Chapter 1: The Meeting

Ugh, I didn't know what I was doing there. The music was loud, the people too many, as shown in that mosh pit that they call a dance floor, and they were all practically having dry sex, rather than dancing. I didn't even want to come to this club in the first place; I was totally out of my element here. It wasn't like anyone was going to dance with me. No girl wants to dance with the nerdy looking white guy who probably hasn't gotten laid ever in his entire life—which is not true; I just don't get laid as…often as most guys. (Yeah, let's go with that.)

"Matt, isn't this so awesome~?"

I turned from the bar to see a young brunette who is flushed and smiling goofily, hinting at her slight intoxication. I managed to force a smile for her and nod, silently agreeing with her. She giggled back at me and went to my side to order another shot.

She was the reason I was there; Lucinda Tarantella, better known as just simply Luci (that's how she spells her nickname). She forced me to come here, because she didn't want to go to the club alone and she trusted me best to stay sober so I could drive her home. I agreed because I cared about her like a little sister, and I didn't want to risk her getting herself hurt while she drank and danced her issues away. She hadn't told me what happened to her yet, but I had a feeling that it has something to do with her boyfriend, Eric Bane. They seemed to be really distant as of late.

"Have you found anyone to dance with yet?" Luci asked, hiccupping a little.

I shook my head. "Nobody's even come up to me, and I highly doubt any will." I sighed dramatically. "Just another lonely night in my apartment, I'm afraid, little Luci."

Luci giggled. "Oh, don't worry so much Matt. I'm sure that someone will come." She paused, and then beamed brightly, "I already met a guy over there!" She pointed across the throng of dancers. "He's so~ hot and nice. I'm tempted to just go home with him right now."

I quirked an eyebrow. "What about Eric?"

Her eyes dimmed and her smile turned into a bitter frown. "He doesn't give a damn about me."

What did I tell you? Boyfriend troubles. I should get a medal for being this smart.

"Are you serious about that new guy, about going home with him?" I was worried about her. There were a lot of pricks out there that could do so many bad things to girls like her, especially when she was so vulnerable.

Luci looked briefly back over her shoulder, looking at someone I couldn't see. Then she smiled softly.

"Yeah, I'm sure," she replied. "Besides, I could use some fun tonight."

My brow furrowed as I held up my fingers for her to see. I pulled them back to put some distance between the fingers and her.

"How many am I holding up?"

Her amber colored eyes narrowed slightly. "Three."

I sighed with some relief. Her answer was correct. That meant her senses hadn't totally failed on her. If the need came, she could put up enough of a fight to run away.


"You know not to accept drinks from him, right? You get your drink yourself, and if you leave it somewhere, don't pick it back up," I told her sternly. "Understand?"

Luci gave me a sarcastic salute. "Yes sir, Jones, sir!"

"And you brought a condom, right? Just in case he doesn't have one," I added at her look.

"Yes, father."

After a few moments, I closed my eyes briefly, and then nodded, trying to keep my worry down. Then I embraced her, a gesture that she reluctantly returned.

"Be careful," I whispered.

I felt her nod. "I will, Mattie, don't worry."

Ha! Easy for her to say.

As I let her go, I watched her run through the crowd to another young man, who looked incredibly tall, had sickly pale skin and had pitch black hair that fell around his eyes. I cringed slightly when I saw the guy. He looked a little emo, but if Luci liked him, then fine. It was only for one night anyway, so there was really nothing to worry about. Once I saw the two of them go out the exit, I actually let out a breath in relief. Finally, I can get out of this place.

I shoved my hands in my jean pockets and walked out of that club, reveling in the silence of the city—at least, compared to the booming sounds in the club. I was just about to walk to the '98 station wagon that I had inherited from my uncle when some sounds caught my ears. It was coming from the alleyway on the side of the club building.

"…Oh, fucking God…!"

That was closely followed by some faint humming and a man's loud groans.

Out of impulse, more than curiosity, I turned my head and caught the scene that was obviously happening. As I did, I found that I could neither look away, nor control the heat that spread in my body, especially pooling in my groin.

She was on her knees in front of a middle aged man, her pale, soft looking hands on his panted legs. She was wearing a thin spaghetti strap shirt that easily revealed the contours of her breasts, a plaid mini skirt, and fishnet stockings over long, pale legs whose calves were covered by a pair of black leather boots. Her platinum blonde hair was being grasped tightly by the man as she licked and sucked the hard member sticking out of his pants.

And her eyes—oh fucking God, her eyes—regarded the panting man with mesmerizing swirls of lavender and green around the slit pupil.

Wait—a slit pupil?! As in slit, like a snake's eyes?

I looked more closely at the scene and felt myself tilt my head curiously. Surely no one had eyes like that, right? That's just not human.

So, out of curiosity, I continued to watch as the beautiful girl go from licking him from base to tip with that long pink tongue of hers, to swallowing him whole…



Don't look at me like that! This was purely for research purposes, I swear!

…Okay, so that, and the chance to watch live porn right in front of me. But don't go saying that you wouldn't have done the same thing.

Anyway, the girl went on sucking the man off for a good few more moments before lifting her mouth off of it. Her mysterious eyes were lidded as she smirked up at him like a hungry cat.

"Do you want me?" she asked softly.

My heart was beating harshly at her voice, and my breathing got heavy. The air around me suddenly got hot, as my pants started to feel tighter than I've ever felt before.

Fuck, I don't even silk was that smooth…

The man gripped her hair tighter, making me wince a little. That must have hurt her. Why was it that guys pulled on women's hair anyway, especially during fellatio? I would think that would make the girl pissed, pissed enough to stop what she's doing, and just walk out of the room.

"Yes, fuck I want you so bad," he panted out.

She smirked, and then went back to sucking his dick until the guy finally came in her mouth. It looked like he came pretty hard, yet the girl took it all, not even allowing a single drop of cum to come out of her mouth. Even though it was technically over, I still continued to watch, just to see what the girl would do next.

Though the man's dick was practically flaccid by now, she still kept it in her mouth. The man grinned down at her, already hardening again I bet. She smiled back at him, her lips curling around his dick. It seemed like she was just about to start again…

But then she bit him.

My eyes widened at the look in her eyes. The colors in them swirled—no seriously, they actually swirled, just like a pinwheel—as the slit pupil became more prominent. Her grin had turned cruel and cold, practically murderous. I shifted my gaze to the man. His eyes had bulged out as he let out a pained scream that was loud and rough, but would have been even louder if the club's music wasn't booming. He gripped her hair tighter, pulling it harshly as he glared daggers down at her.

"You little, fucking bitch!"

She didn't pay him any mind. She just bit down on his dick again.

Only this time, it got worse.

The strange girl had bitten his entire dick off in a fleshy "snap", spurting blood everywhere—against the alley walls, her clothes and some parts of her body, the guy's face and clothes—there was blood everywhere. I had to sink back behind the brick wall to avoid getting splashed, yet still see enough of what was going on. As I did, my heart rate went up and my breathing got more panicked… And my pants didn't feel tight anymore, for obvious reasons.

What the fuck, man? I thought desperately. Or maybe I whispered it out loud, I don't know. My brain was a little fuzzy in that moment.

But still, what the fuck? How is it that one little scene could go from incredibly sexy to…to…fucking horrifying?!

The man's reaction to his castration wasn't making it any better. I couldn't see it all, since I was hiding most of my face behind a wall, but I could hear his screams turn into desperate, hoarse gasps that I knew would echo in my ears forever. Then I saw parts of his limbs shaking, making me summate that his body was going into a spasm, most likely due to the shock and the blood loss. The poor bastard would probably die of a heart attack at this rate.

My concentration shifted to the girl. Even though I couldn't see the man in detail, I saw all of her because she was leaning on the opposite wall. Her eyes were cold and her mouth was a firm line. She didn't seem to care about the dying man, or about how his blood was splashing all over her. She opened her mouth, reached in, and drew out the six inches of flesh she had torn off with her teeth, holding it an arm's length away from her between her index finger and her thumb.

I cringed as the disconnected dick swayed in her grasp. That was possibly the worse thing one could do to a man, especially without any pain killers or something. The guy might survive, sure, but he'd have to get help first, and fast.

Something told me that the girl didn't care if he survived or not.

She threw his dick away, her lips drawn back in disgust. Then she glared coldly down at where I guessed she could see the man's face, because I definitely couldn't see.

"You probably should have thought before you drugged up all those college girls," she said coldly. "If you had, you wouldn't have been in this situation right now."

I think the man cried out, garbling out a desperate "I'm sorry", but I'm not sure. All I could do was wonder. Did this man really do that? Even so, did he deserve this? Don't get me wrong, I find guys like that to be lower than scum, but I think ten to fifteen years in jail would be more sufficient—hell; even beating up the man to the point of death would be just as good.

But a castration? Done in this way, (or any way for that matter)? I think that might be a little bit of overkill.

(Of course, if I was a woman I'd probably have a different opinion.)

"It's too late to say sorry, so don't even bother," she continued. "Even if you did, no one would pay attention to your cries for mercy and redemption. Not God, not the devil, and most certainly not me.

"Goodbye, Mr. Herrowitz."

With that said, she stepped out of the alleyway. I slinked away from her sight, pinning my body against the rough brick wall. By some stroke of luck, she didn't see me. She just walked away in the opposite direction, walking away from me. I continued to watch her until her back dissipated in the darkness of the streets. Then I finally let out the breath I had been holding, sliding down the wall and drawing my knees up so I could lean my elbows on them. As I did, I quickly got lost in my thoughts, zoning out on the man's dying screams and everything else around me.

I shakily ran a hand through my brown hair, cursing under my breath. I could barely think clearly. My thought process was pretty jumbled and a little confusing, even to me:

Holy fucking Christ, I'm a witness to a murder. Shouldn't I be calling the police right now? Or, better yet, an ambulance? But when they come, they might ask questions. They'll ask what I was doing over here, why didn't I stop it from happening, shit like that. I really don't want to deal with the police on this, especially since I don't know how to deal with the police.

Eventually, after my inner rant, I slowly realized that I should call for help. It might get me deeper into the situation than I wanted, but it was the right thing to do. (Damn you, you stupid nagging metaphorical cricket on my shoulder!)

As I reach back to get my cell phone out of my pocket, my gaze lands on a pair of familiar pale legs standing right in front of me. I freeze, feeling my heart jump, and slowly lift my face up to lock my terrified brown eyes with smirking lavender-green. I suddenly felt like a bird trapped under a cat's paw.

"Well, well, well. Did you enjoy the show Mr. Matthew Jones?"