Chapter 4: Feeding

The drive to my apartment was sort of…awkward. Neither of us spoke to each other. I just stared ahead at the road, grasping at the steering wheel tightly as I automatically made the turns that would lead to my home. Luxie just sat in the passenger seat, propping her elbow against the window and staring out it. Please note that this situation is a little unfair. I couldn't tell what she was thinking, but she probably knew what I was thinking.

What was I thinking?

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. SHIT!!!!!

The minute I had started an engine, it hit me like a truck: I just agreed to have sex with a girl I just met, who is apparently a succubus, who also kills sinful people—like some twisted version of Light Yagami (from the anime Death Note)—and I'm NOT panicking. WHY am I so calm?

In conclusion, the silence is sort of my fault. While I was subconsciously driving to my house, I was also having some internal conflict. I mean, come on; let's think about this situation seriously. I just agreed to be a sex slave to a demoness of sex, who could potentially kill me. I can't be the only one who's a little incredulous about it all, despite the fact that it was my decision.

Am I really that desperate for sex? Is any guy out there that desperate to risk something like this?

As much as I hate to admit it, there is only one answer to each question.

Fuck yeah, I am.

And fuck yeah; I'll bet plenty of guys out there would want to be in my position right now.

After about ten to fifteen minutes of driving, (my senses practically on autopilot), we finally arrived to my apartment building. There's nothing really special about it. It's about five stories of brick and cement. The rent is pretty steep, and the old landlord guy is a bit of an asshole (at least to me, for some reason). But I guess you can say that it's still worth it to live here. My apartment isn't high class, but it's warm during the winter and I get a nice view of the city from the window in my bedroom.

Once we were inside the building, I walked in the direction towards the elevator, with Luxie following close behind me silently. I dared to look at her in the corner of my eye. I noticed that there was a light pink dusting her cheeks, her bottom lip was being bitten by her sharp looking teeth, and her eyes were smoky with something I couldn't name—and yet that look made my heart jump. I was suddenly craving to know what Luxie was thinking.

However, before I could open my mouth, Mr. Ass of a Hole himself decided to make his debut.

"Jones," Mr. Viridian growled as he stepped up beside me. "You are late with your rent."

I restrained rolling my eyes, however hard it felt. The old man would've immediately noticed, and then there would be one hell of a lecture about me and "respecting my elders", and all that crap. Normally, I wouldn't have given a fuck, and would have acted like a smartass anyway, but something held me back tonight. For some odd reason, I really didn't want that sort of scene to play out in front of Luxie.

So, I looked at the old man and grinned. "Look, Green I'm working on it, okay? Just wait another week until I get my paycheck, and then I'll give you your money."

The stout man scowled. "You better come through, boy!"

"Yeah, yeah."

I waved him off and then walked away, grabbing Luxie's hand and pulling her along with me. I expected there to be more yelling, but the old man had gone oddly quiet. Of course, I didn't really care to wonder about it. When the two of us went in the elevator, I turned to smile awkwardly at Luxie, who looked like she was in deep thought.

"Sorry about that," I said. "He's not always like that. It's the damn recession lately, you know. His desire to lose money matches up to the rest of the country."

She blinked at me, and then smiled blithely.

"It's all right, Mattie. I thought he was," Luxie paused, "interesting."

I smirked teasingly. "As interesting as me?"

Luxie returned the look saucily. "Not quite," she purred.

With that said Luxie grasped my arm and hugged herself close to it. I felt a blush rise to my neck at the proximity. I could feel the curves of her breasts against my skin, as well as some of her other curves. I tried to turn my head to the side to avoid eye contact, but Luxie and I found our eyes locked almost instantly anyway. She blinked up at me and smiled. I just blushed harder and swallowed harshly, not really knowing what to do. As she leaned her face upwards towards mine, her smile widened, suddenly looking soft.

Before I registered it, her lips were on mine and moving languidly against them. The contact was so soft and surprisingly chaste, but it didn't stop the heat that spread all over my body. As I tentatively kissed her back I shifted my body so I was facing hers, and I placed a hand on her hip as I applied some pressure to her mouth. Luxie responded with a soft moan and put her hands on my shoulders as she leaned her chest against mine. The contact, despite the two of us being covered in our clothes, made me shudder with pleasure.

It was then that the situation really dawned on me.

…And you know what?

I was actually excited about it.

When I heard the elevator's "ding", I broke away from the kiss, panting slightly. There was no doubt that my face was as red as a tomato; I could feel the blood rushing to my face (as well as to other places). Luxie looked up at me. Her face was flushed lightly, her lips were parted as she let out soft pants, and her eyes looked even smokier.

"You're not afraid, are you, Matt?" She asked softly.

My heart jumped at the look she was giving me, and I tentatively shook my head. "No, I've just realized that we're on my floor."

I gestured towards the open elevator doors behind her. Luxie turned around and hummed to herself. Then, with a predatory smirk at me, she pulled me out by the hand and leaned up to breathe against my ear.

"Take me to your place," she whispered.

Her magical voice caused sparks to light up various parts of my body, especially my lower area. With adrenaline surging through me, I pulled her to my door while also trying to get my keys out of my pocket with my free hand. I struggled slightly with the door, but got it open in a matter of minutes. Luxie walked inside first, and I followed her, closing and locking the door automatically. I stared at her back as she observed my apartment, swishing her head back and forth.

"This is where you live?" Luxie asked, her tone making me swallow nervously.

I looked around my apartment and cringed slightly. It wasn't in the best of conditions. There were some clothes on the floor, a couple of empty Chinese food boxes, used art supplies, and many other miscellaneous objects that made up all the clutter. The only thing missing was Sonic, my cat, but I wasn't worried. He's probably out in the city exploring; he's more of an outdoor cat than an indoor cat. Basically, my apartment is your stereotypical bachelor pad. And from the way Luxie spoke, it doesn't look like she was impressed all that much.

Luxie must have felt my embarrassment because she turned and smiled at me. "It's okay, really," she said. "This is actually a lot better than a lot of other places I've been to……You don't have rats, do you?"

"Nah, Sonic usually keeps them stuff like that at bay, the wild animal." I shook my head and raised an eyebrow. "Succubi are afraid of rats?"

She blushed slightly and turned her head in embarrassment. Aw, how cute…

"I just don't like them okay," she snapped, her eyes narrowed. "With their beady little eyes and their weird teeth, and their noises…"

Luxie shuddered. Though I was amused by her odd fear, I walked up to her and put my hands on her shoulders, rubbing comforting circles in them. With bemusement she turned and looked up at me, and I smiled back.

"It's okay," I reassured. "I used to have this insane fear of cheerleaders when I was in high school."

"Cheerleaders?" Luxie smirked. "Aren't those the type of girls boys normally salivate over?"

I scoffed. "Yeah, when they're apart, but when they're together—yikes! Have you seen their moves? They move like fucking robots. It's just…unnatural." I made myself shudder playfully. "The cheer squad was the reason why I never went to those stupid football games."

Well, that and I think that football is a waste of a sport. Why is it that no one in America appreciates more fulfilling sports like soccer, the real football? Seems like the only people who go crazy over it are the Latinos—which makes sense I suppose, considering the Latin American countries have some of the best soccer teams on the planet.

And I'm rambling, yeah, I know. Gotta stop doing that.

Luxie giggled. "You are very strange Matt Jones."

I waggled my eyebrows. "Is that a good thing?"

"Yeah, it's a good thing." She chuckled, somewhat darkly. "A very good thing."

My face heated up as I felt a goofy smile spread against my will. She thinks my strangeness is a good thing. Yes! God fucking YES!!!!

And once again, why am I happy about this?! Did I somehow forget I have a spawn of the devil in my home?

"Oh, Mattie, darling," Luxie smiled at me seductively, and nodded towards the open door to my bedroom. "I believe we have an arrangement."

My eyes widened as she sauntered to my room, her hips swaying so sexily that I was nearly salivating. She turned to me and leaned on the wall near the door. Her face was flushed and her chest moved up and down, indicating her breathing was heavier. The movement of her chest moved her shoulders somewhat, causing one strap of her shirt to slip off her shoulder slightly.

By now, I think my eyes were bugging out and my tongue was out as I panted for much needed air.

Had it gotten hotter in here, or was it just Luxie?

…Yeah, I know; bad joke. But don't say you people didn't see it coming.

Her eyes darkened with lust. "Matt I don't think I can wait any longer," she added softly—panting, it sounded like.

I briefly thought back to my question: Did I somehow forget I have a spawn of the devil in my home?

My next thought: Who the fuck cares?

In a matter of seconds I'm right in front of Luxie, my face barely an inch from hers. She smiles back at me and leans up to crash our lips together. The contact with her soft lips made white hot sparks shoot through my body. I closed my eyes and kissed her back, automatically wrapping an arm loosely around her waist and cupping the back of her neck with my free hand to deepen the kiss. Luxie moaned in turn, and she laced her fingers behind my neck. As we moved against each other, nipping and kissing each other's lips, I considered upping the ante a bit. I tentatively licked her lips, immediately tasting them.

Apples, I mentally mused. She tastes just like apples—the sweet and sour kind.

Heat surged through me, and I growled, surprising even myself. I was filled with an almost…desperate (I guess that's the right word) desire as I applied pressure to her lips with my hungry tongue and pinned her body to the wall.

Luxie whimpered at the impact and parted her lips, much to my delight. I moved my tongue all around her mouth, mapping out all the crevices and contours that would probably become familiar in the coming weeks. The taste from her lips was full blown inside her oral cavity. It was not just sweet and sour, like those green apples. There was also something spicy in her essence as well.

When our tongues brushed against each other, I parted from her with a gasp—because I needed to take a breath before things got intense between us. Panting harshly, I stared down at her, while she stared up at me. Her cheeks were flushed, her skin looked moist enough for her hair to stick, and she was also panting through parted, swollen lips. Her wide, misty, slit eyes regarded me with an odd mixture of emotions—many of which I couldn't name. I groaned at the sight and tightened my grip on her. Then I crashed our lips together once more in a deep kiss.

Luxie moaned loudly against my mouth and jumped, wrapping her legs around my abdomen and catching me off guard. When I was certain of my steady standing, I moved my hands to cup the bottom of her bare legs, so I could keep her firmly against the wall. (No, I did NOT do it to molest her sexy, creamy legs. What kind of a guy do you think I am? (shifty eyes))

When Luxie and I parted once more I dove in for her neck, biting and suckling on her skin, just like she had done for me earlier that night. I think I might have left some marks, but I'm not totally sure—my brain's a little fuzzy. That, and I'm not sure if a bruise could stay that long on a succubus's skin. Luxie sighed and arched her neck, giving me more access, which I gratefully took. And God did she taste good. Did any of my ex-girlfriends ever have this taste—or is it really just her…?

Luxie laughed breathlessly. "This is so different…"

I paused in my ministrations and looked up at her. "How so?"

"I'm not really one for foreplay, or any of that intimacy crap. Usually my partners and I just go right for the sex."

My eyes widened as I remembered her collapsing on the street out of hunger. "A-are you okay?" I tried to ask calmly.

For some reason, I was scared to see her in that state again. And not because (well, not just because—let's be honest here) I want to get laid. Being a succubus, Luxie had to "feed". That was part of our deal.

Luxie smiled softly at me. "Yeah, I'm fine. A little famished, but the Lust surrounding you is good enough for an appetizer for the main course. I guess I'll just have to be patient, Mr. Waiter," she added the last sentence lustfully.

I smirked. "I thought I was the chef."

"Yes, I suppose you are."

"So…how long are you willing to wait?"

Her eyes darkened even more. "Not long," she purred.

My face grew red as I stared at her, mesmerized. I almost didn't feel her hand grabbing my own, guiding it to her most private of parts. When I felt my fingers brush against moist cotton, I groaned softly. Then Luxie whispered into my ear, her breath hot and heavy.

"Touch me."

Lux must have used some kind of magical voice when she demanded that, because I obeyed immediately. (Then again, I could be just that horny. Who knows?) I maneuvered my finger past her underwear and brushed against her heated core.

My throat became so dry that it was hard to swallow.

She's wet, I mentally stated the obvious. She's fucking soaking

Typical me, I covered up my desire with a bad joke and a carefree grin.

"So…would this be the equivalent to a succubus drooling?"

Luxie stared at me with a flushed deadpan expression.

Then she slapped me upside the head.

She rolled her eyes. "You're such a weirdo. Are you going to be like this in the bedroom too?"

I smirked and waggled my eyebrows. "Maybe," I drew out tauntingly.

Luxie smiled, and then she kissed me, keening as the movement made my finger brush further against her wetness. Realizing her enjoyment, I gently inserted my finger in her, while also rubbing her clit with my thumb. She broke the kiss off with a gasp and arched her head back, hitting the wall softly. Her face was bright red, and her eyes were clenched closed. That expression alone was enough to make lust heat my body up more than it had been before. So, out of the desire to hear more from her, I thrust my finger deeper and reveled in the feel of her moist walls.

Something in Luxie seemed to snap then. Her eyes popped open and stared at me, glowing brightly with lust. She grasped my shoulders tightly, making me wince somewhat (she was strong, remember that), and pushed me away to the other wall, getting to her feet with ease. Then, with a predatory grin that revealed sharp looking canines, Luxie sauntered over to me, grabbed the collar of my shirt, and then she wrapped a leg around my hips, grinding our arousals together seductively.

Out of stubborn male pride, I repressed a groan and grinned. "Someone's needy."

"Sorry Matt, I can't help it. I'm starving."Luxie licked her lips in a way that heat immediately flowed to my groin.

Then, as she kissed my jaw, she asked:

"Won't you feed me?"

I couldn't help but grin. Oh, fuck yes!

Luxie took my grin as an affirmative and separated from me, tugging on my hand. She pulled me into the bedroom, leaned up, and then kissed me so deeply that my mind went hazy. I barely noticed her lifting me up from the ground by my collar—

Wait a tick…

Before I could even protest I was thrown on my bed with inhuman strength, my body bouncing on the mattress. I propped myself on my elbows and set my face to glare at her, as well as let out a retort, but I froze at the sight before me.

Luxie smirked and started walking over to my bed, swaying her hips back and forth sensually. When she was a few steps away, she crossed her arms over her lower stomach and slowly, teasingly, removed her shirt and threw it across the room, allowing her pale, bra-less breasts to go free. Then she unzipped her skirt and shimmied out of it at an agonizingly slow pace, letting it land on the floor. She repeated the movement with her stockings, and then her panties—becoming completely naked before my eyes.

There might as well have been some stripper song playing (maybe "Closer" by Nine Inch Nails—that one's always good). That would have really set the mood.

"Fuck." The word escaped me in a harsh breath, because I suddenly felt like I was suffocating from the heat. I knew that the arousal inside my pants was suffocating; I don't think my jeans have ever been this tight.

Luxie smiled impishly at me and put her hands behind her back, rocking her nude body back and forth in a tempting manner.

"Do you like?" she asked "innocently". (Yeah, innocent my ass!)

I wanted to say, "Fuck yes!", like a roguish sex god of a bad boy, but the only thing I could manage was a shaky nod. That seemed to satisfy Luxie though, because her smile grew and she blushed cutely.

When she was at the foot of my bed, she frowned slightly. "You still have your clothes on," she said in an odd tone. "It will take up too much time to remove those."

Luxie waved her right hand side to side, her eyes glowing briefly. The air around me felt strange for a moment, and then it was over—and I suddenly felt cool. I looked down at myself and saw that I was in birthday suit, and my eyes widened.

"W-what did you do with my clothes?" I stammered, shocked.

"Don't worry; they're on the floor, over there." Luxie pointed to the other side of my room, where my clothes certainly were, folded neatly to top it off.

She roved her eyes up and down my body with an odd look. I suddenly felt self-conscious, especially when her gaze lingered in certain places with such heat that my arousal became more obvious. It's not that I'm ugly or anything—because I know I'm not—but I'm certainly not Tom Cruise worthy either (you know, the pre-Scientologist-Katie Holmes-Tom Cruise).

Much to my surprise though, Luxie purred in an appreciating manner that made me shudder. She sat down on the bed and walked her index and middle finger along my thigh until they were within teasing distance of my cock. I shuddered again; her touch felt so good.

"You're a big boy, aren't you Mattie?" Luxie giggled.

I gulped and forced a smile. "I bet you say that to all the men you sleep with."

"No, just the ones I like. And that's not many."

Her soft smile took me aback. It didn't quite reach her eyes—it looked too strained. There was something…sad about her expression. I didn't really like it. Pretty girls like her (and Luci, now that I think about it) should never have a reason to be sad.

"I must be one of the lucky few," I smiled goofily, trying to cheer her up.

Luxie smiled back, her eyes glittering thoughtfully. "You're so sweet Matt."

With that said she leaned her head down and nuzzled my inner thigh, kissing all the way to the base of my member. I gasped at the feeling, my heart pounding.

"Hey, a-are you—damn," I cried out as I felt her gentle hand wrap itself around my arousal and slowly pump me up and down.

Luxie giggled and started kissing up the base, all the way to the head. She flicked her tongue over it, tasting some of the pre-cum that leaked. The mix of her movements with her hand and her mouth coaxed me to grit my teeth and grasp my sheets on either side. With her mouth hovering over the pulsing tip, Luxie smiled at me, and then she parted her lips to take my head in.

"Oh God," I groaned, my grip on my sheets getting tighter.

She lifted her lips off briefly. "Don't say His name during something like this," she said, sounding a little bitter. "He wouldn't approve of His own sons sleeping with a daughter from Hell."

That comment made me curious (Wait, there's a God? And there's a Hell?!), but before I could question her, her mouth was on me again, and her hand's movement quickened. I breathed heavily, my chest heaving up and down, and leaned my head back. When Luxie started using her tongue, I let out a low groan and jerked my hips slightly. She laughed around me, the vibrations spreading white hot fire all over my body, and then she pinned my hips down to prevent any further movement.

After a few more minutes of this, Luxie finally lifted her head up from my member (coaxing a brief moan of disappointment from me) and crawled on top of me, straddling my stomach and bracing her palms on my chest. She smiled down at me, stroking a pert nipple, making me squirm.

"Do you want me?"

I swallowed and nodded downwards. "I-it's not obvious enough?"

She shrugged, her smile teasing. "Just thought it'd be polite to ask."

Luxie then lifted a hand from my chest and wrapped it around my sex again, guiding it so it was standing straight. She lifted herself up on her knees and moved a little backwards until her heated core was hovering over me. Then, with a smile and glance at me, she lowered herself down.

And, I kid you not, I think I saw God.


…Or could that be Satan?

Luxie tossed her head back and moaned as she engulfed me inch by inch. When I had filled her to the hilt, she paused, giving me room to savor the feel of entering her.

You know how the majority of guys want to fuck a virgin because they're "tight"? Yeah, well that's a myth, unfortunately. See, the vagina isn't tight—it just automatically mold itself into the form of the penis entering it. It's kind of how you can tell what kind of men your girl has been with. If they are tight, most likely the guy before you was smaller. If they are loose, well—yeah, I think you get the picture.

Now, Luxie, on the other hand is not like other girls. She actually felt tight, the feeling that fulfills every man's fantasy. I'm not sure if that was part of her genetic make-up or anything, but to tell you the truth, I didn't really care. Her walls were clamping around me so much, I couldn't help but want more.

I partially sat up, propping myself on my elbows and thrust up into her. That seemed to wake Luxie up from whatever trance she's in, because she started to slide up and down me. She started out at a slow and tentative pace that got us both panting. Then she gradually moved at such a speed that she practically bounced on my body, gasping and moaning as she did it. Meanwhile, I grunted and lifted my hips to meet her thrusts with equal vigor, relishing in the delicious sounds she made, as well as her arousing facial expression.

As the speed picked up, the wetter and slicker her pale skin became (and mine too, but she was more my focus at this point)—to the point that it was glistening in the dim room. My eyes roved Luxie's body up and down as she rode me, and I licked my lips when my gaze landed on her bouncing breasts. They were two milky mounds that were neither too big nor too small, topped with pert rose petals for nipples. The more I watched them, the hungrier I felt.

I needed to touch her.

I decided to sit up all the way, the movement making Luxie gasp and whimper slightly. I kissed her deeply, swallowing whatever sounds she made, and palmed her breasts gently. Luxie stiffened and broke the kiss, staring at me with an unreadable look.

"You don't have to do that."

She pushed against my chest, silently telling me to lie back down. I stayed firm and started kissing her neck, while kneading her soft flesh. Luxie moaned and wrapped her arms around my neck. We started up our rhythm again, our hips jerking against each other at a more rapid pace.

At one point one of my thrusts came out as harsher than I had intended, and I immediately paused when Luxie tossed her head back and screamed.

"Luxie?" I asked shakily.

She opened her eyes and stared at me, panting. "Do that again, please."

My eyes widened and I nodded, grinning. "Yes ma'am."

I repeated the motion a few times, making sure the angle was the same. Luxie really seemed to like that spot, because she screamed each time I thrust up against it. Her body trembled so much that she leaned her body completely against me, her face nuzzling my neck as she let out breathy moans that got louder and louder.

I smiled softly, despite myself, and then picked up the pace. Won't be long now—just a little more.

After a couple of thrusts, Luxie dug her nails into my shoulders. "M-matt, I—Ah! Oh, Lilith what—ah!—is this?!"

Her loud voice sounds so confused and scared; it made me worry, since I couldn't really see her face. I put a hand on the small of her back and rubbed soothing circles into it.

"Just let it go," I breathed against her ear as I thrust inside her a couple more times. "Let it go Luxie."

"Ah," she gasped with each thrust. And then, "AH!"

Luxie's body went limp as she rode out her climax, and she nearly fell backward, but I held gently against me. I continued to thrust inside her until I took myself out and released, hissing through my teeth. As I rode it out, my body felt weaker and I fell backwards, my head landing on my pillow unceremoniously.

Huh, that's funny. Usually I wouldn't feel this tired after sex; I guess that meant Luxie had consumed my "Lust" aura or whatever.

As I got my breathing steady, I stared down at Luxie, whose head was on my chest. She laid on me with her blonde hair mostly in her face, her body immobile and not responding. I got worried and stroked her sweaty back.

"Luxie?" I tried. "Luxuria…?"

At her full first name, Luxie picked her head up and stared into my eyes, her own eyes filled with tears. My eyes widened and I stiffened. Did I hurt her or something?

"What," she swallowed harshly, "was that?"

"What was what?" I asked softly. A single tear trailed down her cheek and I gently wiped it away. At her silence, I added, "Did I hurt you, Lux? Is that it?"

Luxie shook her head furiously, her eyes wide. "No! You didn't hurt me. It felt…good." Her brow crinkled with confusion. "But in the end—it felt like I exploded, or something. I mean, it felt good too, amazing even, but that feeling—confused me…"

I blinked thoughtfully. "You mean when you came?"

Luxie blinked back at me. "When I…came?"

"Yeah, you know," I nodded awkwardly, "when you have a climax, or orgasm—whichever you prefer."

Her eyes widened, her tears drying instantly. The look was almost comical really.

"That was an orgasm?" Luxie's voice revealed incredulity. "I had an orgasm?"

I blinked. "Well I hope so. I did the best I could back there," I joked.

She gripped my shoulders in an almost desperate manner. "That explosion is what an orgasm feels like?!"

Stunned at her reaction, I ran my hands through my damp hair. "That's usually how it's described, I guess."

Luxie stared at me for a few moments, and then she got off of me and lay down on the other side of my bed, staring up at the ceiling. I turned on my side and watched her entranced state concernedly. I poked her arm gently.

"Um, are you okay?"


"…That was the first time I've ever had an orgasm."

This time, it was my turn to be incredulous.

"What?!" I exclaimed. "You're joking; you've gotta be! I mean, you are a succubus, right?"

Luxie glanced at me. "Sex is a means of nutrition for my people, Matt—not for pleasure."

I tilted my head to the side. "So, what you're basically saying is that you've never actually fucked for the sake of fucking? You just do it for food."

She nodded, humming an affirmative. "And also, the men I sleep with usually are ones who want to pleasure themselves, not me."

I paused. "Okay, I think I get what you mean. But before, why were you acting like such a—?"

"A slut? A whore?" She smiled understandingly. "Those are the roles I have to play in order to survive, to get what I want from my prey. It's the easiest way to fill my belly, and it's a tradition that's been used by my kind—both Incubi and Succubi—ever since we were created."

As I looked at her I hummed, understanding her situation. When you stop to think about it, it makes sense. As a succubus, how do you sate your hunger? You seduce your way to get the sex you need.

"So," I drawled, "have you ever felt good during sex?"

"During, not really; after, definitely, since I'd feel full in the end." Luxie smiled at me mysteriously. "It's odd though…"

I raised an eyebrow. "What is?"

"Sex with you felt…good," she purred out the last word. "Fantastic, I'd even say."

I blushed brightly, and covered it up with a smile. "Oh, you say it but you don't really mean it."

God, I hope she means it. This will make this whole "slave" thing better.

"I really mean it, Mattie. Thank you," she added softly.

Luxie smiled at me again, making my face heat up more. I'm really going to love that smile on her…

"It's no big deal," I said as nonchalantly as I could. "Do you feel…full?" Wow, that came out more awkward than it probably should have.

She smiled brightly and licked her lips, and nodded. She looked at me again, letting me see how sated her eyes revealed her to be.

I grinned. "Well then I guess my work is done."

Luxie chuckled, "Tonight, anyway."

Oh, that's right. I was her official slave then—or, at least, it felt official. I almost felt like I had just survived initiation for an exclusive, sexy club.

And I tried to remember: Was this a good thing, or a bad thing?

Luxie let out a yawn and her eyes lidded sleepily. She rubbed one eye, mewing softly like a kitten. I suddenly felt warm all over again, but it wasn't the "lust" kind of warm. It was more soothing and uplifting, it made me feel…happy.

"That's strange," she said softly. "I usually don't feel this tired after feeding."

I shrugged, smiling. "Maybe it's like Thanksgiving or something." I winked saucily. "I probably have some kind of chemical that makes any Succubi fall asleep at consumption."

Luxie laughed for a little bit, still looking at me through lidded eyes. "I think I can get used to you Mattie."

I smiled back, also feeling a little tired. I sat up and reached forward for my thick blue blanket and pulled it over the two of us. Luxie regarded me with exhausted confusion, to which I smiled back.

"You could stay here the night if you want," I offered, "unless you have to get back home soon."

She shook her head and shifted a little closer to me. "My family won't expect me until tomorrow, so it's okay."

I lay my head on my pillow and stared at her as the moonlight flooded over her body. The light was so beautiful against her creamy skin, so much so that she practically glowed. It made her look more beautiful than I ever thought she could that night. I was so floored that I continued to watch her, just so I could burn her image into my mind. It would make such a great painting. I wondered if Luxie would mind if I painted her…

As I mused in my odd little mind, Luxie stared at me also, and then she let out another feline-like yawn. Her eyes slowly fell closed, and she let out a satisfied sigh. Within moments, soft snores started to escape her.

I chuckled at the sight. Then I gently shifted her so her head was also on my pillow, so she would be comfortable. Once I was sure she wouldn't be bothered, I lay my head down right beside her and willed my body to relax, (which wasn't hard; that "Lust" draining was exhausting). Before I gave in to dreamland, I managed to look at Luxuria once again.

Oh yeah, I thought, closing my eyes.

I could definitely get used to this.