it. Even teach it tricks. How's that?" Marcus asks, hoping these promises don't come back to bite him in the ass.
"That's great, Marcus. Thank you very much. And I know you'll convince Dad. I'm sure of it," Satchel smiles and walks Watson to the front door.
"OK, so much for hoping the promises don't bite me in the ass," Marcus says to himself. "Already a done deal. Shit." They enter the townhouse and find Julia waiting in the living room.
"Did you have a good time with Watson and Marcus?" Julia asks.
"Marcus showed me how to make Watson heel and have city manners," Satchel says to his mother.
"City manners?" she looks at Marcus with a question in her eyes.
"One must always put their best paw forward when in society, madame," Marcus says and bows.
"But of course. How silly of me," she smiles and hugs her son to her. "Now I know you're not going to like it Satchel, but you have to say good night to Watson because tomorrow is a school day and we've got to get you to bed. It's past your bed time as it is. You're going to be tired in the morning."
Watson walks up to Satchel and shows him his belly. Satchel bends down and scratches it, then puts his arms around the dog's neck and hugs. Watson licks his face and when Satchel releases him, shakes out his wonderful ears.
The adults say their good byes and Oliver shows his family to their car. Marcus waits on the stoop. Oliver returns, wraps his arm around Marcus's waist. They both wave to the car as it drives away. The neon blue lights of the BMW point the way home to Georgetown.
"You charmer," Oliver says to his lover once back inside the house. He folds him in his arms and plants huge sloppy kisses all over Marcus's face. It reminds Marcus of Watson's kisses. He is not impressed.
"Crazy man what are you doing?" Marcus pulls away and wipes his face with his sleeve.
"How did you and your dog manage to charm not only my ex-wife, but my son so quickly?"
"I think the sand pit helped and then we talked about you getting a dog..." Marcus cannot look Oliver in the eyes when he says the last phrase.
"You did not promise that boy that I'd get him a dog did you?"
"Of course I didn't Oliver. I'm not callous. I honestly told him that I didn't think I had much influence with you on this matter, but that I'd gladly plead his case. The boy wants a dog so badly, Oliver. How could I say no?"
"I know he does. I've been putting him off. Thinking that he'd get tired of the idea. But honestly, I've really been thinking about it seriously. I've enjoyed the time I've spent with Watson. He's a great dog." Oliver admits to Marcus and himself.
"No, Watson is a superior dog. And we've also put in a lot of time training each other." Marcus admits. "Why don't I put out some feelers on the Internet with my Basset Hound Rescue friends?" Marcus asks. "We won't say anything to Satchel unless we find a dog we think he might like. That sound alright?"
"It sounds like I'm getting a dog," Oliver says and frowns. Then smiles and looks exactly like Satchel for a second. This makes Marcus laugh.
"Oh please. Did you think for a second that you could be involved with me and not have a garden and an animal of some kind?"
Oliver laughs and admits, "No, not once a got to know you a bit. Deep down I knew it would happen eventually. And I must be truthful. I wanted it to happen...well may be not the garden so much..." Marcus punches him in the arm. Hard.
"I can always rip it out, you know," he says.
"I'm kidding!" Oliver yells. "Uncle!"
Marcus grabs him by the waist and pulls him close. "Let's go to bed, I've had a rather trying day and I need my beauty sleep."
"We can go to bed babe, but I will not guarantee that either of us will get any sleep," Oliver says and pulls his man to him and kisses him sweetly and tenderly. "I was so proud of you tonight. You were your honest self, funny and charming and kind. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect evening. Thank you for everything," Oliver whispers into Marcus ear and marches him upstairs to make love.
The sun slips quietly into Oliver's bedroom from behind the curtains. It takes its time waking them, allowing them the luxury of half sleep, allowing them the luxury of cuddling and roaming caresses. Hands travel up and down strong hairy legs, over firm chests and scrubby faces. Whispers tickle ears, toes intermingle and lips touch. Just barely touch; brushing lightly against each other.
Now fully awake, they kiss long and deep as if they were searching for something inside the other and miraculously find it. They are slowly completing each other without knowing it, or perhaps they do know it subconsciously, deep down in their gut.
"Oliver," Marcus whispers breathless. "I don't know how to put into words what I'm feeling at this very moment."
"I feel it too Marcus," he interrupts.
"Please, I have to say this...I have to tell you. I have to try to find words to explain," he implores. Tears form at the corners of his eyes. "I know we jumped off the bridge and said the 'L word', but I'm afraid. This is nothing like I've ever felt, that's so cliché, I know, but I'm almost frightened at the intensity of...of your skin, the soft hairs that cover your chest and legs. The way you barely brush your lips against mine. It sends shivers down my spine, curls my toes and fires my crotch all at the same time. I can't think about anything but you. I've tried and then find myself staring out the window like some moonstruck teenager wondering when I'll see you next. And it's not all about the sex. It's being near you; looking into your eyes, catching a whiff of your scent, sitting next to you while we watch a movie holding hands and eating microwave popcorn."
Oliver pulls him to his chest, kisses his forehead. "I almost lost a client the other day because I was daydreaming about you kissing my eyes. Holding my face in your hands and looking straight into my eyes...deep into my eyes and you found something there. I don't know what it is, a better me? But you've brought it to the surface and I'll never be the same again."
"I know inside me what you mean without you actually saying it. I can feel it. It's a cool calmness, a fiery passion. It's you inside me and me inside you. Breathing for each other. Feeling you as if I were you, and you me. I know I'm not explaining properly, either. It's like I'm time traveling," he laughs and nuzzles Marcus's neck. Buries his face in his scent.
After an hour or so of trying to rouse the lovers from bed and remaining unsuccessful, the sun, offended, gives up and dips behind a cloud for a mid-morning nap. The men, follow suit...entangled in each other and the sheets and dream of each other.
The phone bleats, pulls the lovers from their sleep. "Let the machine get it," Oliver whispers into Marcus's ear. As if he were actually going to answer the phone.
"Oliver," Marcus says as he sits up in bed. "I have to leave some time today."
"I know. I'm being a procrastinator. Selfish. Wanting you all to myself."
"That's a wonderful thought, but one I'm afraid neither one of us can afford. We have businesses to run," Marcus says.
"Screw them," Oliver replies and pulls Marcus back down into the bed covers. Marcus doesn't resist.
It's noon before the men come out from under the covers. Naked, Oliver slips downstairs to make coffee and let Watson out into the garden for his constitutional. Watson is none too happy with his masters and proceeds to the nearest rose and cocks his leg. Oliver catches the action and hollers out the door. "Don't even think about it Watson. Not on my new roses Daddy put in," Watson moves away, then squats in the middle of the small lawn and leaves behind a sample of his frustration.
Coffee finished, Oliver heads back up the stairs and joins Marcus in the shower, where they actually shower and don't fool around...for the most part. Once clean and dry they savor their coffee and talk about the up coming weekend.
"Will I see you this weekend?" Marcus asks, eyes downcast. He concentrates on dressing himself.
"Of course, babe," Oliver replies touching his lover's face, freshly shaved.
"How am I supposed to survive three days without you?"
"I know I'm already dreading it and you haven't even left yet," Oliver says. "It's not enough this back and forth. I want more, I need more. I need you in my daily life."
"Baby, how are we going to manage that? Your life is here in DC and mine is in Delaware. It's not as if I can leave the nursery, Oliver," Marcus says a bit upset. He walks to the bed, grabs his over night bag and stuffs dirty clothes inside.
"Hang on, don't get upset. We'll figure it out."
"How? What's going to change?" Marcus asks frustrated.
"I honestly do not know, Marcus. The one thing I do know is that we can't give up or give in to frustration. Listen, Satchel will be finished with school in a few weeks...maybe we can come visit for a while?"
"Both of you?" Marcus asks, unsure of how that situation would work out.
"Marcus, I come with a son. I can't change that. Wouldn't want to change that," Oliver says a bit angry. "I know it's hard to suddenly have an instant family when you're used to something else, but I come as a package deal."
"I know, you've been up front about that from the beginning, but it still makes me feel uneasy. I don't know why. Emma spends more time with me than anyone else I know, including you, but somehow it's different with you. More serious? More at stake. People could get hurt. I don't want to hurt you...or your son."
"There's risk in every situation. Take it from me... the shot cop. All you can do is assess the situation and do the best you can," Oliver says from his heart. "I believe in us Marcus. Do you?"
"Yes," he replies.
"You don't sound very convincing," Oliver replies.
"Oliver, you're making me mad," Marcus says. "I do believe in us, I'm just not so sure about me," he confesses.
"Marcus, I don't think I could live with out you," Oliver says straight to his face.
"Oh, now that's complete bull, Oliver and you know it. I can't believe that even came out of your mouth," Marcus cries out.
"OK, a bit melodramatic, I admit. Let me rephrase it. I don't want to live without you in my life. Is that better?" he asks.
"Yes. That I totally believe and feel the same way.
"Then why the reticence?" he asks.
"I don't know. If you want to climb into my head and try to find it out, be my guest," Marcus retorts.
"Now you're being glib," Oliver says perturbed.
"I can't win..."Oliver cuts him short.
"It's not about winning, Marcus. It's about creating something together. You know a lot about creating."
"Oliver, it means taking the sunglasses off. Removing the armor, taking down the garden walls," Marcus finally says something honest. Oliver smiles and moves towards him. Marcus pushes him away. "If I let you in I know I'll get hurt. I don't think I have the energy to recover from another failure," Marcus says as tears run down his face.
"If you don't let me in, it'll never work," Oliver pulls Marcus close and kisses his neck. "Listen, I'll back off. You have a lot to think about. Let me know about this weekend." Oliver releases Marcus and finishes dressing and walks out the bedroom door. He makes his way down to the kitchen and pours another cup of coffee. As he wipes the tears from his face, Watson licks his leg.
"I wish you would talk to your father, Watson," Oliver says as he bends down to scratch a silky soft Basset ear.
"Roowoof'" Watson howl-barks.
"Thank you boy," Oliver says.
Jen finds Marcus a mess when she arrives at the nursery Wednesday morning. He sits at his desk silently, and gazes out the window. Occasionally, he wipes away a tear.
"What the hell happened in DC," she asks. "I thought everything was going so well...the dinner and the garden. Did you not tell me something when we talked the other night?"
"It happened the morning I left. I think we broke up," Marcus says.
"What do you mean, you think? You either did or you didn't," Jen questions.
"He keeps pushing me for more. He wants too much, too fast," Marcus confesses and breaks into tears. "Why can't he be content with the way things are. I'd like to see more of him, but I'm not about to give up my life for him."
"What did he want?" Jen asks.
"He wants to come live with me for a while this summer, WITH Satchel."
"That's it."
"That's it?" Jen say incredulous.
"What do you mean, is that it? Isn't that enough? It would never work, anyway."
"Of course it won't with that attitude. You are the most selfish, stubborn... If I found a man that wanted to share that much time with me and include me in his child's life, I'd jump at the chance," Jen yells at him and walks to the coffee machine. She pours herself a cup, takes a deep breath to calm herself and gather courage, then turns back to Marcus. "Did you ever really wonder why your other relationships never worked? Did you keep yourself as closed off from those men as you're doing to Oliver. Getting hurt sucks Marcus. When my husband died, I thought I died right along with him. I knew before the phone rang that he was gone. The connection had severed and I felt it immediately." Tears stream down Jen's face.
"And now if I had the chance, even knowing how things were to turn out, I'd do it all over again and NOT just because of Emma. I love Emma with every fiber of my body, but it would be to see her father again. To see him one more time. To feel his touch, his kiss. To laugh over some silly nothing. To sit together and watch the sun rise, saying nothing. Not having to say anything. I would go through all that heartache again and again and again." Jen places her mug back on the counter and turns to leave. Then thinks better of it.
"Marcus, I love you like a brother, but if you fuck this up I can tell you that you're going to end up a lonely, bitter man with nothing but thorny roses to keep you company." Jen kisses him on the cheek and leaves. He hears the tires of her truck toss gravel as she storms out of the parking lot.
Marcus stumbles through the rest of the day in a daze. Jen's outburst had thrown him for a loop. His issues with Oliver and what he perceived as demands seem to no longer matter. He hurt his best friend, been unfair to his lover, had only worried about his own needs. Jen is right. "I am so selfish," Marcus thinks to himself. "If I want love, tenderness and understanding I have to give them. I have to stop being afraid of everything. I have to be fearless, instead of fearful."
He closes the Nursery early and goes home to the critters. He eats a light supper and sends emails to his Basset friends. He calls Oliver, but gets the machine instead of the man. He leaves a short message saying how sorry he is and apologizes for being a selfish ass. He climbs the stairs to the empty bedroom, stopping in the doorway to remember laughing at the shredded roses. He walks to the bathroom, showers and climbs into bed.
The phone wakes him from a fitful sleep full of unhappy memories that grow out of control and turn into nightmares. He wipes the sleep from his eyes and picks up the phone.
"Hello," he sleepily says.
"Did I wake you?" the voice asks. "I can call back later."
"Oliver?" Marcus finally identifies the voice on the other end of the line. "Oliver is that really you?" Marcus asks and begins to cry.
"Baby, what's wrong?" Oliver asks concerned.
"I thought I was never going to hear from you again."
"It'll take more than a case of cold feed to get rid of me," he says smiling through the phone.
"I'm so sorry I was such an ass. All you wanted was to spend time with me and for me to get to know your son. I should have seen that as a gift, but I was so afraid of the 'what ifs' that I almost ruined it for us."
"I'm sorry for pushing you so hard. You warned me to go slowly, but I'm so sure about us that I forgot that it takes two. That you're in this with me. Forgive me?" Oliver asks.
"If you forgive me and come visit this weekend?"
"It's a done deal then. See you Friday afternoon?"
"The sooner the better," Marcus says. "And Oliver?"
"Yes, Marcus?"
"I love you. No walls, no armor, no sunglasses. Just me. Naked. Worts and all. I no longer care about getting hurt. The only thing I fear is being without you."
"We'll figure it out, I promise. We'll figure it out together, my love. Good night."
"Good night, Oliver." Marcus replaces the phone into it's dock and falls instantly into a deep and dreamless sleep.
In the morning when Jen arrives, Marcus is no where to be found. A huge bouquet of roses sits on the check out counter with a card nestled inside. Jen smiles and opens the card. It simply says: me ass, you right, as usual. Love, Marcus. Jen kisses the card, then replaces it in its envelope and begins her day.
Marcus walks into the office a few moments later, covered in dirt, but smiling.
"Well, this is a change from yesterday. I take it from the card that I'm not fired?"
"No, in fact you're getting a raise."
"Are you drunk?" Jen asks.
"At nine in the morning? Are you kidding me, woman?"
"So what's up then." Not sure she really wants to know.
"I had a mirror shoved in front of my face last afternoon and I didn't like what I saw, so I changed it."
"Really, I wonder who would have done that to you?" she says all prim and proper.
"Yes, I wonder...as I was saying, I changed it. I called Oliver last night. I got his machine, but he called me back later. We talked. We're good. He's coming for the weekend," Marcus says and smiles. "No walls Jen, no armor. No fear."
"Oh my gosh, Marcus."
"I have to admit, the bitter old man statement hurt, Jen,"
"The truth usually does sting a bit Marcus."
"Are you OK though? It must have taken a lot out of you to say those things, to confess to me how you feel inside."
"I feel pretty terrific, myself. I have decided to take my own advice. I'm going to start dating," Jen smiles. Pleased with her decision. "Mother's been after me for a while now. She says I mope around the house and read too many romance novels."
"Holy crap!" Marcus whoops.
"Not to change the subject or anything, but what the heck have you been doing?"
"Oh, Delaware Native Landscaping came by yesterday after I closed early and was none too happy with me and left a nasty message on the machine, so I delivered their order to the site for free to kind of smooth things over. I think it worked, we'll see."
"Marcus," Jen says and gives him her mother look.
"I know. Not to change the subject or anything, how about I go get us a great lunch this afternoon. We need to celebrate."
"You know me, I never argue with the boss," Jen says and bats her eyes.
"Oh really?" Marcus laughs and hugs his best friend.
Marcus returns with a bottle of champagne and surf and turf from OUTBACK steak house.
"Sorry it took so long," he says and kisses Jen on the head.
"What the heck is all this Marcus. Champagne in the middle of the day?"
"And filet mignon and lobster," he says as he lays the feast in front of his girl.
"I'm going to need a siesta after this meal," she smiles up at Marcus. The girl loves food and can put it away. Where she puts it is another story. Thin as a rail, Marcus has always been jealous of Jen. "I figure you deserve a treat after the way I treated you yesterday. Besides, it's a celebration. Jen's going to start dating again,"
"You're not going to let me live this down are you?"
"Tit for tat sweetie," Marcus jokes. He really is glad Jen's taking the leap. Now to find her a man...
"I can see the wheels in your head churning, Marcus Scott and I will tell you here and now," she says as she cuts into the steak and hears it moo. "I will not suffer through your matchmaking." Jen shoves a piece of steak into her mouth and savors the flavor. "Not even after this delicious meal," she says as she spears a piece of lobster and dips it in melted butter. The look of nirvana passes over her face as she gently chews the delicate meat. Silence falls over the room as the two friend concentrate on their meal
"I need a coffee," Marcus says as he gives up on finishing his meal. He places the leftovers in the fridge and pours himself a mug full.
Jen reclines back in the break room chair and exhales. Her lunch is completely gone and so is her glass of champagne. "Oh lord, just put me out of my misery, but that was good."
Marcus laughs and hands her a coffee. "Dessert?" he asks.
"You're kidding," Jen says almost interested.
"Yes," he laughs.
"Oh..." she replies a bit disappointed.
"You actually want dessert?" he asks.
"No, not really, but I'd love to know what it is?"
"Well there isn't any."
The day goes by in slow motion. The lunch having something to do with it. Customers come, go out. Orders are called in and pulled. By five they are exhausted and fall against the door.
"I don't think we better do that again," Jen confesses to her boss.
"I have to admit I feel like crap," he sighs.
They quickly finish out the day and make their way home. Marcus checks his machine. No message from Oliver. He checks he email to see if he has a response from his rescue friends. There are five. By the second photo, he knows he has a winner. He dials Ephram's number in Baltimore.
"Ephram, this is Marcus. Is that bitch still available?" he asks impatiently.
"Yes, Marcus and how are you?" he says and chuckles.
"Sorry. I really want her. She's for a friend's son who has fallen in love with Watson," Marcus responds, somewhat calmer.
"Yes, she's ready to go and a great girl she is too. How olds the boy?"
"He's ten," Marcus says with a smile on his face.
"Great age that. She'll be perfect for him. Got a bit of puppy in her still. Don't know if Watson's gonna like that," Ephram laughs, then coughs.
"Can I come get her now?" Marcus asks, crossing his fingers.
"You want her tonight?" he asks surprised at the request.
"She's to be a present and the father's coming for a visit tomorrow," Marcus pleads.
"I can never resist you Marcus Scott. If only I were a young lad again. I'd nail you to the wall."
"Ephram, I bet you say that to all the boys," Marcus kids him.
"I do, but damn it no one takes me up on it." Marcus laughs. "I'll meet you on my side of the bridge, that way you won't have to come so far," Ephram says.
"You'd do that for me?" Marcus asks.
"No. You, I'd make drive. I'm doing it for the bitch, so she has a good home. Her name is Matilda, by the way."
"I'm leaving right now," Marcus says and hangs up the phone. He grabs his keys and is out the door in a flash. By nine Matilda is home with the critter crew and Murphy is none too happy. Watson walks around like a proud papa and Marcus can't stop smiling.
Jen has already opened the nursery by the time Marcus waltzes in. He's a bit worse for ware, first night with a new dog and all, but he still can't stop smiling.
"What's up with you? You look like the Murphy who swallowed a canary," Jen says worried.
"Up late last night. I went to Baltimore."
"Baltimore? What the heck for?" she asks.
"A dog for Satchel," Marcus says flat out.
"Tell me Oliver knows about this," Jen asks.
"Of course he does. Well, sort of. We discussed it and I told him I'd start looking for him."
"But he doesn't know there's one waiting for him, does he?"
"No. It's a surprise!"
"Oh, Marcus. Really. You have no sense of what being a parent is all about, do you?"
"No Jen, I don't. Unless you mean something like oh..holding your daughter's head over the toilet while she vomits her guts out, while her mother is in the other bathroom doing the same thing. Maybe, bandaging scraped knees from roller skating and kissing away the tears. Or maybe drying her eyes because the boy she likes in class didn't send her a Valentine's card. Any of these things sound familiar?"
"Alright, already. So you're father of the year," Jen acquiesces.
"She's a great dog, I can tell already and besides, even if he'd of picked the pick of the litter there's no guarantee they would all mesh together. There'll be a trial period and if things don't work out, I'll keep her. Watson already thinks she's his daughter anyway. It's either that or he's finally out numbered Murphy."
" Alright. If you say so," Jen is not so sure of this decision.
"No more fear, remember?" Marcus smiles. "Don't say anything when Oliver gets here OK?"
"OH, god no. I don't want in the middle of this," she declares.
"Thanks for the vote of confidence."
The day goes by quickly, even with Marcus keeping one ear to the ground listening for Oliver's Jeep. It arrives around three and he flies out the door.
"Oliver, you made it!" he yells out as he runs to the Wrangler.
Oliver hops out of the Jeep and embraces Marcus. They kiss and hug as if they haven't seen each other in three weeks.
"Come see Jen, then I'll let you into the house," Marcus says and pulls him into the nursery office.
"Well look what the cat drug in," Jen says to Oliver when he enters.
"Looking well, Jen. Where's mother?"
"At the Orlanders as usual. How's Satchel?"
"Fine, thanks for asking," he replies, thinking something is up.
"Would you mind if I vanish for a..." Marcus never finishes his question.
"Of course. Don't bother coming back. I'll drop off the bag at the house. I want to see the..." Marcus quickly cuts her off and says, "I'll see you up at the house then?"
"Yes." she says and shakes her head. Marcus leads Oliver back out to the Wrangler and climbs inside. Oliver starts up the engine and they drive to the house.
Once in the drive way, Marcus turns to Oliver when he turns off the engine. He smiles and says, "This time, I have someone I want you to meet."
Oliver confused, nods and grabs his bag and follows Marcus into his house. "Drop your bag by the stairs, babe and come into the kitchen. Marcus walks directly into the kitchen and up to a large pet crate. He opens the door and pulls out Matilda and hands her to Oliver.
"This is Matilda, you're new daughter," Marcus says like a proud father. "I know I should have asked permission, but I didn't want to loose her. The minute I saw her picture I knew she belonged with you. I'm sorry if I've done the wrong thing. I'll gladly take her if she's not what you want," Marcus's breathing comes fast and shallow. He longs to hear he's done the right thing for Oliver's family.
"You got her for me?" he asks, tears well up in his eyes.
"For you and Satchel. I drove to Baltimore last night," Marcus replies and moves closer to Oliver.
"You what? You drove to Baltimore last night to get this dog for us?"
"Yes. I didn't want to take a chance on missing out on her. Plus, you were coming here tonight," Marcus replies.
"Satchel is going to be over the moon with excitement." Matilda looks up at her new master and licks his face. Oliver is immediately smitten.
"Good girl," Marcus thinks. "Great timing." He puts his arm around his man and dog and asks,"Do you like her?"
"I love her already," he says and kisses Marcus on the mouth.
"That's not the only thing," Marcus says and pulls a key on a shiny new key chain out of his pocket and hands it to Oliver.
"What's this?" Oliver asks.
"The key to my house. Well, actually, our house now. I have solved our problem about being together. At least for the time being. I want you to move in. This is your key. Satchel will get his when he moves in for the summer, or for however long he stays. Julia's welcome too. No more walls Oliver. The fear of not having you in my life is far greater than any other," Marcus says and looks up into the moss green eyes of his lover and sees pride and sheer joy.
"What the hell has gotten into you, man?" Oliver asks shocked.
"Let's just say Jen and I had a meeting of the minds. She's decided to start dating, you know," Marcus smirks.
"I want to know what the heck happened between the walls of that nursery for the last three days," Oliver asks with a glint in his eyes.
"Nothing pleasant, I can assure you. Lots of honest talk, crying and confession," Marcus admits. "Jen will be up later to see Matilda, I was afraid she almost blew it..."
"I was wondering what was going on," Oliver says and laughs. "I know you well enough to feel that something is up, or rather you two are up to something. So, tell me about Matilda?"
"Not to much to tell really. She's two years old, so she's still got a little puppy in her, which will be good for Satchel. She's house broken. No abuse. I haven't walked her on a leash, so her city manners have not been tested yet. One owner who, unfortunately for Miss Matilda here, died recently. My friend Ephram fostered her, so she was in good hands. He fostered Watson. That's about all I know," Marcus says.
Oliver sits Matilda on the floor and grabs his lover in a big bear hug and spins him around the room. "I can't believe you. Are you sure about the house...me moving in and with Satchel?"
"Oliver, it's the only solution I could think of that made sense. And yes, I'm OK with all of it. I know you'll have to shuttle back and forth somewhat to visit clients and all, but it's the only way we can all live together under one roof.
We've got a lot of work to do this weekend and I have to tend the nursery, so I'm afraid the brunt of it is going to be put on your shoulders," Marcus confesses.
"Ah, my first Honey-Do List," he smiles.
"Now who's being silly. Seriously though, we've got some major shopping to do. We have to de-gay Satchel's bedroom and make it more boy friendly. Maybe paint...definitely new curtains and bed linens. Too girlie in there for sure. Posters, books, toys...does he have a laptop? What's he into? Football, soccer, baseball? Do we need to sign him up for little league?" Marcus runs out of breath.
"Hold on there, chief," Oliver says. "We are not painting. The curtains and bed spread thing is OK. He'll bring his own toys and books if he needs then and NO to a laptop. He can use the house computer, same as Mother. Marcus, please don't go crazy. The dog, the linens and a few posters will suffice. And he's actually into trains right now. He's always wanting to ride the subway."
"Trains. Cool. I like trains too. May be we can take him to Tweetsie Railroad or someplace to ride a real old fashion steam train. My parents would always take us to places like that," Marcus says excited.
"You're excited about all this aren't you?" Oliver asks, astounded by the transformation.
"Of course. In for a penny, in for a pound and you might as well enjoy it!" Marcus laughs. "I thought we'd give him the small room upstairs, it's the one that has the door to the attic in it. You don't think that'll scare him do you?"
"I don't see why?"
"It used to scare me. Even with the door bolted closed."
"What, now?" Oliver asks.
"No, silly when I was Satchel's age. My room growing up had the attic door in it and I was always scared some thing was going to descend from the attic and eat me or kill me or turn me into something horrible,"
"Marcus, you do have a rather over active imagination. Even now at 50," Oliver says and shakes his head.
"49, please. Not 50, thank you. Not for another year."
"Oh, sorry." Oliver says and turns red with embarrassment.
"Now, what about Julia?"
"I don't think she'll be spending that much time here," Oliver says.
"I know, but I want her to feel welcome when she does,"
"How about we take a great picture of Satchel and Matilda on the beach and have it blown up and hang it in the guest room, then lots of roses. She's almost as crazy about roses as Murphy and she too has eaten them...candied." They both laugh at the thought of Julia tearing apart the beautiful white roses and eating them...a la Murphy.
The phone rings. Marcus walks into the kitchen area of the back room and pulls it out of the wall dock. Oliver looks for Matilda and finds her eating out of Watson's kibble bowl. Watson looks on with a scowling Basset face, but allows the little one to eat her fill.
"Hello?" Marcus says.
"It's me Jen, listen...I thought I'd slip out and get Emma and bring her over to meet Matilda if that's alright with you and Oliver and perhaps grab a Grotto's pizza? We won't stay long, but Mother will simply have a cow if I don't." Jen asks.
"I think that's a great idea. Let me ask Oliver quick, OK?"
"Yeah. I'll hold on."
"Hey Oliver you up for a visit from Mother and a pizza from Grotto's?"
"That'll be great," he says as he looks up from scratching Matilda's pink belly.
"It's a go. Listen, take money from the till. I'll put it back in tomorrow morning," he says.
"You'll forget."
"You'll remind me," he replies.
"Yes and don't you forget...oh, what am I saying. What do we want on it?"
"Hold on, Oliver? Babe, what do you want on the pizza?"
"Whatever Mother likes is fine with me. As long as it's not anchovies."
"She likes anchovies," Marcus laughs. He can hear laughter ring from the telephone receiver.
"Good lord, she really isn't a child is she," Oliver asks. "Better get two, then and don't worry about the till. We can call it in and use my credit card. OK?"
"We're going to call it in for you, Jen. Big spender Oliver is picking up the tab so we're getting two. One with everything including anchovies, for Miss Emma and you and one everything without for us. Alright?"
"See you in a few then," Jen says and hangs up.
"I need to go to Petsmart tomorrow, too. I need all sorts of doggie stuff," Oliver says as he fishes his credit card out of his wallet and hands it over to Marcus. Grotto pizza is number 5 on Marcus's speed dial. He orders and gives the the card number and Jen's name, then hangs up the phone and walks over to Oliver and Matilda.
"You may want to go easy on the buying at the pet store. Satchel's going to want to pick out some things for HIS new dog, you know," Marcus say with a smug face.
"I didn't think of that," Oliver says a bit crestfallen.
"She already has a collar, you can use one of Watson's old leashes for now. Go buy her a couple of toys, so my boy can keep some dignity and a new travel crate. Save the other stuff like kibble bowl, water bowl, collar, leash and more toys for Satchel"
"RoWoof," Watson says and leads Matilda out the pet door and into the garden.
"What was that all about?" Oliver asks, puzzled.
"I think he's showing here where the bathroom is. Something I should have done some time ago. He's a better host than his father. Lord, shown up by a dog. What next?"
"Attacked by a cat?"
"That's a pretty common happening in this household," Marcus laughs.
"Where is the little devil?" Oliver asks. "I haven't seen hide nor claw since I arrived,"
"With another dog in the house, he's feeling out numbered. His ego is a bit bent out of shape.
Oliver laughs and makes a move on his lover. He slips his hands around Marcus's waist, moves them down his ass and cups his cheeks. "Damn, they feel good," he whispers into Marcus's ear, then kisses it. "Thank you so much for your wonderful gifts. The dog...and the key. One for Satchel and the best for me." he says and kisses Marcus passionately on the lips to seal the deal.
"You'll be thanking me quite a bit upstairs tonight, Mr. Twist," Marcus whispers into Oliver's ear, then bites his lobe.
"You can plan on that, babe," he says as he kisses and nibbles on Marcus's neck, just below his ear. This is one of Marcus's hot spots. Oliver makes him shiver and moan with pleasure.
The door bell keeps them from further antics. The pizza girls are here. Marcus moves to open the door, adjusting his crotch to disguise his slight erection. Oliver follows.
"Hello, hello," Marcus says as he opens the door for his favorite gals.
"Hello yourself," Jen says and hands a pizza to Marcus. Emma follows and hands her pizza to Oliver.
"Hello, Uncle Oliver," she says and he smiles, broadly. "Your receipt is taped to the box."
"Why thank you Emma," he replies.
"You're welcome, I'm sure," she says and continues down the golden hallway and into the back room. "Where's Matilda?" she asks.
"I think Watson's taken her out to the garden to show her where the bathroom is," Marcus hollers down the hall as they all follow her lead. Emma opens the French doors to the garden just as Matilda barrels in with Watson hot on her heels. He barks up a storm and everyone rushes into the kitchen area to see what's going on. Matilda has caught a vole and is carrying it around the island, proud to show her new owners her skills. Watson barks because the youngster hasn't got the good sense God gave dogs. The first rule of ratting is to kill, then show off.
Matilda over estimates the vole and as she shakes it, accidentally tosses it into the air. It flies over the island and into the sitting area. Everyone watches, stunned.
"Mouse," Emma finally screams and everybody scatters. The vole included.
"Murphy!" Marcus yells up the stairs. "Murph, we need you!"
"Mra, mraw," is the curt response.
"Murphy, please! Mousey!" Marcus yells again, while trying to find something to scoop the vole into, if they ever find it. Oliver grabs a broom from the closet.
"Mra, mraw," is the repeated response, but it comes from the top of the stairs this time.
"Come on Murphy, it's your cue. The stage is set, you can one up the dogs"
"Mra, Mra, Mraw," he meows and trots down the stairs, tail haughty and high. He enters the back room and looks at the pathetic dogs. He walks over to the love seat and jumps onto its back and surveys the room. He listens and focuses his eyes. He opens his nostrils wide, to breath in the scent of his prey. Murphy is a ham and knows how to work a crowd. Then he lays down on the back and hangs his head over the edge.
"Oh come on Murphy..."
"Wait, wait, wait..." Oliver says. "He's looking at something. Be quiet everybody, be still and wait like Murphy."
Everybody waits. And waits. And waits. A pink pointy nose peaks out from under the skirt of the love seat. Everyone holds their breath. Murphy crouches, his butt wiggles with excitement and in a flash, a blur of fur, he's on top of the vole. He chomps down on its neck and dispatches it to vole heaven in one bite. He then takes his prey out the pet door and into the garden. Once out, he pokes his head back through (mouth still full of rodent) as if to say: what, no applause? The whole gang bursts into laughter, then claps for all they're worth.
"Show off," Jen quips.
"He's not going to eat it, is he?" Oliver asks, grossed out.
"No, he'll probably bury it."
"You're kidding me," Oliver says, not believing a word Marcus says.
"He gets that from Watson. He's intent on proving he's a better dog than Watson is. Go figure?" Marcus says. "Ever since he saw Watson bury a bone, he's been burying dead mice. There's probably several hundred mice buried in the garden out there. A mousey graveyard," he says, making the sign of the cross across his chest.
"You are so full of crap, Marcus Scott," Oliver says and punches him lightly in the arm.
"I certainly am not. You dig in that garden a bit. You'll turn over a skeleton or two," he say and replies with a punch. Oliver tries to grab Marcus by the waist, but misses and falls over the back of the love seat. Marcus laughs and dives over after him. They both end up on the floor, laughing.
"What are you two, 12?" Jen asks. "Grow up, the ladies are hungry."
Marcus's head pops up from behind the love seat. "You're not my mom!" he screams at Jen. Oliver pops up and gives her a raspberry and grabs Marcus's crotch which earns him another punch in the arm.
"I know I'm not," Jen yells back. "But she is!" Jen points and Emma. The adults burst into laughter, but Emma is not impressed. She walks into the kitchen, retrieves the paper towels, paper plates and begins to set the table.
Deflated, the so called grown-ups proceed to the table and sit down.
Emma turns to them and says, "Have you washed your hands?" She bursts. Her beautiful laughter floods the room. The adults join in.
Later that night, Marcus lays naked on top of the bed, waiting for Oliver to finish brushing his teeth. He finishes, turns out the lights and walk to the bed. Marcus hears a whimper coming from Oliver's arms.
"Oliver Twist, you are not bringing that dog to bed," Marcus fusses.
"Just this one time, please?" he implores.
"You really are 12 aren't you?"
"Yes," he replies as he slips into bed with Matilda. He runs his hand down the side of Marcus's naked body.
"That better be you," Marcus says in the dark. Oliver laughs and places Matilda's paw on his lover's nose.
"Oh what the hell," he says and slips under the covers. "Come on, Watson," Marcus calls, then whistles. Watson plops onto the bed and crawls in between the lovers. He lays down next to Matilda.
Oliver reaches over the dogs and tenderly touches Marcus's face and says, "Thank you for the most perfect evening. It felt like family."
"It is family. The Twisted family," Marcus says and kisses the palm of Oliver's hand.
"Haven't finished with the Twisted thing, have you," Oliver chuckles.
"No, I'm afraid my dear that that little joke has a life of its own. At least in my sick little head."
The room grows quiet. The furry family sleeps all in one bed tonight. All except Murphy... who, sitting in the window seats of the turret, is busy cleaning loamy garden dirt from between his toes.
In the morning, the dogs get tossed out of the bed and Marcus get 'thanked'. Twice. Once as a catcher, once as a pitcher. Watson takes young Matilda out into the back garden and shows her the best places to sniff and snort. They are still out there when the men finally come downstairs.
"What's up for today?" Marcus asks as he makes them coffee. He pops English muffins into the toaster, then fills kibble bowls.
"Go to Petsmart with Matilda," Oliver says as he rubs his eyes.
"We should probably check out Walmart, Kohls and some other places for Satchel's room, don't you think?"
"We've got three weeks until school is out, it's no rush," he says accepting a cup of coffee. "I don't want you to make a big deal out of his babe."
"I know I was a bit over excited at first, but I still want to make it nice for him. And I don't want to leave it to the last moment," Marcus says.
"How about if you feel up to it after work, you come back here, get cleaned up, then we can do a little shopping and I can take my man out on the town. Dinner and dancing? That sound good..."
"You mean like a real date?" Marcus sounds excited.
"Yes, a real date like real people. OK?"
"Fantastic!" Marcus lets out a screech and covers Oliver's face in kisses, then stops and looks up at him and asks. "Who's paying?"
"I invited you, so I pay...cheapskate"
"Oh, honey I'm sorry. I was just thinking about my budget for Satchel's room. That's all."
"I'm going to pay for that, too."
"Oliver you don't have to do that. I want to."
"Marcus, you have to let me carry my financial weight. Other than pizza last night I haven't paid for anything. Plus, kids are expensive whether you spoil them or not."
"We split the cost of the room, but you can definitely wine and dine me tonight,"Marcus says, kisses Oliver on the cheek and heads upstairs to shower and get ready to open the nursery.
Oliver is in the middle of the kitchen floor playing tug of war with both Matilda and Watson when Marcus walks through the French doors. He stops to watch them. A chill moves down his spine as he realizes that this beautiful man is actually here. That Oliver is actually here for him and that he loves him. Marcus sighs, and any residual worries or lingering fear is expelled. His chest swells with pride and satisfaction. His heart knows without a doubt that Oliver is the one. He will never leave, never be cruel. He will take care of Marcus, chase the Boogie man out from his dreams, and allow Marcus to care for him, too. Hold him when he's troubled, make him laugh when he's sad and down. Celebrate with him. Hold life's special moments dear. Together.
"Hey, what are you doing there?" Oliver asks, scratching both dogs' tummies.
"Watching you," Marcus replies as a tear slips down his cheek.
"Is that a tear, baby?"
"Yes, but it's a good thing," he says as he walks over to them. "I was thinking how lucky I was the day you walked into my nursery." Marcus sits down next to Oliver. "It's so amazing how your life can change so quickly. I never thought I took my life for granted. For better or worse, I thought I was living, but now I feel as if I had blinders on. I'm sure some of it was necessary to keep myself on track with the nursery. I feel so full and so alive now. I feel strong. I also feel appreciated and loved," he says. Marcus looks into Oliver's eyes, caresses his face. Oliver looks back, directly into Marcus's loving gaze. They remain silent, eyes locked. The intensity of the moment, the intimacy is overwhelming. Tears form in the corners of Oliver's eyes, then overflow. Marcus moves his thumb to wipe away his tears, touches his lips with the moist finger. Oliver kisses it, pulls Marcus to him in a soft embrace. They hold each other in the middle of the floor, surrounded by sunlight and wagging Basset tails.
A beer pops through the shower curtain and Marcus laughs, grabs it but drops the soap. A naked Oliver follows.
"You know what happens when you bend over to pick up the soap, don't you pretty boy?" Oliver whispers into Marcus's ear, teasing. Marcus laughs and beer spurts out of his nose. "That's such a turn on, Marcus."
"Then don't make me laugh," Marcus says and places the beer in the caddy. He turns to Oliver and kisses his naked and now wet lover. "Correction, never stop making me laugh." They stay in the shower until the hot water is completely gone and they begin to shiver.
Dried and dressed, Marcus asks, "So where're you taking me big spender?"
"I thought we'd go to the Purple Parrot Cafe. Have you been?"
"Not in a while. I never go out much. Either too tired, or too dirty...or both"
"I used to go there a bit, when I could afford to visit Rehoboth. That's where I met Pat and his friends. They hung out there all the time. Would you like to go someplace else?"
"No, not at all. It'll be fun making everyone envious."
"What?" Oliver asks confused.
"I'll have the most handsome man in the room on my arm. It'll be fun to show you off," Marcus smiles. Oliver slaps him on the ass.
The joint is jumping and all the tables are full. Oliver puts his name on the waiting list and they proceed to the bar for a drink. The place looks like any other crab shack in any number of beach towns along the east coast of the United States, except that in place of bikini clad beach bunnies in poster size ads for Coors or Bud, there are posters of beefy muscle men, lifeguards and surfers. The occasional superstar actor can also be found gracing the walls of the restaurant. Parrots are everywhere. Hanging from the ceiling by the dozen, sitting lazily on the bar top, in the windows. Huge majestic palms sit in the corners. Marcus is happy to know they're real, not fake.
"What are you drinking, babe," Oliver say loud enough to be heard over the old school dance music: Grace Jones declares she's a slave to the rhythm.
"I'll stick with good old Sam," Marcus replies, trying to get used to the noise and the people. He remembers why he doesn't go out much anymore. Crowds. Noise. He much prefers quiet evenings with Oliver or the animals, but he is determined to have a good time and with in a few moments he is. He's with Oliver.
"Two Sam Adams Lagers, please," he asks the bartender. The bartender winks at Oliver and Marcus laughs.
"See, I told you. You're a hottie, babe," Marcus laughs again and kisses Oliver so the whole room knows to keep their grubby mitts off him.
"I'm a middle aged man dressed in a blue Hawaiian shirt with hula girls on it, what's so hot about that...besides he was just fishing for a tip,"
"Yes dear, but you are wearing an antique Hawaiian shirt worth about $500 AND it's unbuttoned enough to show your hairy chest and impeccable pecs," Marcus says and pokes him in his chest.
"This shirt is worth $500 and you let me wear it to a restaurant? What if I get something on it?" he says totally paranoid.
"Oliver, calm down. Just because it's worth $500 doesn't mean I paid that for it. It was $20 at a yard sale. It wasn't until Jen saw it and said that it was an antique shirt that I thought anything about it. We went on line and did research and found the original design and an auction estimate. I have several more. I bid for them on Ebay when they're cheep and I've been lucky. Mine's antique, too."
"That still doesn't make me feel any better," Oliver confesses.
"Then take it off. I don't think there's anyone here who will mind. We know the bartender is already a big fan of yours," Marcus teases and tries to unbutton the shirt even more.
"Alright, alright," Oliver says laughing. He grabs Marcus's hands and places them around his neck and kisses him. "You look pretty damn good yourself, Mr. Scott."
"Why thank you, sir for your compliment," Marcus replies. He slips his arm around Oliver's waist and pulls him close. He feels on top of the world. He has broken the notorious rule of three from the Amistead Maupin book: Tales from the City. The rule states that you can never have all three of the following at the same time...a hot apartment, a hot boyfriend and a hot job. At least that's what Michael Mouse thought. Marcus proves him wrong. Sorry, Mr. Maupin.
The men are deep in conversation about the future when a large balding man approaches, shouting Oliver's name. Oliver raises his head and sees the man. He motions him over.
"It's Pat," he smiles at Marcus.
"Oliver is that you and you're actually out on the town?" the rotund man asks as he plants a kiss on Oliver's cheek.
"Pat," Oliver says. "This is Marcus, the man I've been telling you about."
"So you're the one that Shanghaied our sexy cop," Pat says as he shakes Marcus's hand. "We were afraid you had him chained to the bed, and with his own hand cuffs" he laughs.
"You're not far from wrong, Pat," Marcus quips and Oliver blushes.
"I like him Oliver," Pat says "he's quick with a come back."
"I cut my teeth in the DC bars, my
dear. They could be brutal."
"Especially for a fat queen
like myself. That's why I got rich. Revenge," Pat laughs.
The conversation stops suddenly and becomes a bit uncomfortable. Marcus catches on and quickly fires off an invitation to Pat.
"I don't know if Oliver has told you yet, but he's moving in with me. Moving to Delaware and Satchel's coming to stay with us for a while too, so I was thinking it might be fun to have a grand old house warming party once we're settled and you will be the first person on the invitation list."
"That's so kind. You own a nursery, don't you?"
"Yes, The Native Rose. I specialize in native plants and antique roses," Marcus proudly replies.
"Have you seen the new house yet. Has Oliver taken you out there?"
"On our first date. Yes. A very impressive home."
"Thank you. You could help me with some dune restoration?"
"Of course. I'd be happy to help," Marcus replies.
"You don't happen to have a card on you do you?"
"Oh, sorry. I don't. But you can call Oliver and he can hook you up with my numbers or you can visit the web site he created for me. It's ," Marcus says with pride in his lover's creation.
"I will, I will. Look, I'll leave you two love birds to your evening. I can see you're on a date. I just wanted to say hello to Oliver and to meet you, Marcus. You're as handsome as Oliver described," he say and kisses both men on the cheek and disappears into the crowd.
The host finally finds Oliver and seats the couple smack dab in the middle of the room, in the middle of the mayhem. By now they are used to the chaos and having a wonderful time. They order crabs and clams and oysters all steamed. Corn on the cob arrives and so does more beer. A feast for the eyes and the stomach and they wonder how they're going to eat it all. Within the hour, it's all gone and they push away the remnants and breathe a contented sigh.
At nine the DJ arrives and begins to spin a mix of old school dance music and the latest pop singles. Oliver pulls Marcus onto the small dance floor in the back section of the restaurant.
"I promised you a night on the town. I've wined you...or rather beered you and dined you...now I'm going to dance your socks off," Olivers say and kisses Marcus on the ear. The DJ cranks out the old Donna Summer tune: Love to Love you. The men laugh and move close together. Oliver grabs Marcus and pulls him even tighter against his body and begins to grind. They fall into a comfortable rhythm, holding each other tight, hands on each others ass. They kiss deeply.
A Gay bar is a wonderful thing. Total freedom to be who you are. No disapproving eyes or catcalls of fagot or queer. Even in this day and age, being Gay can get you killed, but the men are not worried about that or anything else. They are on their first real date and are determined to shoot the moon.
Coming off the dance floor after three songs, Oliver switches to bottled water, but encourages Marcus to have another beer if he wants one. "Trying to get me drunk are you Twist? Gonna take advantage of me, are you," he asks.
"Marcus, I wouldn't do that," Oliver says serious.
"Then I'm switching to Coke," Marcus smiles.
"OK, I promise to take advantage of you when we get home."
"Then I'll have one last beer. You remember, I do have to go to work in the morning?"
"Yes, Cinderella fella," Oliver says and fetches Marcus a beer for the road.
Once home, Oliver leads Marcus up the stairs and into the bedroom. He turns on no lights. He lays Marcus on the bed and kisses him with a hunger and force that takes Marcus's breath away. Oliver goes to the computer and clicks on the jazz music files he ripped onto Marcus's hard drive. He lights the candles that are scattered around the room and returns to the bed and begins to undress his lover. Marcus isn't drunk, only slightly buzzed and is totally enjoying his seduction.
Oliver removes the Hawaiian shirt, undoing it button by button. Kissing Marcus's chest as he goes. Marcus wraps his arms around Oliver's neck, but doesn't stop him. Oliver licks and bites Marcus's nipples, flicks them with his tongue until they are hard as diamonds. He then unfastens Marcus's belt and unbuttons his Khaki shorts. He breathes hot air onto his lover's stomach and down into his crotch. Marcus lifts his hips and Oliver removes his shorts and boxers in one swift move. He slips Marcus's erection into his mouth and makes love to it.
"Pretty slick moves, there Twist," Marcus says as he pulls Oliver back up to his face and kisses him, then rolls him over. He proceeds to undress Oliver in his same fashion.
"I could say the same about you Mr. Scott," Oliver says, now as naked as his lover. Marcus lifts his legs and buries his face deep within Oliver. He pushes back onto Marcus's mouth. A moan escapes from Oliver's firm lips as Marcus opens him with his moist tongue and finger. He slips his lover's erect penis into his wet mouth and begins to suck, then slips his condom covered penis inside his man. Oliver shouts out and cums into his lover's mouth. Marcus smiles and swallows, then thrusts deep into Oliver. He lasts only two strokes before he shutters and fills the condom. They lay together in silence and listen to the soft music, enjoying the way their naked skin feels against the other's body. The firmness of their muscles, the softness of the hair that covers each man in a slightly different manner. The candles dance in the darkness with wild abandon.
"Thank you for a wonderful date Oliver," Marcus says once their bodies are calm and quiet. Oliver lays tucked into Marcus's body, his head on his chest.
"You deserved it, but it wasn't that big a deal, Marcus. It's a crab shack," he says.
"It wasn't the place, Oliver. The fact that you took me out. Gave all your attention to me. It made me feel like a prince."
"Babe, why wouldn't I give you all my attention?" Oliver says a bit confused.
"I don't know, but you made me feel special. Like I really was Cinderella fella and I got to go home and seduce the prince."
"You did that very well. Very smooth," Oliver chuckles. "And here I thought I was going to take advantage of you?"
"Little devil, aren't I?" Marcus asks.
"Yes, you are." Oliver replies. "Can we talk about something before we go to sleep?" Oliver asks.
"Sure, sweetheart. What do you want to ask? Do you want to leave tomorrow morning so you can introduce Satchel to Matilda?"
"How did you know? You aren't mad are you?"
"Baby, I knew that was a done deal when I brought the dog home. I should have said so from the beginning. Have you been worried about that all weekend?"
"A little, yes." he confesses.
"Well, don't."
"Are you sure?"
"Quite. I'll come over Monday afternoon, so you fellas can have the whole evening to yourselves. Just you two and Matilda."
"Plus I have to break the news to Julia that we have a dog now and then that I'm moving to Delaware."
"We can do that last part together if you want?" Marcus offers.
"Let me see how the dog thing goes over first."
"You'll call me Sunday night after Satchel goes to sleep?"
"You bet. I'll be excited to tell you everything that happened."
"I can't wait," Marcus says smiling. He kisses his lover good night. They are silent for a good while. Marcus listens to Oliver's breathing, knows he's not yet asleep and quietly asks his burning question. "Oliver. What happened when you got shot. I've seen the scars. I've kissed them. But what happened. Can you tell me?"
"Sure, if you really want to know. There's not much to the story, at least from my viewpoint. Julia and my former partner would say differently I'm sure. I don't remember much. I do remember getting shot. My partner David and I got a call for a domestic and we went to investigate. I knocked on the door, a woman answered, frantic and terrified. A man came out of the back of the house with a gun. He shot her, then me. I didn't have time to pull my gun. It all happened so fast. I was shot three times. In the shoulder, the chest and the stomach. The stomach is the one that nearly killed me. I lost a lot of blood, so they say.
The guy must never have seen David. I guess I was blocking his view. David had enough time to grab his pistol and fire off a round. Shot him directly in the heart. David is a good shot. Won all the awards at the academy."
"Did it hurt?" Marcus asks as he smooths Oliver's hair.
"I don't remember. All I remember is knocking on the door, getting shot and then waking up in the hospital with tubes everywhere. Even out of my penis."
"And the woman?" Marcus asks.
"She died on the scene," he says. "Although, they wouldn't tell me that for several days after I woke up. Julia finally broke the news to me. David just looked sad and guilty. He left the force soon after I did and became a priest."
"You're kidding?"
"No, we still keep in touch."
"I take it he was single?"
"Oh yeah and I think he questioned he sexuality, too. Just a guess."
"So why did you leave the force?" Marcus asks.
"Partly Julia, partly the force itself. I was going to be reassigned to a desk job for at least a year. Then all the stupid psychological testing, I didn't want to go through all that bull. I did a lot of soul searching while I was recovering. In the hospital and at home with Julia. I did see a shrink for a little while and it helped some. I stopped going when he wanted to know all sorts of intimate things. Fantasies, dreams. He was creepy and I lost trust in him, so I stopped going.
It wasn't solely about Julia or the force ultimately. I finally came to the conclusion that I wasn't bisexual as I had fooled myself into thinking, but Gay. I had thought my love and commitment to Julia would over come anything. I was wrong. I almost lost my life, had almost died. For the first time in my life I realized I was mortal. That I had only one life to live and I had to make every moment count. I had to come out for my own sanity. Julia was not pleased, to say the least. To almost loose your husband in the line of fire and then really loose him to his sexuality. That's a lot for someone to handle. To her credit, she didn't toss me out on my ass. I was too ill. It took two years to fully recover. I spent the first year with her. Satchel was just an infant and so was I. Well, almost. After a year, we thought it best to separate and divorce. I moved into the Logan Circle townhouse we'd bought as an investment when we first married, she and Satchel stayed in Georgetown. And life goes on. I took a disability leave and went back to school for computer design and started the web business. Now you're up to date."
"Thank you for sharing that with me," Marcus says. He looks down at his lover. His eyes are closed as if he's trying to shut everything out. "I'm sorry if it was too painful, reliving those memories."
"I think the whole thing was harder on Julia than me," Oliver very quietly says He is not being honest with himself or with Marcus. "The coming out part was extremely difficult, but she bore the brunt of everything. I still feel very guilty about all of it, but if I had stayed, God only knows what would have happened," Oliver says and goes silent for a moment. "I know we would have turned on each other. Not right away, but we would have slowly begun to resent each other. One of us would have had an affair...probably me with some guy I didn't even care about..." Oliver trails off into silence. He tries to maintain his tough cop image, but it is quickly slipping away from him. He pulls Marcus close. "I'd do it all over again, if I knew that you were waiting for me at the end," he confesses and buries his face into Marcus's chest. He goes silent again and for the longest time Marcus thinks he's fallen asleep, then his whole body starts to shake and he begins to cry uncontrollably. Marcus pulls him tight to his body, wraps his arms and legs around his lover, folds his head against his chest. He caresses him, strokes his cheek. He kisses him softly on the eyes and face.
"Oliver, hush baby. It's OK. I've got you. I won't let anything happen to you or Satchel or Julia, ever. That's a promise, baby. I love you so much. You are my world now. You and everyone you love."
"Marcus, I'm so sorry," he says as he tries to calm himself. "I haven't thought about all that stuff in a long time."
"I shouldn't have pushed you."
"It's only fair. I needed to know about you and you needed to know about me. Thank you Marcus," Oliver says now somewhat calm. He caresses Marcus's chest.
"For what?"
"For holding me, letting me be vulnerable. I can't always be the strong one. I found that out in the hospital I try very hard to be the man in everyone's life, but sometimes I feel like a scared little boy."
"I will always be there for you and with you Oliver. I like the little boy. The little boy makes me feel strong and needed," Marcus says.
Oliver settles himself and goes silent once more. Marcus listen to his breathing. When it becomes soft and even, Marcus assures himself that Oliver is indeed asleep. He then closes his eyes, but keeps his love tight in his arms. "I am strong enough for him," Marcus thinks before falling asleep. "He needs me."
Marcus wakes suddenly, startled out of a nightmare. He dreamed Oliver was back on the police force and shot over and over again. He reaches out across the bed, but it is empty and no sounds come from the bathroom. Worried, he slips on last nights boxers and heads to the door. He runs smack into Oliver with a breakfast tray.
"What are you doing out of bed?" Oliver asks in his stern cop voice.
"Looking for you, Officer Twist," Marcus replies.
"You found me. Now get naked and get back in bed," he barks.
"Yes sir, Officer Twisted," Marcus says and shucks his underwear. He crawls back underneath the quilt and props himself with pillows. Oliver places the tray in his lap and laughs.
"If the guys on the force could see me now."
"They'd see a happy man, properly fucked," Marcus quips.
"Now that's the truth," Oliver says as he removes his own boxers and climbs back in bed with Marcus.
"You made me breakfast in bed, how wonderful," Marcus beams as Oliver pours the coffee.
"Well, last night was pretty incredible in more ways than one. Where did you learn that trick you pulled on me? That was a hell of an orgasm." Oliver can't stop smiling.
"You really want to know?"
"Yes. Did someone do that to you?"
"No," Marcus says embarrassed.
"Well, how did you learn it?" Marcus takes a sip of coffee and avoids answering the question. "Come on, out with it," Oliver insists.
"OK, OK. I saw it in a porno tape. It was my favorite scene and I always came when they did that. It's called capping, I think. Anyway, I've always wanted to try it. Did you like it?" He shyly asks.
"Marcus, you were there. What do you think?"
"I think you liked it, a lot."
"Duh..." Oliver takes a sip of coffee and hands Marcus a bowl of fruit, now their breakfast of choice. "The other reason for breakfast is how you treated me last night. I can't remember feeling so safe before. I don't think anyone has ever treated me with such love and tenderness. I woke up in the middle of the night and your arms were still tight around me."
"Oliver, I love you. I meant it when I said the walls were down and I was committed to us," Marcus says as he puts down his bowl and caresses Oliver's stubble covered face. "God, you are so handsome in the morning all rumpled and unshaven."
"I feel so lucky, so proud to have you as my partner, my lover...my friend," Oliver says with tears in his eyes. He takes Marcus's hand in his and kisses the palm, then returns it to his face and holds it there. He looks into his lover's eyes, "I love you so deeply, Marcus. Totally and completely," he says.
"Don't cry, sweetheart. I feel the same way about you. You know, I put up those infamous walls because I knew down inside me that you were the one and it scared the crap out of me. The ferocity of my feelings for you were and are so intense that it makes me shake. I love you. You have to know that. And I'm going to miss you like hell tonight when this bed is empty."
"Not for much longer, babe," Oliver says and smiles. They resume their breakfast in silence, but never take their eyes off each other.
Both men, showered, shaved and dressed, start their mornings. Oliver doesn't bother to pack a bag, just his laptop computer and gadgets. Marcus made room in the dresser and closet for him and he'll find clean clothes there when he returns. The move-in is officially on as they begin to move things bit by bit. Trip by trip. Marcus promises to take back a few things on each of his visits to DC as well.
"Matilda rides well in a crate. I don't think you'll have any problems with her, but I'll keep my cell on me just in case you need me," Marcus says as he takes the breakfast tray downstairs. Oliver kisses him on the cheek and follows.
"Will you put her in the crate for me?" Oliver asks.
"Of course, babe."
Oliver loads the Wrangler with all Matilda's doggie stuff, plus his computer. The crate goes in last and barely fits into the back seat.
"Are you sure she's going to be OK back there?"
"Oliver, you are not going to ride all the way to DC with that dog on your lap. It's not safe for you or for her," Marcus insists.
"You're right."
Marcus lifts Matilda onto the driver's seat and unleashes her. He rolls it up and hands it to Oliver, then opens the door to the crate. He kiss her on her cold wet nose, and ruffles those wonderfully long basset ears and eases her into the crate. He shuts the door, making sure it's locked tight. "You've got your keys and everything?" Marcus asks, tears welling in his eyes.
"Yes," Oliver says, holding out his shiny new Jeep key chain with the house key on it. He's put all his other keys on it as well.
"When did you do that?" Marcus asks, beaming.
"This morning before I went down to make breakfast."
"You're going to call me before you go to bed and tell me all about your day with Satchel and Matilda. Right?" Marcus asks as he pulls Oliver to him. He places his head down on his chest and silent tears fall onto Oliver's clean polo shirt.
"Baby, don't cry. It's only one night. You'll see me tomorrow, I promise," Oliver says and pulls Marcus's face to his and kisses him on his tear stained eyes.
"It's my turn to cry. Be fair," he laughs through his tears. He realizes he's being silly, but he can't help it. "Not being near you is almost painful, Oliver."
"I know," he sighs and pulls Marcus into a bear hug.
"You best be off," Marcus says and breaks the hold. "I don't want her in the crate for too long."
Oliver kisses his love one more time, then climbs into the Jeep and turns over the engine. Marcus waves as he pulls out of the drive and onto the country road that takes him away. He dried his eyes on the end of his tee shirt like a little boy and walks into the house. This day he takes Watson to work with him. For the safety of his animals, he usually leaves them at home, but today he can't.
No Jen, no Emma at the nursery today. They are visiting family. Business is slow, so Watson and Marcus spend the majority of the day in the display gardens. Marcus weeding and dead-heading. Watson sniffing and snorting. Marcus checks his cell phone from time to time, making sure it's on and that it's charged. The day inches by at a snail's pace, but eventually it ends.
Back at home, Marcus cooks a simple dinner and tries to watch TV, but can't manage to concentrate on anything other than the forth coming phone call. He finally gives up and goes upstairs. He showers and climbs into bed naked, thankful that he didn't change the sheets. They smell of Oliver, his sperm and their sex. He buries his nose into Oliver's pillow, then clutches it to his chest. He falls asleep and dreams of last night.
Marcus bolts upright at the first sound of the phone ringing. He grabs it from its dock and answers. "Hello?"
"Did I wake you?" Oliver asks.
"Yes, but I don't care," Marcus replies.
"Were you dreaming of me?" Oliver teases.
"No, some hunky former cop."
"Anybody I know?"
"Didn't catch his name, he has a great ass though," Marcus teases back.
"Really? Did you nail him to the wall?"
"Did I ever...are you going to quit and tell me about Satchel and Matilda, or what?"
"You started it. Hunky cop, my ass," Olivers says laughing into the phone.
"He is indeed," Marcus says.
"Alright, enough. The boy went through the ceiling. Julia was none to pleased until I told her it was really my dog."
"And of course I blamed everything on you."
"Oliver Twist, you did not."
"I certainly did, but she didn't buy it. She knows you had a hand in it, but she holds me totally accountable for the situation," he laughs.
"What really happened?" Marcus asks frustrated with the joking.
"Nothing. She took it well, actually she said she knew it was coming after seeing Satchel with Watson. She knew I'd wear down."
"So, does he like her?"
"Are you kidding me?" Oliver asks. "He cried, Marcus. He pulled Matilda into his arms and cried. Then of course I started crying, too. I blame you for that. Turning on my water works. I never used to cry. I think that scared him a little. He asked me why I was crying. I don't think he's ever seen me cry and that's not good. He shouldn't go through life thinking that men aren't allowed to cry."
"No, he shouldn't, but you'll teach him, Oliver. That it's OK," Marcus says.
"Yes. I told him not to be afraid. That I was crying because he was happy and also because I wished I'd gotten him a dog sooner. Do you know what he said? He said: but then I wouldn't have gotten Matilda. I think you picked a winner, babe. She's in his bed sleeping right now. I just checked on them."
"Oliver, that's so wonderful. I'm so glad he likes her," Marcus replies. "What else did you guys do?"
"What didn't we do?" he says and Marcus can hear him smile through the phone. "We or I should say I dropped $300 at Petsmart on a bed, which she's never going to use, on toys which Satchel insisted she pick out herself. On a new leash and collar. Bowls and a place mat we're having her name printed on. Shall I continue?"
"I'm sure you hated every minute of it, didn't you?" Marcus teases.
"Then once we were home and everything unpacked, we had to show her the garden...and it's called the garden now, not the backyard," Oliver says and chuckles.
"Well, I'm impressed."
"Wait, it gets better. He tells Matilda that Simply Marcus made the garden just for her to come live in. Can you believe it?" Oliver says excited.
"You're kidding me..." Marcus is at a loss for words.
"No and later, when I tucked him into bed with Matilda at his side, he said: I knew Marcus would convince you Dad. I knew he'd find me a dog as great as Watson is."
"I don't know what to say," Marcus says crying into the phone.
"Ah, sweetie, don't cry. It was wonderful. You should have seen them playing in the sand pit and running around the garden. Oh course, we had to walk Matilda too. Satchel says we have to get you to teach her city manners," Oliver says and they both laugh. "Listen baby, I hate to do this to you, but I've got to get to bed. He's going to have me up at the crack of dawn and someone I know hasn't let me get too much sleep lately."
"Wonder who that horrible person could be?" Marcus asks.
"See you tomorrow, then?"
"Most definitely," Marcus replies.
"I love you baby," Oliver says.
"And I love you Twisted," Marcus says and they both laugh, then hang up.
Marcus wakes at the crack of dawn, but forces himself to go back to sleep. The last thing he wants to do is show up too early. He knows Oliver has a business of his own to run and with Satchel and Matilda there the day will already be off kilter.
He finally gets up at nine and makes his way into the bathroom to shower. He opens the medicine chest and on the inside is taped a note that reads: I snooped. Love Oliver. Marcus laughs and promises himself to leave Oliver a hidden message somewhere.
The morning flies by in a flash of duties. Water the orchids, set up Murphy for the 2 day absence. Do a load of laundry, so Oliver has clean clothes when he returns. Check the irrigation timers at the house and the nursery to make sure they are functioning properly. Pack a few belonging for himself and Watson.
At eleven, he and Watson are packed and on the road. Basia blares from the speakers, the soft top is tucked inside the old Wrangler as well as the doors. Watson's ears and jowls flap in the wind as he rides shot gun with his own doggie seatbelt. Within two and a half hours, including a pee-pee break for dog and owner, they arrive at Oliver's Logan Circle townhouse in the middle of Northwest DC.
Bundled with dog, bags and kibble bowl, Marcus makes his way to the front door and collapses on the door bell. He almost falls through the door and onto the foyer floor when Oliver opens the door. Oliver catches him.
"Whoa, babe, you OK?" Watson scrambles between their legs and Marcus is forced to let go of the leash. The dog flies down the hallway, barking, searching for Matilda.
"That dog is going to be the death of me, yet. I think he caught Matilda's sent four blocks away,"
"So much for his city manners," Oliver says and grabs Marcus's bag and kisses his lover. "How come you're so late?"
"What time did you expect me?" Marcus asks.
"About 8 or 9 this morning," Olivers says smiling.
"I thought about it, but knew you could use some time to get actual work done. Did you manage to get Satchel off to school on time?" Marcus asks as they walk into the kitchen. They deposit all the bags onto the table. Marcus hugs his lover and kisses his on the lips.
"The boy had me up at 5am to walk Matilda. She was so sleepy, he almost had to drag her around the block. They played out in the garden while I made breakfast. She managed a cat nap while he showered and dressed and when I got back from dropping him off at school, she was sound asleep under the kitchen table. By the way, what is it with Bassets and the rug under the kitchen table?"
"Haven't figured that one out yet. It's always been Watson's favorite spot in the house."
"This is my favorite spot," Oliver says and places his arms around Marcus. "I got some surprises for you and Watson,"
"You do?" Marcus asks excited. "Where is Watson? Watson! Come here boy, let me take off your leash." Watson barrels into the kitchen and skids to a stop at his master's feet. Matilda quickly follows. Still unsure of her paws on the linoleum floor, she skids across it and smashes against the cabinet door. Marcus removes Watson's leash and walks over to Matilda and ruffles her ears. "You better learn to use you breaks Miss Matilda,"
"Come over here, babe," Oliver says and Marcus follows him to the cabinet by the dishwasher. "Open, please." Marcus opens the door and discovers the pet food aisle at the grocery store. Every dog treat made can be found as well as a large bag of Matilda and Watson's kibble. There are also two wrapped presents. Oliver pulls them out and hands them to Marcus. "I don't think Watson's very interested in them, so why don't you open them for him," Oliver says. The dogs have run into the next room, chew toys protrude from their mouths.
Marcus places the presents on the counter and rips them open. He reveals a kibble and water bowl set with Watson's name on them. Marcus smiles and kisses Oliver.
"How'd you get his name on them?" Marcus asks.
"An artist friend painted them on. Matilda has a set too. Now you don't have to lug all Watson's stuff to the city anymore. I have another present, but this one's just for you," Oliver says and leaves the room. Marcus washes out the bowls and places them next to Matilda's, then fills them. "Kibble's on Watson!" Marcus yells. Watson ignores him. He's having too much fun.
Oliver returns with a small wrapped box. Those boxing butterflies in Marcus's stomach begin to spar. He removes the tight ribbon then rips off the paper. He opens the box, folds back the tissue paper to reveal a key chain and several keys.
"Keys to your heart?" Marcus asks, teasing.
"Front door, dead bolt. Back door, dead bolt. We live in the city, remember?"
Marcus removes the key chain. It is thick and has a blank screen in it. "Does it do something? Drive the Jeep for me?" Marcus laughs at his own lame joke.
"It's a digital photo key chain. Press the button," Oliver says, then shows him. Up pops a picture of Watson. "Now, press again," he says. Up pops a picture of Matilda. Marcus presses the button yet again and a picture of Oliver and Satchel appears on the screen. "Keep going," Oliver encourages him. Pictures of every sort appear on the screen: Julia and Satchel, Satchel and Matilda, Matilda and Oliver. Oliver with his shirt off (Marcus's favorite picture). Oliver and Julia. Oliver, Satchel and Matilda in the sand pit.
"How did you ever get all these pictures?" Marcus asks.
"It was easy. Satchel and Julia took most of them on my digital camera. The photos of Watson, I took on my phone camera. I up loaded them onto the key chain from my computer with a flash drive. Isn't modern technology cool?" Oliver doesn't get a response. He looks at Marcus who is still pressing the buttons, watching the photos pop up, then disappear while tears fall from his eyes. His shoulders begin to shake and he buries his face in his hands.
"I don't think it's water proof, babe," Oliver teases, then pulls Marcus to him in a big bear hug. Oliver removes Marcus's hands from his face and kisses him tenderly on the lips. He continues to kiss him until he calms down and his breathing returns to normal.
"Oliver, I don't think I've ever had a nicer present in my life," Marcus gushes. "These might not be the keys to your heart," he says pointing his new door keys at Oliver. "But these certainly are." Marcus begins to flash the photographs across the small screen. Oliver smiles. He knows he's done well.
"So, babe. About tonight? You up for company?"
"Of course. A Satchel and Matilda play date?"
"Julia won't let him come over until his homework is finished, so I thought that I'd cook everybody dinner?"
"Correction. I will cook everybody dinner. You can either work, or take a nap. You have bags under those amazing green eyes, Mr. Twist."
"Marcus, you don't have to do that," Oliver replies.
"I know, but I want to. I almost forgot, I brought veggies from the garden, too. They're in the Jeep. Did you have anything in mind for dinner, do I need to go to the 'Social Safeway'?
"I'm not letting you anywhere near that cruise joint... and no. I have a chicken thawed in the fridge.
"OK, OK. Not to change the subject, but did you get a chance to talk to Julia about the move?"
"No, sweetie, I didn't." Oliver says, feeling a bit guilty and a little like a chicken, himself.
"Good," Marcus replies.
"Good?" Oliver asks surprised.
"Well, I think we should wait a few days. I have hatched a plan."
"Oh, no. Lucy you got some 'splaining to do,"
"Very funny Twist. Really, it's a great idea...just listen with no interruptions," Marcus says as he wrestles with the bird. "Do you have any goat cheese?"
"We need goat cheese for the plan? It's sounding more like Lucy and Ethel all the time."
"No silly, for the bird. Really, Oliver...OK. Ha, ha. You got me," Marcus says with his hand up the bird's rear. Oliver roars with laughter.
"I always keep cheese in the fridge for you. There's blue and goat and feta. Take your pick. I can't believe you fell for that cheesy plan line."
"Again, ha, ha," Marcus says dead pan. "I'm going out to the Jeep and get my stash of veggies and herbs. I'll be right back," he says and washes his hands.
A minute or so later Marcus returns with a grocery bag full of bundled green goodies. He removes a large bunch of dill weed and rinses it in the sink then runs a knife through it. He mixes it with the softened goat cheese and stuffs the entire concoction underneath the skin of the chicken. Pleased with himself, he trusses the bird and tosses it into the roasting pan on top of his garden carrots, new potatoes and turnips. Oliver is mesmerized by his lover's culinary skills.
"Oh crap, I forgot to buy any wine," Marcus says as he pre-heats the oven.
"Four bottles of Vouvray are in the fridge, babe. Want me to open a bottle?"
"Yes, please. The chicken is thirsty and so is the chef."
"So tell me this great plan," Oliver asks as he opens a bottle of Marcus's favorite wine.
"Have you thought about how Satchel is going to feel about not spending time with Matilda this weekend when you're at the nursery with me?"
"Yes, but I can't give up on our weekends. I live for them," he says and feels guilty.
"Well, I have a solution to your or rather our dilemma," Marcus says as he pours half the bottle of wine over the chicken and the rest into their glasses.
"Does the food you cook always drink more than the guests?"
"It's the reward for being eaten and the cost of learning to cook in France."
"OK, so the plan is?"
"Yes, well I thought if I invited Julia and Satchel to visit the beach this weekend that problem would be solved AND we could soften up Julia with wine and my French cooking, walks on the beach and in my garden. Make her feel relaxed and then ask her if we could kidnap the kid for the summer."
"You are the Twisted one."
"Hardly. The last part was a joke, but she needs a break. She could do some traveling. Go to the Big Apple, buy some smart clothes or Paris and buy even smarter clothes (Oliver laughs) or even back to visit Moscow."
"I doubt she'd want to go back to Russia, she hated living there," Oliver says. Julia studied abroad at the University of Moscow for a year, to learn Russian.
"She doesn't have to go anywhere if she doesn't want to. If she sees my house, our home and knows that Satchel will be well cared for and happy with his surroundings, she might go for it. At the very least, it'll be an easier way to break the news that you're moving in with me. She'll be able to see where you're moving and where Satchel will spend his Dad weekends."
"You don't think it feels dishonest?" Oliver asks concerned.
"Honestly? No, but you know her. I don't," Marcus replies.
"You're right, sweetie. She could do with a break. From the city at least and the beach air would do her good. I would feel more comfortable breaking the moving news to her there, at our home," Oliver smiles and looks in to Marcus's eyes. "Thanks."
"You're welcome. I'll extend the invitation tonight. Your job is to make sure she accepts. No third wheel cop-out. You've got to make sure she understands it's a regular work schedule for me so I won't be there most of the time. She could even have the house to herself if you and Satchel go off somewhere with Matilda and Watson. She isn't allergic to uppity Siamese cats is she?" Marcus asks.
"Cats? No...Murphy? Who knows," Oliver teases.
The door bell rings at 7 and Satchel rushes past his father in search of Matilda. He does stop in the kitchen to ask Simply Marcus, where Matilda and Watson are hiding.
"They're out in the garden waiting for you to play with them Satchel," Marcus says as he steps from behind the sink to greet his young friend.
Satchel suddenly grabs Marcus around the waist, or as high as he can manage and hugs him. "Thanks for convincing Dad that I should have a dog, Simply Marcus," Satchel says and grins at his joke on Marcus's name.
Pleasantly shocked, Marcus replies, "I don't think I had anything to do with it." Marcus squats down to an even level with Satchel and asks, "Can you keep a secret?" Satchel nods yes. "Between you and me, I think your Dad wanted a dog as much as you."
"I think so too," Satchel replies and Marcus laughs.
"I also think, if any convincing was done, it was Watson who did it. So you can go outside and thank him. OK?"
"OK. See ya!" he says and runs out the back door and into the garden.
Oliver escorts Julia into the kitchen. Marcus is shocked at her drastic weigh loss. Her classically tailored clothes hang off her like off a clothes hanger. Marcus notices she now wears a wig, an expensive human hair wig, but still a wig. He also notices her eyebrows are gone. She's drawn them in very lightly.
Marcus walks around the counter and greets Julia. He gives her a slight hug and can feel every bone in her body. He suddenly feels frightened. Frightened for her, for Oliver and for Satchel. He looks into Oliver's eyes as he's hugging her and he can see the sadness. The loss of hope. But, when he pulls back from her Marcus is all smiles and charm.
"So wonderful to see you again Julia. And tonight, no cooking for you."
"Marcus was kind enough to cook, so we don't have to suffer through one of my meals," Oliver says, seeming a bit nervous.
"I hope you brought your European appetite, tonight Julia because I'm cooking a la Francaise," Marcus says.
"It smells like heaven in here Marcus. Oliver never told me you were such a chef," Julia says as Oliver pulls out a chair for her and she sits down at the kitchen table.
"I took a few classes at the Cordon Bleu when I lived in Paris,"
"I remember now, you told me you were a language major in college and not plant science. So what is the menu for tonight?" she asks with interest.
"To start, a cold asparagus salad with red onions, garlic, olive oil and lemon. Followed by a roasted chicken stuffed with goat cheese and dill under the skin, plus roasted root vegetables. A white wine sauce to finish the dish off, then a simple leaf lettuce salad mix with a standard French vinaigrette. Fresh berries for desert, that's a constant with Oliver and me," Marcus says and beams. Proud to give his new family a lovely meal. "And for Master Satchel, a hot dog with mac and cheese."
Julia laughs her crystalline laugh and says in French, "Il va bien manger, n'est pas?"
"Bien Sur," Marcus replies. "Would you like a glass of wine, Julia?"
"Vouvray?" she inquires.
"Mais oui, toujours. Oliver always keeps me stocked up," Marcus says.
"You attended university in the Touraine, right?"
"Yes, the Universite de Tours, Faculte des Lettres. That's why I love the whites and the blushes too. Reds are just to heavy for me. Except for a Cote du Rhone. I love a Cote du Rhone with a thick steak or a roast of beef," Marcus says, remembering his days in France with Rutger's University.
Oliver refills Marcus's glass and hands Julia her wine. He sits next to his ex-wife and listens happily to his lover and his best friend chat about France and wine.
"I did the prerequisite tour of the chateaux, but was never able to spend any time there. I do remember the city of Tours and the red clay tile roofs it's famous for.
"Oh, Julia. I loved it there. The best grades I ever got in college and I was up against Rhodes scholars and kids from Georgetown and Stanford. Very Ivy League and here was this little country boy green as hell behind the ears, from this little state college in Pennsylvania and he blew them away. One of the best years of my life, I'll tell you. I was fluent by Christmas and by spring was giving oral presentations in my 17th century lit class. What fun memories," Marcus says gushing.
"I wish my Junior year abroad had been as much fun. I was stuck in Moscow and hated it. The secret police followed me everywhere, no Russian boy would even look at me and the food and the clothes. Uck!" Julia laughs and takes a sip of wine. "Oh, the way I remember it. Crisp and clean with a hint of citrus. I love it."
"I think we're ready to start," Marcus says as he brings the first course to the table and serves the couple.
"Marcus, aren't you going to sit?" Julia asks after Oliver is served and before she begins to eat.
"I want an audience, if you'd be so kind to indulge me. I don't get to cook like this very often. I just want to get you started and Satchel settled and then I'll join you both, if that's OK?"
"You're the chef.," Julia says as she spears an asparagus tip.
Marcus heads out to the garden and calls Satchel. He comes running up, quickly followed by Matilda and Watson. "Your dinner is ready, Satchel. Why don't you go wash up and join your parents at the dinner table. I'll feed the dogs, I saved some gravy for their kibble that you can pour on top OK?"
"OK, Simply Marcus," he says and runs inside. The dogs chase after him.
"Satchel?" Marcus says when he returns from washing his hands in the downstairs bathroom. "The gravy is over here," he says and points to the burner. "Put their kibble bowls on the counter please," Marcus asks and moves the cooled gravy to the end of the counter. He picks up Satchel and says, "Grab the pot and pour half on Watson's food and half on Matilda's" Satchel does as asked and places the pot back onto the counter. "Here's a spoon," Marcus says and hands it to the boy. "Now mix it all together. They will love it and you. Alright?" Satchel nods and mixes. "Now call the dogs."
"Matilda, Watson! Dinner!" Satchel hollers. The dogs come running and slide to a stop at the end of the kitchen counter.
"Now, before you put their bowls down, you have to give them a sit and stay command. Can you do that for me?" Marcus asks Satchel.
"I think so Simply Marcus," he replies.
"Can you try it out?"
"Sit, stay," Satchel says.
"Here, let me show you with Watson," Marcus says.
"Watson, sit." The dog sits. "Now Stay." Marcus places the kibble bowl with gravy in from of Watson. He doesn't move. Matilda inches forward, Watson growls and she retreats. "Eat, Watson," Marcus commands and Watson's snout dives into the bowl. "Think you can do that, kiddo?" Marcus asks Satchel.
"Yes. That's city manners isn't it Simply Marcus?" Satchel asks.
"You are so correct, my friend. Also it teaches the dog not to jump up on you when you're trying to feed it. No spilled kibble, no spilled water. Got it?"
"Yes. Matilda sit," Satchel commands. The boy walks the bowl to her spot. "Matilda stay." He places the bowl on the floor. Matilda leans her head towards the bowl, but Satchel commands her, "No. Matilda sit." To Marcus's great relief, the dog sits and waits. Satchel places the bowl in front of his dog and commands "Eat." And boy does she. A burst of applause erupts from the kitchen table as both Julia and Oliver look on.
"Very good Satchel," Marcus says. "Now don't forget to praise Matilda. Tell her she's a good dog and pet her on the head. Always keep your hand away from their food when they're eating, so they know you're not going to take it away."
"Good dog, Matilda. Good dog Watson," Satchel says and pats each on the head. Beaming, he walks to the table and sits down to his dinner of mac and cheese and hot dog.
Marcus carves the chicken onto a platter and distributes the veggies around it. He places the sauce into a gravy boat and takes both to the table.
"This first course is to die for Marcus," Julia says as she finished her asparagus. Oliver beams with pride at his lover's skills and the fact that Julia is eating.
Oliver pulls out Marcus's chair, as the chef du jour sits at the head of the table. Marcus nibbles at the asparagus as he watches Julia. He is very pleased that she's eating and smiles at Oliver. He nods and asks questions to prod the lagging conversation.
"So babe, tell us more about your year in France. I'm sure Julia would love to hear about it."
"You know, it was such great fun. I took all kinds of classes. I even took an acting class, taught by the director of a local professional troop. We did two plays and I had the lead in both, only because I volunteered. One was a Moliere play, The Doctor Beside Himself and another called...The Wind in the Sassafras Trees. I loved it. You know I'm such a ham. I don't know if I was any good...probably not, but I had such fun. And I received and A to boot."
"They kept us so busy at Rutgers, we had theatre tickets every week and I saw 12th Night done in French. Talk about difficult translation, Julia. Have you ever heard Shakespeare done in another language. So not cool. It looses so much in translation."
"I agree. Try it in Russian!" Julia laughs and takes another sip of wine.
Marcus removes the dishes and serves the second course. He passes around the sauce and rejoins his seat.
"Babe, this chicken is wonderful. Why haven't you cooked this for me before?" Oliver asks, greasy lips smiling.
"I agree, Oliver. This is top notch. Marcus, you could work at a starred restaurant," Julia says as she places another fork full of chicken into her mouth. "It's so moist and the cheese and dill, oh my gosh. I'm in heaven Marcus," she gushes.
"Guys, it's just a roasted chicken," Marcus says humbly.
"Yes, but it's the simple things that trip up most chefs, Marcus," Julia says as she places a pat of butter on her potatoes.
The conversation lulls, but the food intakes is immense, the wine flows and smiles float around the table. Marcus beams with pride at providing for his new found family.
"May I be excused?" Satchel asks when his plate is clean.
"Can you take your plate to the sink for Simply Marcus," Oliver asks.
"Yes, Dad." he replies and jumps down from his seat. Matilda and Watson lay on their sides, trying to digest their amazing dinner. Satchel gabs a few squeaky toys and bounds off into the living room. "Let's play X Box, guys," he says. The dogs have no idea what an X box is, but the toys peak their interest and they follow the boy, hot on his heels.
Marcus serves the simple salad next and they complement him on the freshness of his produce. He steps back into the kitchen and starts a pot of coffee. He brings out their usual fruit salad for desert, but surprises them both with freshly whipped cream as a topping. With the final glass of wine poured and coffee served, Marcus officially removes his chef hat and slumps into his chair. Both Julia and Oliver stand and applaud him.
"Oh for heaven's sake. I'm never going to believe anything you two ever say again," Marcus says and blushes. Julia leans over and kisses him on the cheek.
"Thank you," she says. "For a wonderful meal, but also for taking the time to teach my son how to train his dog."
"Julia, it's my fault he has a dog to begin with, I sure as hell better teach him how to take care of her, or she'll come back to haunt me."
The friends linger over coffee and conversation, Oliver disappears from the room for a long while and then reappears without the two new friends even noticing. He resumes his place at the table. Oliver yawns, hinting the late hour, but is ignored. They continue on with their talking. Exhausted, he gets up out of his chair and leans over Marcus. He kisses him on the cheek and says, "I don't know if you realize what time it is, but I have to work tomorrow, so I'm going to bed."
Both Marcus and Julia look at him in amazement and ask, "What time is it?"
"Midnight," he says and yawns a smile.
"You're kidding?" Marcus says.
"Oh my gosh, Satchel must..."
"Sweetie, Satchel has been in bed for two and a half hours now, with stereo hounds I might add."
"I've got to get going...I've got to get him home,"
"No, you enjoy yourself," Oliver says. "I've already made up the other single bed in his room for you and I'll get him off to school in the morning. I want you two to continue your conversation," Oliver kisses her on the cheek. "You," he points to Marcus. "I want you to wake me up when you come to bed, so I can properly kiss you good night," He hugs Marcus and kisses him lightly on the lips. Marcus pinches him on the ass as he turns to leave. Julia giggles.
"Come on Julia, we might as well open another bottle of wine and get drunk," Marcus says as he fetches the final bottle of wine from the fridge. "Let's go outside and sit on the patio."
Julia, slightly drunk, takes a deep breath, sighs and rips off her wig. " Might as well get comfortable!" She tosses it at Oliver, who manages to catch it and walks out in to the garden.
Marcus follows with the final bottle of wine and says, "Damn girl, I told you to let your hair down, not rip it the hell off." Julia falls into her patio chair howling with laughter.
"Do you think I shocked him?" she asks as Marcus pours her a glass of wine.
"What do you think?"
Oliver and Satchel are no where to be found when Marcus finally makes it downstairs in the morning, only slightly worse for wear. No sign of Julia. Marcus makes his way into the kitchen and thankfully Oliver has left a full pot of coffee. He makes himself a cup and begins assembling a tray to take up to Julia. Coffee, sugar, cream, well milk really. Left over fruit salad from last night. He gathers his goodies onto the tray and makes his way back up the stairs. He stops at Satchel and Julia's room and knocks on the door.
"Julia, it's Marcus. I have coffee and breakfast," No reply. He knocks louder and yells, "Senator Kennedy is here with his mistress and wants to know what time breakfast is served?" Marcus hears a response this time, but it only comes across as a mumbled groan. "Julia, are you going to..." Marcus is interrupted by a hung over Julia, minus wig. She's dressed in her panties and one of Oliver's tee shirts.
"Not so loud. And screw Kennedy. He's a pompous ass."
"Girl you look like shit. And who hasn't screwed Kennedy, anyway."
"Oh, thanks Marcus. For the record, I have not screwed Kennedy," she says and climbs into bed. "Now serve me, wench."
Marcus laughs and places the tray at the end of the bed. He pours a coffee for Julia and asks her how she takes it.
"Black and strong. Marcus, you are a bad influence on me. Good with my son, but hell on me," she laughs and accepts the coffee gratefully. She reclines against the headboard and sips in silence.
Marcus can't help but notice she is nothing but bones. In the morning light with no wig, she seems like a ghost: pale and ephemeral with blue veins floating just below the surface of her skin. But, even in this condition, Julia is still a beauty and always will be. "You remember what we talked about last night?" Marcus tests the waters.
"Yes, I promised to come visit this weekend," Julia says and sips from her coffee mug.
"Well, don't make it sound like a chore. It is Memorial Day weekend after all. Isn't there a law that requires each American to descend on the local beaches and bake themselves until they're as red as a lobster?" Marcus asks.
"I think your Joe Biden co-sponsored that bill," Julia jokes at the expense of Delaware's former Senator.
"It'll be fun and relaxing. I'll be at work...Oliver, Satchel and the dogs will be fishing or beach combing or whatever those boys decide to do. You'll have the farmhouse to yourself. You can read, play on the computer, watch movies...I have a huge collection. Walk in the garden. I'm sure the boys would include you in anything they do," Marcus says and smiles. "Plus, I promise to cook all weekend long. I'll invite Jen and her daughter Emma over for a movie night if you feel up to company."
"It actually does sound inviting. My toes in the sand, actually reading for fun and a novel to boot. Lounging in your garden. I've heard it's like like a fantasy world," Julia says.
"I'll buy you a big floppy hat so the paparazzi won't recognize you," Marcus jokes. "It's a deal then?" He asks and raises his mug.
"A deal," Julia says with a smile and clinks mugs with Marcus.
"OK, now that that settled, want to go shopping?"
They both shower at Oliver's, but Julia needs a change of clothes, so they stop off at the Georgetown house, then decide to hit the stores in G'town instead of a mall and go to lunch. They eat at Marcus's favorite restaurant, Chez Francais and wolf down snails, white burgundy wine and steak so rare it moo's. The house salad isn't half bad. The conversation is even better.
They return to the Logan Circle townhouse just as Oliver is leaving to retrieve Satchel from school.
"I trust you guys have had fun today, while I slaved away at the computer and dealt with nasty clients over the phone."
"Of course we did, Oliver," Marcus teases and pecks him on the cheek. "We're cooking dinner tonight, so you can rest your weary digits and your cauliflower ear."
Marcus and Julia are busy whipping around in the kitchen when Satchel and Oliver return.
"Satchel, you can play with the dogs for a half an hour, then you've got to do your homework," Julia says from the kitchen.
"Thank's Mom," Satchel yells back as he heads out into the garden where Matilda and Watson await him.
Oliver walks behind the island counter and wraps his arms around Marcus and kisses him, then walks over to Julia and kisses her on the cheek
"Oliver," Marcus says. "I want you to go lay down and take a nap. Go up upstairs where the dogs and Satchel won't bother you. It'll be a couple of hours yet before dinner is ready and you look very tired, babe," Marcus grabs him by the shoulders and marches him to the stairs. At the stairway, Oliver grabs him and pulls him tight. He smothers him with kisses, then opens his mouth for a deep, sweet and passionate embrace.
"Marcus, you are so wonderful. With my son, the dog, Julia. Everything."
"Thank you baby, but I'm having the time of my life. I've never had my own family before. Man, it rocks," Marcus say with pride. "Now, I want you to shower and crawl into bed and if you're really good, I'll wake you for dinner with a big surprise."
Oliver, truly tired, kisses Marcus one more time and climbs the stairs. Marcus watches him, especially his ass. "Nice ass there, Twist," he says and Oliver laughs, then Marcus turns and walks back into the kitchen to help Julia cook their masterful French dinner.
Julia wrangles Satchel from the dogs and the garden, then settles him at the kitchen table so he can do his homework. Marcus takes over the cooking while she plays teacher. He sautes, boils, broils and generally cooks his heart out and after an hour or so things are coming together for a major feast. Once Satchel's homework is finished he heads off to play computer games with the dogs following close at his heels and Julia takes over the cooking.
"Why don't you go wake Oliver, we've got everything under control. And take your time," she says and winks.
"Are you sure?" Marcus asks, not wanting to leave her short handed.
"Yes, put a smile on his face," she teases.
"Julia! I'm not that kind of boy," Marcus says faining innocence.
"Rot, you're a slut for him. I can see it in your eyes," she laughs and slaps Marcus's arm.
Marcus tip toes into the master bedroom, removes his clothes and slips under the covers without waking Oliver. He moves in close and begins to kiss Oliver's face. Oliver wakes slightly. Marcus slips his arm around his lover and pulls him close. Oliver stirs. Marcus's penis stirs, too.
Marcus grabs Oliver by the balls and gently caresses them. He puts his lips to Oliver's and resumes his kisses. He gets a response this time. Oliver pushes his crotch against Marcus's hand, then opens his mouth to his love's tongue. Marcus slips down under the sheets and puts a serious smile on Oliver's face. Marcus's 'smile' ends up all over Oliver's belly. They shower together quickly, dress and rejoin the family downstairs for dinner.
Julia has the table set with Oliver's best china. She's cut flowers from the new garden and lit the candles. This is to be a major dinner. Marcus rushes into the kitchen to help.
"I see Oliver's not the only one with a smile on his face this evening," Julia quips and kisses Marcus on the cheek. He turns three shades of red. "Marcus," Julia whispers into his ear. "I am truly happy that Oliver's in love. That you both are in love. It makes me very happy. You both deserve it. Promise me you'll cherish him, hold him close to your heart."
"I do Julia and I will always. I've promised him and myself," Marcus says.
"It would break my heart, if he were hurt again."
"My goal is to make us the happiest of men, and Julia, I don't just mean in the bedroom. That's easy. Life is hard. I want him to be happy in life, in our life," Marcus softly replies.
"I worry about his future. Not monetarily, or even with Satchel. I don't want him to be alone. That's all."
"Julia, I told you. The reason I freaked out so badly on Oliver...I knew he was the one that I'd spend the rest of my life with. I knew it from the electric shock when we shook hands at our first meeting. Did he tell you about that?"
"Yes. He was very excited about it. It was a signal for him."
"It was a signal for me, too. To put up my walls."
"But they're not up now, I can tell."
"We worked through it. I know this is my last chance Julia. I'm 49 years old. How many chances at love, true love does one get?" Marcus asks as he begins to plate up their dinner.
"That's a good question. I don't know. It depends on the person, I guess," she replies.
"The bottom line, Julia, is that I am no longer scared and am dedicated to Oliver's happiness. Not to the exclusion of mine, mind you, but as Oliver says it: we fit. We can figure everything else out later. Now let's get this feast on the table."
Julia gathers the family together and they sit down at the table. Satchel is served first. A hamburger, steak fries and a small salad with French dressing. The grown-ups on the other hand, start with seared fois gras with baby salad greens and a light vinaigrette. The second course, poached wild salmon in light dill sauce with new potatoes. Thick juicy steaks and a French green bean salad follow the fish and the perpetual fruit salad, served this time with a balsamic vinegar reduction ends the meal.
The dogs slowly circle the table like sharks until Marcus puts an end to the potential begging and tosses them out into the garden. They'll definitely get their treats, but hovering is a no-no.
After Julia and Satchel leave and the dishes clean, Oliver leads his man up the stairs and into a steaming hot bath. He washes Marcus, then removes his clothes and joins him. They touch and fondle and kiss passionately until Marcus whispers into Oliver's ear, "I'm about to explode, baby. Get me out of this tub and into bed." Oliver pulls the drain. Bubbles cling to their naked bodies as the water recedes. Oliver stands, then pulls Marcus to his feet. He turns on the shower and rinses the soap from their bodies. They towel off each other, making sure no spot goes untouched. When finished, both men sport enormous erections that bounce up and down as they walk into the bedroom.
"What an amazing man you are Marcus Scott," Oliver whispers into his lover's ear as he lays him on the bed. He runs his hands over Marcus's entire body which makes him shiver with pleasure and his penis twitch. "You have such joy in you. And you take such care of my family... our family now." Oliver stares into Marcus's hazel eyes and kisses him. Marcus holds his intimate gaze, bewitched by Oliver's eyes. They pull each other close and make love silently, seamlessly, never breaking their gaze.
Later that night before they fall asleep, Marcus says, "Julia accepted my invitation to visit with Satchel."
"Yes, she told me," Oliver relies, then yawns. "Sorry, baby."
"That's OK. I'm pretty tired myself. Someone wore me out this evening."
"I wonder who that could have been?" Oliver laughs and pull Marcus into a spoon.
"I've a terrific plan in mind for this weekend," Marcus turns back to Oliver and says.
"Lucy..." Oliver teases. "You don't have to go overboard. It's just a beach getaway."
"Are you kidding me? This is potentially the most important weekend of our lives. The first time Satchel will see where you are moving to and where he may possibly live. At least on weekends. I have to make a good impression on Julia. Everything depends on that, Oliver."
"I don't want you to drive yourself crazy, that's all."
"I will anyway, so why not have a plan. The last one worked." Marcus says and smiles triumphant.
"I know. That's what scares me," Oliver teases. Marcus, not pleased, tweaks his nipple and rolls over. Oliver pulls him back into their spoon and kisses him on the ear.
"I love you," he whispers. "Plans and all."
"I love you, too," he replies with a victorious smile on his face and settles into Oliver's arms. Soon they are asleep with 2 snoring Bassets at their feet.
Oliver arrives at the nursery early on the Friday of Memorial Day weekend. He also arrives on his motorcycle. This is not according to Marcus's plan. He rushes to greet Oliver and find out the 411.
"Hey you," Marcus says as Oliver removes his helmet. "What gives?"
"Julia," Oliver replies.
"She's not backing out is she?" Marcus asks frightened.
"No, no. Not at all. She and Satchel are leaving early Saturday morning. She insists that we have one night alone together, before the 'hordes descend'. I think that's how she put it. So I decided to drive the bike down, since my boyfriend was so kind to move most of my clothes for me."
"He's such a kind soul."
"And so modest, too." Oliver laughs, then pulls Marcus into his famous bear hug.
"Oh, my gosh," Marcus says and breaks the embrace. "Where's Matilda?"
"Hold onto your socks, babe. Matilda is waltzing in the Georgetown house for the evening."
"You are joshing me, Oliver."
"No, I'm not...and, it was Julia's idea. Not Satchel's, nor mine. She said it would be easier, but I think Miss Matilda has stolen more than one heart in this family. Jen and Emma here?" Oliver asks.
"No. Jen had to pick up Mother at some party, so I told her to take the rest of the day off. She's had to deal with me and my plans for the last few days, so I figured I owed it to her."
"I'm afraid to ask..."Olivers says.
"No, just cleaning the house, weeding and tidying the gardens. That sort of thing." Marcus smiles.
"How come I don't quite believe you, Marcus Scott. Can you close up early and go for a ride. I'm dying to have your arms around me."
"I'm sorry, baby, but I have clients coming in a few minutes. I tell you what, though... you go eat lunch, I've some chicken salad in the fridge, then take a nap. Closing time will be here before you know it, then I will take you out on the town. I'll even ride that death trap of yours," he says and kisses Oliver on the lips.
"You sure?" Oliver asks, surprised.
"Why the hell not. With Julia and Satchel not coming till tomorrow..."
"I mean about the bike ride?" Oliver interrupts.
"It's not my favorite thing in the world, Oliver, but it makes you happy; so, every once in a while I can handle it."
Once they return home from another wonderful evening at the Purple Parrot, Marcus shows Oliver some of what he's been up to. He takes Oliver to Satchel's room, the small room with the attic door. Oliver smiles when he enters the room. Marcus has transformed it into a train station. Train posters hang from the walls, an engineer's cap sits atop one post of the headboard. The curtains and bedspread are a collage of trains. A boxed train set sits in the middle of the room. A photo of Matilda sits on the nightstand.
"When did you do all this?" Oliver asks, dumbfounded.
"Little by little over the last week. It was easy. I found most everything on line and cheep. The curtains and bedspread I made myself, or rather Jen helped me make them."
"The kid is going to go crazy," Olivers hollers and grabs Marcus.
"You think this is great? Wait until you see Julia's room," Marcus smiles.
Marcus escorts Oliver to the guest room and opens the door. There are roses everywhere. Hundreds of them. The perfume is amazing. A large floppy hat lays atop the bed.
"Look," Marcus says and pulls Oliver into the room. Hanging on the wall across the room from the bed, is an enormous photo of Satchel and Matilda playing. It's one of the photos Oliver gave Marcus in his key chain. "You're not the only one with a flash drive, you know."
"Oh my gosh, Marcus! This is wonderful."
"It took me two hours just to cut and arrange the roses. Do you think she'll like it? I did what you suggested."
"Honey, she will love it. I swear."
Saturday morning Marcus is a nervous wreck. He rises with the sun, showers and shaves and slip out the door. He checks all the preparations for tonight's surprise and heads back into the kitchen to make coffee. Oliver surprises him when he slips his arms around his waist and Marcus jumps.
"Jesus, Mary and Joseph...Oliver, you scared the wits out of me," Marcus hollers.
" Good morning to you too," he says and kisses Marcus on the ear as he finishes with the coffee. Marcus turns around and greets his naked lover, cupping his balls, then pulls him into an embrace. "That's more like it," Oliver says and grinds his crotch against his man's. "I didn't even hear you in the shower this morning. What time did you get up?"
"I don't know. 5Am, something like that. I couldn't sleep. I'm too excited."
Oliver chuckles. "So, what's the game plan for today, Lucy"
"Oh, will you stop. That's all up to you guys. I'll be at work. However, tonight is sacred. I have big plans for all of you."
"No hints?" Olivers asks.
"A big wine and dine Julia dinner and then something very special afterwards. That's all you're getting out of me, Twist."
"Fair enough. I think I'll take Satchel and the dogs 'Buddhist fishing' if I can borrow the Jeep." Marcus laughs.
"You know where the keys are. The top and doors are already off."
"Great, thanks."
"Now, naked man, I have to go open up my nursery."
"What and leave all this?" Oliver asks as he opens his arms wide, then points to his body.
"I know, my priorities really are screwed up." Marcus kisses Oliver on the mouth and yanks his dick, then disappears out the door.
The nursery, crazy with customers, hums at a fevered pitch. Marcus waits on them, while Jen checks them out on the register. Even Mother gets in on the action, directing people to the proper greenhouses, finding them carts and wagons and handing out dog treats to the Native Rose's most special clients: dogs.
With the midday rush over, Marcus sends Jen and Emma home. He sits down to his desk and attempts to tackle the never ending mountain of paperwork that sits atop his desk like Everest.
"Hello?" Marcus hears a female voice at the office door. Happy to be released from his paperwork, he goes to greet her.
"I'm here," he replies and exits the office. "Julia? Is that you?"
"Yes," she says. She wears her new hat. "I got bored and decided to come help you. Or probably just bother you."
"You didn't want to go fishing with the boys?"
"No. Satchel doesn't get that much alone time with his father, I hate to intrude. Male bonding and all. He doesn't need his mother around when his father teaches him how to burp on cue." Both laugh because Oliver did teach Satchel that trick.
"You are certainly welcome here. I take it you like the hat?"
"Yes, a very good friend gave it to me," she says and kisses Marcus on the cheek. "He has very good taste in hats. And in men." Marcus notices she carries a rose in her hand.
"And the room, you like it OK?" he asks, not fishing for compliments but to know if she was happy.
"Oh, Marcus. It was like walking into a fantasy and when I saw the photo. It took my breath away." She pulls Marcus to her and kisses him on both cheeks, as is the custom in France.
"Careful Julia, I'm awfully sweaty and dirty," Marcus says.
"I don't care the least," she replies.
"And Satchel?"
"The only way his father got him out of that room was the chance to ride in a car without a roof or doors. That and the dogs were going with them."
"I'm sorry you got bored," Marcus says.
"Oh, don't be. I'm really restless, these days. I was out in the garden wandering around, pretending to be Grace Kelley with this wonderful hat, when I saw the nursery through the hole in the garden gate and I couldn't resist."
"You up to a walk?" Marcus asks as he grabs the portable phone.
"I feel great," she replies.
"How about I give you the 2 cent tour," he says and extends his arm.
"That sounds like fun." Julia slips her arm through his and they walk back into the nursery.
Marcus puts his culinary skills to work for them this night. The dinner menu includes: warm spinach salad with mushrooms and a balsamic reduction as a starter(Uck from Satchel). Vouvray, the wine of choice, then grilled lamb with mint sauce and roasted potatoes, the wine a strong cote du rhone. The fish course...seared tuna steak with a buttered dill sauce and baby peas (another uck from Satchel), an anjou blush the chosen wine for this course and to finish...a rustic plum torte with freshly whipped cream and champagne for a toast.
With the patio table dressed with Marcus's best collection of depression glass dinnerware, the solar lights illuminating the garden and the candlelight lanterns swinging from the trees in a gentle breeze, the stage is set for a magical evening. Dining, laughing, drinking, conversation, dogs and even a little adventure are in store for the family tonight.
As Satchel pigs out on sloppy Joes, Marcus serves the courses one by one. It is impossible for him to stop smiling. Julia and Oliver talk and laugh. Oliver pulls out Marcus's chair for him each time he sits. They linger over the last of the champagne with a strong cup of espresso, from Marcus's new toy, a present from Oliver, while Satchel and the dogs chase each other around the garden.
Dinner over and the dishes removed. The adventure begins. Marcus returns from the house shirtless and with feathers hanging from his hair. His arms are full of swords and bows and arrows. He shuts off the patio lights, so only the garden lighting remains. The stars become brighter in the sky.
"Tonight, we initiate new members into the 'Unga-Bunga Band of Brothers. A savage tribe of warrior Indians famous for their skill in battle," Marcus sing-speaks as he circles around the garden and begins to dance. "Hiawatha, Hiawatha," he sings at the top of his lungs. Everyone laughs. He stops in the middle of the garden and looks at them. "This is serious stuff, here guys. Satchel, come here please." Satchel approaches Simply Marcus with a smile. "Would you like to have an adventure?"
"For real?"
"Heck yes, for real."
"Can Matilda come along?"
"Of course, she will be your trusted companion. Every hero need a trusted companion."
"OK, then. I'll play."
"Great, now take off your shirt. We need to dress you in warrior paint."
Satchel removes his shirt and Marcus draws a heart on his chest with lipstick, then whiskers on his face. "This heart," he says to everyone. "is the symbol of this boy's bravery. The whiskers, a symbol of his love of dogs and mastery of the hunt."
"What about you Simply Marcus?"
"Oh, well how about you draw the same thing on me?"
"OK," Satchel says and does exactly that.
"Is there no one else who wishes to enter the holy brotherhood?" Marcus asks and stares directly at Oliver. He immediately removes his shirt and walks to his son. Satchel draws a heart and whiskers on his dad, like on Marcus.
"Pick your weapon of choice," Marcus says as he walks to Julia and takes her hand in his. "For it is our destiny to forever protect the honor and well being of 'Princess Raindrops-on-roses'," he says and winks at Julia. She laughs, but stands and curtsies. He leads the princess into the middle of the lawn."The Unga-Bunga Band of Brothers is finally united," Marcus yells and raises a sword. Satchel and his father follow suit. They cross swords and Marcus prompts them to yell: Unga-Bunga. Everyone yells at the top of their lungs, even Julia.
"I name you 'Walks-with-Sword'," Marcus says to Oliver and winks. Marcus longs to grab him in the crotch when he says that, but refrains. He lays his sword gently on Oliver's shoulders as if he were knighting him. "And you," he turns to Satchel and says. "I name you Dog Warrior," and knights him, too. "Now the initiation ceremony can commence!"
"What is your name, Simply Marcus?" Satchel asks, sword held high.
"I am the Witchdoctor, the maker of magic!" he says and runs to fetch the torches he's hidden away. "Approach," he commands standing in front of a hedge that is actually the entrance to a maze. The band approaches, stifling giggles. "This is the critical part of the ceremony, when unbelievers are discovered and harshly dealt with," he says as he moves his sword across his throat. "Repeat after me: I call upon my ancestors high in the night sky." They repeat the phrase. "I call on them to open the gates to Unga-Bunga, to bring our sister, the princess home." They repeat the phrase. "All those who wish to enter the brotherhood must pass a test. The maze we now enter will not only lead to the sacred lands of Unga-Bunga, but keep out all who are unworthy, so beware!" Marcus takes a lighter and lights a torch and hands it to Oliver...Walks-with-Sword. He lights another and hands it to the Princess, then whispers in her ear when he sees her eyes bug out because she knows what's coming next, "I'll won't let anything happen to him, I promise."
"Those of you brave enough to enter, follow me," the Witchdoctor says and lights the final torch and hands it to Satchel. His eyes become big as saucers. Marcus grabs his torch hand and leads him into the shrubbery which is indeed a maze of privet Marcus has grown to separate the gardens. It is dark and Marcus can tell Satchel is a bit scared, but enjoying himself. The others follow. Julia grabs for Oliver's hand.
Once through the maze, the ground opens up to a most unusual garden, full of strange curling and weeping plants. Many tower over even the adults. A fire pit sits in the middle of the lawn with a canvas tepee off to one side. Marcus, the witchdoctor leads Satchel to the fire pit and they toss their torch into the pit. It catches fire and shoots into the starry night sky. Rain-drops-on-roses and Walks-with-sword follow and toss their torches into the fire pit as well. The witchdoctor grabs Satchel's hand and they begin to dance around the fire chanting Unga-Bunga, Unga-Bunga. The others follow and the smiles and laughter become brighter than their fire, brighter than the stars themselves.
Later, when Dog Warrior sleeps in his tepee with his trusted companions, Matilda and Watson keeping guard, Marcus slips away to the kitchen and retrieves another bottle of champagne and glasses. The adults sit at the small table tucked away under a willow.
"A toast to the Witchdoctor and his amazing world of the Unga-Bunga," Julia and Oliver say and stand in ovation.
"Cut it out you two. It's embarrassing. I just wanted Satchel to have fun. The easiest way was to give him an adventure. This garden is full of adventures, if you only believe." Marcus says seriously.
"OK, Peter Pan," Oliver says and kisses him. His lipstick whiskers smudged, but his chest heart beats steadily with love. Marcus can see it in his eyes and is proud.
"Marcus," Julia says with tears in her eyes. "That was the most fun, the most joyous thing I've ever experienced in my life."
"Thanks Julia, but it was simply play. I thought you were going to have a cow when I pulled out the torches," Marcus laughs.
"You boys," Julia rolls her eyes.
"That's exactly it Julia, it was a boy thing tonight. I hope you didn't feel excluded."
"On the contrary, I felt like a princess."
While Marcus and Julia blow out the lanterns in the garden, Oliver carries Satchel to bed. The fire long gone. "Marcus, I can't believe you went to all that trouble for Satchel. Building the tepee, the torches, the swords, the play acting. It was wondrous, a true adventure."
"Julia, I didn't do it just for Satchel. Yes, he was my first thought when this little idea popped into my head, but I did it for all of us. We all need a bit of fantasy, of magic in our lives. We get so stuck in our ways, become dead inside and forget the gifts of childhood...laughter, silliness, friendship. We become brittle people without the fun, the silly. Life would be so much better if everyone would lighten up and not take every single thing so seriously."
"I agree," she says.
"I'm sorry. I'm preaching. It's just that...my father said when he was dying that he had regrets. Julia, I don't want to die with regrets. Emma has helped me with that and now there's Oliver and Satchel...and you."
Marcus escorts her to her room, then disappears into his bedroom in search of Oliver. He finds him beneath the covers waiting, his chest heart still beating.
"Come here you," he smiles. Marcus undresses and crawls into bed. Oliver pulls him into an enormous embrace. "How did you ever think up something so wonderful as 'Unga-Bunga'?" he asks and smothers him in kisses.
"I don't know, it came to me out of the blue one morning when I was avoiding my paperwork," Marcus confesses.
"Did you see the look on Satchel face when you lit the torch and handed it to him?"
"No, I was too busy making sure he didn't burn himself and that Julia didn't kill me with an evil eye curse."
"She was OK with it, once you held his hand. Man, baby it was so cool, with the fire pit and the dancing..."
"You really are 12 aren't you?"
"And you're not?"
The next morning Oliver slips out of bed early, showers and races downstairs to make the family breakfast. Determined (Marcus's plan be damned) to give his lover a break at least in the kitchen, he runs a second load of dishes, once he puts the first away and begins to cook. Satchel creeps down the stairs and finds his father in the kitchen. He's followed by a pack of sleepy hounds.
"What are you doing up so early, Satchel?"
"I'm hungry, dad," he says as he climbs up the the bar stool and sits at the island counter top.
"I'm cooking breakfast, so what would you like?"
"Pancakes, please daddy," he requests.
"I'm mixing a batch as we speak"
Father and son eat their pancakes in silence. The dogs crunch on kibble, then slip out into the garden for their morning constitutional.
"Is Simply Marcus still asleep?" Satchel asks his father.
"Yes. I wanted him to sleep in. I think he's tired."
"I like him, he's fun. I can't believe he let me hold the torch and then we danced around a real fire like Indians in a movie. Man," Satchel says as he puts another fork full of pancake into his mouth.
Marcus walks into the kitchen as they finish their meal. "Hey, you,"Marcus says as he slips behind the kitchen counter and kisses Oliver.
"Uck," Satchel say as they kiss. "Adults are so mushy." He climbs off the stool and disappears out into the garden in his new train pajamas to look for the dogs.
"I wanted you to sleep in, baby," Oliver says and hands him a cup of coffee.
"The bed was empty, I want to be with you. Besides, I've closed the nursery today. I sent out an email and fax alert to all my wholesale accounts that I was closed. Jen and Emma are coming over this afternoon for a barbecue and I'm making the baked beans. The recipe takes five hours, so I have to get a move on."
"Would you like some help?"
"I was thinking you could take Julia for a walk on the beach at Henlopen and show her the deer and talk?"
"Yes, you're right. I've got to have a talk with her."
"Satchel'll be fine here with me and the dogs. Then Jen and Emma will be over for lunch. You could stop off and grab some more wine and beer. We're running low after last night."
"Should I wake Julia?"
"Why don't you let her sleep for another hour and take her up a tray. What do you think?"
"I think you're great." Oliver says and kisses him again and again.
"OK, now get the heck out of my kitchen and go get dressed. I'll have a tray ready for Julia when you come back down."
A half an hour later, Oliver returns, freshly shaved and dressed in khaki shorts and Marcus's antique Hawaiian shirt completely unbuttoned.
"Damn, you look hot Twist," Marcus says as he turns from his beans.
"It's your shirt," he says modestly.
"Yes but you make it look good, baby." He runs his hand up Oliver's chest. "I want to give Julia a few more minutes before you take her tray up," he says and kisses Oliver. He returns to his simmering beans, the steam slightly curls the hair around his face. He busies himself chopping onions and dicing bacon. He tosses them in a pan where they sizzle and begin to cook. They're the base of his baked beans. When they're finished, he drains them on a paper towel and cooks Julia's breakfast.
An hour later with baked beans in a low oven, Julia appears freshly showered and beautifully coiffed, and brings down her tray. The plate is almost empty.
"I hear today is my day for adventures," she says. "May I have another cup of coffee for the road?"
"You don't have to ask Julia," Marcus says.
"But I'm so used to being treated like a princess..."
"Don't get used to it," Marcus says and fills her cup to the rim. "I only baby first timers. From here on out, you're on your own." he smiles.
"Are you ready Julia?" Oliver asks from down the hall. She downs her coffee and follows the sound of his voice. "See you later, babe," Oliver yells down the hall. Marcus hears him fire up the Jeep and listens as they drive away. He wonder's how Julia will take the news.
In the park, Oliver stops the jeep in the pine grove and pulls out Marcus's binoculars. He scans the woods in search of the illusive white deer. Julia sits quietly in her seat, but after a few minutes asks, "Oliver, what are you looking for?"
"Be patient, city girl. Believe me it's worth it," he says and remembers.
"There!" he says excited. "There by the snags, the dead trees," he points and hands the binoculars to his ex-wife.
"I don't see a thing, Oliver. It would help if you...oh my gosh, are those white deer?" she asks.
"Amazing creatures, aren't they," he says and grins.
"They're...unreal. They seem unworldly," she sighs.
"They are very rare, only a few. Two or three, I think Marcus said. Do you know he compared them to me. On our first outing here, he took me fishing, or his version of fishing and later at sunset, he showed me the deer. He said they were as rare and beautiful as me. I couldn't believe anyone would say something like that to me, the dumb muscle bound cop..." Oliver goes silent. Tears slide down his face. Tears of joy, of love for Marcus. Acknowledging Marcus's love for him.
"You love him very much, don't you Oliver," she asks as she pulls the binoculars from her face and notices his tears for the first time. "You're crying! Oliver, what's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong. I'm happy. For the first time in my life Julia, I have someone who loves me for who I really am. A gay man. He loves me when I ride my bike and act all tough and cop, but he also loves me when I can't do that anymore. When I feel like a lost little boy, he's there for me. I found out that I can't always be the strong one. I complained about Marcus putting up walls, but I had walls of my own that I didn't even know about. I cried like a baby in his arms when I told him about the shooting, about our divorce. I wasn't ashamed, anymore, Julia. He held me and comforted me and made me feel so safe and loved. Julia, I know this is probably hurting you to hear this, but honestly I'm not telling you this for that reason. You and I are past that, aren't we?"
"Yes we are, but it still stings a bit to know you love him more than you loved me," she says with honesty.
"No, not more, just differently. I was different with you. I loved you the best way I knew how. Besides, I didn't know who I really was back then. Or I was trying to fool myself and in turn, you."
"You have changed, Oliver. I can't ever remember seeing you cry. Not even in the hospital."
"I blame that on Marcus. I cry at the drop of a hat, now. I cried when I saw Satchel's reaction to Matilda. It shocked him a bit, I think, but we talked about it."
"That's a very good thing," she says. Oliver starts the Jeep and they drive out onto the dunes in silence. He races the Wrangler through a few waves to make Julia scream and duck the sea spray. They stop at the base of a dune and Oliver grabs a fishing pole, then tosses a line out into the waves.
"You've got to be fishing, to be on the dunes here with a vehicle. That's why Marcus came up with 'Buddhist Fishing'," he laughs. "No hook, no bait, no fish. Only peace and quiet on a natural dune without sunbathers." He grabs two beach chairs from the back of the Jeep and unfolds them. Julia sits, the brim of her new hat flutters in the breeze.
"You know when I first met Marcus," he says, then pauses. "I thought him funny, charming and handsome. Successful for sure. Someone I'd like to get to know, then I found him very vulnerable and hurt, but deep beneath all that is a core so solid, so driven, so unafraid. I'm amazed."
"You just described yourself," Julia says.
"With some differences."
"Of course. So why did you bring me out here, Oliver. It wasn't to spot deer or fish..."
"I'm moving in with Marcus." Oliver says and when Julia remains silent, continues. "It's the only way we can be together. He can't leave his business, but I can. I can be mobile."
"That's not all...spit it out Oliver," she demands.
"We would like Satchel to spend the summer with us, or at least part of it. Whatever you can deal with. Marcus thinks you need a break Julia, to focus on your life for a change. You could travel. Go to New York, see a few shows, buy some clothes. Or you could go to Paris and buy some even smarter clothes... " Oliver waits for the ax to fall since Marcus's joke didn't work. She remains silent. "Or you could come and stay with us here at the beach...and rest."
"Oh, for heaven's sake, I can't do that Oliver."
"Yes you can. Why do you think Marcus made up that room for you. It wasn't for this weekend only. It was for always. It's your room Julia. It would be a chance for our whole family to be together."
"A trip to New York would be nice, but I don't know if I have the energy for that," Julia falls silent for a long time. She stares out into the waves that crash onto the beach, lost in thought. Finally she says, "Alright, here it is. You can have him for the month of June. I'll come to visit 4th of July weekend and stay until August, then Satchel and I will go on a little adventure of our own, WITH Matilda, then return for Labor Day weekend. Does that sound fair?"
"Julia, that sounds wonderful!" Oliver jumps from his chair and pulls her into his arms. He swings her round and round until he loses his balance and they both plop into the surf.
"Oliver Twist, you've ruined my hair," she says laughing and tosses her wet wig at him. She hits him smack in the face. It clings like an octopus. She pops Marcus's hat back on her head and runs down the beach. Oliver chases her, wig in hand.
Jen and Emma's mouths drop when Julia and Oliver enter the farmhouse. They drip from head to toe. Sea weed dangles from Julia's wig tilted slightly askew. Oliver's boxers are visible from the pocket rip in his shorts. They both can't stop laughing.
"Catch a drunken sailor or something, Julia?" Marcus asks, non plussed.
"You get romance, Marcus. My son gets an adventure. Me, I get dunked in the surf by a lunatic."
"You started it," Oliver says and lifts Julia high in the air, then carries her up the stairs.
"What the heck was that all about?" Jen asks Marcus.
"I believe their conversation went well, and that Satchel is spending at least part of the summer with us," Marcus whispers under his breath. "Now, we have to see what Satchel thinks about the whole deal." Marcus frowns, then turns back to the oven to retrieve his beans.
A few minutes later, Oliver appears in the kitchen, showered and changed. "Julia's going to take a short nap before lunch. She said not to wait for her," he smiles and says under his breath to Marcus and Jen. "We have Satchel for the entire months of June and July. Julia has consented to visit for the better part of July and then they're off on some adventure in August...with Matilda, no less. Then back here, to the beach for Labor day weekend! Sound good, babe?" Oliver asks excited. He leans across the counter and kisses the cook, like the apron says.
"That's wonderful, sweetheart...but you need to ask Satchel what he thinks about the whole scenario."
"Buzz kill," Oliver replies.
"Honey, he should have a say in things."
"He's a child. He'll do as he's told."
"What if his mother wants to actually go to Paris, am I supposed to let him talk her out of it?"
"No. That's not an option. I didn't mean give him control. Be diplomatic with him, or bribe him with Matilda," Marcus says.
"Marcus Scott..." Jen says and gives him her mother look.
"Oliver, if I'm butting in, just say so, but I can tell you exactly what you need to say and how you need to approach the matter. Come away from this awful man," she says and winks. Jen takes Oliver by the arm and leads him out to the patio. They sit and talk, heads close. Marcus longs to be a fly on the arm of the patio chair. Instead, he turns to the matter at hand, Memorial Day BBQ.
On the grill go, chicken, burgers, hot dogs, brats, corn-on-the-cob, pineapple slices, eggplant, zucchini, shrimp and clams. Marcus bastes each with its own different sauce with hickory wood chips smoking through them all. The baked beans, almost finished, he tasks Oliver with the tossed salad as Jen and Emma brought both potato and pasta salads. Dessert is home-made vanilla ice cream with grilled pineapple with extra for anyone who wishes a Hawaiian burger. When the kids tire of churning the ice cream, Marcus switches to the electric top and plugs it into the socket off the deck.
Emma sets up Marcus's MP3, plugs in the speakers and blares the latest single she's downloaded off the Internet. The single is actually one Marcus has heard and he begins to dance as he cooks. Emma notices her 'Uncle Marcus's' attempt at dancing, saunters over to him and starts to do the 'bump'...a seventies dance he taught her when she was younger. They bump 'rears' and laugh as the small family talks and plays around them.
"You really are 12," Jen says when she notices the two dancing.
"I'm practicing for the prom," Marcus replies with a yell over the speakers.
"See, I'm not the only one," Oliver chimes in.
Oliver moves the full platters from the grill as quickly as Marcus finishes them and spreads them out onto the patio table. Folding chairs and tables litter the garden. Soon the BBQ is in full eating frenzy and a clean mouth cannot be found.
As the afternoon progresses, friends and clients stop by to sample Marcus's cooking and to visit. The garden fills with people. Introductions are made, names exchanged, forgotten, remembered, then forgotten. The beer, wine and peach tea flow. The MP3 player belts out the older generation's music now.
"Honey, who are all these people?" Oliver whispers in the grill master's ear.
"Neighbors, clients, friends, friends of clients, clients of friends, wholesale customers...to be honest with you, there are a few people here I would swear I've never met before. Who cares. It's a holiday and everyone's having fun and we have plenty of food," he smiles and kisses Oliver on the cheek. "You're doing a great job playing host from me."
"Just call me the little woman," he laughs.
"Oh, baby that's the last thing I could call you. You are all man...but I will sexually harass you if you like," Marcus smiles and pinches Oliver hard on the ass.
"Damn, Marcus," he says. "That hurt."
"You won't forget it though, will you?" Oliver smiles and walks back into the crowd with another platter of food.
Later in the afternoon, with the food cooked, Marcus escapes from grill duty and eats a few bites, then mingles in the crowd. He introduces Oliver, Julia and Satchel to as many people as he can, so they feel included. Welcome. Marcus has always been out as a gay man and The Native Rose has always been known to be gay owned and operated. If his clients and customers have a problem with it, he's never heard about it. Even when he flies the rainbow flag on gay pride day.
With darkness, the crowd thins out. The solar lights automatically illuminate the garden. Marcus turns on the patio and deck lights, he grabs a lighter and lights the lanterns throughout the garden. He loves the soft firefly glow the candle lanterns give the garden. It adds magic. Julia finds him and helps.
"How do you know all these people?" she asks astounded.
"What, you didn't think there were this many people in Sussex county?"
"No, silly. I didn't realize your business was so large."
"I've been around for 10 years now, plus I'm the only game in town when it comes to native plants. I'm also a rose merchant. I have very rare roses. Plants you can only get from catalogs, you can get here. I do a lot of mailing. I have clients all over the US."
"I'm very impressed," she says.
"So where's Satchel?"
"I think he's initiating a new princess into the Unga-Bunga tribe as we speak. I saw war paint on him and Emma, followed by a pack of hungry hounds at their heels."
"I have a feeling we'll be playing Unga-Bunga all summer long," Marcus says and walks away.
"Where are you going?" Julia asks.
"To get some firewood. The warriors must dance around a campfire Indian style, you coming?"
"And miss the chance to be a princess again?"
Marcus and Julia emerge from the dark privet hedge loaded down with wood and sparklers. Marcus ignites the fire by soaking a small log in citronella oil and tossing a match to it. Julia hands out the sparklers with a mother's admonishment to 'be careful...they're very hot'. They sit at the willow tree table and supervise the dancing. Soon others, upon seeing the glow of the fire and smelling the smoke, find their way through the maze and watch the spectacle.
"Unga Bunga,"the children cry as they dance around the fire. Out of the darkness, Oliver appears without his shirt. He grabs Marcus and Julia and they begin to dance around the fire with the children. Marcus slips out of the frenzy when he spies Jen from the corner of his eye and pulls her into the circle of dancers.
"Unga Bunga," they cry as they dance and circle the fire. The crowd tires of the crazy Twist family when they realize nothing else will happen. The family could care less. They laugh and dance and cry out: Unga Bunga forever! Until they are exhausted and fall in a heaping pile between the tepee and the fire.
"Let's do it again," Satchel cries out once he regains his breath and his footing. The adults groan, but Emma is game. Julia stays at the willow table to supervise the fire while the others return to the remaining guests.
"What was that all about?" a client asks Marcus when he returns.
"Oh, that's just a family fantasy game we play," he replies.
"We're all really 12 at heart here,"Oliver says and kisses Marcus on the cheek.
"I've got my boys here, do you think they could play?" the client asks.
"Only if you join them," Oliver says. "It's a male bonding, father and son kind of thing Marcus thought up."
"Well, I don't think my inner child is buried that deep." the client replies.
"I think we need to get out the swords, don't you Oliver?" The client grabs his boys while Oliver retrieves the swords. Marcus swears their allegiance to the Unga Bunga tribe and the adventure begins. Soon they're all dancing again around the fire and Julia laughs in spite of herself. The men seem to be having as much if not more fun than the children. The father collapses into a fit of laughter, his boys pile on top of him. Marcus retreats to the house and retrieves a bottle of wine and glasses. He picks his client up off the ground and escorts him to Julia and the willow table, he pours them both a glass of wine, leaves the bottle and disappears back into the dancing.
"Who are these magicians?" the client asks Julia.
"Well, that one is Oliver, my ex-husband and you know Marcus. Don't you?"
"Of course. He sells my wife a ton of roses."
"They're very much in love. Can't you tell?"
"Yes, I can," he says offhandedly.
"I hope I haven't offended you," she says. "Not knowing you..."
"You wouldn't be Julia Twist, would you?"
"Why yes, do I know you?"
"I've testified before your committee a few times," he admits.
"You're Holland Mallery?" she asks.
"Guilty," he replies, but smiles.
"Marcus talks about your wife's rose garden all the time. He says it rivals his own. And I do remember you at a committee meeting. It's so nice to meet you." Julia extends her hand, then offers her wine glass to clink. They toast each other.
"And you as well, Madame. That rose garden of my wife's...it should rival that salesman's. I think she has one of every rose he's ever grown. I'd like to have him on my sales team. That boy could sell ice to an Alaskan." They both laugh and toast Marcus.
"That's my son Satchel sword fighting with your two boys."
"It surprises me to find you here..."
"We're a totally modern family, Mr. Mallery. It's really no different. They're two very strong men. They teach him to fish, to play fight, to be respectful, to hike and camp, to have manners, to train the dogs...they talk to him and share with him. And I'm also training them."
"Training them for what Julia?" he asks.
"For when I'm gone," she admits for the very first time.
"Are you leaving the country?"
"No sir. I'm...wow, I can't believe I'm about to say this. I'm loosing my battle with breast cancer."
"Julia...I don't know what to say. I'm so very sorry."
"You're the first person I've admitted it to, this reality. The boy's don't know. You mustn't tell them. I've needed to tell someone, I suppose a relative stranger was easier. I'm so sorry to burden you with this."
"My child, it's no burden," he says and clasps her hand in his.
"Would you do me a favor?" Julia asks and smiles an impish smile.
"Anything, my dear," he replies, half in love with her.
"Take your shirt off. Let the boy's paint you with war paint and dance again around the fire with your boys...and then when you get home. Tell your wife you love her. Kiss her gently on the lips, then take her to your bed and make love to her. For me? For you...for her. Tell her she's the love of your life. Tell her she's beautiful. Can you do that?"
"I don't know. That's a pretty tall order. You don't know my wife, but I do still love her very much, " he says, then downs his wine and slips his tie off and unbuttons his shirt.
"You can also get drunk if you wish. The boy's will make sure you get home. Even if they have to drive you themselves," she says as she fills his wine glass again. Julia smiles as Mallery exposes his gray hairy chest to the moon. He runs to his boys, picks up a sword and joins the fight. As she leaves Unga Bunga, she notices Satchel drawing a heart and whiskers on Mallery. She disappears into the hedge maze and retreats to the solitude of her bedroom.
Very late that night, with Emma and Satchel camped out in the tepee with their guardians and assorted flash lights, Marcus and Oliver clean up. Jen sleeps in Satchel's extra single bed, admonished from further duties. Trash bags in the dumpster, platters scraped, paper plates and napkins discarded...the dishes mound high on the island counter. The dishwasher runs at peak capacity. The men fall against each other too tired to make out, they simply hold each other. Breathe against each other.
"How long do you think Satchel will hold out?"
"He was pretty zonked when I checked on him," Oliver says and yawns.
"I give him until about 3 or 4 am. Regardless of Emma or the dogs," Marcus says.
"We better put PJ's on then," Oliver laughs. "He'll either be in Julia's bed or ours and somehow after the last few nights of Unga Bunga, I'm thinking ours."
"Boy power, rules!" Marcus says with a fist in the air.
"Are we finished? Can we go to bed now?"Oliver asks.
In the wee hours before dawn the men hear a knock at their door. "Daddy, Simply Marcus, can I come in?"
"Is that the Dog Warrior?" Oliver asks still half asleep.
"I'm scared Daddy, please..."
"Come on baby," Oliver says with Marcus only half awake. He rolls over as Satchel bounds into the bed.
"You didn't want to sleep with Mommy?" Oliver asks.
"Mommy's always sick. Besides, I'm a man. I want to be with the men," Satchel says.
"Alright, but where's Emma and the dogs?"
"Emma chickened out early..." the dogs run into the room before Satchel can finish his sentence.
"Well. I guess we'll have a bed full this morning," Marcus says finally awake. He whistles and the dogs jump into the bed right behind Satchel.
"OK," Oliver says. "Dog Warrior in the middle," he grabs Satchel, tickles him and tosses him in between himself and Marcus. "Fearless companions...to the foot of the bed." Surprisingly, the dogs lay at their feet, no grumbling. Satchel settles down between the men, close to his father, but before he goes to sleep, rolls over and hugs Marcus tight.
"Thank you for making everything so much fun Simply Marcus," he says and kisses him on the cheek.
"Nothing's too good for a warrior of the Unga Bunga tribe," he replies and ruffles Satchel's hair, then kisses him on the forehead.
"Sleep time,"dad Oliver announces. "Tomorrow will be another adventure. Maybe we can convince the girls to go on a picnic on the dunes and dig for buried treasure? How does that sound?"
"Wonderful," Satchel says as he curls against his father's body and falls asleep. Both men smile. Marcus brushes a tear from Oliver's eye. Oliver grabs his palm and kisses it; they fall silent and drop off to sleep.
Oliver, not to be out done by his imaginative lover, Marcus, puts together a quick kids' treasure hunt picnic on the dunes of the state park. He manages to stay one step ahead of the map and the kids. With the treasure box found, full of candy and melting chocolate gold pieces, the lunch begins. He serves cold fried chicken, potato salad, fresh sliced tomatoes, pasta salad and PBJ's...all leftovers from the night before, except the peanut butter sandwiches.
Back at the farmhouse, post picnic, the adults pack for the return trip to the city while the children play fetch with the dogs in the garden.
"You know we really don't have to leave, Marcus. I have most of everything I need here," Oliver says.
"You don't have your Jeep, and Satchel's not out of school yet. What if he or Julia needs you. I'd be Jeep-less and that's not an option."
"You trying to get rid of me already?" Oliver laughs.
"Baby, don't even josh about that," Marcus says. He pulls Oliver to him and hugs him tight.
"Hey, I was just teasing," Oliver replies.
"It's only two more weeks until Satchel's here with us for the summer. We'll go get you your wheels and whatever's left to pack..."
"Oh, I forgot to tell you, my artist friend, Patrick, the one that did the dog bowls?"
"He's a bit down on his luck. He's living out of his studio, got kicked out of his apartment, so he's going to house sit for me for the rent of a room. You know, keep an eye on things for me."
"He's not going to tear the house to pieces, is he?"
"No, he's our age and quite a good painter, he hasn't sold any paintings recently...hence the dog bowl thing."
"Hey, maybe we could sell his custom bowls at the nursery? My best clients are the dogs, you know."
"I'll mention it to him when he moves in next week...and he's straight, by the way." Marcus laughs.
The Unga Bunga tribe moves out in the late afternoon. One car after another. The dogs ride with the men in Marcus's Wrangler, as Satchel returns directly to the Georgetown house. Julia, ever the mom, knows she would never get her son settled back into school mode with a dog around the house.
The men shuttle back and forth between DC and Delaware for the next two weeks. When they are together, they make love at the drop of a hat, any and everywhere in their respective homes, knowing their freedom will be curtailed once master Satchel returns to stay.
Alone, on the few days they must be apart, they both concentrate on their businesses, but can never keep their brains from lusting and longing for each other. Oliver busies himself with new computer art technology and websites Patrick tells him about in their conversations regarding art and mass media.
Marcus, tends the orchids, sits naked on Oliver's bike and fantasizes about nailing his ass to the seat. He also obsesses about their lives together. If Satchel will be happy here. Worried he'll overstep his 'parental' boundaries, and what are these boundaries, exactly. How will having a child in the house change them and their relationship. These and many more worries, questions and anxieties fluttered through his daily thoughts and his nightly dreams.
To their astonishment the Twist family falls into an easy routine once the excitement of Satchel's arrival wears off. Marcus hires Emma to supervise Satchel's weekdays when the nursery's open, so Oliver's business can function with some sort of sanity. Oliver closes his business on Monday, the family day, so all three can be together.
Fridays are reserved for dinner with Jen and Emma. They usually watch a movie or play a board game. Emma almost always wins. Saturdays are exclusively Father and son day with Sunday morning the official breakfast day when Oliver, with Satchel's help, makes a huge family meal that never fails to put a smile on Marcus's face. Even when it's inedible.
The bubble of normalcy bursts one morning when Oliver receives an urgent call from DC. Stunned, he slips out the French doors and runs to Marcus at the nursery.
"Marcus!" he shouts into the office. No response. He dashes madly around the nursery until he realizes his cell phone is in his pocket and calls his lover.
"Hey, babe, what's..."
"Where are you?" Oliver yells into the phone, desperate.
"I' m in the propagation house, why? What's wrong?"
"I'll be right there," he says and hangs up. He runs the few 100 yards to the greenhouse and ducks inside. Marcus wipes his hands on his jeans and is shocked by the look of horror on Oliver's face.
"Oh my...Oliver is Satchel alright?" he asks afraid and rushes up to Oliver.
"He's fine. It's Julia. She collapsed in her office this morning. Her secretary just called me...she's in the hospital."
"What?" His stomach leaps into his throat. "Did you call the hospital, talk to her doctor?"
"Yes," he says. Tears pour down his eyes. "The doctor said something to the effect...'in terminal cases like these'... and I asked him, I said, 'Back up here. What do you mean, terminal cases like these?'"
"Oliver?" Marcus pulls him close, but he pushes away slightly.
"He told me Julia's cancer has spread through her lymph nodes into several major organs and he doesn't expect her to live out the summer." Marcus sees the terror in his lover's eyes.
"You can't be serious, Oliver. How could this have happened so quickly?" Marcus asks, barely able to speak.
"She lied to me, to us. Marcus how am going to deal with this?" he asks panicked. "What do I tell Satchel? How do I tell him. I can't do this alone. How can she expect me to raise our son alone!" he screams in agony.
To Marcus's astonishment he suddenly becomes calm. He takes Oliver's face in his hands and stares directly into his eyes and in an even, soft voice commands him to calm himself. "You are not alone, Oliver," he says and caresses his lover's face, soothing him. "You will never be alone. I love you. We will raise Satchel together. In our house here on the farm. We will love him like we love each other. I will do whatever you need me to do," he says and pulls Oliver against him and holds him. "Sit down here with me," Marcus softly orders. Oliver complies. They sit on the dirty stone floor of the greenhouse side by side. Marcus pulls Oliver's head down into his lap and runs his hands gently over his hair, petting him. Soothing him. He softly repeats his words of love and support over and over again, tears pouring from his eyes, but his voice never wavers, never breaks. Love has taken over. He is determined to see Oliver through this horrible ordeal.
"Marcus..." Oliver pleads. He looks up into Marcus's eyes, his own, full of tears. Marcus quietly bends down his head and kisses his love, softly, but with passion.
"You are not going to have the luxury of falling apart Oliver. You have to be strong for Satchel and for Julia. I promise I will help you."
"I know, Marcus. I love you. Thank you," Oliver says as quiet as an exhale.
"No one's here now, but me. I have you safe in my arms. I want you to let go. I want you to let go of all the fear, the anger, the sadness. Just let it all out baby, I'll keep you safe I promise. With my last breath, I promise."
Oliver remains silent for a few moments. He closes his eyes, but holds onto Marcus's hands. Slowly his shoulders begin to shake and tears flow down his cheeks. As his sorrow builds he sobs uncontrollably. Marcus pulls him tight against his chest, wraps his arms around Oliver in a bear hug. He gently rocks his lover as his grief expands and a low moan escapes his lips.
Oliver turns, buries his face in Marcus's torso, drenching his tee shirt in tears. He wraps his arms around him. Marcus continues to rock Oliver. He bends down and whispers loving nothings into his ear to let him know he's loved. That he's safe and where he is meant to be. In the midst of this devastating news and the anguish it has caused, Marcus finds his inner strength. He is proud of his lover, in his capacity to feel and show his emotions. As men they are no longer afraid to be open.
Calmer now, Oliver turns to his lover and smiles, tears still slide down the sides of his face. He pulls Marcus down to him and kisses him with love and tenderness. Their lips barely touch, lightly brush against each other. Their eyes wide open to each other.
"My dick is so hard right now," Oliver says and laughs.
"You are such a pig, Twist," Marcus replies, but moves his hand down into Oliver's crotch and indeed feels a major boner.
"I've done everything, but rip my heart out of my chest, but my dick say 'jump him!'"
"That was a very intimate few moments we just had babe, your little head and your big head are simply trying to process the stimulus."
"Seriously though, Marcus. What are we going to do?"
"OK...step one: Take you back to the house and get you cleaned up. Step two: Get you packed for a trip to DC and the GU hospital. Step three: Tell Satchel nothing."
"You're OK with him here by yourself?" Oliver asks.
"Well it's not as if I'll eat him for dinner. Emma's survived me for a night or two."
"I know, I'm sorry."
"Babe, don't apologize. We've got a long road ahead of us."
"You don't think I should tell him anything?"
"It'll frighten him; besides, what do you truly know?"
An hour later Marcus sends Oliver off to find out their future. The future of the entire Twist family. Satchel and Marcus eat a quiet dinner and spend the better part of the evening out in the garden with the dogs. The portable phone and his cell phone tucked into the cargo pockets of his shorts.
"Is my dad coming back, Simply Marcus?" Satchel asks when he tucks the boy into bed. Tears form in the corners of his eyes.
"Of course, kiddo. Why would you think he wouldn't? He went to meet a client and to check on mommy."
"Did you have a fight? Is mommy sick again?" he asks, then rubs the tears from his eyes.
Marcus sits on the edge of the bed, near the headboard, both dogs anchoring the corners; then slips his arm around the frightened boy and pulls him close. "Hey, Satchel...don't be frightened. Dad will be back tomorrow, if he can. And as for your mom? I don't know." Marcus tucks Satchel back underneath the bed covers and kisses his forehead. "I'll leave the table light on for you, OK?"
"Yes, please," he says.
"I'll also leave my bedroom door open in case you need me. You snuggle up with Watson and Matilda and try to sleep."
Marcus turns on the table lamp and exits the room. He turns off the overhead light, but leaves the door wide open.
"Simply Marcus?"
"Yes, Satchel?"
"Thank you for being my friend," he says. The hounds crawl up the bed to him and lick his face. He giggles.
Marcus returns to the boy and bends down to him, "I like being your friend very much. You, daddy, me and the dogs are going to have lots of adventures this summer. And when mommy comes to stay we'll have even more fun." Marcus kisses Satchel on the forehead again and ruffles his hair. At the door he turns and wishes him sweet dreams.
Very early that morning, keys turn in the locks to the front door. Oliver drags his tired and rumpled body up the stairs. He stops by Satchel's room to check on him, but finds it empty of son and hounds. He smiles to himself, knowing. He walks into his bedroom to find the whole tribe asleep. Satchel and the dogs take up the majority of the bed, leaving Marcus to cling to the edge, phone in hand. He creeps over to Marcus, bends down and kisses his ear. A hand swats him away. "Murphy behave," he mumbles in his sleep. Oliver stifles a laugh and kisses his ear again, this time he uses a little tongue. He gets a different reaction.
Marcus rolls over and falls on the floor. "I'm sorry, Marcus," Oliver whispers. He tries very hard not to laugh, but fails.
"Where the heck have you been, Twist. Why didn't you call. We were all worried," he whispers back.
"Later. I want to put this one back in his bed, alright?" he asks as he picks his son up in his arms. The sleepy dogs follow.
Satchel wakes as Oliver pulls the covers over him. "Daddy, we missed you," he says and pulls him into a Satchel version of Oliver's bear hug.
"You did?"
"Yes, especially Simply Marcus. The dogs and I heard crying in the night. We went to check on Marcus. I think he was having a nightmare. We climbed in bed, I gave him a kiss. So did Matilda and Watson, though he wiped theirs off with his hand and made a funny face. I laughed. He didn't wake up, but he smiled. We stayed in bed to protect him and fell asleep. Did you forget to call him? Is that why he was sad?"
"Yes baby, I forgot to call, but I wanted to get back to my Unga-Bunga tribe as quick as I could."
"Daddy, you need to give him a kiss and tell him you're sorry," Satchel says with a serious look that reminds Oliver of Julia.
"I will do just that," he smiles at his son. "See you in the morning? Not to early, alright?"
"Night daddy," Satchel says and curls up with the dogs.
"Good night, Dog Warrior," Oliver replies and gently closes Satchel's door as he leaves.
Marcus is underneath the quilt when Oliver returns to the master bedroom. "I've been told to give you a kiss and to say I'm sorry for not calling," Oliver says and walks to the bed. He leans over Marcus and kisses him on the lips. " I'm sorry Marcus. All I could think about was getting back home to you and Satchel."
"Honey, it's alright. We're alright."
"Satchel said you were crying, that you had a nightmare. That's why they were all in bed with you. To protect you. The boy takes your Unga-Bunga tribe thing very seriously."
"I was worried, but I knew you had a lot to handle...wow, he said that to you?"
"With a very stern look on his face," Oliver laughs. He undresses and tosses his clothes in the bathroom hamper. He walks back to the bed naked and slips under the covers. He pulls Marcus to him and kisses him hard on the mouth, his tongue needy, searching.
"So I take it we're not going to talk about Julia?" Marcus asks a bit breathless after Oliver's passionate kiss.
"Do you mind if we put it off until the morning. I've had enough sadness for today and I so need your arms around me.
Marcus slips his arms around Oliver's neck and kisses him with matched passion and need. Oliver slips his hands into his lover's boxers and slides them down his firm thighs. Their frenzied love making calms to tenderness once Oliver opens his legs to Marcus. He enters him and Oliver moans deeply, then wraps his arms and legs around Marcus, engulfing him, swallowing him. Together they climax, riding their shared orgasm like a wave. Oliver refuses to release Marcus even after he's gone soft and slipped out of him. His need for Marcus is too great.
Marcus, aware that Satchel rises early, slips out of bed to let Oliver sleep. To his amazement, Satchel is already downstairs with a bowl of Captain Crunch watching animal planet.
"Hey, you?" Marcus says as he sits on the floor next to Satchel. The dogs are no where to be found. "You doing OK?"
"Yes, I'm watching Emergency Vet, it's my favorite show."
"You cool with cereal for breakfast?"
"That's what I have most mornings, Simply Marcus. And you have Captain Crunch, my very favorite," he responds.
"It's mine, too. Why do you think it's in the house," Marcus says and pokes Satchel in the ribs. He giggles and milk pours down his chin. He wipes it off boy style, with the sleeve of his pajamas.
"I think I'll grab a bowl and join you. Is that alright?"
"That'd be great Simply Marcus," Satchel grins and pokes Marcus in the ribs.
By the time Oliver comes downstairs, the boys are on their third bowl of the captain and watch a Transformer cartoon.
"How come I wasn't invited?" he asks as he sits down next to Marcus.
"You were sleeping," Satchel says. He raises his spoon to Marcus and they sword fight with their spoons.
"You snooze, you loose Twist," Marcus says and kisses him on the cheek. Satchel smiles. Oliver kisses him back.
"I took your advice last night Satchel and kissed Simply Marcus and said I'm sorry."
"He did indeed," Marcus replies.
"That's good, daddy," he says and resumes spoon fighting with Marcus. Oliver moves the almost empty bowls of cereal out of the way and grabs Marcus around the waist.
"Tickle Simply Marcus time!" he yells and climbs on top of Marcus and tickles him. Satchel joins in. A wrestling match ensues. Kisses and tickles fly indiscriminately like mud. At times Marcus is on the bottom, then it's Satchel. His giggles reverberate throughout the room. Finally, they gang up on Oliver. Marcus holds him down with kisses, his arms over his head as Satchel pokes his belly and tickles his ribs.
"Uncle, uncle!" Oliver hollers. "I give up!" he laughs and pulls his men to him in a tight embrace. "So am I going to get breakfast or what?" he asks.
"What, you can't fix your own cereal?" Marcus asks, teasing.
"I'm more of a eggs, toast and bacon man..." he hints. He blows Marcus a kiss and winks.
"You had enough to eat Satchel?" Marcus leans into him and blows a fart onto his neck.
"Yes, thank you," he giggles and wipes his neck.
Marcus grabs the bowls and starts out of the living room. "You fellas watch your show. I'll be in with Dad's breakfast in a few minutes," he says. Oliver grabs at him and misses. Marcus sticks out his tongue, but walks back to his lover, bends down and kisses him. Oliver rubs his leg, then lays down on the floor next to his son to watch cartoons.
"So are we going to talk about Julia, now?" Marcus asks as he washes the breakfast dishes. Oliver sits at the counter on a bar stool while Satchel romps outside in the garden with the dogs. He's still dressed in his PJ's.
"By the time I arrived at the hospital, she'd checked herself out," Oliver admits.
"What!" Marcus drops a bowl. It shatters on the floor.
"Baby, watch." Oliver says and rushes around to the closet for the broom. He sweeps up the broken glass, then wipes the floor with a wet paper towel to catch the shards.
"I went to the Georgetown house. She wouldn't answer the door, so I let myself in. She locked herself in her bedroom and wouldn't talk to me. I did everything I could think of. I yelled, I cajoled, begged. She told me to leave, that she never wanted to see me again. I didn't leave, though. I tried to trick her. I slammed the from door, then tiptoed into the living room and waited. She never came out. I fell asleep waiting, then around 2am I gave up and came home. End of story."
"I...I don't know what to say?" Marcus says shocked.
"I'm really frightened, Marcus." he says as he puts the broom away, then pulls Marcus to him. He leans his head on his shoulder. Hot tears fall against Marcus's neck. "I'm at a loss," he sobs.
"Well, I'm fucking not," Marcus shouts and pulls away from Oliver. He tosses the other bowl across the room. It shatters against the fireplace hearth. Murphy scurries under the love seat. Oliver has never seen Marcus pissed and is rather taken aback.
"I'm going to DC. She is not going to play prissy queen with me. I know that game. I've played it." Marcus marches out of the kitchen and down the hall, then turns back. "No one messes with the people I love, not even someone I love." He kisses Oliver on the mouth. As he retreats down the hall in pure diva mode, he yells, "You need to call Jen and tell her to close the nursery. I'm not leaving until that woman comes home to her son. And her goddamn family!"
Upstairs in the shower, Oliver confronts Marcus. Literally. He sticks his head in the shower yet again. Marcus laughs.
"What exactly are you planning to do, baby?"
"Look, Oliver...right now I'm pissed, but by the time I get to Georgetown, I'll have calmed down. At least a bit, anyway. All I know is our girl Julia is scared out of her wits and she needs someone right now who will take no bullshit from her. You darling man are not it. It's got to be me. Do you understand? I have nothing to loose with her, she has nothing to loose with me. This is something I've got to do babe. I'm the only one who can do it, bring her back. I know I can, I know I can do this. And not for you, I'm sorry baby. I've got to do it for Julia...and for Satchel. I refuse to let her die alone and I refuse to let that beautiful boy always wonder. I cannot allow his mother's death to haunt him his whole life."
Oliver remains silent. What can he say in response to a statement that full of love and devotion. He packs Marcus a bag, punches Julia's number into his cell phone and puts the house keys onto Marcus's key ring. Within the hour, showered, shaved and packed...Marcus kisses his men good bye and heads off to DC and the great unknown: Georgetown.
Marcus unlocks the front door to Julia's home and quickly punches in the alarm code. He takes a minute to look around, having been there only once before. The house is a mess. Shards of glass and china litter the beautifully polished hard wood floor in the living room. Dirty dishes fill the kitchen sink. As he climbs the stairs he calls out... "JULIA!" He hears a door slam and a lock click. He walks to the master bedroom and knocks.
"Julia, it's Marcus. I've come to take you home to be with your family. I know you're scared and angry, but you need your family around you," he says with tenderness in his voice. There is no response. Marcus tries again.
"Julia, there's something neither you nor Oliver knows about me," he waits a few moments, hoping for a response, then continues. "When I'm pissed off I can be a certifiable bitch!" Marcus thinks he heard a slight titter from the bedroom, but isn't sure it's not wishful thinking. He waits a few more minutes.
"Julia? I brought a bag and I'm not leaving until you come out. I'm going to unpack now. I'll be back in a few minutes."
"What about the nursery?" she quietly replies. Marcus smiles.
"I closed it," he says and walks loudly down the stairs so she can hear him.
Marcus rummages through the kitchen, then the utility closet for a tool box. He finds it finally on the top self in the mudroom. He retrieves a hammer and a flat screwdriver (no chisel to be found) and returns to the master bedroom door. He places the screwdriver at the tip of the top hinge and starts banging away. Little by little the pin moves, then pop up and out. Marcus lets it fall on to the floor.
"Marcus Scott, what are you doing?" Julia demands from the other side of the door. This time it's Marcus who remains silent.
He hammers away on the second hinge. Once the third hinge pops out, Marcus uses the screwdriver to pry the door from the jam. He leans the unhinged door against the wall and enters the bedroom. Julia is nowhere to be found. The room is a pig sty. Half eaten meals left on plates litter the room. The trash overflows the waste basket. The bed covers hang from one corner of the mattress.
Marcus walks to the bathroom door and knocks. "Nice try Julia, but the bitch doesn't give up that easily," he says.
"Go away Marcus. I want to be left alone. I want peace."
"Julia, how many times do I have to tell you...I'm Gay. I can't help you with a piece of ass," he teases and laughs.
"I said p-e-a-c-e, you ass."
"OOo, Julia's got a potty mouth." He begins to hammer away at the jam that holds the latch in place. He's through in four whacks. He tosses open the door to find Julia cowering in the tub.
"MARCUS!" she screams and throws up her arms in defeat. He runs into the tub and pulls her into his arms. She sobs uncontrollably, beats him with her fists. Marcus refuses to give up or give in. He holds her tight against his chest and lets her rage. Exhausted, she calms a bit. Marcus pulls her head onto his shoulder and caresses her hairless head. He rocks her like a child, like Oliver on the greenhouse floor
"It's so unfair, Marcus."
"I know it is, my wonderful Julia and I'm so very sorry."
"To never see my son grow up, fall in love...it breaks my heart Marcus," she says as she looks deep into his eyes.
"It is a curse to know that you're going to die, I understand that. But I may die before you do. I don't know. Use this time to make yourself happy, to make magic with Satchel and your family. I can't presume to know anything you're feeling or thinking, but I do know you have to get over this anger and selfishness or there will be no time left for your son. He needs his mother, Julia."
Julia slaps him hard across the face. Tears well up in Marcus's eyes but he holds strong.
"How dare you tell me how to deal with my son? Who the hell are you? Some old fagot my ex-husband is banging?"
"It's not going to work, Julia," Marcus says. Tears roll down his face. "I promised your family I'd bring you home and that's what I'm going to do. Even if I have to tie you up and toss you in the back of the Jeep."
"You wouldn't dare!" she cries.
"Try me, Julia." He stares at her, defiantly.
"God damn you Marcus," Julia says deflated. "Why do you care so much?"
"I made a promise to Oliver, a commitment."
"You love him very much don't you?" she asks.
"Yes, is that so hard to understand?"
"No. Not at all."
"He saved me from myself, Julia. He opened my eyes to what I was missing. And I've done the same for him. Now we're all going to do it for you, if you'll let us," he smiles and winks.
"And what about Satchel?"
"When the time comes you'll help him understand. His father will help him. And I'll hold his hand. Do what I can."
"You really weren't playing when you invented the Unga-Bunga tribe were you?"
"No," Marcus confesses.
"You've come to save the Princess?"
"No, I've come to bring the Princess home."
Julia hesitates, then breathes out a huge sigh. "Alright. I'll come, but on two conditions..."
"Julia," Marcus questions.
"It's not a trick. Two conditions. Number one, I want to take you on an adventure in New York City...I also want to buy some clothes." Marcus laughs. "And number two, I want to start my life from scratch. I don't want to be prissy Julia anymore. I want to be Jules. I want to reconnect with the girl I used to be. I want to ride horses, get dirty in the garden, wrestle with Matilda and Satchel. I want to wear girlie clothes again, not business suits. Hip huggers and a thong...What the hell are you laughing at?" Marcus is doubled over with laughter.
"I'm sorry Julia, er... Jules. The thought of you in a thong...it's just too special," he laughs. "And the kids call them low riders now, Jules."
"Whatever... Is it a deal? Are you ready to make magic in the Big Apple, Witchdoctor?"
"Yes," he says and smiles.
Julia spends the afternoon on the phone making plans. Marcus cleans the kitchen. By the time she comes downstairs, the kitchen is spotless and all traces of the glass/china tantrum vanished.
"What did you clean for?" Julia asks a dumbfounded Marcus.
"So that is would be...clean?"
"The cleaners are coming tomorrow, along with the movers and the Realtor."
"A Realtor?"
"I'm selling. I should get a mint for this dump. Close to two million."
"You're kidding me..." Marcus's jaw drops.
"Sweetheart, do you know who my neighbor is?"
"Hillary Clinton."
"You're joshing me, Julia Twist."
"No, but it doesn't really matter. She's hardly ever there."
"Two million?"
"Yes, and we're going to spent some of it in the city. Now come on we've a 6 o'clock train to catch."
They board the evening Metro liner and arrive fashionably late into New York. Julia packs only a light carry-on bag. She seems determined to start the last part of her life fresh and clean. Marcus bumbles along feeling like a country bumpkin. Dressed in his cam shorts, work boots and sleeveless tee shirt, he does resemble what some might call a redneck.
Julia hails a cab and they whiz off through Manhattan's evening traffic. When the taxi stops in front of the Plaza Hotel, Marcus refuses to get out of the car.
"Julia, I am not going into the Plaza dressed like a day laborer. My Gay sensibilities just won't allow it."
"Shall I remind you of what you did to my bedroom door, and bathroom too, I might add?" she says laying on the guilt. "Besides, you promised me."
"Oh, alright." he replies, feeling the pressure.
Julia reaches into her purse to pay the cab driver, but Marcus beats her to it. He pulls a fifty from his wallet and hands it to the driver. "Keep the change," he says.
"Big tipper," Julia teases and whistles.
"I do quite well at the nursery, thank you." he replies and exits the cab. He helps Julia out and escorts her into the lobby. His courage falters at the front desk. Thankfully, Princess Raindrops-on-roses steps up to bat and they're in their room within minutes. Room, hell. Suite.
"Holly crap, Julia," Marcus yells and dances her around the living room. "I've never stayed in a suite before. Cleaned them, many times when I worked for Hyatt, but never stayed over night in one."
"Marcus, calm down. This is my regular room at the Plaza, I just added on the adjoining room from you."
"So what do you want to do?"
"I'm a bit tired, how about we have a picnic in the living room?"
"Cool, room service?"
"What are you 12?"
"Julia, when are you going to learn that no man, Gay or straight, progresses past the age of 12. Even if he's 112."
"What shall we have then?" she asks as she flips through the menu. "Marcus, they have a Cote du Rhone on the wine list. Let's get two rare steaks, salad and two bottles of wine. We'll get fat and drunk all at the same time?"
Julia dials room service and orders while Marcus raids the mini bar. "What's your poison, Jules?"
"Kemo," she says without missing a beat.
"Julia?" Marcus looks back at her with concern in his eyes.
"I've got to talk openly about this now. And no more wigs," she says and tosses it into the empty trashcan.
"Julia..." Marcus crosses to the trash and retrieves the wig. "Are you OK. You've had a rather big day."
"Marcus, I feel light. I feel wonderful. I feel...I feel like a terrible weight has been lifted from my shoulders." Julia walks over to Marcus and kisses him on the cheek and gives him a Julia version of Oliver's bear hug. "Thank you," she says.
"I didn't do it for you Julia...no that's not true," he confesses. "I did do it for you, but mostly I did it for Satchel. You should donate the wig."
"You're right. I'll have the concierge take care of it first thing tomorrow. And speaking of tomorrow, I thought we could do dim sum in Chinatown, then go shopping. A little retail therapy at Macy's, Neiman Marcus, Prada, Armani? It'll do us good, don't you think?"
"I think my credit card is not going to like this trip."
"Nonsense. Now where's my cocktail?"
One cocktail turns into three. The steaks arrive, mooing and bloody. Marcus pops the cork on the wine and they feast. They talk about past trips to NYC, the plays and musicals they attended, the museums and art they like.
"Those paintings in your bedroom, their yours aren't they? Your work?"
"I like to fool around with color mostly. Color, space and motion. Kind of like designing a garden on canvas, I guess. No one ever sees them."
"They're good. You're good. Lot's of tension. Motion. They vibrate and not just with color. Some of them are quiet, though. Very still, motionless. Quite intense. I enjoyed them."
"Thank you Julia. That means a lot coming from you."
"You should exhibit."
"I don't have the time. Besides, I don't care if anyone else sees them. That's not why I paint. I paint for me. Period."
The conversation degrades as the wine intake increases. By the end of the second bottle, they sit in front of the TV on the floor of the suite's living room, and watch a bisexual porn flick on pay per view.
"What do you think of him?" Julia asks and she points to the TV and slops half a glass of wine on her jeans. "Shit..."
"He's got a great body, but I'd have to put a bag over his head to fuck him," Marcus confesses, then falls into a laughing fit. Plus, he's got a curved erection and not a straight erection. I don't like the curvy ones."
"What are you talking about?" Julia asks, confused.
"There are two types of erect penises. The straight against the body type, and the inverted J type. I don't like the J type."
"I can't believe...you pay that much attention to an erection?"
"Sweetie, I'm a Gay man. Gay men do nothing but pay attention to erect penises. Most of our lives are devoted to erect penises. Either ours or assorted others. Photo, video or live. It doesn't matter."
"Do you have a J?"
"Uck, no."
"Does Oliver?"
"You mean you don't remember?" This causes both to burst into a fit of laughter. They fall asleep on the floor before the movie is over. In the middle of the night, Marcus carries Julia to her bed, then falls into his own.
Slightly hung over, but no worse for wear, the two adventuresome friends head to Chinatown. The taxi drops them off smack dab in the middle of the neighborhood. They have no idea where to go, so they ask a few locals and end up at Mr. Foo's. Mr. Foo is a dumpling god. When they finish, each has a tower of empty little plates in front of them. They sit, quietly sated and drink the last of the green tea to help them digest their meal.
Back on the street they hail yet another cab and begin their therapy at Armani. Marcus feels a bit better about today's attire. At least he wears clean jeans and a button down collar shirt...pink. Julia makes a beeline for the men's suits.
"Marcus, do you have a suit?"
"Julia, I used to be quite the fashionista when I was younger. Of course I have a suit...but not like this! Oh, my god." Marcus drools while his hands caress the fabric.
"Navy blue, I should think. With a light blue shirt and gray silk tie, perhaps with a navy stripe?"
"Julia, I can't afford this, did you notice the price tag?" Marcus says shocked. Dollar signs dance in front of his face. "It's a mortgage payment for me." It's also a lot of perennials for the nursery.
"I'm not looking at price tags today," she replies. "Now where is a sales person." A woman appears from the other side of a display rack to ask if she can be of service. "Yes, thank you. I'm going to be spending a large amount of money on my friend here, so we need a couple of glasses of white wine and your cutest Gay salesman to help with the fittings." The woman smiles and disappears. Marcus blushes three shades of red.
"Julia, what did you say that for. It sounded like a scene from 'Pretty Woman'"
"I refrained from the 'suck up' part. I thought it would be a bit tasteless...with the cute Gay salesman request."
Two minutes later a very tall, very blond, very handsome and very well dressed man greets them with two glasses of champagne. Marcus is impressed (and not with the wine). Julia smiles like the cat who ate the canary.
"Not a word of this to Oliver," Marcus says as the very cute Gay salesman bends down and takes Marcus's inside leg measurement. Marcus turns beet red when the salesman asks if he dresses to the left or right. Julia laughs in spite of herself.
"The right, usually," Marcus says quietly.
"You boys have fun playing dress up. I'm going to look at a few dresses while were here," she says and disappears, leaving Marcus to fend off the salesman. She waves her hand backwards as she starts to walk across the storeroom floor, then turns to address the CGS. "See if you can find a decent pair of jeans that make his ass look great, OK?"
"I don't think that will be difficult," the CGS says and looks up at Marcus. The tape measure still stuck in his crotch.
An hour later, having been poked, prodded and pinched, Marcus calls Julia on her cell phone while the CGS is looking for yet another pair of jeans. Marcus stands in the dressing room in his socks and boxer briefs adjusting his growing erection when the phones finally connect.
"Julia, you've got to get me out of here before I break a vow," he pleads into the phone.
"Which one?" she asks. "A, E, I, O or U?"
"Every time he helps me into another pair of pants, he pinches my ass, pulls at my crotch. I don't know how much more of this I can take before I toss a bone."
"Marcus, calm down. He's simply making sure the clothes drape properly, fit properly. He's also teasing you a bit. It's all apart of his salesmanship. Relax, enjoy the attention. Did you see the way he was looking at you?"
"Get real, Julia. I'm a middle aged practically married man..."
"Marcus, you are a rarity here in Manhattan. A real man. With real muscles earned from hard, heavy work. And truly Gay, to boot...that makes you a hottie. I bet he keeps finding reasons to keep you half naked and in the dressing room. And, I bet he throws a bone first!" she says and hangs up.
"Julia!..." Marcus folds his cell and replaces it in the pocket of his jeans hanging on the wall as the CGS enters with still another pair of jeans. As Marcus stuffs himself into... another pair of jeans that look to him just like the last pair, the CGS continues to pull, prod and poke. Marcus's penis can take no more. It rears up like a stallion in a western movie. "Oh, god, I can't get these closed," Marcus says frustrated.
"What's wrong," the CGS asks.
"Oh, nothing. I can manage,"
Marcus replies embarrassed.
"Let me help," the CGS says and
spins Marcus around before he can adjust himself and his erection
practically pokes the man in his face.
"I'm so sorry. With all the poking and prodding...well. You can see my reaction."
"Nothing at all to apologize for," he says and stands. The front of his suit trousers are tented. He moves close to Marcus, slips his hand inside his briefs, then kisses him. Marcus feels the CGS's bulging tent. He breaks off the kiss and regains his sanity.
"Listen, you are very attractive, but I can't do this. I want to, but I can't. I have a wonderful man at home I've made a commitment to..." Marcus stops his speech when the CSG begins to cry. "Hey, kiddo. What's with this?" Marcus says and pulls him down to the dressing bench to sit.
"Please don't tell my boss, I need this job. I've never done anything like this before. I couldn't help myself though, you are so hot."
"Now that's plain silly. I'm a middle aged man. And no one will hear a word from my lips about any of this. You quite boosted my ego through the roof, kid," Marcus laughs. "Now dry your tears," Marcus advises as he wipes the CGS's eyes with his fingers and kisses him on the cheek.
"You're like my fantasy man, older, hot body, and you honor your commitments. What do you do to keep so fit?"
"I own a rose nursery, a farm near the beach in Delaware. It's very hard work. Farming. As for hot? I don't think so. You want to see hot?" Marcus reaches into his jeans and retrieves his phone. He pulls up a picture of Oliver without his shirt on. "This is my commitment," he says and shows CGS the photo.
"This is your partner?" he asks.
"Now do you understand? Former police officer. Drives a motorcycle and he bottoms for me from time to time if you can believe that."
"This man bottoms?"
"For me."
"Why can't I find a man like that."
"This man is one of a kind..and he found me. I will give you some advice, if you like," Marcus offers as his replaces the phone in his pocket. "Stop the nightclub hook-ups and the gym rat fucks. Join a club or Gay organization. Volunteer somewhere. Take a cooking class or something. That's where you find a partner, OK?"
"Thanks,"he says.
"What's your name?"
"Daniel, I'm Marcus and my partner is Oliver," Marcus pulls a Native Rose business card from his wallet and hands it to Daniel. "And if you need a break from the city and can get away, come visit us. We're only twenty minutes from the Gay mecca of Rehoboth Beach.
Marcus dresses, takes his jeans to the counter to pay. Daniel and Marcus both agree that Oliver needs an ass hugging pair of jeans, too, so he retrieves a pair of 34/34 in the style Daniel suggests. Julia finds Marcus at the register counter. Marcus insists on paying for his and Oliver's jeans. She pays for the suit, tie and shirt. The suit will be tailored today and sent over to the Plaza in the morning, Daniel assures them.
"You didn't find anything, Julia?"
"Not really. I prefer Armani on men. Let's try Prada."
They shop till they drop. Shoes at Prada for Julia, a train set for Satchel at FAO Schwartz, jeans, a sundress and a couple of tops at Macy's for Julia. At their last stop, Neiman Marcus, Julia falls in love. With a dress. No, not a dress... a gown.
"Marcus, come look," she pulls him to the mannequin. The pearl gray satin gown plunges to mid-chest in the front and dramatically to the ass in the back. It is simplicity itself, with a distinct air of the roaring 20's. The dress ends in a V shaped train that the mannequin drapes over her wrist. An enormously long string of pearls (fake of course) hangs down her naked back.
"I want it," Julia says very quietly. "Please find me a sales lady."
Twenty minutes later, Julia stands in a three way mirror wearing the entire get-up with her Prada shoes and Marcus's eyes pop. She shimmers, pale and silver even in the glare of the florescent lighting of the dressing room. The 'pearls' rest on her coccyx, just above her round ass. The woman could stop a runaway train.
Tears fall from her eyes. Marcus moves close, slipping an arm around her waist.
"Are you OK, sweetie?"
"Marcus, I've never felt more beautiful in my life," she says as she rubs her hand over the short stubble that is now her hair. "Not even on my wedding day. And do not tell Oliver that."
"I won't, kiddo."
"I'm going to say something morbid, so be strong, alright?"
"Sure, OK."
"Marcus, this is the last serious dress I will ever buy or even wear. I know, being a guy... even a Gay guy, you night not understand; but to a girl, a woman, dresses mean a lot. Especially gowns. Prom gowns, wedding gowns, Mother of the bride or groom gowns. These dresses mark events in a woman's life. This is my LIVING gown, Marcus. My 'I'm still alive' gown. Do you understand any of what I'm saying. Am I making any sense at all?" she asks as the tears steadily flow.
"Julia, you're making perfect sense." At that second, the very second Marcus speaks these words, a plan hatches in his brain. He laughs to himself because he can hear Oliver saying 'Lucy, you got some 'splaining to do'. Somewhere in the island that is Manhattan, there has got to be a function happening where Julia can wear that dress and he is determined to find it.
Later that afternoon, with today's purchases tucked safely away and Julia sleeping off a three martini lunch at Elaine's (anybody can get into Elaine's these days), Marcus calls the concierge.
"This is Sue, how may I help you?"
"Sue, this is Marcus Scott in Julia Twists suite?"
"Yes, Mr. Scott?"
"It's Marcus, please. Mr. Scott was my father."
"Very well, Marcus. How can I help you?"
"Do you know Ms. Twist at all, I know she stays here quite often when working on UN stuff."
"Oh, yes. Ms. Twist is one of my most favorite clients. I've helped her with several functions, and she's even invited me to a few."
"Terrific. I don't know if you know it or not, but Ms. Twist is retiring from the Senate Committee on Intelligence, and this is a celebration of sorts before she moves to the beach."
"How wonderful for her," Sue the concierge says excited for Julia.
"Well, Julia just bought this knock out gown and I thought I'd like to take her somewhere important tomorrow night. There's got to be some sort of gala somewhere in Manhattan, wouldn't you think?"
"Oh my gosh, yes. There's dozens of them every night."
"Something Hollywood might attend, somewhere paparazzi might be?"
"I'm sorry sir, but are you up to something? Ms. Twist has been very good to me," Sue says.
"Oh, no. It's nothing like that. We have this on going joke about the paparazzi...I just don't want to take her anywhere boring. This visit is all about adventures. Understand?"
"I think so, Marcus."
"So, you'll do a little digging for me?"
"Actually, I don't have to. There's an AMFAR fund raiser at MOMA tomorrow and they're not sold out of tickets yet. It's a very Hollywood thing. Broadway thing, too."
"That's perfect, since I'm Gay and dating her ex-husband."
"Oh, yes. Julia and their son are staying with us at the beach this summer."
"Modern family."
"Yes we are indeed. So how much are these ticket, Sue?"
"$500 a plate or $5k a table. A bit steep, I'm afraid Marcus."
"No not really considering it's all tax deductible. How many per table?"
"Six," Sue says.
"OK Sue, here's what were going to do. Book a table with my business credit card. Do you have a boyfriend?"
"I'm inviting you Sue. You city girls always have a black cocktail dress stashed away somewhere don't you?"
"Marcus are you serious?"
"Of course. Julia and I don't know NYC folks and I can't have an empty table. Oh, and I need the number to the big Armani store on Park avenue. Can you find that for me while I get out my credit card?"
"Sure, it'll take just a second. And thank you Marcus. This will be so exciting!"
Marcus gives Sue the concierge the Native Rose credit card. He also gives her his cell phone number so they can keep their plan secret from Julia.
"They want a bio for the company table, Marcus."
"Just log onto .com for my bio and you can Google Julia. Is that OK?"
"Wonderful, I'll take care of the rest."
"Oh, I have a suit coming from Armani, tomorrow. Can you have it sent up to our room?"
"Is that the one you're wearing to the gala?"
"Yeah, it should be so totally cool."
"I know. It feels like the Prom or something."
"Call me later, Sue."
"Bye, Marcus. I'll take care of everything."
Marcus hangs up with Sue and immediately calls Armani on his cell phone, hoping Daniel is still at work.
"Armani, New York City...This is Caroline, how may I assist you?"
"Yes. This is Marcus Scott, I just purchased a suit this morning with Daniel, and I need it tomorrow night for the AMFAR gala. Is it possible for me to speak with him. I have some questions?"
"One moment, please."
Half an aria later, Daniel's voice comes on the other end of the phone.
"Marcus, is everything alright?"
"Yes, my friend. Everything is wonderful. I've called to invite you to the AMFAR gala tomorrow night as my guest. You and a friend. Or a date or whatever.
"Are you serious?"
"I'm taking Julia. I need to fill up a table and who else would I call but my new NYC friend?"
"But Marcus, it's such a big deal. The ticket prices..."
"What, you don't want to come? I promise I won't embarrass us again and you can see how the suit fits. Please?"
"OK. Oh, my gosh. Yeah. What a blast!"
"Here's my cell phone number. I'll meet you outside with the tickets?"
"Wonderful!" Daniel says and they hang up.
Dinner that night is burgers, black and tans, and a game of darts at an English pub Julia frequents when in town. After her third bitters and a really bad dart throw that almost wipes out their opponents, Julia sidles up to Marcus and whispers in his ear.
"I know you're up to something, Witchdoctor."
"And what would that be, Julia?" He asks innocently.
"I don't know and it's driving me crazy. You've been on the phone all afternoon and I know it's not been to anyone in Delaware."
"I know people all up and down the eastern seaboard," he says unable to look her directly in the eyes for fear of spilling the beans.
"Marcus, give me a hint. Please," she smiles and places her head on his shoulder.
"Not going to work Twist. You can bat those eyelashes at me all night long and it still won't work. I'm Gay, remember. Your womanly enticements have no power over me at all."
"Damn it all to hell, Marcus. I demand to know." Marcus laughs, but remains silent.
"You will know all tomorrow, Princess. And that's all I'm going to say. So, are your playing darts or what?"
Marcus wakes Julia with room service breakfast the next morning. Eggs Benedict, champagne and orange juice, fresh fruit, whole wheat toast and strong Hawaiian Kona coffee, Marcus's favorite.
"OK, now I know you're up to something," Julia says as Marcus pops the bottle of domestic Moet for the OJ.
"Here's your schedule for today, Ms. Twist," Marcus says in official secretary mode. "Breakfast and a shower. Mani-pedi and facial in the spa downstairs. Light luncheon after massage. Nap and then dress for the evening. The limo arrives promptly at 6 o'clock, and we have guests coming for cocktails."
"What the hell is going on?"
"Your dress and my suit have a date," he says and busts out with a smile.
"Marcus?" Julia breaks down and weeps. A calm, woman's weep that shows a man how pleased she is with him.
"Julia, don't cry darling," Marcus pulls her to him and hugs her tight to his chest. "I'm just playing Witchdoctor. Creating a bit of magic for us. Remember Unga-Bunga rules!"
"I don't know what to say..."
"Why do you need to say anything, Julia?
"So what are you doing while I'm making myself beautiful?"
"Buying a pair of black shoes."
Once Julia eats and retreats to her shower, Marcus calls Sue in a panic. "Sue I have no shoes for my suit! I don't relish paying $300 for a pair of wing tips when I have a perfectly good pair at home gathering dust."
"Marcus that's a piece of cake. There's a tux rental place a few blocks from the hotel. I'll have them send over a rental pair. What size?"
"You're kidding me.
"This is New York City, Marcus. We kid about nothing."
"I'm a size 10. You can put it on my credit card?"
"This one's one me Marcus.
"Sue, I can't let you do that."
"Of course you can and will."
"I've also come up with a great idea, but it entails a slight change of plans. I've rented the hotel limo, so instead of you meeting me and Julia at MOMA, why don't we meet up in the suite for cocktails before the event, then we can all share a ride. Sound fun?"
"Sounds very Manhattan, Marcus."
Marcus calls Daniel's cell and asks him to cocktails and he accepts.
Guests arrive promptly at 5 o'clock. Sue, the concierge and her boyfriend, Dale are the first to arrive. Julia greets Sue like the old friend she is. Her boyfriend, a trader on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, is a beefy New Jersey man with a quiet demeanor. Marcus believes he's either shy or has no particular opinion on anything. Daniel is the last to arrive, and he brings a date and not a friend from the clothing store. He introduces an extremely handsome man in a formal kilt. His thighs the size of tree trunks, lightly hairy; his broad chest fills out his dinner jacket completely. Marcus is impressed and longs to know what exactly he's wearing underneath his kilt. His name is Liam MacDaniel, no less. Dashing is the only word that truly describes him. Weathered, masculine but not butch. Marcus pulls Daniel aside once introductions finish and cocktails are poured.
"Tell me the dish on the dish," Marcus whispers into Daniel's ear.
"He's a Brooklyn police officer." Daniel gushes.
"Get out!" Marcus says astounded.
" I met him at the Brooklyn Gay and Lesbian Neighborhood Alliance meeting. I took your advice and joined our neighborhood association. He's the community outreach officer, but he walks a beat in our neighborhood. Is that not the weirdest thing. I can't believe I had the courage to approach him and introduce myself. I even asked him out for a coffee after the meeting. And he accepted.
"Of course he accepted, Daniel. You are a hottie," Marcus says and kisses Daniel on the cheek. "I'm so happy for you."
"We talked for three hours after the meeting and he asked me out. Then you called, and I invited him to escort me. If this is a dream, I hope I never wake up, I'm telling you Marcus."
"So...what do they wear underneath their kilts?" he asks and blushes.
"I don't know yet, but I'm dieing to find out." Daniel winks as he returns to Liam's side.
Marcus shepherds the group down to the limo when it arrives. He pops a bottle of complementary champagne for the ride to the museum which heightens everyone's excitement. The limo drops them off in front of the famous museum and onto a red carpet. The group huddles together afraid to walk down the carpet and into the museum. A PR assistant, dressed in a black Calvin Klein cocktail dress approaches the group and notices Marcus and Julia.
"Ms. Twist, Mr. Scott?" she asks in a professional voice.
"Yes," Marcus replies.
"I'm Marlene Mathews, PR assistant for AMFAR."
"Pleased to meet you Ms. Mathews," Julia says as she extends her hand. Both women shake. Marcus nods his head in greeting.
"All table sponsors are asked to walk the carpet for publicity photographs...that is if you don't mind?"
"Ah, no," Marcus mumbles as he looks to Julia She smiles, confident and beautiful.
"Wonderful. I'll escort the rest of your party to the Native Rose table if I may have your tickets?"
Marcus pull them from the breast pocket of his new suit and hands them to the assistant. With kisses and hugs, the group says their momentary good byes and suddenly the couple is alone and terrified.
"If I stumble in this gown..." Julia stops in mid-sentence, afraid to jinx herself.
"I got your back, Twist," Marcus says and places his hand on her naked back, then quickly removes it. "Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Julia you're practically naked."
"Oh, thanks Marcus. That's a confidence builder. You know..."
Interrupted by their introduction, Julia falls silent. "Shoulders back, tits forward," Marcus says as he offers Julia his arm. She bursts out with a belly laugh, rubs her stubbly hair and tosses out the dress's train.
"Why do I feel like I'm jumping off a cliff?" she asks Marcus and they begin their once in a lifetime walk down the red carpet.
"But we look damn good doing it, though," he says. Marcus stops suddenly, pulls Julia to him then dips her. The crowd goes wild and cameras flash one after another.
"Marcus Scott!" Julia fumes under her breath, once it returns.
"Just giving them something to talk about, Julia," he grins.
"Yeah, we would have too, if my tit had popped out," Julia laughs and waves to the crowd. "You sure do know how to show a girl a good time, witchdoctor." She laughs her sparkling laugh and retakes Marcus's arm. He escorts her inside to their table and their waiting friends.
"Julia," Sue squeals as the couple approaches the table. "We saw it all on the monitor over there. You were fabulous!" The men all pump Marcus's hand and slap him on the back. Gay or straight, men are still men.
"Slick move, man," Dale the shy says and slaps Marcus on the back so hard he stumbles forward a step.
"So any celebrity sightings," Marcus asks once everyone is seated around the table with a drink.
"Sharon Stone, Bernadette Peters..." Sue says but is stopped by Marcus.
"Where is she?" Marcus demands.
"The queen of Broadway, silly."
"I saw her as we were coming in. I don't know where her table is," Sue confesses.
"I'm sorry, but I have to take a turn about the room, kids," Marcus says just as the waiter brings the first course.
"Marcus, no stalking," Julia laughs.
"Oh alright," he says and sits down to his salad.
The night progresses with the rest of the dinner courses, the bestowing of awards and a few ballads for Ms. Peters. The group dances away the remainder of the evening to the music of a salsa band no one knows. At 1am Marcus notices that Julia is wavering, tired.
"I think it's time to rescue the Princess," he whispers into her ear.
"Do we have to go?" she asks, barely able to keep her eyes open.
"You sound like Satchel," Marcus laughs and kisses her cheek. "Let's leave the remainder of the night to the kids?"
The kids rebel when Marcus informs them that the old folks are heading out.
"Let me call the limo," Sue says as she retrieves her Blackberry from her evening bag.
"No," Marcus says quietly. "You guys keep the limo. We'll take a cab. Call us in the morning, and tell us your adventures? But not too early, mind."
Back in Julia's suite at the Plaza, Julia and Marcus sit on the couch with a nightcap. Marcus is subdued and quiet.
"Marcus, is something wrong?"
"No not really," he says and looks down into his drink.
"Come on, don't bull shit me Marcus Scott, witchdoctor," she says placing an hand on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry, but I'm ready to go home, Julia. I miss Oliver, the Nursery, my family...no offense, but all I could think about while we were dancing was Oliver. I wanted Oliver in my arms," Marcus confesses. Tears slide down his cheeks and onto the collar of his expensive new shirt.
"Don't be sorry, Marcus. I think it's wonderful. Your face lights an entire room when you're with Oliver. He's the same way. I don't think I've ever seen two people more in love in my life."
"Julia, I don't want to spoil your adventure," Marcus says and looks her straight in the eye.
"Who created this adventure? You. Marcus, I've never felt more beautiful in my life and when you dipped me on the red carpet...it was pure magic. I think we've hit the high point. And I miss Satchel. So, yes tomorrow morning after breakfast we check out of this dump and head home for Unga-Bunga. Deal?"
"Deal," Marcus says and pulls Julia into a tight embrace. Tears now flow down both their cheeks.
Early the next morning Marcus wakes to the bleating of his cell phone. He answers half asleep, "Hello?"
"Have you seen the paper yet this morning?"
"What time is it?"
"It's 7am sleepyhead," he says.
"I'm half asleep or half hung-over, I don't know which."
"From the look of this photograph, I would guess the latter."
"What are you talking about?" Marcus asks somewhat more alert.
"You and Julia made the society pages in two papers. Quite a dip you gave our girl. Just what are you two doing in the Big Apple, anyway?" Oliver laughs into the phone. Not amused, Marcus bolts upright as the phone in the suite's living room rings.
"Hold on Oliver, the other phone's ringing." Marcus walks into the room and answers the phone. "Marcus Scott, good morning."
"Marcus you're up."
"Sue, is that you?"
"Yes. Have you seen the papers this morning?"
"No..." Sue cuts him off before he can finish.
"Good. I'll be right up. I've ordered breakfast," she says and hangs up the phone.
"Sue? I'm not even...dressed." He walks back into his room and pulls on a pair of work shorts. "Oliver?" he asks as he picks up the cell phone again. "What's going on this morning. Is everybody crazy?"
"Marcus wake up. I've been trying to tell you that a picture of you dipping Julia on the red carpet has found its way into the society pages of both the New York Times and the Washington Post."
"What!?" he yells into the phone. "Honey, I'll call you back later. Oh, I almost forgot, we're checking out today. We should be home this evening. Eventually."
"Turning tail and running, are you?" Oliver laughs again.
"Oliver you're making no sense at all. I'll see you tonight," Marcus says as Sue knocks on the door. He pulls a tee shirt over his head as he goes to answer the door. Julia pokes her head out of her bedroom which stops him in his tracks.
"Marcus what the heck is going on this morning?"
"Better get dressed. Sue is here with breakfast and there's something about us in the paper, I think?"
"Really? I hope it's scandalous," Julia smiles and disappears behind the bedroom door.
Marcus ushers Sue into the suite. She pushes a room service cart laden with pastries, fruit and all manner of breakfast treats, plus a bottle of champagne.
"It's a little early for champagne, don't you think Sue?"
"Marcus, it's never too early for champagne when you have something to celebrate. I called Daniel. He'll be over in a few...I think he managed to find out what Liam wore under his kilt last night," she giggles. "Where's Julia?"
"I'm right here," Julia says dressed in jeans and a tee shirt. She emerges from the bedroom looking bright and airy. Ready for the day. "So show us the picture, already," she says as she greets Sue with a kiss on the cheek.
Sue whips out the New York Time society page and in all their Unga-Bunga splendor are Marcus and Julia.
"Holy shit," Marcus blurts out. "Julia, you look like a Broadway star. You're glorious!" Julia laughs out loud, then clutches her chest. Tear roll down her eyes.
"Did you read the caption?" Sue asks, then reads it out loud. "Out of town couple Julia Twist and Marcus Scott teach the locals how to sizzle on the red carpet at last night's AMFAR gala."
And Julia does indeed sizzle...the photograph captures her at the bottom of Marcus's dip. Her back arched, arm extended in perfect ballet form, leg bent at the knee with that magical dress showing enough thigh to be provocative, but not vulgar. Her long strand of pearls swings out from her naked back as she smiles at the camera. Even her toe is pointed.
"I can't believe that's me!" Julia exclaims once the tears stop.
"Marcus looks rather dashing," Sue says and smiles.
"No, he looks like the naughty boy he is, standing there with that grin on his face, looking smug with those bedroom eyes of his," Julia says and punches him in the arm.
"Ouch, Julia. What, are you twelve?" Marcus rubs his arm. Marcus refrains from punching Julia when he hears another knock on the door. "Daniel, I presume?" Sue nods.
Daniel sticks the photograph through the door just as Marcus opens it. Marcus laughs when he notices Daniel has drawn a mustache on Marcus's face. "Sexy man," Daniel says as he pokes his head in the door. Marcus pulls him in and kisses him on the cheek. Daniel attempts to dip Marcus, but only manages to unbalance them both so they fall to the floor on top of one another.
"Smooth move, slick," Marcus says as he picks himself and Daniel off the floor. He notes Daniel is wearing the same clothes we wore last night. "Wow, you haven't been home, have you Daniel?"
"I was in Brooklyn, at least," Daniel blushes.
"So you did find out what he wore underneath that kilt after all?"
"It's a..." Daniel stops when he feels the women's eyes burning a hole in his skin. "I'll tell you later."
Marcus pops the cork on the champagne and pours everyone a drink. They toast to a successful evening, then fall ravenously on the breakfast buffet. They relive each moment, then Daniel and Sue fill the older couple in on what they missed once they left the gala. They laugh and eat and drink, but in Marcus's head he's no longer there. He's home with Oliver.
They arrive at the farmhouse just after sunset. Tired and travel dirty, Marcus escorts Julia into the house. To their surprise, everyone in the house yells 'surprise!' when they enter. Oliver and Satchel organized a welcome home party for their loved ones. Banners hang from the stairs...WELCOME HOME MOM...WELCOME HOME SIMPLY MARCUS.
Satchel, Jenn, Emma and the dogs lead the stunned travelers back to the kitchen where they are seated and served a meal of their favorite foods and cold peach tea. Oliver joins them once the old wrangler is unloaded. The evening ends with chocolate cake. The good byes are quick, everyone realizing how tired the travelers must be.
Oliver settles Satchel and Julia, while Marcus showers. Upon his return, Oliver closes the door to their room and locks it. Nervous as a bridegroom, he sits on the edge of the bed and waits for Marcus to finish. Oliver sucks in his breath automatically when his lover emerges from the bathroom with only a towel around his waist. Wet, his hair curls around his head; his body hair slick against his strong muscular chest. It seems amazing to Oliver that Marcus has no idea how handsome he is, how beautiful his body.
"What are you looking at, Oliver?" Marcus asks surprised to see Oliver staring at him.
"You. You're beautiful," he says with honesty. Marcus sees it in his eyes, drops the towel and walks to him. "I can't believe you brought Julia home. And she seems so happy. Marcus..."
"Hush, baby," Marcus says as he reaches Oliver. Oliver slips his arms around his naked lover, places his head against his flat belly. Tears of love and gratitude flow from his eyes. Marcus wraps his hands behind Oliver's head and lifts his face to him as he bends down. "I told you I could do it, didn't I. Didn't I promise you?"
"Yes you did," Oliver smiles through his tears. Like Marcus, Oliver is no longer afraid and his emotions bubble to the surface unashamedly.
"I would slay a dragon for you Oliver Twist," Marcus says and laughs, then kisses Oliver with hunger and passion. He forces his mouth hard against his lover and that force is matched.
Oliver pulls Marcus onto the bed. He runs his hands over every inch of Marcus's body over and over until he calls out Oliver's name in a fiery climax that covers his torso in cum.
"I missed you so much Marcus, I could barely function," Oliver confesses.
"I missed you, too. I love you so deeply Oliver, it almost physically hurts when I'm not near you." Marcus whispers into his ear as he nuzzles it.
"Marcus, you have given me everything I've ever wanted in my life," Oliver whispers back into Marcus's ear. "My family all under one roof again, a strong man at my side. Someone who loves me and whom I can love."
"I'm the lucky one Oliver. You've not only given me your love, you've given me a family. You make me a better man," Marcus says in between kisses as he unbuttons Oliver's shirt. Marcus laughs suddenly and buries his head against Oliver's chest. "You know this is the most wonderful, romantic moment of my life. We're confessing our feelings and love for one another, but all I want to do is tear off your clothes and fuck you. I want to fuck my husband till my dick falls off.
"I didn't know you were married?" Oliver jokes.
"I'm not...yet," Marcus gets up on his knees. "Oliver Twist will you do me the honor of becoming my husband and share our lives together, forever?"
"Where's the ring?"
"Oliver!" Marcus yells, then punches Oliver on the arm. Oliver pulls Marcus down onto the bed, then rolls over on top of him, pinning his arms above him and sits on him.
"Marcus Scott, will you do me the honor of becoming my husband and share our lives together forever?"
"Yes!" he yells back.
"You don't care about the ring?"
"Why would I care about a ring when I have your heart?"
"Ah baby, that's so sweet, really," Oliver says and kisses Marcus on the lips. "So I guess I can take the ring back to the jeweler?"
"What?" Marcus asks and bolts upright, knocking Oliver on his back. "Are you serious?"
"Weren't you?" Oliver asks smiling.
"Yes, but I guess I'm not as prepared as you are."
Oliver slips off the rest of his clothes as he walks to the dresser. He returns with two small boxes. Marcus's heart skips a beat. His brain unable to comprehend what his eyes see.
Oliver scoots back onto the bed and wraps his legs around Marcus. "Marcus, will you marry me. I love you even in the deepest part of my soul. I will never be truly happy until we're promised to each other."
"Yes, Oliver," Marcus says crying. At this moment, a moment he believed would never happen to him, he doesn't care if he's a bit girlie. At this moment he is simply Marcus saying yes to Oliver and nothing else matters.
Oliver opens the box and removes a very simple sterling silver wedding band. It's thick and heavy with a single flat ruby stone embedded in it. He reaches for Marcus's left hand and slips it onto his finger. It fits perfectly. He kisses his husband's ringed finger then his lips.
"I give you my heart Marcus, willingly, eagerly," Oliver says as he stares deeply into Marcus's eyes.
Marcus takes the other box from Oliver and opens it. It is the same ring only slightly larger. He holds it gently in his hand, then pours out his heart.
"Oliver will you marry me? Will you continue to make me the best man I can be for the rest of my life? I too, love you from a place I didn't know I had inside of me. Until I met you I didn't believe this kind of love possible, especially from me."
"Yes, Marcus. There is nothing in this world I want to do more than to grow old with you."
Marcus reaches for Oliver's left hand and slips the ring on his finger. He too, kisses his husband's ringed finger and then his lips.
"I give you my heart, Oliver," Marcus says and places his hand on his husband's chest. "willingly, eagerly, proudly."
Together they embrace. Their kiss strong, fierce and full of desire for each other. Through their love making this night they both take from the other, both give to the other and when dawn breaks amid the orchid blossoms they remain joined through their bond of love.
Marcus slips out of bed with the intention of fixing coffee and breakfast for the tribe. Transfixed by the sight of the morning sun bathing his naked husband as he sleeps, he pauses at the door to watch. To drink him in. In his mind he runs his hands over Oliver's taunt body. The body hair soft underneath his caress, his skin warm. A wave of desire washes over him, but he controls it. He refuses to be selfish. A smile sprouts on his face as he turns his wedding band round and round on his finger. He sighs, then leaves the room to begin his first morning back.
Used to an all male household, he wears only his boxer briefs. He's surprised to find Julia already in the kitchen.
"Morning," she says catching him off guard.
"I'm sorry, I didn't think you'd be up. I'll go dress." Marcus replies blushing.
"Oh, stop. I've seen more on the beach. Besides, you look rather handsome in next to nothing."
"Julia!" Marcus chides, blushing even deeper.
"Come sit. Have some coffee with me. I hope you don't mind me making myself at home?" she says and hands him a cup and saucer from his favorite china pattern.
"This is your home now Julia. You can do as you please. Honestly," Marcus says and reaches for her hand.
"Marcus Scott, what do you have on your finger!?"
"A wedding band. Isn't it beautiful?" he blushes yet again.
"I'm so happy for you," Julia says excited. She grabs Marcus's face between her hands and kisses him smack on the lips. "Tell me everything."
"Well...I think I almost ruined it for him. I actually asked him first and when I couldn't cough up a ring," Marcus laughs and takes a sip of coffee. "He tackled me Julia, pinned me, then asked me the same question. When I said yes, he actually brought out the rings. I swear I got so girlie, it was embarrassing."
"He tackled you? Doesn't sound too romantic to me. He didn't even get down on bended knee? Do I need to talk to that man?"
"Oh, no. It was very romantic and very hot. I suppose girl romance and guy romance differs a bit. No, it was perfect."
"I must say...even if I don't agree with his romantic stylings, he has wonderful taste. This ring, Marcus is beautiful. Solid, very masculine, but tender. I'm impressed."
"So you're OK with this?"
"Of course. I knew he'd make an honest man out of you, some day."
"I think he did it for you, too."
"Me?" Julia asks confused.
"So that you'd know we were committed. That Satchel would always have a stable home with caring adults around him. I know that was in the back of his mind."
"And you're OK with this?" she lobs back Marcus's question.
"That was part of my reasoning for asking him. In our small male minds, I think we both thought it would be one less worry for you...if we had a symbol of our commitment to show you, to show the community, the world..."
"Marcus that's very sweet, but you had me at Unga-Bunga night."
"I love it that you quote movie lines. Oliver never gets it when I do that."
"Believe me, I know."
Their 'girl talk' is suddenly interrupted by Satchel's squeals of delight coming from the top of the stairs. Oliver and his son, also dressed only in boxer briefs, bound into the kitchen. Satchel rides high on his father's shoulders. Oliver plops Satchel on the kitchen counter and kisses his husband on the cheek.
"So did you all decide to color coordinate this morning or did it happen by chance?" Julia asks since all three wear navy blue boxer briefs.
"Accident, I suppose," Oliver says. "Satchel insisted that he wear men's underwear like Simply Marcus and Dad, so we went to Kmart yesterday...Hey, Julia I can toss some shorts on."
"No, it's cute. All my men wearing the same underwear," she says and laughs.
"Julia, we're just not used to being around women, that's all," Oliver confesses.
"It's OK, you old married man." Julia runs her hand across Oliver's face and smiles. Oliver smiles back and places his arm around Marcus's shoulder, then kisses his ear.
"Pretty terrific don't you think? Do you like the rings?" he asks as he shows off his finger.
"Actually, we were just talking about that, and yes I approve, Oliver. They're beautiful."
"Well, I have a nursery to run, or at least I used to, so if you're cooking Julia, I think I'll shower and ready myself for my long suffering employee, Jen," Marcus says and marches back upstairs. When he returns the kitchen table is alive with family activity. Laughter echoes around the room and Marcus's heart smiles. Laden down with bribes for Jen and Emma, he fills his travel mug with another cup of coffee, grabs a slice of toast and kisses each tribe member on the head, then scoots out the French doors to work. Before he's through the garden gate, Julia pops her head out the back door and yells after him.
"Yes, Julia?" he turns and hollers back.
"I'll bring lunch down about noon, alright? For both you and Jen."
"That sound wonderful. You're going to spoil me." He smiles, waves, then disappears out through the gate.
Marcus's stomach flips and churns as he makes his way to the nursery. The toast doesn't help. He's glad he decided to skip the English fry-up breakfast. The doors to the nursery are shut when he arrives. That in itself isn't a bad sign...the photo tacked on the door with an arrow through his head (a la Steve Martin) however is. Jen's wicked sense of humor aside, he knows she is not happy.
Marcus laughs despite the situation as he takes down the photograph and unlocks the door. A sigh of contentment escapes his lips as he walks to his desk and plops down in the dilapidated chair. Even the mountain of paperwork on his desk, now grown larger, cannot dissipate his euphoria.
That perfect moment bursts like a child's circus balloon when Jen slams and locks the door. His stomach jumps into his throat, his testicles shrivel and disappear inside his body.
"I see the prodigal boss returns?"
"Jen, I'm sorry..."
"You're sorry. You leave me high and dry for two days? And you're sorry. I had to call Oliver for help. Satchel came, Emma, Oliver...we worked our asses off for you," she fumes. Marcus lets her.
"I said I was sorry Jen, but Julia needed me..."
"What, to dip her?"
"Jen enough!" Marcus screams back at his friend. "Julia is dying! That was her last big flourish, do you understand? Oliver couldn't get her to come home with him, so I went and got her, or tried to. The only way she would consent was if I went on one last New York adventure with her."
"Oh my God, Marcus. Why didn't you tell me?"
"Jen, even Oliver didn't know she was dying until she collapsed in her office and he finally talked to her doctor. He knew she was sick, had cancer, but she kept the truth secret."
"I'm so sorry I yelled at you Marcus."
"It's alright. I'm sorry I lost my temper, too. You could have closed down the nursery. I told Oliver to tell you that. Didn't he call you?"
"Yes, he did tell me, but I couldn't do that. Not with the business we've been doing. Did you see the figures?!"
"No. Those can wait. Don't you want to see your bribe?"
"Really?" she asks. Her eyes light up and become wide as saucers. Marcus tosses her the tee shirt and she deflates. He stifles a laugh. "Marcus Scott, you go to New York City, stay in a suite at the Plaza...oh yes, Oliver told me..." she frowns and points a finger at him. He smiles. "You buy tickets to an exclusive gala, walk the red carpet, get your picture taken which ends up in the society pages of not one, but two internationally famous newspapers and you bring me back a tee shirt?!"
"Sorry sweetie, the tee shirt's not yours," he says. She throws it back in his face. She doesn't notice the small turquoise box that falls to the floor. "Hey be careful, that's Prada. And it's for mother. Your is on the floor." Marcus points to the small Tiffany box on the floor. Jen knows immediately what it is and where it came from.
"You're kidding me..."
"Nope. You might want to open it. I think you'll like it."
"If it's from where I think it is, I know I'll like it," she smiles and pick up the little box.
"Oh, I can assure you it is authentic and I have the credit card receipt to prove it. In fact I think it's still smoldering away in my wallet as we speak."
Jen opens the box, removes the case and opens the lid. Her jaw drops and she begins to bawl.
"Hey, isn't that what you've always wanted? Black pearls? I'm sorry I couldn't afford a whole strand, but Julia assured me this one was large and the diamonds top quality. She helped me pick it out...don't you like it? Talk to me Jen, please..."
Like most men, Marcus hates it when women cry. It makes him feel like he's done something very wrong. Frustrated, he starts to walk away, but Jen stops him by covering his face with kisses.
"OK, uncle, uncle," he says as he lifts up his arms in self defense.
"I can't believe you bought me a black pearl and from Tiffany's to boot," she says when her breathing returns to normal. "Wait until I show mother."
"She'll like the Prada tee shirt better. And tell her that's no knock off either. I've the credit card receipt for that damn thing, too," he fusses, but inside he glows. "There's one more thing...I've decided to hire an assistant manager, so we never get caught short again. We've gotten too big for just the two of us and with Julia sick...well, the future looks unsure," Marcus leaves that statement unfinished. He doesn't want to go there yet. He doesn't want to look into the future with the present so wonderful.
"Oliver posted the ad on our website the other day and we've already got some applicants. One in particular, sounds very promising, a fellow out of North Carolina by the name of Zach Taylor. He's passing by this way on vacation, so I told him to look us up," Marcus looks at Jen when she makes no reply to any of his comments. She made no reply he now understands because she's too busy looking in her make-up mirror at the pearl necklace that hangs from her neck."Did you hear anything I just said, Jen?"
"Of course, Marcus. I can multi-task you know."
"Well, what do you think?"
"I agree," she says without taking her eyes off the pearl. Flustered, Marcus turns to his desk and his mountain of work.
At noon, Julia arrives bearing lunch. A three course lunch starting with a cucumber salad and ending with fresh blackberries, plus her version of Southern sweet iced tea.
"So do you like your bribe?" Julia asks Jen.
"Are you kidding me? I love it. I can't stop looking at it. Thank you so much for picking it out for me," she gushes as she fondles the pearl.
"Have you noticed any other new jewelry around?" Julia asks and winks at Marcus. He hides his hand.
"What have you got on your finger, Marcus?" Jen pulls his hand away from his ring finger and squeals like Emma. "Is that a wedding band?"
Marcus beams from ear to ear and nods yes. They 'girl talk' for a few moments about the proposal and Oliver's romantic sensibilities until the nursery phone rings.
"I'll get it. You're still eating," Julia says and walks to the phone. "Native Rose, this is Julia, how may I help you?...Well, Marcus is in a meeting right now with his accountant, but I'd be happy to help you? Gallica roses you say? Yes, I believe we do. Let me check our inventory. Can you hold a moment?" Julia places the call on hold and looks over at Marcus and Jen. "I take it you have an inventory system?"
Jen laughs. "Just type G-A-L into the computer and hit enter. A list of all our Gallicas will come up on the screen...with inventory numbers."
"I'm impressed," Julia says. "Especially after seeing Marcus's desk." Marcus blushes. Julia picks the phone up again after checking the inventory. "I'm sorry, but we don't carry that particular rose, but if my memory serves me correctly it's actually a hybrid of a China and a Gallica. Now if you want a true Gallica with that same cabbage rose flower may I suggest 'Tuscany'?...Yes, Marcus carries all the old varieties. I remember my grandmother growing it in the Midwest when I was a little girl. Very fragrant and makes a lovely hedge. I show five in our inventory...about four feet by four feet I believe, but you can prune them. Alright, I'll have Marcus pull all five for you. Your name? And when would you be picking them up? Alright Mrs. Mallery, oh my gosh, Mrs. Mallery...This is Julia Twist. I had the pleasure of meeting your husband at one of Marcus's functions. Oh my heavens did you really? Well, Marcus and I had a lot of fun with that photo (Marcus rolls his eyes at Jen. He's never going to live down that damn photo). No, I'm retired now and Marcus was gracious enough to offer me a summer at the beach. Oh, no. Actually, he and my ex-husband just got married. Yes, I know. We're very much a modern family. My little boy Satchel is staying with us, too. Yes, well it was a pleasure talking to you too. And you must come to Marcus's July 4th party. Alright. Take care," Julia smiles and hangs up the phone.
"Five 'Tuscany' Gallica roses if you please, boss?" Julia laughs.
"Julia, you were wonderful," Jen says. "She usually only deals with Marcus."
"I know her husband. He testified before my committee."
"Well, great job and congratulations on your first sale...so you want a job, Jules?" Marcus asks.
"Seriously?" Jules aka Julia replies.
"Of course, Julia."
"Can I tackle that horrible desk of yours?"
"Most definitely, my dear friend."
"Then it's a deal. Oh, and by the way...as a gift to everyone, I got the Native Rose a corporate membership to the country club. Everybody's on the membership list including the Orlanders. Is that OK?"
"Julia, that's very generous. Thank you," Marcus says and kisses her on the cheek.
"I wanted to sign Satchel up for swimming lessons and thought, what the hell...if nothing else it'll be a great place to make a few contacts."
Within three days, the office hums with efficiency. Marcus's desk is clean, the files updated and Jen's accountant brain calms.
"Thank heaven for Julia," Jen says over lunch.
"I'll second that," Marcus says and raises his glass of peach tea. Julia blushes.
"You know Jen, you should market this tea. It's miles above Snapple," Julia gushes. In a matter of a few days, the women have become fast friends. The little mater of Julia being terminally ill is never mentioned.
"I don't know. Wouldn't it be such a hassle?" Jen asks
"I think we should at least look into it, don't you think?" Julia mentions.
At that moment, the group hears a knock at the office door and a white cowboy hat peeks around the corner and into the break room.
"Sorry to interrupt you lunch, ladies, but you wouldn't be Mr. Scott, would you sir?" the hats asks with a distinct North Carolina drawl. Finding his manners, the man takes off his hat and extends his hand to Marcus.
"Marcus Scott," Marcus says as he rises from the lunch table, willing his eyes not to descend to crotch level. The women's eyes bulge at the young man's magnificent body outlined by wrangler jeans and a tee shirt so tight they appear to be painted on his muscular body.
"Zach Taylor, we talked on the phone about the assistant manager's position?"
"I didn't realize you were so...young." Marcus stumbles over his words.
"Is that a problem, sir? I'm 28 and several years out of college," he asks concerned.
"No, no. Not at all. You simply sounded older on the phone, that's all. Have you had lunch, Zach?"
"I'm fine, Mr. Scott," Zach replies.
"First off, I'm Marcus. My father was Mr. Scott. And if you're hungry, I'll fix you a plate. We're very informal around here," Marcus says and pulls a chair out for Zach. Julia and Jen rise from the table in order to give the men some privacy. "Heavens, where are my manners?...Zach, these are the two most important women in my life. Jen, my accountant and business partner and Julia, my very good friend, who's staying with me for the summer. Ladies, may I present Mr. Zach Taylor from North Carolina."
Zach turns to greet the women and Marcus spies his ass. His mouth drops and he points his finger, catching both women's eyes. He places a hand over his eyes and sits, shaking his head. The women giggle like 12 year old girls at their first dance as they each shake Zach's offered hand. Julia retreats to the check out counter while Jen heaps food onto a plate for the visitor. She is clearly smitten.
"So Zach, yours was the only application and resume that impressed me. Tell me about yourself," Marcus asks as Jen sits a plate in front of him. He smiles up at her and their eyes lock. This is not lost on Marcus and he too smiles.
"My grandmother was a customer of yours. Betsy Taylor?"
"You're Betsy Taylor's boy?"
"Oh my gosh, your grandmother was one of my first mail order customers. That woman knows her roses. Kept me on my toes. Taught me a thing or two, also. How is she?"
"She passed this winter. That's one of the reasons why I'm here. She and I ran a landscaping company specializing in roses and now that's she gone...it didn't feel right anymore. Anyway, I sold out. I need a change and when I saw your ad, well..."
"You have a degree?"
"I'm a landscape Architect, actually. North Carolina State."
"Well, I'm impressed," Marcus says.
"Don't be. Gram taught me more growing up than I learned in college."
Zach and Marcus talk roses while Zach eats his lunch. When he finishes, Marcus takes him on a tour of the nursery and greenhouses. They talk about job requirements, salary, compensation and hours.
"There's one last detail, a bit of a confession, a disclosure if you will, because I don't want you to feel like you don't have the whole picture."
"OK, shoot."
"I'm Gay. I've just married Julia's ex-husband. She and their son also live with us. The Native Rose, being so close to Rehoboth Beach, has a lot of rich Gay clients who are going to stare a hole in your tight blue jeans...if I may be so blunt."
Zach laughs and slaps an arm around Marcus's shoulder. "Is that all? Lord you about scared the life out of me."
"Why do you say that?" Marcus asks.
"I thought you were going to tell me your business was in trouble or something."
"Oh no, we've never had a better year," Marcus confesses. "So you're OK with the Gay thing?"
"Hell, yes. My best friend is Gay. We go back to high school. He taught me a lot about women and made me into the metrosexual you see before you." Marcus howls with laughter. "What's so funny?" Zach asks.
"I figured you were either Gay or had a Gay stylist. You are the spitting image of Keith Urban."
"That's Spencer's influence, but I must admit if I was ever to do the nasty with a man, it would indeed be Mr. Keith Urban."
"Alright Zach," Marcus laughs again. "The job is yours."
"Just like that?" Zach asks.
"You fit in. You're a member of the Unga-Bunga tribe without knowing it."
"Unga-Bunga? Is that a Gay thing Spence doesn't know about?"
"No," Marcus says laughing even harder. "It a Twist family thing. You'll find out later. So are you willing to take us on, Zach?"
"Hell, yes!" he whoops and pulls Marcus into a big bear hug. It is nowhere near as fine a hug as Oliver's, but Marcus smiles all the same...happy to embrace a new tribe member.
"So when can you start?" Marcus asks.
"Tomorrow, if I can find a place to stay," Zach admits.
"You can stay with us. We're a bit tight on space right now, but if you don't mind camping out on the couch, we'd love to have you."
"Marcus, I can't do that. I'll find a little beach hut somewhere."
"And run through all your money. You don't understand, Zach, little beach huts cost thousands of dollars a month down here. Stay with us for a couple of days at least. Until you get the lay of the land. I owe it to your grandmother."
"When you put it that way, how can I say no?" Zach says. Marcus leads them back to the nursery.
"Hop in your truck and drive up to the house. I'll introduce you to Oliver and get you settled.
"Sounds great. So Marcus, what can you tell me about Jen..."
That night, with Oliver manning the grill and Marcus preparing side dishes in the kitchen, the women talk about the new employee while he tumbles about the lawn with Satchel, Emma and the dogs.
"So what do you think,"Jen asks Julia.
"I think he's smokin' hot," Julia remarks candidly.
"Julia, really."
"Hey, I saw your eyes bug out when he walked into the office."
"Alright, I'll cop to it."
"You don't have to marry the man, just fuck him," Julia whispers into Jen's ears. "Emma, nor anyone need know."
"I can't do that."
"You don't get points for being a martyr, Jen. How long has it been since you even went out on a date. And didn't you promise Marcus you'd start?"
"Yes I did," she stammers. "But I've been busy, what with the nursery and..."
"Excuses. You're just scared."
"You pull no punches, do you Julia?"
"I'm sorry. I sound like a bully. That comes from dealing with those puffed up whales in the Senate. Listen, Jen. I've no doubt Marcus has told you my cancer is terminal, that I'm going to die soon?"
"Yes he did. Julia, I'm so sorry," Jen says and extends her hand to her new friend. Julia grasps it, not to comfort herself, but to comfort Jen.
"I've lived a very full life. Been loved, made love, made friendships, traveled...what I'm trying to say is that I'm happy. Oliver and Satchel are set with our loving Marcus...I have no more worries...if you were in my shoes, could you say the same?"
"No," Jen says quietly.
"Jen, I know you lost your husband in a very tragic and public manner, but hiding yourself from life does nothing to honor his memory, nor serve yourself. You have to live life. Look at me. I'm at the jumping off point and having the time of my life!" Julia exclaims as she tightens her grip on Jen's hand.
"Julia, I don't know...he's so young."
"All I'm saying is, if he asks you out, go. If he kisses you, kiss him back. I know he likes you and you like him. I saw that in your eyes. Both of you."
The festive night continues with toasts to the newest member of the Native Rose family. Wine, beer, and peach tea flows. Keith Urban blares from the speakers and Oliver's famous Florentine steaks flame on the sterling silver presentation platter. Marcus serves the kids hamburger mac. He manages to slip in a few veggies, finely diced. The tribe falls silent for a few moments as they chow down, but the conversation livens as their immediate hunger pangs are sated.
After dinner, Marcus clears the dishes with Julia's help.
"What are you up to, Witchdoctor," she asks, her arms elbow deep in soapy water.
"I could ask you the same question, Princess. I noticed you bending Jen's ear."
"So do you think it will work?"
"The garden has a magic of it's own, but if you speak it out loud, grasshopper, it will disappear," Marcus says and giggles like Emma.
"Yes master," Julia replies as she drains the sink. From outside they hear cries of Unga-Bunga from the kids. Oliver sticks his head through the kitchen door.
"The presence of the Witchdoctor and Princes Raindrops-on-Roses is requested outside. I think we have a new member to initiate.
As Satchel readies the newest member for initiation, Oliver and Marcus tote kindling for the campfire. The tribe makes their way through the privet maze, but Zach stumbles on an exposed root and fall smack on his ass. He laughs and falls again as he tries to right himself. Jen comes to his rescue as Julia herds the rest of the tribe to the campfire.
"You alright Zach," she asks trying not to stare at the heart Satchel drew on his powerful chest. She squats down next to him.
"My foot's caught in between some roots or something," he says and pulls. He frees himself, but falls on top of Jen in the process. The moon choses this exact moment to shine over the privet maze, to sparkle in Jen's eyes. "My God, you're beautiful Jennifer," Zach says, then kisses her. It is a sweet kiss, innocent and light. A first kiss after much sorrow is also a bit bittersweet, but no less special.
"No one's called me Jennifer since I was a little girl. My father called me Jennifer," Jen says with the moon still sparkling. She kisses Zach back, opens her mouth to him. Zach breaks the kiss and pulls her up, runs his calloused hand across her soft face.
"Are you the one?" he asks Jen. Frightened, she pulls herself to her feet and runs to the campfire. The kids, Emma and Satchel run back into the maze to retrieve Zach. They pull him to his feet and together they dance around the campfire, chanting Unga-Bunga. Marcus and Oliver join in the festivities as the dogs bark and howl at the moon. The women sit at the garden table, now half hidden by the new growth of the weeping willow.
"Jen, are you alright?" Julia asks as her friend plops down at the table, quite out of breath.
"No," she says close mouthed. Julia laughs.
"I'd say you have the look of a woman who's just been kissed and doesn't know what to think about it."
"Damn, Julia. You are way too smart for your own good. I kissed him back. And I liked it."
"Brava!," Julia exclaims.
"He asked me if I was the one."
"He what?"
"You heard me. Scared the shit out of me. A kiss I can handle, a romance? I don't know. God, Julia he's so young...but so hot. His kiss, it was so tender, delicate even. Like moonlight."
"Girl, you have got it bad."
"Don't even tease me about this, Julia Twist."
In the morning, Oliver knocks on the living room wall, to wake Zach.
"You up, Zach?"
"Yeah, come on in Oliver," Zach says
Oliver enters the living room, and laughs when he catches Zach stuffing himself into a pair of shorts with a morning hard on. "I guess you are up. I would have waited, you know."
"Sorry, morning and all..."
"Don't worry about it. Nice bit of eye candy. Listen, I'm going to put up a curtain for you today, so you have at lease a semblance of privacy."
"You don't have to go to a lot of trouble on my account, Oliver"
"Kid, I'm not doing it for you. I'm doing it for my marriage. And yes I know you're straight, but hell," Oliver whistles and shakes his head. "You're built like a brick shithouse and as I've just seen...possesses a huge dick, I'm not risking any competition.
"Mr. Twist, honestly I have..." Zach begins in earnest, but Oliver cuts him off with laughter..
"Zach, it's a joke. Chill. I just came by to tell you that breakfast will be ready soon and both showers are empty. And Zach?"
"Yes Oliver?"
"I suggest you lock the bathroom door, if you want to take care of your morning problem. We still haven't managed to make Satchel understand the importance of knocking before entering. Zach blushes. Oliver winks and leaves the room.
Days quickly turn to weeks and Zach turns out to be a little money maker. He brings in new clients like flies to honey and isn't afraid to shake his tail feathers at either a middle aged Gay man or straight woman. Marcus howls with laughter as he watches Zach reel them in with his good looks, then conks them on the head with his southern charm. The man is a born salesman. He's also strong as an ox. Installing several large rose gardens by himself in the last week alone.
Julia remains healthy, at least outwardly. She plays those cards close to her chest. She busies herself with Satchel and the nursery in the mornings, then when the temperature rises she returns to the farmhouse to work on her personal papers, plan and cook a fabulous French dinner or even on rare occasions, she plays secretary for Oliver's web site company.
The newlyweds, Marcus and Oliver still can't manage to keep their hands off each other and have almost been caught 'in the act' several times by Satchel because they keep forgetting to lock the door.
Satchel remains in love with his dogs. And Murphy rarely comes out from under the master bedroom bed. Too many damn humans in the house.
"Julia, Marcus, have you seen Jen?" Zach asks as he sits down next to them at the break room table. He's covered in dirt and dripping with sweat and to Marcus looks sexy as hell.
"She's out picking up mother,"
"Good," he says and sighs.
"Good?" Julia asks. "Since when. You've been chasing that woman since you arrived." Marcus spits out a laugh without meaning to.
"I need to talk to you guys. Why won't she go out with me. I'm a nice guy and I have honorable intentions," he says and slumps in his chair.
"Sweetheart," Julia says as she gets up out of her chair and kisses Zach on the cheek. "She hasn't been able to catch her breath since you kissed her." She walks to the fridge, grabs the tea and pours Zach a drink. She sits it in front of him, then kneads his shoulders.
"Thanks, Julia," he says and smiles up at her with adoration.
"You are welcome. Now, give the woman some space, Zach. You have to understand that this is a big step for her. She was very happily married until...until the rug was pulled out from under her life. I'll talk to her, but you've got to let it be her choice and on her terms. Got it?"
"Yes'um," he mumbles and slinks out the door.
"That was a bit harsh, Julia," Marcus says once Zach leaves.
"Honey, its the only way that boy's ever going to catch her. She already has the hots for him. All he has to do is lure her in with his sexuality and charm. He has scads of both. Chasing her will only drive her further away. We women do it all the time and it always works. Wait and see." she says pleased with herself.
"Now who's playing Witchdoctor," Marcus asks as he leans back in his chair.
"Ah, it's on my 'bucket list'," Julia calmly says. Marcus falls flat on his back.
A week later Jen consents to a date.
"Marcus, get in here!" Julia yells up the stairs, then rushes back into what used to be the living room and is now Zach's makeshift bedroom. The man of the hour stands mostly naked in the center of the room as Julia peruses his meager pile of clothes. Marcus whistles at poor nervous Zach when he enters the room.
"Marcus, that was maybe funny the first three times you did it, but you're just making me nervous now," Zach whines.
"Oh hush and stand there like the eye candy you are," Marcus laughs. He walks over to Zach and kisses him on the cheek, then slaps his ass.
"I think that's sexual harassment," Zach laughs, and feels a bit less nervous. "Guys, it's only pizza and a movie. What's wrong with jeans and a tee shirt?"
"Zach," Julia asks. "Did you call Spencer?"
"Yes Julia," he replies.
"And what did he say?"
"To wear something nice."
"Which you don't have," Marcus sighs.
"I've got it. Marcus go upstairs and get Oliver's tux jacket, quick. Jen will be here any minute now. When Marcus returns, Zach is dressed in jeans with ripped out knees, a very tight Rolling Stones vintage tee shirt and 'old school' black converse all-star sneakers. Marcus hands him the jacket and he puts it on.
"Oh, no. It's Madonna back in the 80's," Marcus says and frowns.
"We'll have to try something else," Julia replies.
"No," Zach says. "We've been at this for an hour. No more. I thank you, but no more."
Marcus and Julia refuse to give up. They tear through his clothes yet again. "Oliver, help!" Zach yells. Oliver bounds into the room and busts a gut. "You forgot the eyeliner, kid"
"Will you please help he?" he pleads.
"Yeah, sure. Strip, bring the sneakers. I'll show you how to dress for a first date." Zach does as he's told. Both Marcus and Julia watch his ass as he ascends the stairs in his tight boxer briefs.
"Oliver I'm really nervous," Zach confesses once they're alone in the bedroom, his hands shaking "This may be the only chance I get. I don't want to blow it."
Oliver pulls him into one of his famous bear hugs, then takes his hand and sits him on the edge of the bed. "You're putting too much pressure on yourself. You will mess it up, if you don't calm down and be yourself, OK. Hell, Zach you should have seen me before my first date with Marcus. I was a wreck and that wasn't that long ago. Try to calm yourself down and I'll have you dressed in a jiffy.
Oliver pulls one of Marcus's button down oxford shirts, a powder blue out of the closet. He tosses it to Zach. "It may be a bit tight through the chest, but we can leave a few buttons undone. It's sexier, anyway." Next, he pulls out a pair of chinos. "These will be big on you, but I think I can fix that too. He pulls out a navy tie with pink strips.
"Let's see the shirt first," he says. "A bit tight across the pecs, ah better," he comments as he unbuttons Zach a bit. "Now, step into these," Oliver motions as he unzips the pants and holds them out for Zach. Fastened they fall to his thighs. "Jesus Zach, what size waist do you have? Wait, don't answer that I don't want to hate you. Here hold them up, I'll slip the tie through the loops. And tuck that shirt in. I don't care what the fashion magazines and Hollywood stars do, always tuck. No woman wants to see a sloppy man." Oliver ties the tie with a slip knot and pleats the softly worn chino fabric so it's even distributed around Zach slim waist. "Now the sneakers, no socks. This is the beach after all."
Oliver pulls Zach in front of the mirror and is rather pleased by what he sees. A bit preppy for his tastes, but perfectly suited for a first date, especially at the beach.
"Look OK?" Zach smiles.
"I look like me, only handsome."
"Kid, you'd look handsome in a mud puddle, now come on. I can't wait to show up those two fashionistas"
Jen and Emma arrive as the men come down the stairs. Julia nods her head in approval and winks at them. Marcus smiles and Jen's eyes pop. The nursery crew is so used to seeing each other covered in dirt and sweat that it's a shock to the system when they see themselves cleaned up. And Zach cleans up good..
"You ready, Jennifer?"
"Yes, are you Zachary?" she replies defiantly.
"You know, my grandmother was the only person that ever called me Zachary." Jen laughs. Zach opens the door for her.
"Hey, you guys want to take my BMW?" Julia asks jingling the keys.
"Nah, I'll drive," Jen says, then looks over at Zach.
"Fine by me," Zach says and smiles at Julia. She laughs, happy her little lesson took root in his memory. Zach closes the door behind them.
"Finally," Emma yells out and everyone laughs. "So who's up for losing some money tonight? Uncle Marcus?"
Julia's health declines at the height of summer and lands her in the hospital with pneumonia and conjunctive heart failure. Marcus cancels his annual 4th of July party and together with Oliver, keeps vigil at her bedside. They alternate days, always leaving the other free to run his respective business and the household. They also try to keep Satchel's days as normal as possible.
Julia scraps and fights, bitches and rails against her disease. She is not ready to go. She has much more to do. Her bucket list isn't close to being finished. She hasn't even bought thong underwear yet.
Upon returning home from the hospital and unable to climb the stairs, she and Zach switch rooms. He frames in the large living room entry for Oliver, complete with door and pet tunnel to aid in her privacy. Marcus installs her large photo of Satchel and Matilda on the wall across from the hospital bed they rent. Oliver hooks the house computer into the TV and buys a wireless keyboard, so she can surf the Internet when she gets bored.
All this is done for her comfort and pleasure, but it only serves to infuriate Julia. She holds her tongue because it is also done out of love. She's not angry at her family, per say. She's angry at the disease and the way it makes her family behave. They now act like she's dying. She's never giving into it, so why should they?"
On good days, she sits out on the front porch with the roses. The dogs her constant companions. Occasionally she manages some Internet research for Oliver or Marcus. On bad days, Murphy keeps his own personal vigil at her bedside and when she's at her lowest point, he purrs and rubs against her body, distracting her from the pain, from the fear.
A week or so after Julia returns home from the hospital Jen knocks on her bedroom door.
"Julia, it's Jen, may I come in?" When there is no reply she ducks out onto the front porch and finds her deadheading roses in Marcus's front garden.
"Julia, what are you doing? Shouldn't you be resting?"
"Time enough for me to rest when I'm dead, and don't give me that look. Marcus's is kind enough to let me cut as many roses and I want, I'm simply returning the favor," she says as she huffs up the stairs carrying a flat basket of roses and her portable oxygen tank. She hands Jen her basket of blossoms and tucks the pot of rose scraps against the railing of the porch. "So, what's up?" Julia asks once she sits in her favorite antique wicker chair. The overstuffed cushion, cushions her bony backside. She pulls her legs into the seat of the chair ready to listen to her friend.
"I need some advice," Jen confesses.
"Great, I need a beer. A Sam Adams preferably. Actually I'd like several. Marcus keeps a tin bucket underneath the sink in the kitchen. Fill it with beer and ice and then we'll talk." Jen rolls her eyes, not wanting to give in to Julia's wishes, but realizes how silly she's being, so she slips into the kitchen for the beer. She returns with a full bucket, chopped ice spills over the side as she opens the screen door with her hip. She carries an iced tea for herself.
"Now that's my peach tea. See if it's not as good as yours. I dare you." she says as Jen sips.
"It's very good, Julia," Jen confesses.
"I steeped the tea and while it was still hot I poured it over the fresh peaches I ran through the food processor with some sugar." Julia says. Jen smiles and takes another sip.
"It's very good, Julia," Jen repeats.
"Oh, shut up and tell me your problems."
Again Jen takes another sip of tea, which actually is very good, then hesitates. She worries that if she vocalizes her problem it will truly exist in reality instead of just her mind. She takes a deep breath and lets fly.
"I'm pregnant," she quietly says.
"Are you sure?" Julia asks
pleased, but concerned.
"I haven't been to the doctor yet, but
I've taken three different over the counter tests from three
different companies and they've all come back positive." Jen keeps
her head to her chest, not wanting to look Julia in the eye. "How
could I have been so stupid, I've only known the man for a month,"
she yells out.
"Jen, do you love him?"
"Yes," she replies softly.
"Do you want the baby?"
"Oh, yes, Julia."
"Then what the hell is the problem?" she laughs out loud.
"Zach's going to want to get married."
"I should think so, since he's in love with you."
"Julia, I don't want to pressure him into anything. To force him."
"Honey, that boy has been chasing you since the day he first laid eyes on you. I would say he's finally caught you. Have you told him ?"
"No," she says sheepishly.
"I wanted to talk to you first." Julia pulls her Blackberry phone from her pocket and dials the nursery. Zach answers.
"Native Rose?"
"Yes Julia?"
"I need you up at the house."
"I'm covering the phone for Marcus while he does some paperwork."
"I don't care. Tell him I need you. He'll let you go, or I'll punch him."
"Julia, that's not very nice..."
"I don't care," she says and hangs up. Zach arrives out of breath and within two minutes.
"Julia Twist," he says with a sideways grin when he finds her and Jen out on the porch. "You better not be crying wolf."
" And you better sit down," she says and hands him a beer.
"I don't like to drink in the middle of the day, Julia," he says and hands the beer back to her. She thrusts it back into his hand.
"Trust me. You are going to need it. OK, Jen. Your cue, you're on."
"Sweetheart, I don't know how to tell you this," she says to Zach. "So I'm just going to blurt it out and hope for the best.." She hesitates, takes a sip of tea, then it just slips out of her mouth. "I'm pregnant."
"What?...you're what? Pregnant?" Zach asks, dumbfounded. He takes a long pull on his beer bottle.
"It's not 100% sure, but I'm...yes. I do believe so."
Zach slams his beer down on the table, it foams into a volcano. He whoops and jumps in the air like a crazed Murphy, then swoops down on Jen and pulls her into a deep embrace. When they break their kiss, Zach slips down on one knee and takes Jen's hand in his.
"Jen, Jennifer...will you take pity on me and make me the happiest man in the world by consenting to be my wife?"
"Don't you think we should wait for the paternity test to come back?" she jokes and Julia almost falls out of her chair.
"Jennifer!" Zach exclaims. "Julia Twist, I do believe you have been a bad influence on my future bride and mother of my child," Zach laughs, then kisses her on the cheek.
"Oh, of course I'll marry you, you silly man," Jen replies. Julia raises her beer in a toast. The trio clinks bottles and tea glass.
"Now, you two get on home and celebrate," Julia says.
"I can't leave in the middle of the day," Zach protests.
"Zach, take your bride home and make love to her. Make sure that baby sticks. I'll take care of Marcus. Oliver and Satchel can pick up Emma from the Orlanders and spend the night with us."
"We can't let you guys do that," Jen pipes up.
"Yes you can and you will. In nine months, you'll appreciate this luxury. Now get," she admonishes them and sweeps them off the porch
"Don't say anything to Mother, OK?" Jen pleads as she and Zach make a mad dash to her pick-up.
"Mums the word, but can I tell the boys?"
"Of course!"
Julia immediately texts Oliver to pick up Emma and pizzas at Grotto's. She then calls Marcus on his cell.
"Cross another item off the bucket list," Julia says before Marcus can even say hello.
"What the hell are you talking about, Julia?" Marcus asks.
"I am proud to announce the engagement of Zach and Jen. He just asked her and she said yes."
"Oh shit, what brought this on so suddenly?"
"The stork," she says and grins.
"Holy cow, and here I thought I was the witchdoctor. Julia, you didn't punch holes in his condoms, did you?"
"To be honest, I wasn't thinking that far ahead. I was just trying to get them married. I don't yet have confirmation, but I've sent Oliver a text asking him to pick up Mother and pizzas. She's spending the night so the lovebirds can have a celebration. We have to keep it on the 'down low'. She wants to tell Emma herself, so we can't slip, OK?"
"So, you're managing all our lives now? I thought it was just Oliver, Satchel and me..." Marcus laughs into the phone.
"You know what the Bible says about idle hands,"she says.
"What? It leads to porn films and masturbation?"
"Now you see, Zach said I was a bad influence on Jen, but really it's you he should be wary of."
"But I'm his boss, Julia."
In the early morning, before work, Marcus and Oliver take Emma back home. Dressed in smiles and robes, the newly engaged couple greets them together at the front door. A hot plate of bacon and eggs sits waiting on the kitchen table.
"So Emma," Zach says. His voice twitches with nerves. "I've asked your mother to marry me. How do you feel about that?"
"It's about time," she says as she stuffs her face with scrambled egg. "You've been moony loony crazy about her since you got here." Emma puts down her fork and smiles at Zach. She is happy for her mother and though she may admit it only to herself, she likes the idea of having a father again. She has no memory of her real father, her biological father. Marcus is the closest she's ever come and although she thinks he's great, he's with Oliver. He's Gay and would never fall in love with her mother. It's important that they be in love, Emma has found out. It means something. Exactly what... she's not quite sure yet. Something familiar, secure, warm like honey and chamomile tea in your tummy when you're sick, a worn out teddy bear from when she was little.
She rises from her chair, wipes her face on her napkin and walks to Zach. As old as she is, she crawls into his lap, buries her face in his neck, wraps her arms about him and cries. The adults are shocked by this very un-mother like response, but them she's Emma, not really a mother. She's a twelve year old girl who hides her true wishes and feelings behind her sharp wit and age defying intelligence.
"Does that mean I can call you Dad, now?" she asks as she looks up into Zach's eyes. Tears form in the corners.
"I would be very honored, miss Emma," he smiles and kisses her as the tears finally fall down his face.
"There's one more important thing to tell you," Jen say. Her voice quivers with uncertainty. "We're going to have a baby."
"I'm going to have a brother?" Emma asks, her eyes as wide as saucers.
"Or sister," he mother replies.
"No, it'll be a brother. I'm sure of that," Emma says with a confident smile.
Marcus and Oliver beat a hasty retreat, but not before making the rounds of the table with kisses and hugs. Zach gets his in stereo, as both men kiss him on opposite cheeks at the same time. They are both so proud of, and happy for their new friend.
Zach and Jen marry quietly in Marcus's back garden. The day is as sunny as Jen's yellow sundress, a gift from Julia. It's one she bought in New York, but has never worn. The bride carries a bouquet of yellow roses cut that morning from her own garden. Zach, dressed in one of Marcus's antique Hawaiian shirts and white shorts, cannot stop smiling. He can't believe he's marrying the woman of his dreams. Literally. Both are barefoot.
Only the Unga-Bunga tribe, plus the Orlanders attend the wedding, with Emma serving as 'maid of honor'. Marcus plays 'best man', since Spence is unable to attend on short notice. Both Jen and Zach wanted something very small and intimate so there would be no pressure. So they could be themselves. They were also afraid that waiting to plan a large wedding would means Julia might not be there to attend.
With the ceremony over, the reception BBQ kicks into full swing and they dance, eat and party late into the evening. The next morning, with Emma staying behind with Marcus and Oliver, Mr. And Mrs. Taylor depart for Maine and the lighthouse Zach rented for the week.
"That boy's going to have her pregnant with triplets before he's done with her," Julia jokes when she sees a photograph of their intended honeymoon get away. "I think he has romance in his blood."
The whole Twist family helps Marcus at the nursery while the Taylors are away. Oliver works on his websites from his laptop in Marcus's office. Emma and Satchel run the register and keep the place clean and tidy. Marcus is left to the larger sales and loading. Julia holds court, answers the phone and keeps the dogs out of everyone's way. She refuses to be left alone in an empty house. Left alone with her thoughts and fears. The nursery, even during this slow month, distracts her mind.
A week later, the Taylors, expecting a warm and hardy greeting, walk into an empty farmhouse. Jen searches the downstairs for someone, but finds only a note taped to the phone.
Dear Jen and Zach,
Julia collapsed this morning. We're all at the hospital. Sorry we aren't there to welcome you home.
XO-The Tribe
Jen punches Marcus's cell number. He answers on the second ring.
"Hello, Mrs. Taylor,"
"Marcus, what's going on?"
"The doctors say her organs are shutting down. I think this is it, Jen," Marcus says with a lump in his throat.
"Are you at the hospital? Should we come over?"
"No, I'm on my way home with the kids. Oliver's staying overnight. He's bringing her home tomorrow. She's refused treatment. She says she wants to die at home in peace."
"It's not fair," Jen says quietly.
"It's not as if it was a surprise. We all knew this day would come, but God it sucks."
"Is there something we can do? I feel so guilty for being away."
"Oh my gosh, if Julia heard you say that she'd have a fit. Do you know, and don't you dare tell her I told you this because she'll punch me. Did you know that marrying off you two was on her bucket list?"
"You are kidding me. I knew she had a list, but I thought it was more of a joke, a way to distract herself. I bought her thong underwear the other day when Zach and I were out shopping on the mainland."
Marcus howls with laughter and says, "She will love that!"
"I know and they're really trampy, too. I couldn't resist." Jen laughs through her tears.
"You should be very proud of your daughter," Marcus says to her mother. "She's been my rock throughout this whole day. Distracting Satchel, caring for him while Oliver and I talked to the doctors and visited with Julia. Do you want to talk to your mom, Em?" Marcus asks, then hands her the phone.
"Hi, momma," Emma says shyly into the phone.
"Hey baby, you OK?"
"Yes," she says, but starts to cry.
"I'm so proud of you for being so brave and helping your uncles."
"Satchel cried today. I feel so sad, momma," she says through her sniffles.
"Zach and I will be waiting for you when you get back to the farmhouse."
"Alright," she replies.
"Can you hand the phone back to Uncle Marcus?" Jen asks. Emma returns the phone to her uncle. "Do you want me to whip up some dinner?"
"Actually, I just picked up a couple of Grotto's pizzas."
"What about Oliver, should I take him something?"
"I slipped out and got him a Subway, though I doubt he'll eat it."
"Alright...well, we'll be here when you get home," Jen says at a loss for words.
"We just turned off Robinsonville road, we should be home in about five," Marcus replies, then clicks off the phone.
Moments later they pull into the driveway and Emma is out of the Jeep before Marcus can turn off the ignition. She throws open the front door, runs down the golden hallway yelling "Mom, Dad!". When she sees Zach standing by the kitchen island counter she leaps into his arms and gives him a bear hug that rivals one of Oliver's best.
"Hey, baby girl," Zach says as he sits her on the counter. The tears return with a vengeance. He wipes them away with his thumbs as he kisses her face in an attempt to calm her.
"Daddy, I was so afraid. I just got you and I'm afraid I'll lose you, too like Aunt Julia," she blubbers and reaches out for him again.
"Emma, honey...dying is part of life. We can't be afraid of it, or we'll end up being too afraid to live. Look at how your Aunt Julia is handling this. She's confronting it head on, like the proud woman she is. And as for me? Well, didn't we all make a commitment to each other the day we got married? Hum? I didn't just marry your mom, you know," He says and hugs her. "I married you, for better, for worse. The better being us and the baby, the worse, your Aunt Julia dying. We're a family now. I'm not going anywhere," Zach says, tears now rolling down his face. Tears of joy for the love of his new daughter. Tears of sadness for the future loss of his dear friend. Jen slips around the corner of the island, places a hand on her daughter's shoulder as she kisses her head.
"Zach's right, Emma. You're going to be stuck with us for a very long time." Emma smiles and dries her tears. "Why don't you check out your presents, there in the bags over by the fireplace. You father has spoiled you rotten," she says as Emma jumps down off the counter. Jen slips her arms around her new husband, kisses him deeply, then whispers into his ear. "You've just passed your first 'Daddy Test' with flying colors."
"I simply said what was in my heart, Jen," Zach replies, kissing his bride yet again.
"You will make a great dad...wait, no... cancel that. You already are a great dad," she says and nuzzles his ear. "Hey Em, where's your Uncle Marcus?"
"I'm right here," he says as he huffs a rather large child into the kitchen's sitting room. He plops Satchel down on the love seat. "That kid weighs a ton." Marcus sits on the arm to catch his breath.
"Marcus, I would have brought him in for you," Zach says as he walks over to Marcus. The men hug and Zach kisses Marcus on the cheek. Marcus smiles and runs his hand down Zach face. "Thanks kid, but we were talking, he was crying. It's been a long day. You can grab the pizzas if you want." Zach does just that.
"So what happens now?" Jen asks Marcus. The kids are in Julia's room, the former living room playing video games. Marcus downs his fourth beer of the night. The pizza, gone.
"Death watch, I suppose," Marcus frowns fearing he sounds morbid.
"There really is no hope?" Jen asks.
"I'm afraid not. No. We're going to loose her," Marcus says and breaks down. He sobs uncontrollably. Jen jumps from her chair to comfort him, to hold him. Zach reaches out for his hand and holds it tightly. Marcus pulls them to him, needing the physical touch and before he can calm himself they are all crying.
"I'm so sorry, guys. I've been bottling this all up inside me. I've had to be strong for Oliver, for Satchel and for Julia. I've had no free moments to just let go. To rid myself of all this sorrow."
"Marcus..." Jen says as she rubs her hand up and down his back. Zach cups his face and pulls it towards him.
"As of tomorrow, you are on holiday. Jen and I will take care of the nursery," he says.
"You just came back, I can't let you do that. You have to get yourselves settled."
"Marcus," Zach laughs. "I was settled two weeks ago. I only had two suitcases and a couple of boxes of books."
"I guess that'll be OK then, since you are the newest partner of The Native Rose."
"What?" Zach asks, confused.
"Well, I did say there was the possibility of partnership, if you proved yourself."
"Zach, you've proved yourself as a salesman, a landscaper, as a man, a friend, a husband and now as a father. With all the stuff we've been going through with Julia, Oliver and I decided to see a lawyer, re-do our wills, add each other to our companies with power of attorney and all the rot Gay people have to go through because the government won't recognize our marriages. Anyway, to make a long story short, we decided to make you a partner. So the Twists have 55% of the company and the Taylors have the rest. Sounded like a good wedding present at the time. The papers have been signed by us. All you have to do is stop by the office and sign. I also thought you might like to make out new wills, so I told Maddison to add those onto our bill as well."
"Marcus, are you sure?" Zach asks, dumbfounded.
"Never more sure of anything in my life," he smiles and extends his hand. "Jen helped me build this business, now you will help me take it to the next level."
Marcus is sudden surrounded by hugs and kisses and whoops. Emma, runs into the kitchen to see what's wrong.
"What's going on?" she asks in her Mother voice.
"Your Uncle Marcus just made Dad a partner," Jen says excited.
"That's great, but keep it down. Satchel's sleeping," she admonishes the grown-ups and leaves the room.
"I think that's our cue to leave," Jen says to her husband.
"Hey Zach, before you go, can you tote Satchel upstairs for me. I'm a little unsteady. You can put him in our bed, he'll end up there anyway. He always does when he's feeling scared."
Once the Taylor family leaves, Marcus drinks one last beer and listens to the silent house. He remembers a time not long ago when the house was always this quiet. Every night, every day. He can no longer stand it. He trudges up the stairs, already missing Oliver. The hounds follow. He plops into bed fully clothed. The dogs slip in between their master and his sleeping boy. 'My sleeping boy', Marcus thinks. When did that happen. When did Marcus start thinking of Satchel as his. He mulls it over and decides it doesn't matter. It simply is.
Alone, curled into a ball, Murphy keeps his vigil atop Julia's bed.
In the morning, slightly hung-over, Marcus wakes to what sounds like an army invading his home. In reality, it is Julia arriving with her health care entourage. Ambulance driver, EMS, Delaware Hospice, with Oliver bringing up the rear. They install her back into her bed, insert tubes, morphine drip, catheter. By the time they all leave Julia is exhausted and the front hall and living room a mess.
"Everything go OK?" he asks Oliver over coffee. Satchel, strangely enough remains asleep.
"There was a bit of an issue with Murphy the watch cat when they tried to dislodge him from his post. He bit one of the drivers, but Julia smoothed it over.
"We really are going to lose her this time, aren't we Oliver?" Marcus asks with tears in his eyes.
"Yes, baby. I'm afraid so. I don't know what to say to Satchel, to make him understand."
"Oliver, is a ten year old boy capable of understanding death? I've tried to talk to him, but I can't seem to penetrate his fear. He slept with me last night. And not well."
"Julia's the only one who can explain what's really going on. I had hoped she'd talk to him, but I don't think she wants to acknowledge the severity of her illness. Perhaps there's still time left."
"That's enough for now, you look worn out. Did you get any sleep at all last night," Marcus asks, concerned for his husband. He runs his hand down Olivers face, then cups his cheek.
"An hour or two, maybe."
"Go crawl in bed with your son. The Taylors are back and have forbidden me from stepping foot on nursery soil, so I'm a free man, at least for the time being."
"Oh, gosh Marcus. I forgot they were even due back. Did they have a good time? Was Emma excited to have them back?"
"Yes and yes. She jumped into her father's arms. The newlyweds look rested and well fucked," Marcus laughs.
"That boy probably had her in every position found in the Kama Sutra. I've noticed his pants tent when he talks to her on the phone...about nothing. The man has it bad," Oliver chuckles and shakes his head.
"I know someone else who can toss a bone at a moment's notice," Marcus teases and slips out of his chair. He moves behind Oliver and slips his hands down his chest and into his lap. Marcus squeezes his hardening crotch while he nuzzles and kisses Oliver's ear. He stops when he hears Satchel enter the room.
"You guys are so mushy all the time," Satchel says. "Nobody else's parents are mushy like you two."
"I think your Aunt Jen and Uncle Zach would win over us," Marcus says as he releases Satchel's father from his embrace.
"They just got married, you guys have been together forever. Simply Marcus, may I have some Captain Crunch?" he asks as he climbs into his father's lap. Oliver quickly adjusts himself to hide his now softening boner.
"Yes sir," Marcus says and marches to the cabinet for bowl and cereal. "Your mom's home."
"I know, I peeked in on her. What are all those tubes for? They look scary," he asks.
"One is pain medicine, the other is fluid, so she won't dehydrate, the other is to catch her pee pee. Mom can't get up to go to the bathroom anymore," Oliver explains.
"Gross," he says and scrunches up his face. Marcus places his favorite bowl in front of him and he begins to eat. His father slips out from underneath, kisses him on the head and heads upstairs for a shower and some sleep.
"I left the cereal and milk out in case you want some more. Can you put it back for me when you're finished?'
"Sure, Simply Marcus," Satchel says with his mouth full. Milk dribbles down his chin.
"I'm going to check on your mom, then your dad. You know you can climb up into the bed with your mom if you want and watch cartoons. I don't think she'd mind even if you woke her up. I know Murphy would enjoy a cat show on Animal Planet, if you'd rather watch that." Satchel nods, but says nothing. The dogs crunch on the kibble in their bowls.
Upstairs, Marcus pokes his head into the shower and find Oliver doubled over and crying beneath the shower head. His back shaking as if he were heaving up the remains of his stomach. Naked, Marcus enters the shower as Oliver looks up. He pulls his husband into an embrace. Marcus holds him and whispers sweet words into his ear until the water runs cold. Shivering, Marcus turns off the water and dries both himself and Oliver. He tucks him into bed and crawls in after him, not to make love, but to comfort and sooth him. To assure him that he is safe and loved.
"Baby, I was trying to be strong, to keep it inside. I didn't mean for you to see me like that,"Oliver confesses to his husband, then buries his head in Marcus's chest and cries some more.
"Oliver, I'd be worried if you didn't cry. This is the mother of your child dying before her time. This is a tragedy."
"You seem to be hanging in there," he says.
"I'm cried out for the moment, I think. You need some sleep."
"I don't think I can, Marcus."
Marcus laughs and slips his hands under the quilt and into Oliver's crotch. Oliver is hard within seconds, and erupts with only a few pumps of Marcus's hand. "Think you can sleep now?" he asks and kisses Oliver on the lips. Oliver nods and rolls over onto his belly. He snores lightly before Marcus even gets out of bed. He dresses and descends the stairs to see what the day has in store for him.
Within three days, Julia slips into a coma. Oliver and Marcus take turns sleeping on the daybed in her room during the night. Neither can remember the last time Murphy left the bed. Worried about his health, Marcus tries to tempt him with a plate of tuna. He would have none of it, but gives his master a quiet squeak. Marcus moves the litter box under the hospital bed, just in case.
That night, the night of the tuna tempting, Marcus can no longer differentiate the days...late that night he wanders into Satchel's room unable to sleep. He hesitates at the door and listens. Satchel is deep in conversation with someone. Someone he knows. As Marcus steps into the room he sees Julia, or what he believes to be Julia dressed in her red carpet gown, her hair long and flowing down her naked back, curls mingling with her fake pearls. She sees him and winks "I'm wearing my thong," she says and disappears. Marcus falls against the door, unable to catch his breath. He forces his body to turn out of the room, then rushes down the stairs. He throws open the door to Julia's bedroom and dashes to her bed. Her body is cold as ice. Julia Satchel Twist is dead. A moan escapes Marcus's lips. It emerges from the depths of his soul, dark and low and terrible, it ascends his body and escapes with a life of its own. The walls reverberate, the old windows rattle in their places. Oliver wakes. He rushes to Marcus's side, slipping his arms around him calming him, bringing him back down to earth, back to reality. He had wanted to follow.
Murphy is nowhere to be found.