Chapter 12
The wind picked up, I gripped Nyx's hand tighter, a storm brewed over the fields the dark clouds rolled in. pulling open the screen door we found Elvira sitting patiently in her chair; knitting, she looked up as we banged the door shut "Children, I have been expecting you, Principe Scuro good to see you well." Nyx nodded at her, "you as well old witch."
I interrupted Nyx hastily "Elvira! I know where he is, I know where Nefir is!"
Her spidery hands shook and she dropped her knitting in her lap, "what did you say?"
I fell to my knees before her, grasping her hands in mine, "he's alive. Waiting for you, come with us, I shall take you to him." As the words died on my lips, the wind howled in outrage; beating against the door. The wooden door flew open revealing a half human beast. The skeleton of a man was consumed by the tendrils of shadows. The beast opened its cavernous maw and flames shot forth, burning the wind.
I stared in horror at the beast; Nyx stood boldly "Go now! Take Elvira!" I swallowed my fear and bristled.
"I'm not leaving you," I answered defiantly. He glared back at me, his demon reigning control, breaking free of its imprisonment.
"Go now before I make you" his voice an inhuman growl. I nodded my head stiffly, fear of the unknown gripping me.
I turned to Elvira "take my hand" she laced her fingers with mine, her skin surprisingly soft. My head swiveled back to look at Nyx, his dark eyes glazed with unsurpassable rage, with a snarl he charged at the beast and tackled him, vanishing them to a place unknown to me. I swallowed the sob that almost choked me. The frosty breeze enveloped us, I vanished us in a swirl of ice to a place that I knew not.
The wind whipped around us, whispering deceiving thoughts into my ear. We vanished to a place on a plain, abandoned and haunted. The night was still, broken only by the shrill scream of a distant owl. The black, narrow house looked forbidden in the pale moonlight. The leaves, which were still on the trees made rustling sounds as a faint breeze, blew. The shutters banged on the sides of the house. Patches of dying grass clustered on the dark, dry dirt. Another tree stood bare, looming above the house like ghostly claw.
Walking slowly up the rotting stairs, I reached for the rusted doorknob and turned it, the door creaked open. Walking over the threshold I looked around old wood lined the floors of every room. Walking along the peeling maroon wall I let my gaze linger on the fading photos of the previous tenants. The mottle, faded edges and the stern elegant women that occupied these photos caught my eye. A crystal chandelier hung above the entryway, it's now cloudy crystals covered in cobwebs. Walking up the decaying staircase, which creaked under my weight, I slid my hand along the maple wood banister. Dust finger trails were left in my wake; reaching the top a frayed olive colored rug silenced my steps. Picking an old door to my right I opened it slowly. My curiosity once again got the best of me.
The floors were wood, the walls a faded yellow. An old brass bed was against the wall opposite a solitary window. A pale blue canopy spilled over the top. Lying on the simple quilt blanket spread over the bed was a tattered teddy bear. A plain crème colored bedside table held an old picture frame with a photograph of a brown haired man in a tailored suite holding the hand of a little girl in a yellow dress; her arm wrapped around the teddy bear identical to the one lying on the bed. Leaving the room I went back down the rotting stairs, turning at the bottom, I entered the living room.
Two faded salmon colored couches embroidered with silver swirls sat around an ornate coffee table. Its wooden legs twisted and carvings etched the top. A maple fireplace stood along a wall, a painting of the previous family hung above the mantel. An elegant woman sat in a cushioned chair, her golden hair matched that of the young girl who sat in her lap. A sophisticated man, matching the one from the previous photograph stood behind the chair, his hand resting lightly on the woman's shoulder. Glancing out the window, through the moth-eaten curtains, I noticed the breaking dawn.
I looked over at Elvira who had silently followed me. "What is this place?" I asked as she warily looked around, "I do not know, I believe this is beyond the veil of magic that borders the two worlds." I looked curiously at her, slightly filled with fear. "Beyond magic?" she nodded solemnly "there is magic in everything around you, for there is nothing more dangerous than a world that does not contain magic." I swallowed at the wiseness of her words, staring into the shadows of the dawn.
As I watched the sunrise over the green hills, I suddenly longed for home. Where life had been simpler that it all seemed now. Elvira settled a gentle hand on my shoulder, "you must go on, your world as well as mine depends on it." I rubbed my neck wearily and nodded. "I know let's keep moving." We stepped out of the house and took off down the dirt road. The road was surrounded by a lush forest, the canopy of trees providing a refreshing respite from the glaring sun. A movement caught my peripheral vision; I tensed, reacting to any unknown object.
A young boy perhaps the age of ten and five years sat on an extended branch of an old oak tree one leg tucked under him, the other dangling listlessly. His tawny hair stuck out untamable, his hazel eyes twinkling mischievously. He munched on an apple, "Tangriel Bellows the name, but you can call me Tan." He grinned brightly.
I smiled gently, "well hello Tan." he stood on the branch and front flipped off, landing nimbly on his feet, and bent into a deep bow.
"What are the names of the fine ladies?" I pursed my lips in contemplation, but Elvira beat me to it.
"I am Elvira my child, and this is Atarah. I must ask where are we." He ruffled his hair, and wiped the apple juice from his mouth.
"We are in Layatia my lady. Is there somewhere I may lead you?" I nodded enthusiastically, grabbing Elvira's hand.
"We must get to the Fairies, I…know someone from there." His grinned failed, and he kicked some dirt with the toe of his boot.
"Sadly I do not know the exact location but I do know the direction…" he paused, turning his ear to the wind, concentrating.
"someone is coming my lady; I do not know who it is. However, there is a horse, the vibrations give that away. Hide over here my lady, for by your expression I take it you do not wish to be seen." He led us to some brush where we took shelter. We squatted down, for what felt like ages, our thighs began to burn, and my muscles ached from the tension. As we were about to stand, procuring it a false alarm; a man on a horse rode by. He seemed unarmed, but we took no chances. We held our breathe as he passed; only when he was a good mile away did we finally stand. I sighed with relief as we stretched our muscles.
"We must take no chances in a land that neither of us know." Elvira nodded her head in agreement.
"I agree, let us not forget there is a war upon both worlds." We kept this to ourselves, quietly discussing it between ourselves.
"Tan, you said you knew the way...the direction of the fairies. I would greatly appreciate it if you could take us now. We have no time to waste.'
"Of course my lady, right this way" he parted the brush and let us pass. We moved deeper into the woods, the light fading into a silver darkness. A globe of light led the way down a sliver of path. We had reached the end of the path when the light exploded. I flinched, looking away from the magnificent rain of light that decorated the surroundings in beaded jewels; illuminating the beauty and revealing a hidden world.
A soft mist fell upon us, cloaking us in a calm atmosphere. From out of the mist came an eretheral being. Her long auburn hair fell in soft waves to her waist; a simple jeweled crown adorned her head. A simple emerald dress fell softly about her, brushing the moss-covered stairs that she now descended from. Her pale skin sparkled in the light and her emerald eyes held an intelligence that far surpassed our own. From her graceful back extended elegant jade wings with intricate designs like a spider's web, dewdrops causing them to glisten beautifully.
She smiled and tears filled my eyes at such beauty, the want to fall down at her feet filled me, I willed myself to stand still, gritting my teeth. "Greetings, my name is Queen Mariana Silverdust. How can I be of service to you?"