Chapter 1 - How it all began
There was no one Armani hated more than Drake De Luca.
10 years ago
Six year old Armani walks up to Drake with a big bright smile on her face and little pigtails blowing in the wind.
"Hi Drake!" says Armani to Drake, who's playing in the sand box.
Drake looks up.
"Eww what are u wearing?" says a 7 yr old Drake.
"That yellow thing?"
"My dress?"
"You don't like it?"
"No, its ugly"
Armani feels sad. She picked it out thinking that he would like it. She doesn't want him to see her sad so she sucks it up and says "No. You are."
"Im telling on you."
"No your not."
"Yes I am."
Drake gets up and heads for the teacher.
"Your gonna get in big trouble" Drake sticks out his tongue.
Armani gets angry and the first thing she thinks of is pushing him. Armani pushes him hard. He falls to the ground and hits his head on the side of the sand box. Drake cries and blood is oozing from his head.
"I didn't do it" Armani says, moving away from the scene of the crime.
Drake continues to cry but louder-if possible.
Two teachers come racing towards him.
"Are you okay?"
But he doesn't say anything. All he does is cry.
"I - WANT - MY MOMMY!" he manages to choke through loud sobs.
The next day Drake walks up to Armani. He has stitches on his forehead from yesterdays accident.
"Hi Armani" says Drake with fake excitement.
Armani eyes him suspiciously
"Hi....Drake" she says
"How are you?"
"Um ok ... I guess"
"Cool beans"
"Whatcha doin?"
"Playin with the sand?" she gestures to the bucket and shovel in her hand.
"Can I play?"
"Wait. Your not mad at me?"
"Why would I be mad at you?"
Armani points to the stitches on Drake's forehead.
"Oh. Of course not. It was just an accident...right?"
"Well then it's ok"
"Okay" she smiles.
Drake smiles back.
Armani goes back to playing in the sand.
Drake looks around to see if any teachers are watching before he smashes Armani's head into the sand.
"Eat sand suckerrrr."
"Heyyy!" says Armani on the verge of crying.
"Hi!" says Drake waving at her.
"What was that for?"
"Whatever are you talking about ma'am?" he says in a fake accent.
Armani gives him a death glare.
"Hey. I like your pigtails."
"Really?" she says with a little excitement.
"No." Armani frowns. "I think they should be a little bit shorter" Drake takes a pair of scissors out of his pocket and cuts off both of her pigtails before Armani has any time to react. "There that's better."
Armani starts to cry. "Why did you do that?"
Drake thinks about what his big brother said on the phone last night. "Payback's a bitch." he smiles and walks away.
Armani has hated Drake ever since.
Two months later Drake's parents broke up and he moved across the country to live with his dad. The day Drake left was the happiest day of Armani's life. But little did she know Drake would come back 10 years later.