The night was still, silent, broken only by the crackling of the bright orange flames. The smell of burnt flesh stung my nostrils; the billowing smoke caused my eyes to water. We stood at the edge of the trees, standing in the shadows surrounding the flames. We stared dejectedly up at the house our grandfather had built with his own hands. The wailing of the sirens disrupted the memories and I shook my head. Stepping back, we faded, disappearing into the shifting shadows. We had laid the bodies on the couch, and hid in the trees encompassing the house. I knew that the bodies, now consumed in flames would be unrecognizable and the DNA undetectable. I left no trace of ourselves behind, a month earlier; I had cleared our bank accounts inconspicuously. I had called in a favor of a friend in the County Record Department and changed the names on our birth certificates. According to the records, an Elizabeth and Michael Reynolds never existed. I destroyed any documents that might lead back to us. The night before I had decided to put my plan in motion, I had dyed my hair a deep chocolate brown, giving me a completely different appearance.
Slipping through the desolate woods, I searched within the recesses of my mind to find any indication of where we could go to be safe. I concluded that it would be better to not stay in one place for now, to constantly move. Reaching the edge of the woods, we stepped onto the cracked pavement of Route 62. Pulling up the hood of my sweatshirt, we walked determinedly down the road, ignoring the passing cars. The roaring of a motorcycle engine screamed in my ears. I turned my head slowly and watched as the orange and black Honda crotch rocket approached quickly. I drew further into my hood, trying to blend into the darkness. The bike slowed, riding next to us. His black leather jacket matched the sleek black helmet that encased his head. I glanced over at him, hoping he would go away.
"Need a ride?" his voice was rough, I gripped my fist that was hidden in my pocket.
"No thanks." I gritted my teeth, he shrugged, "suite yourself." He revved the engine and rode off.
The tension in my shoulders relieved a bit. We continued to walk down the deserted roadway. Lightning flashed and thunder rumbled through the sky, the heavens opened up and rain poured down. Step, who had stayed silent this whole ordeal groaned. I grumbled in frustration, my shirt stuck to my skin and goose bumps painted our bodies. I squinted through the torrents of rain; neon lights flickered in the distance. We now walked with a resolute determination as cold shivers wracked my body. As we walked through the parking lot, I failed to notice the crotch rocket underneath the overhand, protected from the falling rain. Stepping over the threshold a wall of warm air hit me. Bikers drunkenly laughed, clanging mugs of beer together. A jukebox sat in the corner its speakers blaring out the guitar of the 80's. Sliding onto a barstool, I pulled back my hood, running my fingers through my curly hair. An aged bartender stood behind the bar wiping off clean glasses.
"What can I get ya kids?" A bandana covered his silvery hair, laugh lines creased his face, and a scar decorated his cheek.
"Two cokes please," I asked, as he flipped over the cups and filled them to the brim with the caramel colored liquid. I sipped my drink and spun on the barstool, scanning the room. Clouds of smoke circled my head, the clacking of pool balls caught my attention; pulling my gaze to the green felt table. Four guys stood around the table, only two held sticks, and the balls were scattered across the top. The first had white blonde hair gelled up in spikes, golden brown eyes, and his toned figure evident from his tight red shirt and baggy black jeans; the second had a fiery red hair gelled in a similar style, his electric blue eyes held an odd mirth, he wore a blue shirt and khaki cargo pants; the other, now moving around the table like a feline, had dark hair that stuck up in such a manner that gave way to his laid back style and his dark eyes calculating his next move on the felt table top; he wore a leather jacket that strained across his broad shoulders and torn blue jeans.
The eight ball shot into the corner pocket, "Ha! I win," the sound of his voice caused me to choke on my coke, my heart dropping to my stomach. He looked up and caught me staring; I quickly spun pretending to be submerged in the tinkling of the ice in my drink. I glanced at him and grumbled to myself. I thanked the bartender, threw down a couple crumpled bills and walked towards the door. I licked my cracked lips, my eyes darting around; becoming nervous, I pulled up my hood, grabbed Step's arm, and stormed out the bar. We stepped once again onto the deserted roadway, the grey clouds obscuring the night sky. We had been walking so long that the sun began to peak over the horizon, reflecting off the morning dew like scattered diamonds. Every breathe we took frosted the cool air.
A beat up red truck slowed next to us, "How much ya cost?" I twisted my head, looking into the open window. His graying hair was slicked back, his beady eyes magnified behind thick lens, his teeth yellow from years of tobacco, he grinned at me. I ignored him and kept walking.
"How much?" he repeated snidely.
"No," I growled and moved closer to Step. The beat up old pick-up truck sped off leaving the repugnant man as a speck on the horizon. We walked another hour or so when we came upon a shabby old house with two motorcycles sitting outside with 'for sale' signs on them.
"How much cash we got?" Step asked, obviously thinking like me; I reached in my back pocket for the wad of cash that I had hidden.
"Five grand," concluding that we were thinking simultaneously, we walked up to the door and knocked.
A woman with graying hair answered the door, "yes?"
I flashed a smile, "hello ma'am, we were just looking to buy your bikes. How much are you asking for the both of them?" she opened the door wider, less cautiously than before.
"How much are you willing to pay?"
I glanced at Step, "$1,000?"
She nodded, "agreed. Do you have the money?" I fished $2,000 out of my pocket and handed it to her.
"Thank you, ma'am." I acted as polite as possible, deterring any suspicions she might have had.
She nodded to us, "there is gas already in them, here are the keys, and you children be safe."
We smiled at her, "we will ma'am." Hopping down the steps, we jogged to the bikes eagerly.
"I call the red one." I shouted in unfurled excitement; I mounted the bike, put the key in to the ignition and heard the engine purr, relaxing my tensed muscles. We sped down the road, the dust flying in our wake; spiraling around in the rising sunlight. A green sign slowly came into view, letting our bikes coast to a near stop, I read, 'Gutterson: 5 miles,'
I scoffed and looked over at Step, "think this is far enough off the grid?"
He laughed, "I'm pretty sure it is, let's keep a low profile."
I nodded, "let's go and see what place we can find for cheap." We sped into the small town, our eyes scanning the store frost for any signs. Vacant windows with knick-knacks here and there flew by. We skidded to a halt as we spotted one. "For sale: apartment, two bedroom, and $500 a month." We looked at each other.
Finding the nearest pay phone, we called the available number and bought the apartment above the local coffee shop. Step sat on the sidewalk; I leaned against my bike, hood up. A round little man with a pug face and beady eyes hidden behind think bifocals came waddling down the sidewalk.
Papers in hand, he pushed his glasses high up on his nose with his index finger, "I suppose you must be the ones I spoke to on the phone." His beady eyes shifted uneasily between us.
I nodded, laying out the money, "two months' rent in full." A bead of sweat dripped down his pudgy face. Pulling some papers from his disorganized folder, he laid them on the hood of the charcoal grey Hyundai Accent.
Pulling a ballpoint pen from the pocket of his rumpled collared shirt, he held it out to me, "would you please sign here." I glanced once again at Step and gripped the pen, hesitating slightly I signed the name I had recently acquired, Atarah Jameson.
Gathering the papers together, I handed them back to the man; he shoved them back into his folder. "Thank you, here's the key. Have a nice day." He waddled back down the street from whence he came.
Smirking at Step, I jingled the keys and laughed "too easy," climbing the stairs to the apartment, I unlocked the door. The creak of the un-oiled hinges greeted us; a small living room gave way to an even smaller kitchen equipped with all the appliances needed. As we cautiously walked through I scanned the area, the walls were a pale crème color, the floor a maple wood.
We continued our walk; the first bedroom had one window facing the street below us, and "I claim this one!" I called out and sprawled out on the floor.
"Whatever" Step harrumphed and walked away. Sleep came soon; I dreaded the next day for school was to come. I had called the school when we were waiting for the landlord to arrive and enrolled us as Atarah and Stephen Jameson. Darkness overcame me and I slipped into a peaceful sleep as the quiet town surrounded us.
The sun blared through the unprotected window, stinging my eyelids. I groaned and sat up running my fingers through my tangled waves of hair. Passing a tired hand over my gritty eyes, I braced my palms against the hardwood floor and pushed myself up. My bones creaked and groaned in protest. I stumbled to the bathroom across the hall, and groped in the darkness for the light switch. I finally found it, flipped it on, and bathed the bathroom with an incandescent lighting. Gazing in the mirror, a haggard young woman stared vacantly back at me. Splashing my face with cold water, I turned the faucet off and wiped the excess water off with the back of my arm; and ran a hand through the damp tangled mass of dark hair.
I shook my head and went to wake up Step, "wake up." I grasped his shoulder and shook him "wake up Mich- I mean Step, school today." A groan was all that I received.
The sun beat down on our backs as we sped down empty roads, the light glinted off our crotch rockets. The school came into view and we both groaned. Turning sharply into the parking lot, we slammed to a stop, sharing a single parking spot. Dismounting my bike, I lifted off my black helmet and shook out my long brown hair. Setting it on the seat, I tugged down on my jacket.
Looking over at my brother, I sighed, "ready?" My annoyance was plain with the school that loomed before us like the entrance to a parallel universe.
He grinned, and replied cheekily, "as always Ra." We walked ominously towards the school that emerged before us.
We strode through the halls separated by judgmental labels and disdain. I noticed some of the girls eying my brother, weighing the pro's of talking to him, the possibility of a relationship. As they weighed the pro's, the in turn weighed the con's of mispopularity; the possibility of him ending up in social suicide. The cobwebbed gears clicking and whirring behind their masks of makeup and perfume. Smirking at the thought, I looked over at Step,
"You're getting checked out." He glanced condescendingly at me,
"As are you"
I shrugged nonchalantly, "inconsequential." He jerked his head towards a girl by a row of lockers, as I looked in the direction; I spotted the bright pink beacon surrounded by a friendly aura.
"Look at the pink haired girl, should we make a friend?" I studied the girl as well as her companion and deduced that it would help to appear normal.
"I suppose I can make arrangements"
He rolled his eyes at me, shaking his head; "you have got to learn to be normal sis." We began to make our way over to them.
"I'll attempt your suggestion brother."
The girl was tall and lithe, with bright pink bubblegum hair, her eyes were ice blue and she wore black skinny jeans. Standing next to her was a bulky barrel chested guy with shaggy dark hair and a sinister gaze, camouflage pants, and boots.
She smiled invitingly, "the names LeiLani and this is my brother Harvey. You guys must be new."
She looked over at me, "your name?" she questioned, I quirked an eyebrow, unwilling to divulge that information with her.
The silence was interrupted by a blur of pink and a husky voice, "Hey big boy, you new here?" I blinked, momentarily blinded by the haze of pink. She was tall and skinny, with blonde hair and muddy brown eyes. I glanced over at our new acquaintance, her face held a look of revulsion; I poked her in the side, nodding my head to the intruder; silently questioning.
She crinkled her nose, "her name is Ami, queen bee of the school, and the ultimate bitch. I am sure wearing that much pink should be illegal. I remember one time Harv and I rigged two buckets full of chili and dumped them on her and her cronies." I grinned at her silently enjoying her adolescent jovialness. "My name is Atarah, just call me Ra." She nodded, "nice to meet you."
Just as we exchanged greetings, the doors swung open and banged against the walls, the hall grew silent, the pandemonium shortly halted. Three guys began to walk the halls, clearly each held and air power. The supposed leader, had black hair, it stuck up everywhere. His eyes were dark, they looked black, and he wore ripped jeans, a leather jacket. The next to his left, had a shock of fiery red hair that matched the dark ones, his eyes though were and electric blue. He wore jeans, a blue shirt. The next to his right, had white blonde hair styled like the other two, his eyes though were gold. He wore a red shirt similar to my brothers and jeans. Typical adolescent males all were containing the Alpha gene, fueled by their good and and facial features.
People watched them go by as if they were some sort of gods. Today was not the first time I had seen him. I had seen him the night before, first on the road, second in the bar. His dark eyes smoldering, hair untamable. The crowded hallway was still, as if frozen. My eyes flickered towards the oncoming group. He walked with hands shoved in his jacket pockets; eyes wavered from his intense gaze and shifted to me.
My eyebrows rose, I looked at Lani, "who are they?" my voice was somewhat loud, as intended.
"The gods of the school, the leader; Nyx, Chaos, and Cairo."
I laughed, "Gods? Good thing I am scientific rather than religious."
"Sshhh" she hissed at me. I laughed; the hallway was a hallow echoing quiet. Kicking off the wall I was leaning on, I cut off the group, and made my way to the front office. I did this to break the illusion of royalty they held over the halls. As I did so, the whispers erupted in the hallway as if a bomb exploded. The whispers droned on, I looked over into the shadows only to find them empty. My neck prickled the air froze around me, a natural scent wafted over me. Then the sensation was gone, I just shook my head dispelling the peculiarity and kept walking.
"Did you see her, shit, now what is Nyx going to do. The last time that happened, Cairo put the guy in a locker." And many other whispers similar to that followed my exit.
I shook my head, still amazed out their behavior. I glanced back at brother. "Are you coming with me?"
He nodded and kept up with me. We made our way to the office, ignoring the fierce whispers and disdainful looks.
Entering the office, I immediately gagged on the cloud of perfume that invaded my senses. The secretary should have never even been hired. She looked well past her age and was wearing layers of make-up that looked caked on.
My face contorted into disgust as she blatantly checked my brother out, "Hello Miss" she looked fleetingly at me; I cleared my throat irritably "Excuse me!"
She tore her gaze from my brother's biceps "Yes dear?"
"I'm Atarah Jameson and this is my brother Stephen Jameson, we're here for our schedules. And I'd appreciate it if you could get it to us quickly."
She pursed her lips, "of course" she sifted through some files, licking the tip of her manicured finer, and handed us each a paper.
"Someone will come to escort you," she batted her eyelashes at my brother.
"Ma'am, unfortunately my brother is a bit underage, any…activities that you are illicitly fantasizing right now would irrevocably be statutory rape. I personally know an agent that would love to know some information. Good day." She stood behind the counter, mouth gaping like a fish unable to breathe. I spun on a heel and walked into the front office.
I looked over my schedule, first period Art with Mrs. Slightly, and scanned lightly over the rest of my day. In the corner of my paper, some misplaced ink caught my eye. The ink seemed to be letters the most ominous looking letters ever to grace the page. The ink was black and the scripture ancient.
My breathe caught, "Nyx Aamir Teival" I whispered the name, it rolled off my tongue like honey.
"You called," a deep voice said from right behind me sending shivers down my spine snaking around my limbs, enveloping me in an electric feeling.
I jumped and spun, "u-um. You're supposed to show me around?" it came out as more of a question than a demand. My voice wavered, my voice never wavered. What the was wrong with me?
His dark eyes penetrated my every thought, I glowered at him, "quit it." Gaining my strength and control back His eyes widened slightly, I would have never seen it, for he masked it quickly.
"Quit what may I ask?" he leaned in slightly closer, I uncomfortably took a step back, smoothing out my shirt.
"Staring at me. It's unnerving." His lips pressed together in a thin line.
"Hmmm" was all he said, spinning sharply on his heel he began to walk away.
I growled deep in my throat, not at all pleased with his behavior "Bastard."
I mumbled, "I would appreciate if you didn't call me that." he called over his shoulder.
My jaw dropped, but I shook my head, "under evolved species" I rushed after him and watched his back, determined not to lose him, in the crowd.
Which was impossible since the crowd parted for him like the red sea; but they filled in right behind him, 'I'm going to get lost.' I thought despairingly to myself and sighed; he stopped, and turned to me, clearly agitated.
"You wouldn't get lost if you would stay with me." He grabbed me by the jacket and drug me in front of him. He hooked one finger in my belt loop and pushed me into a walk.
"Just what do you think you are doing?" I bristled, my fists clenching.
I growled, "Helping you. So be nice" I sighed irritably and crossed my arms still walking through the waves of students. Chaos and Cairo met up with us; they stood on either side of me. Confusion clouded my thoughts; it is as if they were defending me from an unknown predator. I felt waves of power washing off each of them, something I had not felt in a long time. Not since Sheila was killed. My thoughts were interrupted by a howling screech that almost sounded inhuman.
"Nyx! Who is she?!" a taloned finger was pointed straight in my face I, I glanced up into the furious face of Ami, her dark brown eyes malicious, her mouth pulled back in a snarl. She took a step forward and I took one back. Unfortunately, I backed up into Nyx, one of his hands splayed across my stomach pressing me into him.
"Back off Ami, she's mine." Her mouth dropped open, Chaos and Cairo stepped closer to me.
I sucked in air through my clenched teeth and bellowed, "Silence!"
I pulled out of Nyx's grip with some difficulty, "Please entertain me with the logic of this argument, I arrived here a mere four hours ago and you all have demoted to arguing like primitive beasts. And you!"
I pointed at Nyx, "I will never be owned. I am not some house pet or slave to be owned by another human being. The right to freedom is given. So back off" Ami just stared at me with her mouth open, Chaos and Cairo smiled with their arms crossed over their chest and Nyx, well Nyx's dark eyes seemed to grow darker, and the pupil's over shadowing the whites of his eyes. I stood transfixed by the eerie beauty of the transformation.
"Whatever." Was his reply. I just shook my head, breaking free of the spell, and walked away
A finger hooked into my belt loop and jerked me back; I slammed into a very muscular chest.
"I'm still showing you around. Now stay with me." His voice was deep; his warm breath blew on my ear. His lips pressed to the spot just behind my ear, my breathing hitched. I slipped back under the sweet spell, all logic disappeared.
I just nodded, "good girl" his voice was low enough for only me to hear.
I broke out of the trance, glared, and whipped around, "don't ever do that again, do you understand." I stormed off; I was going to be late on my first day. I growled to myself, I could hear his chuckling behind me.
I clenched my fists, seeing the room that read 143, I uncharacteristically slammed open the door and stormed in. A teacher with eccentric purple hair looked wide eyed at me, hands in mid-amiable wave.
I managed a half smile "my name is Ra, no that is not my full name. And no ma'am, I do not want to say anything about myself."
Seeing a seat open in the back, I made my way towards it. Unfortunately, in my fit of cynicism and self-loathing, I missed the malicious throbbing pink aura sitting next to the aisle, and as I missed her, I missed her outstretched foot. Which of course, I tripped over, the ugly linoleum floor leered at me as I fell. I closed my eyes and braced my body for the hit, but it never came. I opened my eyes to find my face inches from connecting with the floor, and once again, a finger hooked in my belt loop. My savior lifted me so my feet once again touched the floor.
"What did I say about staying with me?" his voice rolled over me, sending chills sneaking down my spine. I frowned, crossing my arms, I continued straight ahead. Lounging in my seat, I closed my eyes and wished him to go away.
"I'm not leaving," his voice whispered in my mind. "arg!" much to my enjoyment the bell rang signaling the end of first period, but inwardly groaned when reminded of the seven to come. I practically jogged out of the classroom; I searched the rapidly filling hall for Step. Spotting bright pink hair, I made my way towards the bobbing figure.
"Lani! Lani wait!"I called over the mass of giggling freshman and the rest of the student body carrying overbearing book bags that milled about the hallway. She turned around and grinned when she found me.
"I heard about your escort, gorgeous isn't he" I fumed, "no he's not, the arrogant prick. How can any one of the human race stand his egoism? He will quickly find a certain part of his male anatomy indispensable"
Lani looked like she was trying to hold in a laugh, but failed miserably "why are you laughing."
She just giggled, "I think you're the first person to ever say that about the Teival boys."
I quirked an eyebrow, "the Teival boys?"
She just waved a hand as if to dismiss it, "check out the old library in town." I just nodded.
The first bell rang, "well see you round Ra." I waved a hand dismissible, the gears in my head already turning. I hid in the girl's restroom until the last bell rang and I made my way out to my bike, taking a pen and some scrap paper out of my back pocket, I wrote Step a quick note and hid it in his helmet.
Mounting my bike, I revved it up and took off towards town; a mile long strip of stores all open daily. The people all sat on benches reading the newspaper or chatting about the latest news. Human socialness at its best. Riding around a bit I came upon a massive two-story building hidden behind some towering oak trees. Riding down the gravel road that leads to it, I noticed that the ancient brick was covered in twisting ivy. Parking my bike I pulled off my helmet, I gazed up at the crumbling building and wondered how far back their history went. Climbing up the crooked stone steps, I opened one of the French doors. As I walked across the hardwood floor, my boots echoed through the building. I walked up to the receptionist desk and found a kind looking old lady with snowy white hair and twinkling blue eyes.
"May I help you young lady?"
I smiled genuinely and nodded, "yes please, may I ask where the history on the Teivals is?"
She smiled knowingly, "yes of course, on the second floor, 12th row."
"Thank you" spinning around, I walked towards the magnificent curving staircase. Running my hand along the redwood banister, I followed them up to the second floor.
As my boots hit the wood floor, I started searching for the numbers that marked the rows. I leisurely made my way to the end, which happened to be the 12th row. Sighing softly, I walked down the aisle, running my finger along the faded leather bound binds. Gold lettering sparkled in the dimmed lighting; the cover was a faded maroon, the title printed in spidery lettering The History of the Teivals. Grabbing the book from its spot, I blew the dust of the cover. Finding a worn leather chair, I made myself comfortable. Inhaling deeply, I opened the front cover and turned the yellowing pages to the first chapter.
Hours passed by as I read, the pages leaked information. In the beginning, the Teivals were a noble family, but as time grew on the sons became accused of dabbling in the dark magic. Many were burnt alive, one by the name of Elias Teival escaped, and he ran across continents. Finally settling down in Romania, he married a woman by the name of Mariska. She was a beautiful woman with long golden hair and rusty brown eyes. After they married they had a son, Elias's heir, they named him Hantyr. As he grew into a young boy, the villagers started noticing, unusual things that happened about him. Livestock died, night creatures flocked to him. (Bats, owls, wolves, coyotes). They began to notice little things about the way he looked, his hair was a white blonde, and stuck up everywhere, his eyes were the color of blood, his skin a pasty white. When a villager died in the village, they blamed him and called him "the devils son". Finally, they had, had enough deaths and sentenced this little boy of eight years, to death. They burned him alive, and in his dying cry, they finally learned the intriguing truth of his ancestors. His father had dabbled in the dark arts, in fact, he become a powerful warlock. And his mother was a demon, beautiful but a demon.
As I skimmed through the pages, I came upon the logs of names of the Teival ancestry. Flipping to the most recent, my breathing hitched as I read the names. Chaos and Cairo. But his name stuck out the ink more pronounced, the writing ancient. It was as if it called to me, dragging me in, searing my brain, breaking every wall I had forged over the years. Unintentionally, I whispered his name over and over again, tears leaking from my eyes as the memories came unbidden.
"Mommy, where's Sheila?"
My mother looked down at me, "Sheila's been a bad girl honey, now she's being punished." Screams echoed through the house, my eyes grew wide.
"No mommy, no. You can't do that to her, she can't handle it." I threw open the door and sprinted down the stairs, yelling for Sheila as I went, slammed open the basement door and shouted.
"Daddy stop, don't do it to her. No! It…it wasn't her it…it was me! Daddy no" I pounded on his back as the whips and pokers came down on her skin, the smell of burnt flesh stinging my nostrils.
"You! It was you Atarah? What have I told you?" Tears streamed down my face, his hand slapped me, sending me to the floor, his boots connected with my ribs, I cried out in pain. He grabbed a knife and cut my shirt off. Throwing me to the ground, he brought the whip down repeatedly. I bit my lip in pain, but did not cry out, only knowing that it would do no good.
"That'll teach you not to paint those signs on the wall!" I heard his feet pounding up the steps. Crying, I drug myself over to Sheila's prone form on the ground.
"Sheila," I sobbed and laid her head in my lap.
"No don't go Sheila, Step and I need you." It was no use, her vacant blue eyes stared up into nothingness, her skin became as cool as marble, and her mouth open in an agonizing scream.
With my little arms, I picked her up, ignoring the searing pain that spread across my back and ribs. Climbing slowly up the steps I made my way to our room. Laying her on the bed, I sat in the corner rocking back in forth, and kept hearing her screams echoing in my ears.
The flashes of memory left and I found myself cradled in someone's arms. Inhaling, I smelled Steps cologne; the familiarity releasing the tension that bubbled in my stomach.
"Ra, good your back. You know that Nyx guy isn't so bad." His name whispered across my brain like a phantom.
Getting up, I stretched, "thanks Step." I feigned the look that my mind was clear and that I was back to normalcy.
He shrugged, "any time." Climbing the steps to my room, I threw myself on the bed. Lying there, I stared into the darkness; my eyelids grew heavy with sleep.
A voice echoed through my head, "I will never leave. If you need me you know how to find me." My eyes grew heavy with sleep, my thoughts fuzzed. All I knew is that I wanted something to hold.
"Nyx" I whispered his name in my sleep delirium.
"I'm here, love"
"mmmm," I mumbled. A muscular hand splayed across my abdomen, pulling me against his body. I twisted in his hold and wrapped my arms around him, pushing my face into the crook of his neck and inhaled his scent.
"Sleep" his voice whispered across my thoughts invading everything, sending me spiraling into a sleeping oblivion.
"Atarah….Atarah…wake up, love…" a voice murmured in my ear, warm breath ticked my neck, and lips brushed against my pulse.
My eyes shot open, "what in the name of all that's holy, who are you?"
I called out into the semi-darkness, "mmm, I thought you would remember me, love" tingles spread across my body, and all my senses became acute to his presence in the room, this sensation baffled me, I had never gotten this feeling, not even from my own twin. Human emotions were at times lost upon me.
"What are you doing here Nyx, and why are in my room, do you not have one of your own in your own house? Far away from here?" I growled deep in my throat, disentangling myself from his arm, I leapt across the room and stood against the wall.
He was sprawled out on my bed, his raven hair sticking up everywhere, his onyx eyes eying me with an amused look. He put his hands behind his head, when he did this it was then I noted that he did not have a shirt on. I swallowed hard, his muscles were well defined, and they stretched when he moved. His looks reminded of a sculpture carved out of stone, instinctively beautiful.
"Put a shirt on. While I understand the power you think you hold, not everybody drools over your admittedly well defined body." He smirked, and got up, walking towards me, I backed up. My back hit the wall, both of his hands pressed against the wall on either side of my head, effectively trapping me in. I looked up into his eyes; the whites had faded into black so that the pupil had taken over. A tattoo spiraled up around his neck and over his abdomen, his hair held electricity in every strand. My breathing all but stopped, my pulse quickened, his muscles tightened.
He leaned down to my ear, his body pressing into mine, "don't lie, I can tell when you lie." I glared at him.
My wheels in my head started to turn, and I grinned evilly to myself. Putting a coy look on my face, I looked up into his eyes. I trailed a finger down his chest, over his navel, to the waistband of his pants. His breathing hitched; if possible, his eyes grew darker. I narrowed my eyes into a glare and shoved him back.
"Again, why are you here?" I growled.
His jaw clenched and he threw himself on my bed, "you called me. I had to come."
Confusion etched my face, "what are you talking about?" He rolled his eyes and ran an exasperated hand through his hair.
"You…of all the godforsaken humans on earth is connected to me. I do not know how yet, but you are. When you say my name, I come to you…only you."
I slid to a sitting position, "while your theory is tantalizing, I have absolutely no clue what is going on."
He looked at me his face laced with amusement, "where did they find you?" I got up, completely ignoring the, dare I say it, half demon in my bed, I made my way to the bathroom. Stripping off my clothes, I climbed into the already steaming water. Sitting in the tub I let the water run over me, soothing my tensed muscles.
As I sat prone in the bathroom, I let my mind wander; he comes to me, only me. Why the does it have to be me? Then my thoughts strayed to my brother and I leaped up. Jumping out of the tub, I wrapped a towel around me and ran out the door.
Listening intently, I heard two sets off voices coming from my room, "Step!" I banged open the door, but it was not Step, it was Lani.
"Oh, I'm sorry is Step in the room? By the way, what are you doing here?" she looked at me, her face filled with humor.
"Your brother called me."
My eyes widened, "what is going on" I groaned, she just giggled and shared a look with Nyx. Who in my inquiry had silently slipped behind me.
I growled, "I'm going to go now." She flounced out of the room. I looked at Nyx who was smirking at me.
"What are you smirking about now?"
His smirk turned into a wolfish grin, "oh nothing, but I think this look works for you." I glanced down and turned scarlet, spinning on a heel I sprinted into my closet and threw on some random clothes.
Stepping out of the closet, I found him fast asleep with one arm draped over his muscular chest. Shaking my head, I left the room absently fingering the scar on the inside of my palm, something I did when I was deep in thought. Jogging down the stairs, I found Step lounging on the couch watching some horror show.
I plopped myself down on the couch next to his feet, "so, Step…how long have you known?"
He looked quizzically over at me, "known what?" my temper boiled as I saw his left eyebrow twitch, a sure sign he was lying.
"Step" I drawled out his name in frustration.
He rolled his eyes, "fine, I've known since we were 14."
My eyes widened, "and you never thought to tell me?! How illogical!"
He looked sheepish, "well I didn't know who my caller was until yesterday, when I saw her. My senses became acutely aware to her and my body was drawn to her. She knew it as soon as I said her name."
My put a hand to my face, "so that's why you had no problem with Nyx, you knew he was my…what'd you call…my caller." He shrugged.
Taking a deep breath, he began to explain this whole thing. "Well Nyx is exactly like LeiLani. Lani's a fairy caller, and Nyx well he's an um…demon caller."
"A what?!" I screeched,
"A demon caller, incomprehensible, won't he...harm me?" My fear reaching its maximum height, one that had not been reached for quite some time.
Step shook his head furiously, "there is no way in hell that Nyx would EVER hurt you. In fact he does the exact opposite, he will not let anyone ELSE harm you. If anyone so much as looks at you the wrong way, sssliick." He drug his finger across his throat, I took it as to signify death.
My hands began to shake, "w-why us?"
He shrugged, "why anyone. Look Ra don't worry about it, nothing's going to happen to you…yet."
My head shot up eyes widened. "Yet?!"
He looked at me sheepishly, he coughed, "yeah, at least that's what Lani said." My anger boiled, I grabbed my keys and stormed out the front door. Hopping on my bike, I sped off, down back roads where I could go fast. Tears streamed down my face, my palm itched, and my head hurt. Everything seemed to be coming out of hand, what was happening? Where was the Ra before, built tough as nails, never cried, looked at the world as a puzzle every being a mere puzzle piece, and sure as hell was never afraid. Now this demon caller had my thoughts discombobulated and my feelings pouring over the well-built dam like a flood. I needed to stop this or I would need a smoke quite badly.
Before I knew it, I was in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by fields of corn and beans. Seeing a small store looking thing with an old Coke sign, I pulled off the worn down road. Parking my bike, I walked up the rickety steps to the run down wooden porch. The wood was split and there was a rusty fan going as fast as it could. Sitting in a rocking chair with her hands folded over her lap was an old woman. Her hair was snowy white and her eyes twinkled as she smiled up at me.
"Well hello there young lady, how may I help you." I just looked at her, my face impassive, my emotions guarded. The woman stared into my eyes, their depth piercing my soul.
She nodded and got up, "you sit right there I'll bring you some lemonade." Running a hand through my hair, I pulled up an old wooden chair. A glass of cool lemonade was placed in front of me; I grabbed it up and gulped it down. Surprising myself of how thirsty I actually was, putting that glass down I thanked the woman.
She looked over at me and smiled, "so who's your caller?" My jaw dropped and my heartbeat increased.
"E-excuse me?"
Again, she gave a grin, "you've been touched by a caller, a possessive one I might add." I quirked an eyebrow at her.
She snatched my hand and flipped it palm side up, she pointed to my wrist. What I saw made my jaw drop even more, there as if tattooed on my wrist was the letters NAT in ancient scripture.
She laughed throatily, "Not many put their initials one whom they call upon. He must be very possessive."
I glared at my wrist, "the arrogant prat, when I get my hands on him he'll wish his parents had never reproduced. To think he owned me?
I glanced up at the old woman, "can you tell me all you know?"
She nodded, "honey all I've got is time." I leaned back and made myself comfortable.
She cleared her throat and once again crossed her hands in her lap.
"I had a caller once, his name was Nefir, and gorgeous he was. I had not even known what a caller was until I met him; it was as if a line had been wound around both of us. All I had to do was whisper his name, his full name and he was there."
I leaned forward, "Excuse me, I do not mean to be rude but; you have to say their full name for them to come?"
She nodded slightly, "unless the caller has a very strong connection with the one they call upon, then they only have to say their first name. When they come to call, it's like they are tapped into your body and mind, they know exactly where you are and whom you're with. But be careful, even if you just say their name in a simple conversation, they come. Ahh but, there is another thing you must know, they know if you're in danger, and when you are in danger they change. Some change into creatures, others change into their true form."
She took a sip of lemonade to wet her parched throat. " But, Nefir was beautiful, he was a wood nymph caller, he was tall and lithe, his hair was the color of the green leaves on a gorgeous spring day, his eyes the clear blue of a stream that ran through the forest. I loved to touch him, his skin was so soft."
He eyes become cloudy with reminisce, "Um, if you don't mind me asking, what happened to him?" Her mouth dropped into a frown, the lines of sorrow creased her forehead.
"I sent him away…on accident. I did not mean to but I was so angry, not with him, no, at my parents. They found out about him and tried to kill him, it scared me so much that I sent him away from me. If only I knew how to get him back."
This confused me and excited me a little; I could have a chance of sending him away. "What do you mean, 'sent him away'?" She looked at me, her eyes grim.
"I broke the connection; see I was connected to him through my sapphire necklace I was given at birth. I never took it off, but knowing that, that was what connected him to me, I threw it away, somewhere deep in the woods. I could never find it again, my heart broke."
I looked at her in pity, "I'm sorry…I didn't catch your name."
She looked at me and smiled slightly, "my name is Elvira, what is your name child?"
I looked down at the table, "my full name is Atarah, but just call me Ra." She nodded and patted my hand with her thin fingers.
"What kind of caller do you have my dear?"
I looked at her sharply my eyes never wavering, "he's a demon."
Her eyes widened slightly, "there's only one demon caller, Nyx Aamir Teival, he's the strongest the fastest, and the demon prince of the underworld."
I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat, "Unfortunately, that is him. Is this bad?"
She shook her head, "not necessarily for you dear, but for him oh that is bad. And for forming such a strong connection with you, he might lose you.' My hands had begun to shake again, so I placed them hastily in my lap.
"But I could send him away couldn't I? Just like you sent Nefir away?"
She shook her head sadly, "I'm afraid not, for your connection to him is part of your soul, and that cannot be sent away." My shoulders sagged; I put my head in my hands and breathed deeply for a moment.
"Ra, I believe you should go, for he should be looking for you at the moment and if he doesn't find you all hell will break loose…literally."
I looked up at her, "seriously?!"
She nodded, "thank you m'am it was kind of you to do this for me." I said, getting out of my chair.
She just hugged me, "anything for you dear." I leaped the stairs and mounted my bike in one bound. Spinning my wheels, I tore off straight down the road.
Swerving past cars and increasing my speed, I made it back to my house in about an hour. Throwing my bike into park, I sprinted into the house, past my surprised twin, and up the stairs in a matter of seconds. Flinging open my door, I found my room ominously empty.
"Nyx" I yelled into oblivion. My sense tingled; a waft of cologne entered my nostrils.
Spinning around I stared at him, his arms were crossed over his chest and his eyebrows rose, "yes?' He looked utterly calm, no exploding rage, no hellions breaking loose. I exhaled slowly, finding that I had held my breath, I fell on my bed.
"Damn" I muttered.
"And what pray tell was that?" His voice held his smirk, I glared up at him.
"Sit" I growled.
He quirked an eyebrow but sat nevertheless. "What is it that you want?"
I glared at him, "how long have you known that you were my caller?"
He smiled amusingly at me. "That is all that you want to know? Fine, I shall tell you." He took a spot on the floor and lay back cradling the back of his head in his hands.
He took a deep breath, "Personally I think I knew it was you a long time before you came to this school. I remember seeing glimpses of you in my dreams. I hated you; you invaded everything that I did. I know a lot more about you than I bet you even know about yourself. I didn't know your name or when I would finally get to see you. Then unexpectedly you show up at my school, yesterday when Chaos, Cairo, and I walked through the doors I knew immediately that you were there. Then you walked in front of me and I very nearly fell from shock."
I flipped on my back and let my head lull over the side, "halt a moment, does Chaos and Cairo have ones to call upon, and what kind of callers are they?"
I left the part out that I knew he was a demon caller, I decided it might set him off a bit that I found out from someone else. He looked at me quietly "where did they find you" he mumbled to himself and shook his head,
"Yes Chaos and Cairo do have ones to call upon; the girls' names are Kari and Mariana. Chaos is a fire demon caller and Cairo is a water demon caller. I know you know what I am so don't hide it." I just rolled my eyes a bid him to finish the explanation.
"Well when you got your schedule and whispered my name, which by the way it didn't have the be the whole name, but anyways when you whispered it I was called to you. So showing you around would have been easy, but it wasn't, it was hard keeping people away from you. Especially Ami." As he said her name, I remembered what had happened.
A howling screech that almost sounded inhuman. "Nyx! Who is she?!" a taloned finger was pointed straight in my face I, I glanced up into the furious face of Ami, her blue eyes malicious, her mouth pulled back in a snarl. She took a step forward and I took one back. Unfortunately, I backed up into Nyx, one of his hands splayed across my stomach pressing me into him.
"Back off Ami, she's mine." Her mouth dropped open, Chaos and Cairo stepped closer to me.
"So that was your meaning behind 'I was yours.' Overprotective much, it's not like that meaningless scrap of flesh could do anything to me."
He smirked, "oh on the contrary my darling, she's a witch and not figuratively speaking. She tried to curse you that day, but I couldn't let her do that could I?"
My eyes widened, "you didn't." His eyes bore into me, like the day in the office.
"Don't even try it," I grumbled, his eyes widened slightly in surprise.
"You know?"
I nodded, "I'm NOT letting you see my memories you prat, it doesn't work that way. Anyways you can go now."
He looked pointedly at me, "just go" I glared at him. He rolled his eyes and disappeared.
Walking downstairs, I found LeiLani and Step making out, "you guys don't waste time do you. Well I'm going to bed, we got school tomorrow." The just mumbled in between kisses. Shaking my head, I went back to my room and changed my clothes, as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out. I guess I was emotionally and physically exhausted.
I watched from within the shadows, my fortress of darkness. I itched to touch the exposed column of her throat. My fists closed in restraint. This creature that lay before me was pitiful and weak, but my heart, decrepit and blackening once refusing to beat broke free of the chains and irrevocably caused pain. A pain that roared across my brain tearing mercilessly at my thoughts. I watched her struggle within the world of her dreams, the hollowness of her empty cries grating against my head. The light faded like smoldering flames. Darkness closed in to envelope me in its icy grasp.
The void is like an endless abyss of nothing. The light is never once forgiving, it deems to expose our deepest flaws. Ones we wished to keep locked within the recesses of eternity. Darkness comforts those who are lost; it saves those who wish to be alone. Those who wish to hide from the judgment of society and the cruelty of the human heart. Darkness is my world, my eternal galaxy; one that remains hidden to those who wish to destroy it.