Chapter One
"don't tempt me"
I wiped my face with the back of my hand, unconsciously smearing flour across my cheek. I clicked the switch and the shops light fled into darkness. I grabbed my jacket, my keys, and locked the door behind me. I retreated into my thoughts as I pulled my jacket tighter around me to block out the biting chill.
My warm breathe froze to a crystal mist every breathe I took. The scuff of heavy footsteps sounded loudly behind me, giving way to three more sets of footsteps. My pulse quickened, I clutched my keys tightly and painfully in my hand. I veered left towards the park, hoping that my fear was only fueled by paranoia; but the footsteps followed.
I heard a clamor of voices ahead of me, slight relief pulsed through me, and I walked straight towards them, wanting to be rid of my sleazy followers.
There were four of them; two were talking animatedly with their hands, one had his back to me, obviously laughing; and the fourth leaned against a tree. His eyes were hooded, slightly closed, a cigarette was placed behind his left ear, and his arms were crossed over his chest.
"I wouldn't do that, my pretty, we'll show you a better time than they will." The voice behind me, sent slimy tentacles of fear thorough my body, I shivered at the images of what could happen to me. With that one last panicked thought, I strode through the group, to the one leaning against the tree; putting a safe distance between me and my followers.
I stood on my tiptoes and peck him on the nose, and intimate gesture that was beyond me. His eyes flew open, icy grey stared coldly back at me, paralyzing me.
"Sorry I'm late; I had to close up the shop." I pleaded with him with my eyes, fear poured through me. my thoughts flitted by a mile a minute; wondering if he would hand me over claiming he never saw me in his life; while it would be the truth, what would my followers do to me. I shuddered involuntarily.
His eyes flickered over my shoulder, his mouth thinned, jaw clenching. "Don't do it again, who are you." His voice was cold and demanded respect. I swallowed, waiting impatiently for the answer.
"We-we didn't know she was yours O'Connell." I stared at his chest, forcing myself not to make eye contact with my previous stalkers.
"If I see you around her again Pedro, I'll kill you." His voice was cold making more than a threat, it was a promise. I filed the name Pedro away in my head, keeping it just in case I heard the name again. I heard the pounding of footsteps on concrete, as the former group rand away.
I sigh softly from relief, "sorry and thanks." I released my grip on my keys, realizing that I had been holding to them tightly; my only form of a weapon. I winced as my hand released them, and began to walk away.
My hands hanging limply by my sides, "you're bleeding" a new voice piped up, I had forgotten the other three group members. They had been quiet through the whole ordeal. I looked at the speaker his dark hair was buzzed, his green eyes sharp.
"No I'm not," I said puzzled, I had not gotten hurt. He pointed at my hand and the trail of droplets of blood. Astonished I opened my hand and a wound stood out harshly against my pale skin. Blood oozed from the deep cut.
I shrugged, "it'll heal" I wiped the excess blood onto my pants, leaving a smear. I walked away; I was a good 3 feet away when another voice called out, "Hey wait!" I turned my head over my shoulder. The guys hair the voice belonged to was bleached white; his dark eyes glittered in the shallow light filtered by dark by the lamps. "Your name?" he held his hands out in an inquisitive gesture.
I smiled slightly, "It's Elenor but call me Ellie." I strode away, quietly surveying the dark, slight fear bubbled in my stomach.
A shadow flickered out of the corner of my eye; I jumped to a stop as a body materialized next to me.
"Jesus Christ don't do that."
His gaze bore into me, "pretty girls like you shouldn't walk alone."
I laughed at this, "says who?" his eyes narrowed, his jaw clenched, anger fizzled in his gaze.
"Me. looks what almost happened." I shook my head, and patted a hand to his chest.
"I thanked you for that, I'm sorry I don't even know you, but I'll be fine; you don't have to walk Me." his hand snatched my wrist, encircling it in a vice like grip.
"I wasn't asking Elenor." I swallowed slightly at the intensive answer, my heartbeat quickly like a frightened rabbits.
"Do be frightened." The way he had said my name, rolling it off his tongue caused my heart to quicken even more, it was then I came to the realization that I would either love or hate this man.
With a slight glare, I ripped my wrist from his grasp. "Whatever you want." I snarled.
"Don't tempt me" I hear him mutter under his breath, but dismissed it as a trick of my ears.
I hated being babied, "I should've listened to Pedro." I grumbled to myself. "What did you just say?" He whispered fiercely, I looked away from him in slight shame. He gripped my chin tightly, forcing me to look at him.
"I don't even know you." I snapped at his cruel gaze, thoroughly pissed off and agitated.
He smirked maliciously, "you know me more than you think"
My eyes widened, confused, "who are you?"
He gave me a half smirk and crossed his arms over his chest. "Jack O'Connell." I searched my memories for the name, when I had it pinpointed I narrowed my eyes, and hissed.
"The Saints"
I pulled out of his grip, "so what, is that supposed to terrify my into submission? Well sorry but I have bigger things to deal with than being afraid of a gang."
His lips thinned, "I just fucking saved you from being raped and you think I want you to be afraid of me. cailín dúr"
I rolled my eyes, "let's just go, I'm freezing." I began to walk away, tugging my windbreaker tighter around me; silently cursing myself for not wearing a heavier jacket in the oncoming winter nights. No one walked next to me, I stopped and looked back, he stood there staring at me, his gaze intense.
I gave an exasperated sigh, placed my hands on my hips in an irritated manor, "what happened to "your too pretty to walk alone."" I mimicked.
He scowled at me, "you're lucky you intrigue me, or you'd have a bullet in you." I surveyed him as he strolled lazily towards me. He was tall muscular brick wall, not overly so but lean; encased in blue jeans, a leather jacket, and motorcycle boots. Not something you would find a gang leader wearing but rather and Hell's Angel. I smiled softly to myself at the image of him riding a motorcycle.
"What are you looking at?" I shrugged looking for a response,
"Wondering if I let you in my house, if that's the wisest decision."
He looked over at me, "your going to invite me in, where are you parents?"
I shoved my hands deeper into my pockets, "where are yours" I displaced the question he gave to me onto him, a psychology maneuver I had learned over the years.
"At home, where I should be, but I'm walked someone home."
I flushed with guilt, "I told you I didn't need you to walk me…"
"Yes you did" he interrupted.
We came upon my apartment, and I stopped, "well here it is, home sweet home. You coming up or heading home?" he looked around him scanning the empty streets; his gaze stopped on the alleyway across my building. He stepped closer to me, he smelled of cigarettes and cinnamon.
An odd mix, but seemingly befitting of him. "I'm coming in and staying the night."
My head snapped up breaking through my thoughts, "whoa whoa, who said anything about staying the night." I stood in front of me I attempted to pear into the alleyway.
"Unless you want to be gang raped tonight I suggest we go in." I grumbled to myself and pulled my keys, bloody from my hand and jammed one into the lock.
Pulling open the door I let him in, the apartment was dark, I flicked on a light and whistled lowly. Jack looked at me in confusion, "did you just whistle at me." I gave him a 'are you stupid look' and whistled again. The clatter of nails on the hardwood floor and the yelps of happiness clamored down the hall. I bent down to my knees as my dachshund puppy Marlo came jumping into my arms.
"Jack meet guard dog' he snorted but nonetheless reached out a hand. "Wait don't..." I was about to warn him that he bit, but Marlo just licked his hand and barked.
My mouth dropped open, Jack smirked, "I have a certain charm, what can I say."
I laughed, "Yeah that's it.