My whole body ached. I still couldn't believe what had just happened. I had been raped… raped by a monster. It had happened because I hadn't listened to my brother. I now had to face the consequences. It had just happened less then an hour ago, but it had ruined the rest of my life as I knew it…
I had just gotten off work at the local tavern and was on my way home. I usually walked with one of my friends, but they had either already left, or were sick at home. My brother had been expecting me about twenty minutes ago, and was probably worried sick. I hurried my pace, but slowed as I heard a twig snap. There were trees and forest all around me, so I had no idea where the noise had originated. My brother and I lived deep in the forest and one of the last houses on the edge of town limits. My father had built the house there because he wanted space, and quiet. I never knew my father, but my mother had died when I was young of some kind of sickness that was new in these parts. I was now regretting my father's choice of location for our house.
The only reason my brother let my walk home without him by my side was because he had taught me some of the basics of self-defense. I quickly spun around as another noise sounded behind me. I hugged my leftover lunch to my stomach and turned, running in the direction I knew my house lay in, but… I never made it.
I was tackled from behind and ended up dropping my leftovers. I tried to roll over, but my attacker was putting all his weight on me. I struggled to breathe, trying to wiggle my body out from under his. I was in deep trouble and I knew it.
"Hello there pretty thing." I could smell the liquor on his breath, and feel the bulge in the front of his pants. His voice sounded somewhat familiar, but I wasn't sure where I had heard it before. I kept trying to squirm out from under him, but to no avail. I was scared, but tried to hide it.
"Would you mind getting off of me?" I asked nervously. I had never been in this position with a male before and I was frightened. I knew nothing good would come of this, but I was going to try to get out of it in any way I could.
The male on top of my turned me over till he was straddling my legs and I was facing him. I recognized him immediately as the guy that had been giving me trouble at the tavern that very night. My boss had had to make him leave, but not before he swore revenge. I knew right then that I should have gotten someone to walk me home. My brother was going to kill me, if this brute didn't do it first.
I pushed up on his chest with all my might, but he doesn't budge, and instead starts laughing. I realized the seriousness of my circumstances and started screaming.
"Scream all you want, no one's around to hear you," He growled menacingly. I screamed again, hoping and praying he was lying. I thought I heard a voice, but didn't pay any heed to it. I started hitting the guy, but he held my arms down and straddled my waist. He leaned back and let the wind blow through his hair. The ground was cold and the snow was melting through my sore excuse for a jacket. I started shivering and the guy seemed to finally take notice.
"Better stop moving or this will get awkward fast." He said; his voice husky with lust. I stopped moving immediately, flushing with embarrassment at his innuendo.
"If you don't get off of me right this instance, I'll hurt you," I threatened him. He laughed, and shook his head.
"Try me sweetheart," He taunted. I shrugged, and lay really still. I was waiting for my moment to strike. "I guess you're all talk and no action." He relaxed above me. I waited a few seconds before drilling him between the legs with my knee. He grabbed himself and fell to the side. I threw the rest of his body off of me and started running. The wind blew my hair free from its loose bun and it trailed behind me. "You'll pay for that." The man yelled, getting to his feet.
I ran as fast as I could, trying to cover as much ground as I could. I had gotten about a mile from my house when I was tackled once more. I had no idea how the man managed to catch up to me without me knowing it, and so fast. I was known for my speed in these parts. I could beat even the fastest guy in a foot race.
"I love it when they run," He growled. I turned my head to find his fingers were actually claws. I gasped, knowing what he was immediately.
"Get away from me your monster!" I screamed, punching him and trying to cause as much damage as I could. My head hit the ground when he slapped me, causing me see stars. My head was throbbing and now I was dizzy. I was freezing, tired, and wanted to get home, but that was not to be.
In less than thirty seconds, the guy had my dress pulled up to my waist and my undergarments removed from my body. He then proceeded to force himself on me. I was a virgin, and the pain he caused me would always be remembered. I wanted to cry out and lash out at him, but I knew it was futile. As he pulled back and plunged into my core once more, I screamed out in pain and clawed at him, trying to make him stop. He laughed at me and took his sweet time. I thought it would never end. Eventually he stopped, once he had fulfilled his lustful desires and had gotten off.
I whimpered and curled into a ball, wondering when this awful night would end. I listened as the man stood up and righted his pants. I didn't move, hoping and praying he would forget it was there and would leave.
I heard a shout and then a gunshot. The man standing above me growled as the bullet grazed his left shoulder. I looked around, trying to see who was coming to my rescue and saw my brother. I felt tears come to my eyes, and knew I was saved. What I forgot to take into consideration was that the man my brother was shooting at wasn't human. The man, right before my eyes, changed into his werewolf form and raced toward my brother. My brother's look of surprise and hesitation cost him. He loaded the gun once more and shot, but it was too late.
Right as the bullet hit the wolf, the wolf jumped and landed on top of my brother. I heard my brother scream in pain as he fought the wolf and I screamed his name. I heard the wolf growling and then my brother screamed in pain once more as the wolf bit him. I forced myself to my feet and drug my weary, pained body to where my brother had dropped the gun. I loaded it as quickly as I could manage and fired off a shot. The man dropped to the ground, presumably dead. I collapsed, my body worn out, and fell into unconsciousness. The last thing I heard was my brother's voice calling my name.
It took a little over an hour, but I finally woke up. I looked around and saw my brother lying on the bed next to me. He was asleep and breathing hard. His skin was hot and I could feel the heat coming off of him. I could've sworn he had a fever without even touching him. He seemed like he was having a nightmare, and couldn't wake up. He whimpered in pain and when I touched him he screamed. It was the scariest thing I had ever heard. Not even when the wolf had bitten him did he sound like he was in that much pain. I climbed off the bed, ignoring my aching legs and private area, and moved to the kitchen. I found some old rags and dipped them in ice water.
I carried the rags back into the bedroom and walked over to my brother. I put the rags on his head as he started shaking violently. It was then that I saw his bite and realized what was happening to him. He was now becoming a werewolf. I didn't know what to do. We would surely be shunned from our home. The village was deathly scared of werewolves and would not welcome one amongst them. We would have to leave, if they didn't kill us instead. Maybe there was a way out of this.
I watched as my brother's face filled wit pain and then he started growling. The next thing I knew I was being shoved up against the wall and my brother started growing fur all over his body.
He released me with a cry and I crumbled to the floor, holding my throat and taking in the required air. My brother bent over and held his head. He fell to the ground and started shaking. I watched in horror as his body became bigger and then snapped and popped as it changed into his new wolf form.
In what felt like forever, but was probably less then three minutes, a beautiful blonde wolf was standing in front of me. I reached out a hand toward him and he growled at me. My brother had never shown this much aggression toward me so I had no idea what to do. I reached back and scooted myself up against the wall until I was standing.
My brother growled at me before acting as if he just now recognized me. He whimpered and rubbed up against me. I sunk to the floor and held his head in my arms. I buried my face in his chest and started crying.
"We were both ruined tonight," I whispered as I started to sob. My brother licked my tears and whimpered, trying to comfort me. I could only wonder what our future would bring…
Not too much has changed, but it definitely needed a bit of corrections here and there. It switched from past to present and back! I have to work on that! It's supposed to be all in past, so if you see anything in present, please tell me ;) thanks guys!
EDITED 11/7/11
Haybell 3