Winds Of Change

The winds of change are blowing through,

And whispering things I don't want to hear.

Words of battles,

Near and Far.

This world and many others.

Of guns, tanks, bombs, of Death.

Things that come from old time places,

swords, armor, knights, maces, Death.

I don't need to hear these things.

I know how the battle goes.

I know the heat,


I know the wounds, of flesh and heart.

I have heard the screams from those who are terrified.

Those who are wounded.

Those who cannot be saved.

I have seen the tears of all the people,

Crying at the funeral.

I have seen heard felt things only those who have felt it can understand.

I am an old woman, whose body long ago trudged,

On weary feet,

Away from the battlefield.

My mind, however, keeps returning.

To the destruction,

The destroying I had so wanted to leave behind.

I thought that it would never happen again.

And now the winds of change are whispering the battle in my ear.

© Double I 4 My Guyz

This won the local legion poem contest in 2008.