(New Chapters)



They scatter Julia's ashes in the garden, in Unga-Bunga. The Princess never to leave that magical land ever again. Marcus holds up Oliver, who in turn holds up Satchel. Neither man can fathom that Julia is actually gone. Jen, Zach, Emma and the Orlanders watch. Tears silently flow down their faces. Satchel refuses to talk about his mother. To talk about her appearance in his room the night she died, even though Marcus confesses to seeing her, too.

And Murphy is still nowhere to be found.

Worried, Marcus searches the attic, the grounds of the nursery. He checks every greenhouse, storage area. He leaves bowls of kibble on the porch, the back deck and the nursery office. A week after Julia's death he hears Murphy howling. It is late, the moon is full. Alone he wanders the house searching for the source of the plaintive howl. He slips outside and the howls grows louder.

Out on the front lawn, the roses blooming more intensely with the cooler Fall temperatures, Marcus looks up at the moon. His bare feet damp with the pre-dawn dew. More howling draws his eyes to the roof line. The moonlight illuminates Murphy's silhouette as he stands on the roof's peek and mourns.

"Murph, come down, baby!" Marcus shouts as he runs to the side of the house.

"Mra, mreow?" Murphy meows back.

"We all miss Julia, Murphy. Come down please?"

Murphy turns and suddenly looses his footing on the steeply pitched roof. The most nimble cat in the world begins to slide down the roof, unable to stop himself with his claws.

"Murph!" Marcus screams and runs to where he thinks his cat will fall off. With all the howling and screaming, Oliver pokes his head out of the window just as Murphy falls, horrified he can do nothing to help.

"Daddy's coming," Marcus yells as he stops, looks up and holds out his hands. Murph slams into his arms, but he manages to hold onto the frightened cat, pulls him against his chest which absorbs the force of the fall. Marcus tumbles onto his ass.

"Touchdown!" Oliver hoots before his slams down the window and runs outside. A huge smile across his face. The first since Julia's death.

"I don't ever want to hear someone say that Gays can't catch!" Marcus hollers as Oliver picks him up off the wet grass. He cradles a dazed Siamese cat and both men walk into the house. Oliver rushes to the kitchen cabinet and opens a can of tuna...kitty smelling salts. He empties it into the closest bowl and sits it on the floor. Wobbly, Murphy steps gingerly from Marcus' arms to sit in front of the offering. He sniffs and then devours the food.

Both Marcus and Oliver breathe a sigh of relief, their baby boy found.


Still banned from the nursery, Marcus sits in the living room amidst Julia's things. He can't bring himself to remove them. It would seem as if he were trying to erase her from their lives. With the hospital bed and medical equipment gone, the room seems empty. But Julia herself is what the room misses most.

His ringing cellphone snaps him out of his self-absorbed reverie.

"Hello?" he says.


"Yes, who is this please?"

"It's Daniel," the voice on the phone says.

"Daniel from New York City?"

"Yes," he said quietly.

"Daniel with the hunky cop in a kilt?"

Daniel laughs. "Yes, so you do remember us?"

"Well, of course I do. I've been meaning to call you, but it been rather crazy around here the last few months"

Daniel begins to cry and Marcus is instantly alarmed.

"Daniel, what's wrong. You and Liam didn't break up did you?"

"No, we're going pretty strong. It's..." Marcus can hear him gather his strength from the other end of the line.

"Tell me Daniel. What's wrong, Love?"

"He was shot, Marcus. I almost lost him!" Daniel cries into the phone. Sobs.

"Oh my God, what happened. Is Liam alright?"

"Yeah, but he's still in the hospital. I'm calling from his room. He's asleep. He was shot breaking up a liquor store robbery. He saved the clerk's life. I'm calling because...well, I was hoping..."

"What my dear boy, what?"

"I remember you said Oliver'd been a cop. Had been shot. I was wondering if he could talk to Liam. Gay cop to Gay cop? He's being so macho right now. Blowing off his emotions. Burying his fears. He's angry. Depressed."

"I'd have to ask him, he's not here right now. I can't imagine he wouldn't want to help. It might be just the thing to take his mind off Julia."

"Why, what's up with Julia?"

"Oh, no. You don't know. Oh my gosh, I'm sorry Daniel, but Julia passed away. She died a few weeks ago. Cancer. We didn't tell anyone, but that NY trip was kind of a last hurrah."

"I'm so sorry, Marcus. If I'd have known, I wouldn't have called. Listen, I'll let you go. You've got enough to handle right now."

"No, sweetie. I'm glad you did. I'm glad you called. Really. It's snapped me out of myself. Makes me realize that there are other people who are also suffering. Need help. Let me talk to Oliver tonight and I'll call you back. OK?"

"Only if you're sure we won't be imposing, Marcus. He's hurting so badly, he's scared. Confused. I don't know what to do."

"Just be there for him Daniel. Love him. Listen to him. And don't let him push you away. OK?"

"Thank you Marcus."

"Give that hunk in a kilt a kiss for me? I'll talk to you tomorrow."

Dinner is a quiet affair as usual, their emotions too raw. Everyone too frightened to speak. Worried about saying the wrong thing. Sending someone over the edge into tears. Back into the intense pain of loss.

Satchel finishes dinner and returns to his room to complete his homework. School started a few days ago. Both men worried he'd feel totally alone, but Emma took him under her wing and he already has a few friends. Tried out for the local Pee Wee soccer team and made it.

"Oliver?" Marcus says as he rinses the dishes, then stacks them in the dishwasher. "Can I talk to you about a call I had today?"

"Everything OK, babe?" he asks as he gets up from the table. He walks behind the island and slips his hands around Marcus' waist. "Have I told you how much I love you, lately?"

"No you haven't, but I've felt it." Marcus turns from the sink and kisses Oliver.

"Is everything alright?"

"No," Marcus says. He lays his head on Oliver's chest. "You remember I told you about my friend Daniel from New York and his hunky cop?"

"Yeah, the one with the kilt?" Oliver chuckles. "I'm surprised you didn't come home with one for me."

"He was shot."


"The Kilt was shot in a liquor store hold-up."

"You're serious?" Oliver asks. Immediately upset.

"Yes. Daniel called me this afternoon. Asked to talk to you actually. I'd told him you were a former cop. Had been shot."

"What did he want?"

"For you to talk to Liam."

"Really? I don't even know him, though..." he replies confused.

"Well, Daniel thought you could talk to him, you know. Gay shot cop to Gay shot cop?"

"He's having a hard time?"

"Wouldn't anyone? He almost died, Daniel said. He was so upset, Oliver."

"But what can I say to the man?"

"I don't know. Listen to him. His fears, his troubles. Tell him you've been there and survived. In more ways than one."

Oliver frowns. He does not relish dredging up that painful part of his life. Does not want to poke around in the old wounds. Especially now that Julia is dead, those memories seem even more tender. He suddenly realizes that perhaps they really aren't totally healed. "OK," he says with an unsure smile. "I don't know if it will help, but I'll do it for you and for my brother cop."

Marcus covers Oliver's face in kisses. Hugs him tight. Later that night, after Satchel goes to bed, they make love for the first time since Julia's death. Slow and tender, they rediscover each other's bodies, rebuild their passion for each other. In the quiet afterglow, tears in their eyes, they fall asleep in each other's arms. Their love stronger than ever.


Life resumes it's rhythm. Marcus returns to his duties at the nursery. Oliver plunges head long into his business. He talks to Liam daily. He never discusses their conversations. They are private, too intimate and raw. Too full of hurt and pain. Marcus understands and doesn't push because they seem to be helping Oliver. Help him cope with the loss of Julia. He can hear Oliver crying into the phone outside the closed office door and his heart breaks. He doesn't mean to ease drop, but his ears seem to be tuned into crying these day. Yet, this is something Oliver has to work out on his own. Perhaps with Liam's help. Perhaps they can help each other.

The lawyers deliver the will. Julia leaves most of her money in a trust for Satchel, but doesn't forget the others in her family. She leaves Jen $10K to take her tea to market. And $100K for Emma and Baby Taylor's education. Jen and Zach cry yet again when informed of her generosity. To Marcus and Oliver she leaves her 'one treasure'...Satchel.

And the BMW for fun.

Jen's baby bump finally shows and Zach walks around like a proud Southern Peacock. Tail feathers in full display. Turpentine couldn't wash the smile off his face. Marcus admonishes her to take some time off. Prepare her nest.

"Honestly, Marcus. It would bore me to tears. I'd rather be here with you boys. It'll be bad enough when the baby comes. I won't be able to be at to the nursery as much as I want, or even need to."

"Alright, but you will rest your feet. Go home and nap when you're tired?"

"Oh, Zach'll make sure of that. I feel like I married a drill Sargent."

"Tired of married life already?

"No, but all this babying gets tiresome. I'm afraid my hormones are going to reach out and punch him in the arm like Julia would." They both laugh at this, then fall silent for a moment. Julia's loss still too real.

"Speaking of Julia, have you thought of a name for your peach tea?"

"Actually we've been doing a lot of research and have decided to start very small. Test the waters, so to speak. We've decided on a name, too. Peach State Tea."

"That's cool."

"I think it's clever, but not silly. Tells the buying public what it is and that it's local."

"Yes, Delaware was known as the Peach State at one time. But won't it confuse people with Georgia?"

"Oh, I don't know. It's just a name. Does it have to be this difficult?"

"What about...Beach Peach Tea? The label could be a peach on the beach in a chair under an umbrella."

"Oh, my God. That's fantastic! I've got to text Zach and Mother!"

That evening while Oliver helps Satchel with homework, Marcus cooks dinner. The dogs faithfully await Master Satchel underneath the long farm table.

"Jen and I finally came up with a name for her tea today, Oliver," Marcus says as Satchel runs off with the dogs. Homework finished and checked.

"Great. What did she decide on?"

"Beach Peach Tea!"

"Now that's cool. I'll work up a logo...a peach on the beach under an umbrella."

"That's exactly what I said!"

"I'll do it as a surprise. Hey, babe. Can I talk to you about something serious?"

"Of course. You OK?" Marcus asks concerned. He walks to the table and sits in Oliver's lap. Kisses his forehead.

"Oh, yeah. I'm doing much better actually. Talking to Liam has helped me, I think me more that him. I don't know...anyway. He's getting out of the hospital next week and I'd like to invite him and Daniel down here to convalesce. I haven't offered. Haven't even mentioned it, but I'd like to. What do you think?"

"I think that's a great idea. They need to get out of the city. I had that thought when he first called me, but didn't think you'd go for it. Especially since we'd just lost Julia."

"I think it's exactly what we need. I still miss Julia like hell and I know you do too, but we need something to take ourselves out of our own little world. And do something for someone else."

"Oliver Twist, not only do you have the face that launched a thousand hard-ons, you have a heart of gold. I'm so proud that you're my husband!" Marcus whispers into Oliver's ear and kisses him passionately.

"Dad! Simply Marcus, I'm hungry. When's dinner gonna be ready," Satchel complains and rolls his eyes. "You guys are way too mushy. It's embarrassing."

"Hey, Satchel!" Marcus yells and jumps up off his Dad. Satchel turns around in time to be scooped up by Simply Marcus and covered in lip farts and tickles. Marcus swings him around on his shoulders as the dogs howl and bark around his feet. Satchel giggles and screams, but doesn't ask to be put down.

After dinner, after Satchel goes to bed, Oliver works up a quick logo for Beach Peach Tea while Marcus puts away laundry. When he passes Satchel's room he hears him crying. Marcus stows the laundry quickly and knocks on Satchel's door and enters. Satchel instantly plays possum. Pretends he's asleep.

"Not going to work, kiddo. I heard you crying," Marcus says as he sits on the edge of the bed. "Miss your mom?"

"Yeah. I feel terrible. Sometimes I forget about her. Everything's normal and I'm having a bunch of fun with my friends or Em or you and Dad...then I remember she's dead."

"I'm sorry you hurt, Satchel," Marcus says and pulls him into his lap. "And I'm sorry your mom died. It's very hard to get over things like this even when you an adult. It's OK to cry. Your Dad and I still do. We cried together just last night."

"You did?"

"Of course, sweetheart. When you hurt, or you're sad...you cry. Even when you're as old as me and your Dad. You know, ancient?" He blows a fart onto Satchel's neck and kisses his forehead. "Anything else you want to talk about? School going alright?"

"Yeah. Everything else is OK, I guess."

Marcus tucks him back into bed and walks to the door. "Satchel, you do know you can talk to your Dad about all this stuff...and me too. We love you. Very much."
"I know. I love you too, Simply Marcus," Satchel says quietly.

"You do?" Marcus replies, surprised.

"Well yeah. You got me Matilda, you brought Mom home to live with us when Dad couldn't and..."


"You make Daddy smile, Marcus." Tears roll down Marcus' face. He walks back over to Satchel and hugs him.

"Kiddo, you just made an old man very happy."

"You still smooch too much," Satchel teases and tickles Marcus. They both laugh.

"We'll have to work on that."

"Nah, that's OK. I actually kinda like it. Nobody else's parents are that way. And I like to see Dad happy."

"Good, cause I like to see Dad happy, too. Night kiddo," Marcus says and ruffles his hair. Stereo hounds at the foot of his bed.

Marcus walks slowly out of the room, down the stairs and into the former dining room they converted into Oliver's office. He closes the door, locks it and slips behind his husband. He slides his hands over his chest and down into his crotch. Oliver smiles.

"Do you know what that son of your just told me?" Marcus says over Oliver's shoulder.

"Oh God, do I really want to know this?" he asks as he swivels around to face Marcus. He becomes alarmed when he sees the tears in Marcus' eyes. "Marcus are you alright? What has that boy done?"

Marcus calms him with a kiss. "It's the most wonderful thing Oliver," he says as the tears return. "He said he loves me!" Marcus slips to his knees and buries his face in Oliver's chest. Oliver smiles and wraps his arms around his husband.

"Well, I could have told you that."

"But he actually did tell me Oliver. Those words came from his little mouth," he says. His eyes proud.

"So I guess we're going to have two father's walking around here with their chests puffed out and their tail feathers on display?"

"You can't blame Zach. It's his first child!"

"And what about you?"

"Satchel my first, too. You know."

"Yes I know love and I'm very proud of you," he laughs as he sinks down onto the floor, taking the newly proud Poppa with him. They make love behind the desk. Their bodies straining against each other. Straining for release, for celebration. The celebration of their love. Half naked, they spend themselves onto the other.

"I love you Oliver."

"And I you. I'm a very lucky man, Marcus."

The two men zip up and head to bed for the second round.


Daniel and Liam arrive without much pomp and circumstance. Daniel drove them the nearly six hours to the beach in a rental, since neither man owns a car. Both Oliver and Marcus can clearly see the pain on Liam's face, but he soldiers on in the best fashion. A credit to the brotherhood.

Oliver took on the task of readying the living room for yet another person, or in this case...people. He buys and installs a new king size bed. Removes Julia's portrait of Matilda and Satchel and hangs it in his office. He thinks it looks very good there. Marcus fills the room with the last of the fall flowers, especially roses. Dresses the bed in new sheets and coverings. He hopes the room feels inviting. Warm.

Once Liam settles into bed and takes his pain pills, Marcus pulls Daniel into the kitchen. Oliver disappears gracefully with a promise to be called when luncheon is ready.

"Oh, Daniel. It's so good to have you both here. We've been so worried!" Marcus says as he grabs Daniel in a bear hug. A trait he's stolen from Oliver without knowing it.

"I'm a bit overwhelmed," Daniel admits with honesty.

"We can, or rather, I can be a bit much..."

"Oh no!" Daniel laughs. "The drive. The open country. Plus, Liam was in a lot of pain. I'm trying to ween him off the drugs, but there are times when he really needs them. I thought driving would be the best way to travel."

"Most definitely. How a bout a drink? I know it's early, but this is a celebration and you look like you could use one? Hey?"

"You read my mind, Marcus," Daniel says as he pulls his host to him. Covers his face in kisses and begins to cry.

"None of that now," Marcus admonishes. "You are on holiday. You and Liam. You must make yourselves at home. We'll be going about our daily routine, so you'll have to fend for yourselves. And you can't be shy in this house," Marcus laughs. "Or you get nothing."

"I can't thank you and Oliver enough for this opportunity. Your kindness is..."

"Daniel, stop. You've thanked me. And you are welcome. Drink this," he says and hands him a glass of cold Vouvray wine. Marcus' favorite.

"This is wonderful...is this that wine you're always talking about?" Daniel asks.

"The one and only!"

"God, this is really good." Daniel quiets himself, sinks back into his chair and enjoys the wine. "What a lovely kitchen, Marcus. You know I grow orchids, too."

"I didn't know that."

"I used to help my Gran with hers when I was a little boy. She gave me one of her plants when she thought I was ready."

"I just dabble. Nothing serious."

"And the tea pots, now Liam will freak. He is the tea master. He has more teas than a tea shop in China," Daniel laughs.

"It's nice to hear laughter. Hasn't been much of that around here lately, though it's getting better."

"So what actually happened with Julia, if I'm not being to..."

"No, it's OK. She had a rather aggressive form of breast cancer that she thought she'd beaten, but it came back. It got into her lymph nodes, spread to her major organs...and then she was gone."

"Oh Marcus, I just can't believe it! That beautiful woman, so full of life!"

"Daniel, you know yourself, death happens. You almost lost Liam."

"I know, it's still terrible."

"Let talk about something happy. Tell me how you and Liam are getting along."

Daniel smiles easily. "I moved into his brownstone. It's so beautiful. He restored it mostly himself. Well, except for the electric and plumbing. He's quite handy. Exposed brick walls, high ceilings, windows taller than I am. Original crown molding. And a garden. We planted an herb garden in his small backyard."

"Sounds beautiful." Marcus busies himself behind the island with lunch. A simple salad with shredded chicken, olives, roasted red peppers and feta cheese.

"And you and Liam?" he asks.

"We were doing great, until this. We mesh. He knows just what I need before I do. He's such a tender lover. But passionate, too. He desires me, wants me. Or at least he used to." Daniel's voice trails off, the sadness palpable.

"Daniel, he's hurting. In more way than one. He'll come around. Don't loose heart. We'll heal him. Body, heart and mind. I promise."

"I hope so. His recovery is going to be a long road," Daniel frowns. Marcus walks around the island and up to his friend. He hugs him tightly.

"Go check on that hunk of yours and if you would, call Oliver for lunch?"

"Of course," Daniel replies and leaves.

Marcus shakes his head. Understands that they have a lot of work ahead of them.

Lunch is quiet with only Marcus, Oliver and Daniel. Liam, too out of it with the pain pills to get up out of bed, let alone maneuver himself to the table even with help. The men talk mostly about the drive from NYC and the traffic on 95.

Oliver retreats back into his office after lunch. And Marcus banishes Daniel to his room to rest when he tries to help with clean up.

"Not today, Daniel. You look exhausted. Go lay down next to that handsome man of yours and take a nap," Marcus admonishes.


"You can start helping tomorrow. Maybe make Oliver lunch when you feed yourselves?"

"Of course!" he smiles. "I need to feel useful Marcus."

"He's not letting you help him, is he?"

"Only when he has to. It's so frustrating."

"It's his pride," Marcus says. "Macho cop pride. Even Gay cops have it. They can be so stubborn. Believe me I know. Been battling Oliver's the past few weeks, myself." Marcus laughs. "Have you talked to him about it. Explained that you need to help him, that caring for him is about your love for him, not about his weaknesses."

"No. I couldn't find the words. Didn't really understand, until you vocalized it. I just knew I had this need to take care of him. Protect him."

"Explain to him that you are a man, too. That there are times when you need to be the protector. He's afraid that if he shows weakness, vulnerability, that he won't be able to do his job, or even be a 'Man'."

"Marcus how did you get so smart?" Daniel asks.

Marcus laughs again and shakes his head. "Darlin', I'm hardly smart when it comes to men. Now, Oliver? I can somehow read him. We also talk. A lot. We're very honest with each other. We also listen. Now, off to bed with you," he says and waves Daniel away.

"Thanks again, Marcus," Daniel says with a smile.

"You and Liam are very welcome...and welcome in this house. For as long as you need, hear?"

"I hear you."

"Hey, do you think he'll be awake for dinner?"

"Oh, I'm sure his belly will wake him long before that. My boy can pack it away," he laughs and leaves.

Marcus makes a quick visit to the nursery to let Zach and Jen know that Daniel and Liam arrived safely and to take them a bit of lunch. Upon his return, the house is unnervingly silent for all the people in it. Daniel and Liam sleep off their travels. Oliver locks himself up in the office with his clients and his computers.

In the late afternoon, Liam hobbles into the kitchen on crutches while Marcus rummages through the pantry deciding what to prepare for dinner. He invited the tribe, providing they leave at a reasonable hour, like right after dinner.

"Liam!" Marcus shouts. "It's so good to see you!" He rushes around the island then stops short. He wants to grab Liam in an Oliver style bear hug, but refrains. Not knowing exactly where he's hurt. Liam laughs.

"You won't break me," he smiles. He reaches out for Marcus, then settles carefully down in one of the chairs at the far end of the long farm table. Marcus notices again the pain that passes across his face like a cloud.

Marcus frowns. Kisses Liam on the cheek. "Hungry? I'll fix you a snack. Daniel still asleep?"

"Yes. He's tired," he sighs. "I'm not the best patient."

"He loves you very much, Liam. Wants to care for you, if you'd let him. He needs you to let him."

"Wow, not beating around the bush today are you Marcus." Liam smiles slightly, his feathers ruffled.

"Sorry. I'll mind my own business. What would you like to eat?" He turns from Liam, rummages through the fridge for leftovers. Pulls out the rest of the chicken.


"No, Liam. It's OK."

"It's not, Marcus. I love Daniel. I love him very much. It's just...it's me. I feel...I don't feel like a man anymore."

"Did you get your nuts shot off?" Marcus asks bluntly.

"What? No!" he laughs.

"Everything in working order?"


"Well, is it working?"


"Then you're still a man."

"Marcus, it's not that simple," he replies.

"Yes it is, Liam. Oh, I know I'm being silly. It's only your macho ego that was bruised." Liam raises his eyebrow. "Oh hush, I know you got shot. But, stop being a child. Let Daniel love you, take care of you," Marcus replies. "He needs to feel like a man, too, Liam. He's feeling useless, unneeded."

"I...but" Liam stumbles with his words. Falls silent. Tears suddenly flow from his eyes.

"Oh shit. Liam, I'm sorry," he says. He walks back to Liam and pulls his head to his chest.

"No. I know I'm going to loose him if I keep pushing him away. But I'm so frightened. I've never felt this, this...powerless. This..."

"Liam, sweetheart, you almost died. I can tell you that Oliver still has nightmares sometimes..."

"What do I do. What can I do, Marcus?"

"Talk to him, Liam. Share your fears with him. You won't be any less of a man in his eyes. I promise. If anything, he'll think you more a man because you were brave enough to let him in. Be honest. He deserves nothing less."

"I will. I do love him, Marcus." he promises.

"Say, did you pack your kilt?" he jokes.

"Actually, I did. We brought one for Oliver, too!" he giggles like a boy. Marcus smiles with the image of Oliver in a kilt with nothing on underneath. Yummy.

Marcus returns to the chicken, makes a quick salad . Pours a glass of peach tea and sets the lot in front of a hungry Liam.

While Liam sleeps off his lunch, Marcus starts dinner. The hounds finally let back inside. Dinner for eight this even calls for something easy. Maybe a baked pasta with sausage, roasted peppers and olives. Tomato and bread salad, the last of the fresh Fall tomatoes. Marcus wonders if he could interest Jen and Daniel in a little canning party. Pick the last of the tomatoes, ripe or not and preserve them. It would be a fun, productive way to pass an afternoon.

Daniel wanders into the kitchen. A smile on his face.

"Need help?" he asks, a shit eating smile smeared across his handsome face.

"And what have you been up to?" Marcus teases. Knowing all too well what that smile means.

"I don't know what you said to the man, Marcus, but...wow!" he says and clutches his stomach.

"That good?"

"He about sucked the life out of me!" Marcus howls with laughter. The dogs howl along with him. Murphy runs under the fireplace love seat. He runs up to Daniel. They do Snoopy's 'happy dance'.

"This doesn't mean the problem is solved, though Daniel. Just because he sucked your dick."

"God, Marcus!"


"I know, but it felt so good," he laughs. Marcus raises his brow. "Oh, Marcus...please! You crack me up. I mean him paying attention to me, touching me. Like he's come back to life or something."

Both men fell into each other laughing. Happiness is back in the Twist household. There would be tough times in the near future, both men know. But it seems as if a damn burst.

When Liam enters the kitchen, leaning on Oliver for support, he instantly turns crimson. Knows what the friends are talking about. Marcus rushes over to him and kisses him on the forehead.

"You made your man so happy!" Marcus screeches.

Oliver looks at them all, confused.

The kitchen table overflows with food and friendship. Baked penne with sausages, fennel, olives and tomatoes. Roasted red smashed potatoes with sour cream and chives. Spinach salad with balsamic vinaigrette and Parmesan cheese slivers, plus tomato bread salad. Ice cold Vouvray and newly christened Beach Peach Tea makes its way up and down the table. Plates pass in a circular pattern similar to planes circling to land at an airport. Once they're full, Oliver rises to make a toast.

"The last few weeks have been some of the hardest this family has ever faced. With Julia's death, the outcome of Liam's heroism...there hasn't been much happiness in this house. Today changes all of that. I want to celebrate the pending birth of a new child," Oliver smiles at the Taylor family. "Wish our new tribe members welcome. Celebrate the love we share between us and our partners and the entire Tribe itself." Oliver quiets, gathers his thoughts. "I..." he puts down his glass, his eyes fill. He gazes up at Marcus who senses his need and gets up immediately to support his husband.

"Thank you babe," he says to Marcus as he slips his arm around his waist. "I'm a bit emotional tonight. I blame it all on this man," he laughs as he pokes Marcus.

"You do know that Princess Rain Drops on Roses would be busting your chops right about now," Jen teases. Oliver instantly crumbles with laughter.

"That is so true, Jen," he replies when he's able to breathe. "I just want to thank you all for your love and support. Because I've certainly needed it. I love you all very much! So, a toast...to love, laughter and UNGA BUNGA!!" Oliver shouts and downs his wine.

Zach, Jen and Emma hoot and holler. Satchel smiles as he raises his glass of tea. Oliver kisses Marcus on the mouth, then walks over to his son and hugs him tight.

"It feels like a family again! Let's eat!" Marcus yells and follows Oliver's lead. He kisses Satchel on the head and ruffles his hair.

In the late night dark of their room Daniel holds Liam tight against his body. Covers his face gently with kisses. Liam moans lightly. Pulls Daniel's lips to his own. Their mouths open and they taste each other.

"Danny," Liam says, using his lover's bedroom name. "Danny, I love you. You do know that don't you?"

"Yes. I love you, too. Desperately," he blushes in the darkness.

"I'm sorry if I've hurt you. It's not my intention," he says softly. His voice chokes.


"Please, Danny. Just let me get this out, OK?"

"Yes," his voice trails off.

"I...I want to let you in. Let you help me, but I don't know how. I'm such a stubborn bastard," he confesses with a laugh to cover his nervousness. "I don't want to loose you. That frightens me more than my nightmares."

"You're not going to loose me, Liam. I promise." He kisses his lover again.

"Right now, I don't feel like I deserve you. Deserve...I don't feel like a man anymore, Danny. How can I protect you, give you what you need, deserve when I can hardly walk?"

"You just need to heal, Liam. Let yourself heal. Rest. You'll find yourself again. And as for being a man? Love, you are a hero. Don't you understand that? You saved that clerk. Saved his life. You were willing to give your life in exchange for a stranger's."

"I don't feel like a hero, Danny. I feel spent, useless." Tears flow down his face as his body convulses with sobs.

At first Daniel is shocked. Liam, usually the master of his emotions, has never broken down like this. But Daniel understands that the walls are tumbling down. That he is opening himself up. Daniel's heart sings. He slips his arms carefully around Liam. Holds him and lets him cry. Cradles Liam in his love. Lets him empty himself of sorrow.

"I'm here for you my love," Daniel whispers in Liam's ear. "I love you. Would give my life for you. Together our love will heal you. Protect us. I will always be here for you, Liam. You are my life. My love."

Liam's body slowly quiets, but Daniel continues to hold him. He relaxes into Liam, his body now as calm as his lover's. Liam's breathing evens out and Daniel thinks he's asleep. When he hears Liam's voice, almost a whisper, he's momentarily startled.

"Thank you," he whispers, then chuckles lightly. "Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. Did you think I was asleep?"

"Yes," he replies. Kisses Liam again. "But why are you thanking me?"

"For not giving up on me. For loving me, even when I'm so stubborn. For caring for me and allowing me to feel. To be vulnerable."

"I love you Liam. That's part of loving you. It makes my heart sing that you trust me. That you feel comfortable enough to drop the walls, take off the armor. My hero in blue."

"You are so silly," he teases. But inside, deep inside his heart he is glad. Feels relief. Feel lighter in his soul.

"So what brought all this on, Love?"

"I'm blaming it all on Marcus," Liam laughs. " Besides, I feel safe here with you."

"Well, Julia did warn me he was a Witchdoctor!" Daniel says and joins Liam in his laughter.

Within a week, Daniel proves his usefulness. Up with the sun, he cooks the entire house breakfast. Feeds the tribe. Gets Satchel off to school, Marcus to work. He then concentrates on Liam. He helps him bathe, dress. Assesses his pain management. Settles him for the morning with a book or a movie and several sweet kisses. He usually sleeps, though. Exhausted by his efforts.

Daniel empties the dirty laundry hampers and washes clothes while he plans lunch. His kitchen skills, while not on the level of Marcus' talent, are serviceable. He sticks to what he does best. Comfort food. Some days a soup or stew and a salad. Others, a large casserole filled with wonderful veggies harvested or canned from the nursery's garden. He eats with Oliver and Liam, but carries the remaining food down to the nursery. There is always enough food and no one ever goes hungry or without a smile.

After school, he jumps into Julia's BMW and retrieves Satchel from soccer practice so no one has to leave work. Together, they stop for groceries. On his good days which are more frequent here at the beach, Liam supervises Satchel's homework time. He uses a promise to play Xbox as a bribe if Satchel finishes his work correctly and with a minimum of fuss. Daniel takes this time to organize the house before tackling dinner.

Marcus and Oliver smile. Look down the long farm table at their new family. Dinner finished, Oliver stands. Wine glass and an envelope in his hands.

"I know," he says as he stands. Rolls his eyes. "Everybody loves my toasts!" Marcus laughs, but for once doesn't tease because he asked Oliver to make this one. Oliver smiles and continues. "In the history of this house, or at least my time in this house, our days have never run so smoothly, so effortlessly. Everything in its place, wonderful food when we're hungry...undisturbed time to concentrate on business. Our son cared for. There's one person responsible for this. Daniel, we owe you more than we can offer, but if you would, accept our gratitude, love and our offer of a job?"

"What?" Daniel asks surprised.

"Officially run our lives?" Oliver asks and Liam laughs.

"He's very good at that, you know," Liam says.

"I do know," Marcus adds.

"Marcus, Oliver," Daniel says dumbfounded. "I just want to feel useful. Help out. I'm having fun. I can't..."

Marcus cuts him off. "Daniel, helping out is doing the dishes, maybe cooking lunch for Oliver."

"I'm just paying back your kindness, guys!" Daniel replies.

"Sweetheart," Marcus says and moves down the table to hold Daniel's face in his hands. "You have taken on the job of caretaker for every single person in this house while nursing your man back to health. We want to thank you. Want to show you what your selflessness means to us."

Oliver follows Marcus down the table. Slips the envelope into Daniel's hand. "Marcus and I simply want to take care of you the way you are taking care of us."

Oliver, Marcus and even Satchel gang up on poor Daniel, covering him with kisses and tickles until he cries Uncle. He bursts into tears when he sees his first paycheck. He'd been very worried about his and Liam's finances.

"OK, OK! I accept!" he hollers with laughter, tears still streaming down his face.

Late in the evening, Satchel long tucked away in bed, Daniel banished from the kitchen, Oliver and Marcus sit quietly in the clean kitchen with the last of the bottle of wine. They hold hands, gaze at each other. Wonder how they ever got so lucky to be surrounded by so many loving people. Their musing interrupted by Liam's soft shuffle, the men look up. The crutches, replaced with 2 canes since he can no longer stand the pressure under his arms, Liam slowly makes his way back into the room. The heart of the farmhouse.

"Is everything alright, Liam?" Marcus asks concerned.

"Yes, everything's fine. It took me a while to get my Danny-boy calmed down though. He's sleeping, so I wanted to slip out and thank you," he says. Tears in his eyes.

"Liam, you don't have to do that," Marcus says and rises from his chair. He guides Liam to sit, then he sits in Oliver's lap, arms around his husband's neck.

"He had to give up his job to take care of me, Marcus. He's been so worried with the hospital bills, our personal bills, the mortgage."

"But don't you have health insurance, disability?"

"Oh yeah, of course. The doctor's bills are mostly small. We're in no danger of losing the brownstone. He just worries. That's my Danny. Such a mother hen, he is." The tears form in his eyes again. Marcus reaches out his hand, Liam grabs it and squeezes tight.

"Liam, you look tired," Oliver say quietly. Concerned.

"I am a bit. But I had to come out here to thank you. You two are the kindest, most amazing people I've ever met. And I'm honored to have you as friends."

"We feel the same way about you hero, and that handsome man of yours," Oliver replies. "In fact we were counting our blessing when you shuffled into the room!" he laughs.

"I do tend to walk like an old man," Liam laughs, too.

"Now, lets get you to bed, old man," Oliver replies. Marcus slips off his husband's lap. Oliver places a kiss on Liam's forehead. He slips his arms around Liam's waist after he stands to help steady him as he walks him back into his shared room.

Oliver finds Marcus waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs as he closes the door to Daniel and Liam's room.

"I think this house is about to explode from all the love inside it," Oliver whispers.

"I know I'm about to explode," Marcus laughs.

"You are, are you?" Oliver asks as he wraps his arms around his husband's waist.

"Yeah. You want to get Twisted?" he whispers in Oliver's ear. Sticks in his tongue for good measure.

"Mmm..." he growls, then laughs. "I still cannot believe you're not done with the Twisted jokes."

Marcus smiles a devilish grin. He stifles a scream as Oliver tosses him over his shoulder and bounds up the stairs.

"I'll take that as a yes," Marcus snorts as Oliver plops him onto their bed, then locks the door.


The entire tribe dreads facing the holidays without Julia. Thanksgiving passes without too much suffering. They gather together for the entire day. The Taylors arriving in the morning. Jen, Marcus, and Daniel spend the day cooking and carrying on in the kitchen. Both Marcus and Daniel down a few glasses of wine. Theirs and Jen's share. The kids play with the dogs and Xbox. Zach, Oliver and Liam watch football game after football game. It's only once they all sit around the table that Julia's presence is so acutely missed.

Christmas, however is another story. Marcus and Jen think about canceling the annual Christmas Open House for the Native Rose's clients. But they had to cancel the July 4th celebration due to Julia's first hospital stay and feel at least from a business stand point, a client 'thank you' of some kind necessary. They are both unsure they can handle the work, let alone the stress. They decide to call a family meeting to discuss the matter. By the time the meeting is over, they decide to have the party catered, but decorate the house to the nines themselves.

The night of the party, the old farmhouse is swathed with live pine roping, twinkle lights. The mantle with magnolia leaves and tea candles, the weeping spruce Christmas tree with antique ornaments that send light sparkling about the room. Bowls of popcorn and cranberries sit on the coffee table in the kitchen's sitting room waiting for kids to string them onto thread and drape them dramatically upon the boughs of the evergreen tree. Out on the deck, guests are encouraged to make a peanut butter pine cone bird feeder to hang in the garden or take home. The guests and tribe members look wonderful in their formal wear. Liam in his kilt, Oliver in his own.

When Liam tells Marcus he as a special present for him, he thinks it a small trinket, but when Oliver emerges from Liam and Daniel's room dressed like a Scottish laird, he swoons. When Oliver whispers into Marcus's ear that he's adhering to the culturally authentic way to wear a kilt...i.e. not wearing anything under his kilt, the man's knees buckle.

With open bar, Beach Peach Tea...business cards tastefully tucked around the room and Vouvray, the party swings into full gear. Waiters circulate trays of munchies throughout the downstairs. Swing music blares from the speakers. At one point in the party, Jen frantically searches for Marcus. Several clients need attention.

"Liam, Daniel, have you seen Marcus?" When they both burst out laughing, she fears the worst. "They wouldn't dare..."

"I think Oliver is reaping the benefits of a kilt right about now," Liam snickers.

"Don't worry Jen," Daniel snorts. "From the look on Marcus's face he won't last too long."

Gone for only about twenty minutes, with half that time spent cleaning themselves up, Marcus and Oliver return to the party. Flushed, but happy. Marcus can now cross one of his sexual fantasies off his list.

"I hope that was worth it," Jen hisses in his ear. "I can't believe you left me alone with these wolves down here. Your pregnant partner looking like a beached whale!"

"Sorry girl, but it was SO worth it."

"You are a pig."

"Hey, you get a cowboy hat and cowboy boots with a tight ass in Wrangler jeans to take home every night. Let me have my kilt, OK?" The two best friend suddenly erupt into a howl of laughter.

"Good, huh?"

"I'm telling you the sight of his..." Marcus stops abruptly as Oliver slips an arm around his waist.

"Kissing and telling?" Marcus blushes and walks away. Oliver and Jen high five. It's not easy to silence Marcus.

With the house decorations finished, the stressful party out of the way, the tribe settles down to a quiet holiday. Christmas morning dawns crisp and clear. Liam, up with the dawn, lights a fire in the fireplace. Turns on the Christmas tree lights. He smiles like a little boy. He enjoys Christmas and wants the room warm and inviting when the rest of the family wakes. He shuffles into the kitchen, now only using one cane, and makes coffee. He pulls a bottle of champagne and orange juice from the fridge. Makes four cocktails. Fills the carafe with coffee.

Step by step he trudges up the stairs, one cocktail at a time, so he doesn't spill...or fall. By the fourth trip he manages a Christmas tray for his new best friends, for the men he adores. Two mimosas, coffee, two mugs with sugar, spoons and assorted chocolates. On the tray he leaves a note that simply reads: look out in the garden. Santa left you something. Love Liam and Daniel.

His surprise set, he wanders back to their room, to surprise his Danny with champagne and a Christmas kiss. Liam finds himself very happy this morning.

"Merry Christmas, Danny love," Liam whispers into his lover's ear, then kisses him tenderly on the mouth.

"Hey, morning you." Daniel replies still warm with sleep. He sits up gingerly. Accepts the drink from Liam's hand. "Merry Christmas to you too, love. You're up early."

"Something's happened to me Daniel. Something wonderful," he smiles.

"What baby? You do seem awfully excited."

"Well, I am. It's Christmas morning and there's magic in the air. Plus, it's not every day a man asks the love of his life to marry him."

"What? Liam?" Daniel spills part of his drink over his hand. Liam licks it clean. Takes the glass from his hand. He pulls two boxes from the pocket of his robe. "Danny, I love you. I love you with all my heart, I want to grow old with you. I want you to marry me. Please be my husband?" Liam pleads. Tears in his eyes.

"LIAM!" Daniel shouts. "Oh my god. Yes!"

Liam pulls the simple gold band from it's box and slips it on Daniel's finger. He kisses it in place. Sealing a promise of love within it.

"Oh Liam," Daniel cries on his chest. "I have nothing to give you, but my heart."

"Yes you do," he says and hands Daniel the second box. Daniel smiles back at Liam and opens the box. Takes out the simple ring.

"Liam, I've always wanted you. Have always needed you. Will you spend the rest of you life with me? And let me love you, care for you? Be my husband?"

"I do, I will, I love you Danny," he says as tears roll down his handsome face. Daniel places his ring on Liam and in turn kisses it. Seals tight his love for all times.

"Liam, Daniel, you guys alright in there?!" an worried voice calls from the other side of their door.

Liam nods, Daniel flies to the door and opens it. A concerned Oliver stands in the doorway with a cocktail in his hand. "Liam, OK?" Daniel holds up his finger. "Holy shit! Babe! Marcus! Get your sweet ass down here quick!" Oliver kisses Daniel on the lips and heads straight for Liam. He plants a big wet one on Daniel's husband.

"Oliver, what the hell is going on?" Marcus asks as he stands at the door with the tray of Liam's Christmas goodies, his mimosa gone, as are quite a few of the chocolates. Hounds bark at his feet and a sleepyhead boy clings to his waist.

"Show him." Oliver demands. Both Liam and Daniel hold up their ring fingers.

"I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!" Marcus yells causing the hounds to howl.

"You didn't know," Oliver teases.

"I knew he was up to something, Oliver. I could see it in his eyes."

"Ah, but Christmas isn't over yet," Liam gloats.

"What do you mean?" Marcus asks.

"Did you read the note?" he asks.

"Yes, but I didn't see anything."

"But did you look in Unga Bunga?"

"No, you can't see that part of the garden from...Liam?" Marcus stares at him.

"You're not the only one who can make magic happen, Witchdoctor!" Liam laughs. "Get your shoes on and come with me!"

Outside in the cold, Daniel and Liam lead the Twists to the hedge row maze of privet that leads to the small section of the garden they all call Unga Bunga. They lead the Twist family carefully through the maze and admonish them to close their eyes before they enter their magical world.

"OK, now open," Liam yells.

Strategically placed within the beds of the Unga Bunga garden are seven copper rose sculptures that are actually birdbaths. The sculptures, full of individual petals, are welded together to look like real roses. They will weather beautifully throughout the years. The patina becoming warm and inviting. There is one for each original member of the tribe, and each rose is tagged. Oliver, Julia, Satchel, Marcus, Jen, Zach and Emma.

"Oh my gosh, Liam. They're beautiful!" Marcus says quietly as he walks forward to examine each one.

Oliver remains silent. Tears flow down his face. When he finally catches his breath, he asks Liam. "You did this for us?"

"Well, actually...no. A friend of mine made them."

"That's not what I mean, Liam. Daniel..." Oliver cries outright now. Cries proudly. Proud that he has such giving friends.

Oliver walks straight to Liam and pulls him into a tight embrace. Holds him tight against his chest. Kisses his ear, then covers his face in kisses. Liam blushes, but feels full of love.

"I don't know what to say to such a gift," Oliver says. Speechless.

"Why are you so shocked, Oliver?" Liam asks. "Why? When you and Marcus open your hearts, your home to us? Why are you shocked that someone, that we would what to return the favor. The love?"

Satchel suddenly yells, "Unga Bunga!" and begins to dance around the cold fire pit. The whole tribe follows. Marcus pulls Daniel into the fracas while Oliver dances gently with Liam.

"You know you're gonna have to commission 3 more roses for the garden this spring," Oliver shouts above the chanting.

"Why?" Liam shouts back.

"That's simple. One for you. One for Daniel and one for baby Taylor!" Oliver smiles and resumes the chant.

Back inside, they huddle by the fire as Marcus pours out hot coffee and makes Satchel an instant hot chocolate.

"I here by declare Christmas Day officially open!" Oliver toasts. He raises his second mimosa in the air as his son begins to pass around presents. The family laughs at Oliver. Liam sits in Daniel's lap. Marcus pulls together another Christmas tray with another bottle of champagne, OJ, coffee and this time cookies.

By the time the Taylors arrive, the room is awash with wrapping paper, scampering hounds and half drunk adults. Marcus slips into the kitchen to start a late Christmas breakfast. Daniel slips out from under his new husband and joins his friend in the kitchen.

"Let's see," Marcus says a bit tipsy. "What did we plan? Oh yeah..."

"Most everything's already cooked, Marcus," Daniel says. "I'll start peeling potatoes for hash brown."

"OK, I'll get out the butternut squash soup and the quiches. Put them to warm, make the salad. Then we're good, right?"

"Well, perhaps another mimosa?" Daniel suggests.

"Great minds think alike, you old married man, you!" Marcus says and pulls Daniel into a hug.

Murphy hangs back on the stairs. Too many damn humans for his tastes. He prefers the house to himself. Not that that will happen anytime soon. He watches as a mist appears in the foyer hall. It travels down the golden hallway and gathers at the entry to the kitchen and forms. Julia smiles in her red carpet gown. Peals stream down her back. Tangle in her long curling hair. She turns back to Murphy and winks. Her finger to her lips. A warning for him to be quiet. He rushes to her side, but she vanishes before he can rub against her. Her smile is the last image to disappear.


Spring is in full swing and Jen is as big as a house. Her hormones are also in full swing.

"I swear, as God is my witness, if that man doesn't stop with the hovering and babying I'm gonna kick him in the nuts," Jen fumes when she enters the nursery office.

"Sure you can get your leg that high, Scarlett?" Marcus jokes, then suddenly regrets it. He doesn't relish Jen's wrath raining down on him. Nor a kick in the balls. He likes his balls. As does Oliver.

"You wanna be second in line?" Jen inquires.

"What twisted your panties in a knot this morning?"

"I get no peace, Marcus. Morning, noon and night. Even in his sleep he's after me. Telling me what to eat, what not to eat. Rest, don't do that, do this. Did you take your vitamins, did you do your exercises today. YADA, YADA, YADA! I'm sick to death of it. I could scream. Oh, fuck it! AAAHHHHH!!!!!!"

Jen screams and Zach runs into the room. At her side as if by magic, his eyes wide with panic.

"See what I mean?" she shouts. "I'm sick of it Zach!" She screams and suddenly kicks him in the crotch. Zach doubles over in pain. "I'm off to eat my way through the entire McDonald's menu! You say a word and I'll kick you again, even harder." she huffs and waddles out of the room.

Marcus winces at Zach's pain, but inside he's laughing. He helps Zach sit. Rubs his shoulders compassionately, sympathetically.

"What the hell was that all about, Marcus?" Zach asks once he can breathe and the pain eases. He still holds his nuts. "Jesus, lord!"

Marcus thinks the same thing...but for very different reasons. Zach holding himself looks hot. Very hot.

"You have to ease up, buddy. You're making her nervous. Give her some space."

"I'm just trying to help, Marcus. Participate in the pregnancy."

"She thinks you're 'participating' a bit too much, Buddyroe." Marcus replies and kisses Zach on the head like a child. Zach slinks down into the chair. Pouts. "It may be your first child, Zach, but she's been through this before. She knows what to do. She's also older this time and perhaps a bit more worried."

Zach sighs. Marcus notices for the first time that he looks tired. Circles underneath his eyes. His eyes red. His shoulders sag. Marcus knows he's been accepting more and more clients. Has a full schedule of installations. Even with the 2 new helpers he hired this year, the workload is tremendous. Marcus is now more worried about Zach than Jen.

"I can't help myself. I love her. I'm worried."

"About what?"

"That I'll be able to provide for my family. Worried that I'll be a good father. Everything. I worry I'll drop the damn baby and it isn't even here yet."

"Zach, you need to rest, too or you'll be exhausted before the baby even gets here. There'll be no sleeping you know once it arrives."

"I can't, Marcus. I've got work to do," he signs and stands. "Thanks," he says and kisses Marcus on the cheek. Marcus slaps him hard on his firm round ass.

"Hey, that ass happens to be married, you know."

"I can't help it if I like to sexually harass my co-workers. It's part of my charm." Marcus quips.

Zach hugs Marcus. "Thanks for listening. And for the advice. I hope I can follow it." Zach pinches Marcus on his ass and walks out of the room laughing.

"You won't have any equipment left, if you don't," he yells after Zach who tosses the bird at him.

Weeks pass. Jen calms as her husband gives her space, but his work load still worries Marcus. Out on jobs from dawn until dust, he returns to the nursery bone tired. This continues until Marcus receives a frantic call late one morning from Juan Garcia, one of Zach's helpers.

In his excitement, he reverts to a mixture of Spanish and English, so that Marcus understands maybe every other word. But comprehends enough to figure out Zach collapsed at the job site and is on the way to the hospital. Marcus tells his excited employees to finish what they can, clean up the site and return to the nursery. Explains that he'll pay them for the full day, but they must go home.

He quickly locks up the nursery. Calls the house to inform them of the situation and drives to the Taylor farm.

Jen stops dead in the kitchen when she sees Marcus enter.

"Which one?" she calmly asks.

"Zach. He's on the way to the hospital now. He collapsed on site."

"Jesus, that man," Jen fumes. "I've had it with all this damn drama. He's worse than Mother. At least she has an excuse." Jen grabs her coat and follows Marcus out to the car. Fear zips down her spine, her body suddenly ice cold. They drive to the hospital, neither one knows what to expect. Both pray that it's nothing serious. Marcus grips the wheel so tightly his knuckles turn white.

They check in at the reception area and are lead to Zach. Marcus gasps when he sees the man. Pale, helpless. IV in his arm. Unconscious. Jen slips her hand into Marcus'. Sobs slip from deep within her throat.

"Marcus?" Jen whispers. Fear just beneath the surface.

"He'll be OK, Jen" Marcus hugs his best friend.

The doctor appears out of nowhere, startling both Jen and Marcus. He introduces himself and explains Zach's situation.

"We found very high levels of caffeine in his blood stream, consistent with overuse or long term use of over the counter stimulants. That combined with over work, stress and dehydration caused his collapse. I'm re-hydrating him now. I also gave him a sedative. He should sleep for a while. I'd like to keep him over night for observation, but he should be fine in the morning. Although, he needs to ween himself off the caffeine. Slowly. And there will be withdraw symptoms. Headaches, possibly a migraine. Muscle pain, shaky hands, nausea. That type of thing. Nothing life threatening. He does need to slow down his work. Reduce the stress level. Any questions?"

Marcus gives Jen a questioning look.

"Um, not right now, no. Thank you Doctor," Jen says quietly. She shakes his hand and he moves onto the next patient.

Jen remains silent. She stares down at her new husband. It's a miracle that she found love again. Found someone so special to share her life with. Who loves her daughter as if she were his own flesh and blood. This man, this beautiful young man, the father of the child growing inside her...why would he do something so stupid. Why would he push himself beyond his capacity. Risk himself when he knows she could never survive another loss like before. Like the murder of Emma's father.

"Marcus," she cries and falls against his chest. She weeps quietly. "Marcus, you've got to get me out of here."

"You're not serious, Jen," he asks somewhat shocked.

"My emotions are on a hormonal roller coaster ride. I don't know if I'm going to fall apart and cry over him, or kick him in the nuts again. I really don't want to do either. I'm angry, Marcus. Angry. How could he do this to himself. Doesn't he understand I need him? How can I depend on him when he does this shit to himself?"

Not really understanding, Marcus nevertheless takes Jen home. He knows she's very upset and needs to calm down. Back at the farm, he escorts her into her house.

"Wait here a minute, will you? I'm going to pack a bag for him."

"You don't need to do that Jen, I can just stop by the house for a few things in the morning on my way to pick him up."

"He's going to need more than that, Marcus because he's not coming back here."

"Jen, you can't be serious."

"Yes, I most certainly am serious," she says as she ascends the stairs. "Until he grows up and decides to become a real husband instead of playing at one, he's YOUR problem"

Jen turns and disappears up the stairs.

When Marcus returns to the hospital the receptionist informs him that Mr. Taylor has been admitted and transferred to a room. Zach stares at the ceiling, possibly counting the tiles when Marcus enters the room.

"Hey, Zach," Marcus says quietly when he enters. He places the suitcase by the door. When Zach doesn't respond right away he walks to the bed, concerned. He chuckles once he notices Zach's pupils. The man is stoned on tranquilizers. Totally zoned.

"Marcus," he slurs. "I didn't hear you come in. Jen with you?"

"No, kiddo. She was here earlier. In the ER. You really freaked her out."

"She's mad, isn't she," he snickers. Then immediately starts to cry. "I'm sorry, Marcus." Zach reaches out for Marcus's hand. Marcus grabs Zach's hand and holds it tight. He sits on the edge of the bed and when Zach can't stop the tears, can't stop shaking, Marcus pulls the strong young man into his arms and holds him. Lets him cry. Rocks him like a child.

Once Zach cries himself out, when his body finally calms, Marcus lays him back down on the bed, gently kisses his eyes. He wipes away his tears.

"Zach, you have to understand...you scared the shit out of her. She's already lost one husband. You know that, right?"

"Yes," he replies sheepishly. His eyes downcast.

"When she saw you laying there unconscious on that examination table, she blew a gasket, man. Can you understand that?"

"But Marcus..."

"No buts Zach. She doesn't want you home until you can understand that and the fact that she need her own space."

"What? You're kidding me. She's my wife!"

"I would never kid about a thing like this, Zach. She's serious."

"She's kicking me out of the house?"

"Only temporarily," Marcus frowns.

"And what the hell is this 'own space' shit."

"Sorry, my words. Not hers. Don't you remember the advice Julia gave you Zach? Have you forgotten everything you learned about who your wife is? An independent, competent, intelligent, single mother who's not only NOT used to being told what to do, but rebels. She's not the kind of person you can smother Zach. You smother Jen, so she can't breathe. And she dies. Or fights for her freedom. Which is kinda what she's doing right now."

"That's such bullshit. I'm not trying to smother her," he says with anger in his voice. "Get me out of here, I gotta go talk to her!" Zach sits up and attempts to get off the bed. Marcus pushes him back.

"No, Zachary!" he shouts.

"Marcus stop!" he shoves Marcus back hard.

"Stop right now or I will punch you lights out Zach, God damn it! You do not FUCK with my best friend. Do you hear me?" Marcus hollers at him. The top of Zach's hospital gown scrunched in his fist. His right arm cocked and ready.

Ashamed of his behavior, Zach turns quickly away from Marcus, buries his head in the pillow. His shoulders begin to quake. His sobs fill the room.

A nurse enters. "Is everything OK? I heard raised voices," she asks frowning.

"He's very upset. That's all. Could I trouble you for some water?"

"It's there in the pitcher by the bed, sir. Are you sure everything OK?"

" Yes. Thank you. And we're sorry, Miss."

"Just buzz if he needs anything," she says and leaves, still unsure.

"I think she was ready to call the cop on us," Marcus jokes to relieve the tension.

Zach laughs and rolls onto his back. "I'm very sorry Marcus. I really am. You're a good man, a good friend and I shouldn't take my shortcomings out on you."

"You Southern men are way to fucking charming, you know that? Now scoot the hell over. You've worn this poor old man out." Marcus lays down on the bed, shoes dangling off the side and pulls Zach into his arms. Zach lays his head on Marcus' chest and soon falls asleep. Marcus follows.

Marcus wakes in the early morning light. Feels a very substantial erection poke at his ass. It is not Oliver's. Neither is the arm draped over his side. Suddenly frightened, he jumps out of the bed. Then remembers where his is and who he's in bed with. Relief washes over him. He laughs when he notices his tented jeans. Mornings are hell on a man. He walks into the bathroom and relieves himself. Then sits in the chair by the bed and watches Zach sleep. He wonders how the hell he's going to fix this problem.

Arriving back at the Twists' farmhouse, Marcus ushers a humbled Zach up to the guest bedroom. He sits the suitcase on the end of the bed.

"You need to get back into bed, handsome and take one of these tranquilizers. You need to sleep. I'll be back with some OJ."

"Marcus, I've got to finish that O'Brien job. I've got more scheduled for later in the week."

"Zach, have you heard anything that the doctor or I have said to you in the last 24 hours?"

"But Marcus..."

"But nothing. Do I have to fire your tight little ass?"

"You can't. I'm a partner. Remember?"


"I feel fine, Marcus."

"I don't care. I still own more shares, so that makes me your boss. Get in bed. I'll take the men out and finish the job. I trust the drawings are in the truck?"


"Yes, what?"

"Yes sir, Boss."

"Alright. I'll send one of the cops up to check on you later. I know they can take you down."

With the young buck tranquilized, Marcus walks down to the nursery. He wants to get the O'Brien job finished. He somehow isn't concerned with what Jen will say or ask.

"So how is he?" Jen asks as Marcus walks into the office. Makes a beeline for the coffee.

"Why do you care? Didn't see you there last night. And I was there all night long." It's Marcus' turn to be angry now.

"What's with the attitude, Marcus," Jen asks as she walks towards the coffeemaker and her friend.

"Because now I'm angry Jen. Because he and I got into a fight and I almost punched him. Because he cried in my arms almost the entire night. You've hurt him horribly, Jen." Marcus tosses the coffee away. It splashes all over the counter. He pulls on his gloves and walks out.

"I've got work to do. I'll be at the O'Briens," he says and walks out.

Cold and tired, Marcus sighs when he sees Jen's car still in the parking lot. It's well after quitting time, but they finished the job and he's sure his helpers didn't mind a little overtime. In fact, Mr. O'Brien was so pleased with the job that he tipped his men $20 a piece. Marcus is proud of his employees.

"I made some fresh coffee," Jen says as Marcus enters the office. "We need to talk, Marcus."

"I don't want any coffee, Jen. I'm cold and tired and bitchy. I want my husband, a cold beer and a hot bath. In that precise order."

"Marcus, please!"

"Jennifer! Now is NOT a good time."

"I need to..." Marcus cuts her off.

"Alright then. You want to take me on when I'm in this kind of mood? Fine. OK, Jen. Here we go...Who told me, in this fucking exact same room that I was going to be a sad old man with only thorny roses to keep me company if I fucked up my relationship with Oliver? Huh? If I ran away just because I got scared. Who Jen? You remember that? I remember that conversation, Jen. I remember you crying. You telling me that you'd go through all that 9/11 hell again just to be with your husband for one more moment. Was that all bullshit?" Jen remains silent. Shocked at Marcus's anger.

"Well? Jen you have a husband now and you've just tossed him away. Sent him to his room like a naughty little boy. You've given him a 'time out'. I understand scared, Jen. I understand very much the problem you have with him regarding your independent nature. What I don't understand is you not talking to him about it. Working through it. Isn't that was a marriage is about Jen. Isn't it? And do you know what else? You not only sent away your husband, you sent away Emma's father. The only father she's ever known!" Marcus turns from her. His shoulder begin to shake, and sobs burst from his chest. Painful sobs. He turns back around to face her. Confess to her. Tears streaming down his tired face.

"Jen," he cries. "I...I hate to think of what would have happened to me if you hadn't said those powerful words to me." Marcus halts, tries to catch his breath. "My life..." Unable to finish, Marcus dissolves into a sobbing mass. He reaches out for a chair and falls into it. For a long time the room is silent except for Marcus' crying. Slowly Jen walks to her best friend. Places her hands on his shoulders. She bends down to him. Kisses his head and whispers into his ear.

"You're right."

"What?" he asks. His chest still heaving.

"Oh don't get all smug. I would have come to the same conclusion. Eventually."

"Yeah, right."

"Hey, so what do you think. Shall we go retrieve my naughty boy?

"God, am I glad I'm not married to a woman," Marcus sighs.

"Ah Marcus?"

"Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Jen. What now?"

"I think we may need to go to the hospital instead."

"What are you talking about. Zach's at my house."

"No dummy. My water just broke!"

"Jen, your timing really sucks."

"Hey, don't blame me. Yell at the kid when it comes out."

They climb into Jen's pickup truck and pull out of the parking lot. Marcus hands her his cell phone and she calls the house. Daniel answers.



"Hey Jen. You want to talk to Zach?"

"No, I need Oliver."

"He's still in his office. He doesn't like to be disturbed when he's working."

"Daniel. I need to talk to Oliver right now," she says in her Mother voice.

"Alright. Hold on." The phone line goes empty for a few moments.

"Jen, Marcus OK?" Oliver asks.

"Yes, he's fine. He's driving me to the hospital."

"The hospital. What's wrong?"

"Oliver! Really? I'm pregnant and my water just broke. I'm going to have the baby."

"Oh Christ!"

"What you didn't think it was ever going to pop out?"

"Ha ha, Jen very funny."

"Oliver! I need you to grab Zach, drive over to our house, pick up my suitcase, go to the Orlanders and pick up Emma and come to the hospital. Can you do that for me?" she asks shaking her head.

"Well, yes. Of course."


"Yes Jen?"

"Don't let Zach drive, OK?"

By the time Oliver gets Zach and Emma to the hospital, the contractions are only a few minutes apart and Jen is ready for the whole thing to be over. Oliver plants himself in a chair and a kiss on his tired husband's lips after he settles an excited Emma with a book and her ipod. The nurses lead a wide eyed Zach away to get suited up in his scrubs.

"Whatever she says in there buddy, just nod and say yes!" he yells at Zach, then laughs. "God, he's toast." Oliver smiles remembering his time in the delivery room with Julia. For some reason this doesn't make him sad. He continues smiling and slips his arm around his husband's shoulder.

Five hours later, an extremely happy Zach bounds into the waiting room. He find Emma sprawled across her Uncles' laps. Oliver cradling her head, Marcus holding onto her legs and feet so she doesn't slip off their laps. Zach clears his throat loudly. When this doesn't wake them he kisses Emma on the cheek and she slips off their laps. That does the trick.

And all three look up at him.

"You are looking at the father of a healthy 6 pound 3 ounce bouncing baby BOY!" he shouts. Emma jumps up and down, then into her father's arms. He covers her in kisses. "Want to go see your mom and your new brother?" Emma nods yes. Crying, she buries her face in her father's neck as he takes her away.

When Zach returns to the men within moments, they're surprised.

"I wanted the girls to have some Mommy time," he smiles. "So would you like to hear my son's name?" he asks with pride.

"Hell, yes," Oliver says and slaps Zach on the back.

"Julian Scott Taylor," he pronounces for the first time ever. "We're going to call him Jules, for short."

Marcus and Oliver look at each other, then back at Zach. They are dumbfounded. Speechless. Both men simultaneously pull Zach into a giant bear hug and all three bawl like infants.