Thursday evening I remembered I had a paper due the next day. I groaned and got on the computer and started typing away.
I listened to music because it helped me write and it kept me inspired. I heard the front door close and shrugged. My uncle and dad went to the store.
Footsteps sounded up the stairs and I was too indulged in the Paramore song that I didn't notice my door open.
I felt a pair of arms around me and I looked up into Nate's green eyes.
"Hey babe." I kissed him quickly then resumed writing.
"Hey." He said kissing me again trying to distract me.
I pulled back from the kiss and looked at him very sternly "Babe I have a paper due tomorrow and I haven't even started."
"Come on I brought you a Oreo shake." He said handing me the cup.
I took it with a smile and sipped from it "Thanks but I still have to write my paper."
"Just take a little break."
I smirked "Nate, a short break with you will turn into a long break."
He laughed softly in my ear.
"See even you know it," I said "So please let me finish then I promise you can have me."
"Have you in any way I want?" He asked with a smirk.
I turned to him and gave him a short kiss that was intense "Any way." I whispered.
"Keep on writing." He said going to lay on my bed.
"Oh, so that will get you to leave me alone." I said.
"Yeah." He smirked.
I went and climbed into bed with him. I climbed on top of him and kissed him softly.
"You know I've been missing a few pair of panties." I said once I pulled back.
He laughed "Really?"
"Yeah and I think I know who has them."
"Yeah, this really hot guy I used to tutor used to steal them from me. I had a really cute pair with stars all over them that I wanted back but he never gave them to me."
"That's because those are his favorite pair."
I laughed "Well it would really be his favorite pair if he seen how they looked on me."
He smirked "Maybe he'll bring them by one day."
"Hopefully." I said climbing off of him going back to the computer.
"I have a surprise for you." He said.
"What is it dear?" I asked resuming my paper.
I heard him get up and then right before me there were two pair of Paramore tickets.
"No way." I said nearly jumping out of my seat.
"Well I heard they were coming into town and I thought well since Tiff likes them I—"
"You are like the best boy friend ever." I said standing up and giving him kisses all over his face except his lips.
"Love you Tiff." He smiled.
"Sorry I can't say the same sucker." I said grabbing the tickets from his hand and stuffing them in my pants pocket.
He laughed "Oh so you were just using me?"
"Duh." I rolled my eyes.
"That hurts Tiff." He said holding his chest feigning a hurt face.
"Shut up." I smiled.
"So either you love me or I can take another girl to the—" He started and I captured his lips in a kiss.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood on my toes.
"Of course I love you Nathaniel." I said and kissed his nose.
A/N: that's all folks. Hope you enjoyed. I love all of my reviews and every one who has favored it, alerted it and who has me alerted. You guys really brought a smile to my face for this story. It's pretty good for a school project, huh? Anyways check out my new story My Utopia in Hell. Will be posted very soon.
Love silent-CRYS-