Chapter 6

Liz's POV

I couldn't believe how busy everything was at the club. From the second I stepped into the door I was whisked away to deal with the press and deal with some issues at the bar. Thankfully the staff was well prepared and handled all the opening night issues smoothly and without any major complaints. Xander was clearly visible being the main obstacle between the door to the private areas where the guys were and the crowd, I noticed no one asked twice to get by when they didn't have the appropriate pass.

The opening band was some kid of an investor and his friends who played pretty well so we gave them the spot. They did better than I thought and quite a few people actually knew their songs, by the end of their set people seemed pumped. Maybe I'll have them play here again. House band possibly I thought.

Defiance was going to take the stage in 15 minutes, too late for me to sneak back for a quick word. The crowd was going wild, even the older investors who I thought would of left by now were clapping and yelling along with the twenty some-things all anticipating the headliner. I stole away to the suite the guys would be later and where Becca was going to watch them with me. It was the best seat in the house, even though I knew we would end up in front of the stage half drunk and screaming like everyone else.

When I entered I saw Becca pouring herself a drink from the stash of liquor and mixers I had brought up the night before for everyone. Becca was dressed in dark blue skinny jean, a bright yellow tank-top with a drawing of Jasper's face, and matching yellow heels. She had her hair down and left it straight.

"Has Jasper met his biggest fan yet?" I asked while heading to the bar to mix my own drink of Captain and Coke.

"Yes! And look he even signed it!" She pointed excitedly to where he had written "To Becca, my biggest and most beautiful fan. Jasper"

"You do realize he wrote that on your boobs right," I said also pointing out where the message was scrawled.

"That's the best part!" she exclaimed like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "I got to meet Kevin too, but Josh wasn't here. Xander said he was supposed to be but something came up and he had to take care of it. I hope he made it back."

"He's here. Xander went and got him, Josh had to have Chinese food" I told her trying to keep a straight face.

"Chinese food?" Becca asked looking rather confused.

"Don't ask."

"Okay, whatever. So are you bummed that your Josh couldn't make it?"

"Actually, he is here, but can't talk till after the concert. I met him last night," I shyly told her, knowing she would be pissed I didn't call her earlier.

"Elizabeth Conners, why did you not call me? We talked about this; I get to meet him before Xander. I won the bet."

"I forgot, sorry," I sheepishly replied. "Plus, Xander has known him longer than both of us; he was the one who gave Josh my number in the first place."

"But, he promised! That cheeky son of a bitch!" she laughed it off. "You have to introduce me later, okay."

"Of course I will. So, you are up for kicking some unsuspecting kids out of our spots?" I asked waving the front and center tickets I called dibs on for both nights.

"Fuck yeah, let take a couple shots to get in the mood. Tequila anyone?" she asked, while pouring a two shots for each of us and getting the lime and salt. We quickly downed them. I then called Xander to tell him we would be on the floor and to direct anyone who needs assistance to get me only when needed.

I was excited to see Josh sing, and couldn't wait to shock the socks off Becca when she found met Josh and I got to tell her he was really my Josh. I still had to tell her about the kiss, but I figured that could wait till later. We only had 3 more minutes till they were on and needed to get to our seats. I flagged down Jake who was working the barrier between the stage and fans and had him help us over. We didn't want to wade through the crowd, so we were cheating. When we got to our spots Jake gave us a lift and helped over the chest high wall. I gave him a quick thanks and told him I expected him to join the rest of us after the concert, since I knew his shift ended soon after the guys would be done.

Just when we got situated and dealt with some annoy teens who insisted we stole their spots, the lights went out. A deafening screams filled air and everyone was chanting "Defiance!" over and over. Becca and I squeezed our hands together and started screaming at the top of our lungs ourselves.

A single chord ripped through the air. Red lights flashed on then off giving us a glimpse of the band. A couple beats of a drum, blue lights this time. A few notes from the bass, green lights flashed. My gut was tight in anticipation.

Then the lights turned on and Josh belted out the first verse to their hit single, Red Zone. He looked amazing. He wore a pair of dark blue jeans that fit him perfectly and a plain dark red t-shirt that hinted at the amazing body beneath. He was intense on stage, dominating the crowd with his voice; it sent chills down my spine.

Becca kept screaming at Jasper, who during the fourth song sent her a wink and an air kiss. I rolled my eye, but truthfully I was jealous that Josh hadn't even acknowledged me. My eyes barely left his figure, and I wondered if he even knew I was there. I flagged Jake down and asked him to get Sophie, one of the waitresses to get us drinks and send them over the barrier.

It was the last song before they were finished for the night before Josh even spoke to the crowd. He started out introducing Kevin and Jasper, even though everyone already knew them. Then he went on talking about random stuff, and at the end of what I am guessing is his normal speech he look right at me and smiled evilly."We would like to welcome someone very special to the stage that made everything possible. Liz dear come up here and say a few words to everyone."

I was shaking my head and mouthing "no" at him like a crazy woman, but it was too late. Xander and Jake hoisted me over the barrier and up on the stage. I shot the glares and called Xander a traitor, he knew that I hated public speaking. Josh came over and wrapped an arm around my waist and whispered "You look beautiful tonight. I would have been just as happy in the outfit you were wearing at the house too." Which made me blush ten different shades of red. "Just thank the drunk people and investors, you will do fine," he said right before he handed me the mike.

"I'm Liz, the owner of Red. Thanks for coming out tonight, it have been a great concert. A special thanks to my investors who trusted my vision and made this happen, to Xander my right hand man who is also the head of security, and of course to Defiance who made a special trip just for us" I said as I pointed out Xander who waved to the crowd and gestured to the band who got loud cheers. "We have some more bands lined up and will be posting them on our website later this week." I handed the mike back to Josh and went to leave but he stopped me.

"We are looking forward to playing here during our next tour, well that's as long as Liz will have us." Josh looked over at me expecting an answer, but I couldn't help but feel like he was really asking if I would have him. I just smiled and nodded hoping that would suffice. "Looks like the owner likes us enough to let us play here again. We will play one last song tonight, but before we go we just have one thing to take care of."

All of the guys walked off stage leaving us confused in their wake. A minute later they walked back on stage each carrying 5 gallon buckets of water.

"Umm, Josh what are you going to do with that? I don't want you to fry the wires or us," I said pointing to the many cables and wires that lined the stage.

"Don't worry, it's not for you." The guys continued past me and to the edge of the stage. Jasper stood in front of Becca who was staring at him in awe, Kevin to his right, and Josh to the left. It was then I noticed various other people with buckets and a couple with hoses aimed at the standing crowd.

Getting the hint I went to the mike and said "Let's get boys." Water was thrown and squirted everywhere, and everyone was drenched, they went crazy. The band tossed the buckets to the floor and went back to positions. I slipped to the side of the stage they would be exiting on and watched them from there.

They played a song from the first album that went platinum called Water Wars. I guess it was their thing to drench the crowd and play this song at the very end. It was unique to them, and it simply fit with the song.

Security rushed the guys through some back hallways and up a private elevator to our suite while I waited to make sure Jake or Xander would escort Becca behind the bar so she could take the employee stairs up to join everyone else. Once I made sure she was taken care of I headed up myself, but not to the suite. I had forgotten it was Becca's birthday yesterday and had to grab her present from the apartment plus I felt the need for a rinse since someone spilled beer all over me. I bought her a ridiculously huge stuffed dog for her office. She had been looking for one she believed you can't be a good pediatrician without having a big dog for kids to play while in your office. Personally I thought it was a bit odd, but got it anyways knowing she would love the huge puppy dog eyes and big ears.

When I entered the apartment I was surprised to hear the shower on in my bathroom. The guys had access to private bathrooms with showers behind the stage, and since Xander was with Becca I was the only other person who had the code. So deciding the only thing to do was to wait, I plopped down on the couch and turned on the TV. I didn't have to wait long before the shower was switched off and the door opened to reveal Josh in a towel. I couldn't say anything right away as I peaked over the couch I just stared at his very nice body. It wasn't till he was about to drop the towel to get dress right in the middle of the bed room did I speak up.


"Holy fucking shit!" Josh flew around and looked in my direction. Thankfully I had remembered to raise my head so it didn't look like I was spying. "How long have you been here?"

"Long enough to know you look very nice with just a towel on," I responded while giving him a once over, which made him blush slightly.

"Thanks, want to see how I look without it on?" He ask and suggestively loosened his grip on the towel.

"U-um," was the only thing I could manage to stutter out. I could feel my cheeks and neck getting warmer signaling my own blush. "I mean, um. Put some clothes on."

Josh just shook his head and laughed while he grabbed his clothes and went into the bathroom to change. I went into my closet and grabbed another pair of jeans and a simple long grey shirt and the matching belt for my waist. My shoes wouldn't match but the only person who would probably notice was Becca and shouldn't care. I waited till Josh was don't in the bathroom and told him I would be out after I rinse off if he wanted to wait. He assured me he would.

I was about to get dressed when I noticed my bra was too dark for the shirt. "Great, not I have to go out there in a towel," I muttered to myself. "Okay, he must be in the kitchen so I'll make this quick and he might not even notice." I made it halfway back after rummaging through my drawers for a white bra when my luck ran out.

"Nice towel," I heard Josh say just to my left. Sure enough he was leaning against the doorway to the kitchen, apple in hand.

"You like it? I thought I would try something new," I casually responded while clutching my bra and trying to inch my way over to the bathroom without him noticing, which again no luck. He walked towards me and cut off my path to the bathroom.

"I do like it, but I'm not sure if I want you to share this look with everyone else," he whispered in my ear while running his palms down my arms leaving a trail of goose bumps. I looked up and the only thing I could see was the endless depths of grey eyes. I felt him moving in and gladly met his lips with mine. I had been worried that he thought the kiss at my house was a mistake until now. I felt the longing in his soft kiss and was surprised when he deepened the kiss on how much passion he put behind it. I gladly returned it and wrapped my arms around his neck to bring him closer, forgetting that my arms were the only thing holding my towel up. I felt the caress of his hands on my back and sides; he slowly brought a hand up and brushed the underside of my breast causing me to moan into his mouth.

I dropped my arms and started my own exploration of his chest and back, which were still bare and gained a moan from him this time. He pressed my lower back bringing my hips into his and making us both to moan from the contact. I could feel his manhood straining to break free from his jeans and needing release. His hand traveled lower to lift my bottom and in response I wrapped my legs around his waist eliciting another moan from each of us.

We pulled back from the kiss both panting, and pressed out foreheads together in an intimate gesture. It was then that I had realized this had gone far enough, and as much as I wanted to have sex with him, I didn't feel like this was the right time or place. He seemed to be on the same page as me because he slowly put me down and held me tight against his chest. We stayed that way for a few minutes before I sighed and drew back. I gave him a smile and chaste kiss before grabbing my towel and bra from the floor.

"I'll be out in 5," I told him and scurried away to the bathroom and shut the door. I looked in the mirror and couldn't help but smile even though my lips were red and swollen, my hair was a mess from his hands running though it, and my cheeks were bright with blush. I fixed my hair and reapplied a bit of makeup to contain some of the ferocious blush that wouldn't leave before I slipped on my outfit.

Josh had thankfully put on a black shirt on and was fixing his hair in the wall mirror when I came out. I felt kind of awkward, we hadn't really talked about what had happened at the house and all of a sudden it happened again. I felt like we needed to say something, but didn't exactly know what to say.

"Your friend Becca called while you were in the shower, and again when you got dressed. She is wondering where we are," he told me handing me my phone which had 4 missed calls all from Becca.

"Ha, yeah she doesn't know you are my phone Josh, so she is probably pissed and thinks I blew you off to play kissy face with a rock star," I responded laughing.

"Would you blow me off for a rock star if I wasn't one?" Josh looked rather serious.

"No, I have wanted to meet you for months nothing would have stopped me from meeting you if I had the chance," I replied honestly. "Plus, I hear rock stars are bad kissers."

"Am I a bad kisser?"

"No comment," I coyly responded.

"Ouch, that hurt," he feigned a blow to the heart and smiled. "But really am I?"

"No your not, you happen to be very good with your mouth."

"If you think I am good with it now wait till I -"

"Josh," I warned him while walking to the closet to grab the door before I forgot. "We can't be any later; Becca is going to kill me as it is for not telling her you are my Josh."

"Fine, but what's with the dog?"

"It's for Becca. She wanted a big dog for her office so I got her one. Now let's go."

When we finally managed to get to the suite everyone was wasted. Becca was sitting on Jaspers lap blushing fiercely at something he was whispering in her ear, Kevin was waving his arms and trying to explain something to Jake, and Xander was nowhere to be found. Becca was the first to notice us and lunged for the dog I was holding.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, its perfect!" she squealed while gave it a huge hug.

"Now where is this Josh guy you were going to bring?" she asked a few minutes later when she detached herself and set it in a safe spot by the closet.

"He's talking to Jasper," I said while watching her face go from confused to shocked.

"No way, no wonder all the guys laughed when I said that Josh answered your phone, bastards."

"Pretty much. Remember how I told you Xander met him?"

"Yeah, it's obvious now how he met him first," she said.

"Not really, Xander is Josh's older half-brother, he is the one who actually gave Josh my number" I informed her.

"That sly son of a bitch!" she laughed after a few minutes of letting it sink in. "Shots anyone?"

She yanked me over to the bar and handed me an unopened bottle of rum and grabbed a partially used bottle of vodka for herself. I laughed and raised my now opened bottled and took a large swig.

Since I was late with the last chapter I thought I would get this one done and post it early.

PLEASE REVIEW! I like to know what you think of my story!!

