This is a little depressing in my opinion but i haven't been able to get my head off of it for the past week, so i had to do something with it.
R&R please, don't leave me hanging here people. Oh yeah, and don't associate poor Jack with anyone, i made him up. I don't even know how the President thing works since I'm English and we don't have one.
:3 XD :)
He hoped he'd have the strength to do what was right.
But he doubted it.
He hoped that when it came down to it, he was able to say the words that needed to be said. Do the things that needed to be done.
But there was that thought. The thought that he'd choke, and it was there in the background and he knew it was coming, like the damsel strapped to a train track by the villain, watching the train approach from only a few meters away, knowing that the hero just wasn't coming.
And as he sat at his desk, the little button type thing on the palm of his hand, drenched in sweat and fear, Jack wasn't sure which was worse.
Pushing that button and letting half a thousand people die. Or not pushing it and letting half a million die. Because when it came down to it, he didn't want to be a hero, and he certainly didn't want to be the villain. But was there a choice? Could he do either and not feel dreadfully guilty? He doubted it.
Jack had been President for a long while now. He had a wife and three kids, three beautiful daughters. He had the white picket fence that he'd wanted his whole life. Their dog was a petite little terrier that was loyal and loving. He was a family man.
Could he throw it all away?
On one hand, in that half a thousand, was his family. On the other, in that half a million, was half a million other families.
And in his hand was the power to destroy one of the two.
The clock ticked on, silently loud. Each tick echoed in his ears, each small move of the second hand froze another breath.
And he wasn't enough. Not enough to protect everyone. Not enough to protect anyone.
But it the end he was a family man.
In the end Jack tucked the button device into a draw and locked it.
In the end he took his private cab through the rain, arriving home and hugging his three daughters, patting the dog and kissing his wife.
In the end he listened to the words of a terrorist, on late night news, telling the world that the reason half a million people were now dust was that the strength of one man had failed.
In the end, the one man that had sworn to protect them had eventually destroyed them.