Damn me, I know. I'm horrible at updating and stupid for not putting more effort into this.
So I'll give you my list of excuses that I know will not matter.
My stepmother kicked me out of my dads house.
I moved into an apartment with my fiance
He became a horrible person, and scared the shit out of me.
I moved out of my apartment back to my moms for my safty.
I droped out of college.
I'm slowly getting my life togeather.
I met a wonderful man named Bill whom I'm in love with, finally got my storybook love he's the reason I finally left the asshole, we were best friends at work and when he learned what was happening he told me to leave, then told me he loved me, so yea being the sap I am I did and I'm now 1000000000x times happier.
I still barley speack to my father and it kills me.
I recently went into the hospital for strepthroat (my throat completely closed up within 24 hours) and then went through kidney failure. And I'm still having a lot of health problems.
So now I'm back after 11 monthes. And I'm extremly sorry, like uber sorry guys.