Ring Ring…Ring Ring…Ring Ri-"Mmhmm," I managed to utter into my cell phone.

"Uh… hi. I know this is weird, but I need someone to talk to right now and I don't have anyone who will listen. So please, don't hang up," a strange male voice blurted out.

"You do realize it is 4 o'clock in the morning and I have NO idea who you are, and under normal circumstances I would have hung up by now," I stated while sitting up with interest. "But since I don't have work till noon I think I will let this interruption slide, and let my curiosity take over, for once."

"Oh, well I'm Josh, and I am sorry about waking you and everything. I didn't think calling a random number would actually work, but luck seems to be on my side for the first time in a while. So, can I trust you… hell I don't even know your name…

"Liz. Now, what has you upset enough to call a random number at 4 am to get off your chest?"

So that's how Josh and I met. Well, sort of. It's been a strange friendship. We know everything about each other; likes and dislikes fears, losses, hopes and dreams for the future. What we don't know are details like last names, specifics about our jobs, and where our families are; it's an unsaid line that we don't cross. But in the past 6 months since that phone call, we text or call almost on a daily basis. Josh is my rock and one of my best friends, and I keep wishing that someday we could cross that line and meet.

6 months later…

It's the most exciting week-end of my life. I have finally finished renovating one of vacant commercial lots into the new hot spot, Red.

It's nothing over the top, and definitely not fancy. There are two public areas to the large space, the upstairs features a club and the first floor a concert venue that has the best equipment available. On the third floor I had offices, employee locker and lounge areas, and a bedroom/ bathroom for myself built.

The club has a dark wood dance floor is large enough to allow patrons even on the busiest night to dance, but small enough that people were close and felt the energy radiating off each other. The booths along the east and west walls have deep red and purple fabrics and cherry wood tables. The large bar is next to the stairway on the north side of the building, and is made from the same cherry wood as the tables. The bar could accommodate twenty stools and more free standing people. A smaller bar was along the south wall close to the DJ. The south wall also contained the entrance to the bathrooms and a back staircase.

Downstairs is an expansive space that was designed to hold 3,500 people. It has 50 x 50 stadium seating in the back, and the front is a flat surface for a standing crowd and folding chairs. Identical bars stretch across the east and west wall made of black concrete. The space was designed to handle anything a drunken crowd could throw at it.

Needless to say I am very proud of my new place.

"Who is the mystery band that you have booked for next the grand opening next week-end?" my childhood and best friend Becca asked me while we ate lunch at a café a block away from her office. Becca is smart and stunning. She's a pediatric specialist at Spectrum Health and was damn good at her job. At 6' with shoulder length, straight, red hair and brown eyes she got attention where ever she walked. He normal attire of oversized green hospital scrubs hid the slender figure most women would kill to have.

"I wish I could tell you, but I promised the band's manager I would keep it secret until we ironed out the last details. I'm still amazed that Xander arranged this on such short notice. The only thing I can tell you is that this band is hot right now and will jump start Red's popularity and hopefully help me get top 10 artists again!"

Xander somehow booked the rock group Defiance who had the number one rock song in the country. The trio that made up Defiance consisted of Joshua Bryant the guitar and lead vocals, Kevin Vang bass and vocals, and Jasper Maloney drums. The only issue was all the hotel rooms were booked for the week-end because of some political thing.

"Fine, but you better save me a VIP pass and all that jazz," Becca relented.

"You know it! I need someone to keep me sane. Both of us know I am going to be a nervous wreck. Well I need to get back to the office and I am sure your patients won't like it if we sit and chat through their appointments. Lunch tomorrow at Lee's? It's on me!" I said while paying for my bill and leaving a tip. Normally being late don't bother me, but I had to make more calls and hoped something would work out for next week.

Ring Ring… Ring Rin-"Josh!" I flipped open my cell while walking to my car. "Where have you been? I was getting kind of worried, it's been 3 weeks since you talked to me last and I thought that something happened to you. Are you okay? Did your trip go well?"

"Yeah, except a meeting got cancelled in Utah so I came home early. My boss has already set something else up, so I should be back on the road again on Thursday." He didn't sound too happy about leaving again. Not that I blame him, he traveled most of the year for his marketing job, and spent little time at home. "Actually I am going to be in Michigan next week-end."

"Exciting, where in Michigan? Close to Grand Rapids?" My heart was working overtime.

"Very close, I will be flying into Ford International at 4pm," and at that moment my heart stopped and a huge grin spread across my face. He was coming here, to my town, to where I live, and maybe just maybe I could see him.

"F-F-Ford International as in MY airport IN Grand Rapids?"

"That's the one, but unfortunately I will be with a couple co-workers and my boss. We have a pretty tight schedule full of… umm… meetings. Shit, can I call you later my boss is ringing me and I probably should answer that."

"Um…sure. Call me later?"

"Of course sweets," and like that he was gone again. I climbed out of my car only vaguely aware that I had managed to drive back to the club and my office.

Xander, of course, was waiting in my office when I opened the door with a menacing smile. If he wasn't someone who I knew well and completely trusted I would have fled the room, and even then this smile wasn't comforting. Xander's a big guy, 6'7" and well built. Bleach blonde and spiked hair with dark grey eyes and with many tattoos scattered across his arms, he was a man built to intimidate; which is why I made him the head of security and he also volunteered to help out with booking entertainment. He knew people apparently.

"Xander I hope you're not trying to seduce me with that crazy grin, because you are really scary," he moved out from behind my desk to allow me to put my things away and sit in my chair.

"You know about the hotel issue we discussed last night," as always he went straight to the point. "I actually found a bed and breakfast about 10 minutes out that has a beautiful and gracious hostess with 4 open beds."

"Great!" this is turning out to be a very lucky day for me indeed. "Have I heard of this place, or it is new?"

"Oh, it's new. I call it the Elizabeth Inn, named for the hostess of course," he calmly stated.

"Really, that sounds like a… oh. Hell no. I will NOT be playing hostess to three fucking rock stars! They will eat me alive and destroy my beautiful house. They would never agree to something like that, it's unheard of!" How could he do this to me? Shit. Shit. Shit Shit. I am totally fucked. What about Josh, I can't meet him now. Not with all these rock stars running rampant in my home.

"Don't worry Liz, it's been taken care of. No one will eat you alive, especially after they had some of your home cooking. I will stay in the guest house if you want and keep an eye on them. Their manager, Craig, will be staying there with you and he'll keep the boy in line. The guys are actually a bit more enthused about staying somewhere homey and more secretive than a hotel, so I am sure nothing will happen," he explained.

"How about you sleep in the house and I will take the guest house."

"Sorry, no can do. I have to keep an eye on those pesky neighbors across the ally from you. I sure as hell am not doing it from the house."

"Fine, I'll let them stay," but I won't be happy about it.