Oliver walked through the corridor, heading to his locker and looking around. Mostly he was trying to find Scott Johnson in the crowd of students. For the last two weeks he had that strange habit of shoving Oliver or bumping into him, glaring at him or calling him names. It wasn't too often and it wasn't really anything serious so Oliver just didn't react to it. He gave up on the idea of teaching the jock some manners, it was obvious he wasn't the type to understand that kind of advices. Besides Oliver didn't want to have any troubles, picking fights wasn't really his way of doing things and picking fights at school was even worse. Even Tyler admitted that it would be best to ignore the jock's stupid teasing, that he would soon get bored.
Other than Scott Johnson's hostility there weren't many obstacles in Oliver's beginnings at this school. It had been two weeks and so far Oliver managed to somehow accommodate himself. He got to know the school on his second day, so there was no problem for him to find his way anymore, he mastered the difficult task of opening his locker, he remembered his schedule and even liked some of his subjects. It wasn't as boring or disappointing as he at first thought it would be. The classes weren't difficult and he was able to learn some new things.
The only fear, quite uncontrollable and not understandable, occurred when he had classes together with Ashley. Every time he saw the redhead he was wondering if the boy would greet him with a kiss. He tried that once more in the first week but after that he thankfully stopped. Oliver still feared anyway. He didn't trust Ashley; the fox, as Oliver liked to call him in his mind, was a really strange person. He seemed to get in trouble often too since there were times when he had bruises or fat lip. Oliver was guessing that were the school bullies doings.
He was glad that at school everything was going okay, he even joined the swimming club which had trainings once a week. At home he was still trying to get used to everything and – which he didn't want to admit – Tyler was a great help. They were getting on really well, Oliver felt for the first time that he had a true friend.
After about four weeksof knowing each other he couldn't really tell much, but he started to like Tyler and trust him more and more, which was slightly unnerving. He didn't like to trust others, it usually meant sharing troubles and secrets with trusted ones. That was what Oliver wanted to avoid. Sharing secrets. Not that he had that many secrets. Only one, shameful thing that probably wasn't a secret but still admitting to what had happened and the guilt he felt was shameful and hurtful for him. Not the topic for conversations. At the same time he sometimes felt the urge to just shout it all out, let the others blame him out loud and be done with all that. Especially after waking up form his nightmares.
That hadn't occurred that much lately as well. During the last four weeks it happened only about three times. But it wasn't what bothered him, his constant anxiety or dizziness unnerved him more. He just felt too stressed lately, like he was afraid of something...or everything. Before, he never had been that jumpy, now it was becoming more frequent. It was probably because all that commotion, moving, school, new people.
"Ollie wait up!" he heard a voice and turned to see Megan catching up to him.
"Megan, why aren't you at the ca-"
"-cafeteria? I could ask you the same thing Ollie." she said looking at him pointedly. "I think all your excuses have already run out so let's just go have lunch together?"
Lunch at the cafeteria, long lines and Megan's friends; very loud and crowded. Oliver tried to avoid eating at the school canteen for the last two weeks. Usually he just went outside or walked around the school, he checked the library during this time and things like that.
"Megan-" Oliver started but Megan didn't give him the chance to finish his poor attempt at running away.
"Not this time Ollie! You're coming with me. Sooner or later you'll have to meet people and my friends are all nice." she assured him and took his arm, pulling him, not taking 'no' for an answer. Although the boy didn't move at first, she just pulled harder not giving up. Oliver was doing that again! He tried so hard to avoid people all the time. He shied away from everybody that was trying to befriend him. At this rate he wouldn't ever make any friends and would become one of those isolated outcasts. Although the art of 'making friends' is something you learn around the time you're in kindergarten Megan decided that she had the mission of teaching Oliver a bit. Or at least helping him.
Her friends were really curious about him. Especially her girl friends since all the girls that had classes together with Oliver were dying to meet and stole the heart of the "prince Oliver". Oliver unknowingly managed to charm half the girls in the school and have a fan club already established. It wasn't surprising since Oliver had something prince-like about him, but his politeness added to it. He was always serious and composed, he always held the door for girls, greeted them with gentle smile and helped them when needed. He usually helped Megan since she was the only person he really talked to, besides Tyler and shockingly Ashley. The fact that Oliver lived with Megan's family and nobody knew a thing about his family or why he moved, made him very mysterious. Adding to it the fact that Oliver was handsome and all that effected in girls having their wicked dreams about him being the real prince.
Megan joked about it mostly, some of the girls with their eyes all over him, giggling behind his back and doing everything to caught his attention made her laugh. Ollie was oblivious to all that which made it even funnier.
"Wait, Megan" Oliver said stopping again. Megan turned to look at him sceptically, waiting for another excuse.
Under that strong and one-eyebrow-up irritated look Oliver felt like he was becoming smaller and smaller. He swallowed loudly and tried to think of some intelligent and convincing reason why he wouldn't go with Megan to meet her friends.
"W-well....I need to go to the locker and then to the library so I won't...um..." the look was even worse now and when Megan finally put her hands on her hips in a very stern and overwhelming pose, very much like angry-Grace-style, Oliver stopped speaking. He tried to at least stand strong in his place to oppose a bit but the girl grabbed his hand and pulled him really hard.
"Stop being stubborn and come with me, I know what I'm doing. I've got two younger siblings and a hopeless older brother. You think I'm not able to take care of another one?" Megan murmured so that Oliver could hear her.
"Another kid" she added with evil smirk on her face and pushed him through the door of the canteen.
Oliver swallowed again and let her push him to the table already occupied by a group of people.
"Hi guys. I've got a surprise." Megan said putting her hand on Oliver's arm and smiling to her friends. "This is Oliver" she introduced." Ollie say 'hi'" she added looking at him and smirking a little. She just couldn't stop teasing Oliver, he was so cute when embarrassed. Her sadistic side, usually used on Ty, couldn't stay hidden anymore.
When she saw Oliver's face flushing bright red, his embarrassment hitting the top and the look in his eyes showing the dilemma; to run away or to hurt her, she smiled satisfied and continued. "These are my friends, Natalie Co-"
"Natalie Collins, Rachel Forloni, Ryan Summers, Jennifer Grant and Samuel Beckett if I am not mistaken. It is very nice to meet you all" Oliver interrupted. He finally got a grip on himself and remembered about good manners. He reached his hand to the girl sitting closest to where he was standing to greet her. Oliver decided that kissing girls on the hand would be taken as weird and old-fashioned among those people so he just shook hands with everybody.
"Hi, nice to meet you too" said one of the boys, dark haired one named Samuel, if Oliver remembered correctly.
"Finally man. I thought you're scared of us or something." laughed Rachel Forloni.
Oliver didn't feel any better, his confidence went out the window in a matter of seconds. Not for the first time those last few weeks; Oliver hated that feeling, he had never imagined he would be shy or scared of something before. Now it was on daily basis for him. He was always insecure, scared, tense and that was very frustrating. Who would have thought that a bunch of high school kids would scare him like that when his grandfather's contractors never did. He would swap standing here, before this group of Megan's friends for some stiff party at his mansion any moment.
"How do you know our names?" blond girl, the one sitting closest to him curiously asked pulling Oliver out of his thoughts. He cleared his throat before answering. He felt so nervous, even his hands started to sweat.
"We have classes together so I remembered your names." Oliver said finally deciding to sit down. So far he was standing before the table, looking down at the people Megan called friends.
"I'm gonna go get my lunch. I'll get yours Ollie" Megan said.
Oliver immediately stood up offering to go " I cannot possibly let you-"
"Sit down Ollie and don't worry" Megan interrupted him and went to stand in line.
Oliver followed her with his eyes for a few seconds, then looked at the people he just met. Natalie smiled at him. Ryan was still looking at Megan and Samuel and Jennifer were looking around awkwardly. Finally Rachel huffed ironically at her friends for their lack of courage to speak up and asked:
"So how do you like it here?"
"It's better than I thought....Although...there's a lot of people here." Oliver laughed a bit stiffly wanting to go somewhere where he could be alone. The people around the table looked at him strangely.
"It's....quite a...big school, it's true." Natalie agreed blushing a bit when her eyes met Oliver's.
"So, Meg says you're not some swot or nerd? It's kinda hard to believe, you're so...eager during classes." Ryan stated, he was watching Oliver with calculating eyes, smirking the whole time.
Oliver blushed hearing the words and seeing those not too welcoming eyes. What was wrong with taking part in classes? He wanted to learn something. Wasn't that what school was supposed to be for? Ryan obviously didn't think so but that didn't mean he could speak so arrogantly to Oliver Eliot! Before Oliver could express his discomfort about being treated that way, the dark haired girl, named Rachel snorted at Ryan.
"You better shut up Ryan. Sometimes I think you shouldn't speak at all, you know? Don't worry Ollie, he's just jealous 'cause he's stupid."
"I'm not stupid you sick-"
"Don't finish it." Rachel hissed.
Oliver felt really awkward and sighed in relief when he noticed Megan was already standing by the counter getting their lunch.
"So...how's it living with the Andrews? I heard you share a room with Ty?" Sam said to break the silence.
Oliver, for unknown reason, flushed slightly at the mention of Tyler. Then he remembered how he had come into their room the other day and saw Ashley sucking at Ty's neck and hugging his back while Tyler was playing on his console. He blushed even harder and probably couldn't hide the disgust at the thought of his red-haired enemy.
"Yeah...I like it there. Everybody is really nice, Megan helps me a lot" he replied, he tried to show them that he really liked Megan and maybe gain their acceptance that way. What he accomplished was a strange look from Ryan. "Ty's okay I guess, I like him too but..." he wanted to say that his boyfriend was an arrogant, selfish and childish person but bit his tongue. What if they liked Ash? Megan didn't like him but it didn't mean her friends had something against Ashley.
"But what?" Rachel asked surprised.
"N-nothing." Oliver stuttered awkwardly, regretting he even started speaking; he glanced around the cafeteria and spotted Ashley in the far corner, close to the door. Rachel followed his gaze.
'Oh! That!" she laughed. "You don't like Ash? I'm not surprised, he could scare anybody off."
Everybody looked at him waiting for his answer and Oliver felt lost. What was he supposed to say?
"Not really?" he decided to admit it, he really didn't like Ashley in the end.
"Don't worry, we don't like him much either." Jennifer said and looked at him sympathetically. "He's difficult to like and with Meg's non-stop ranting on how he's no good for her brother it's even harder. And you poor thing have to tolerate him on daily basis?"
"Something like that" Oliver agreed.
"Okay. Meg's coming, let's change the topic." Jennifer hissed then asked. "Is it true that it's your first time? I meant the school?"
"Yeah! That's right, it's freaking sick to start school at the age of 16!" exclaimed Ryan.
"Well...It doesn't mean I'm stupid or something" Oliver replied defensively, feeling quite offended.
"They're saying you're stupid?!" Megan screeched looking at her friends disapprovingly. "Guys, I told Ollie you were all nice-"
"No, no, we didn't mean it." Jennifer explained hurriedly. "We just asked about school."
"That's right. So...it's not really the first time I'm in school." Oliver answered.
"What?!" Megan exclaimed shocked. "But you said you had never gone to school before." she asked putting the trays on the table and sitting down.
"Thank you." Oliver said scrutinizing the food on his tray. "That's because technically it's the truth. I don't think a month during primary school can really be counted as going to school" Oliver explained.
"Why only a month?" Ryan asked.
"Well, that's because..." the questions he didn't want to answer started. That was exactly why he didn't want to be sitting here in the first place. "Some things....happened and...just..."
Megan noticed Oliver's reluctance in saying more and she suddenly understood. When they were starting primary school, they were about six, seven years old. That was probably when Oliver's parents died. It's not surprising he didn't want to speak about that.
"I guess one month isn't much. So we can still treat Ollie like some rookie" Megan stated and laughed hoping to change the topic.
"Really that's so...weird coming to school at the age of 16." Ryan commented.
"Stuff it Ry. You've been going to school for all those years and you're still stupid." teased Rachel.
"You dumb cow, stop fucking pissing me off! Don'.." Ryan hissed glaring at her.
Jennifer laughed at her friends. "You're going to scare Ollie. You two behave like kids in kindergarten. It's like pulling the girl you like by her braid to get her attention."
"What?! Don't say something like that!" Ryan reacted quickly, glancing at Megan. "Please, who would want to get her attention."
"Thank god I don't wear braids." Rachel mumbled and got back to eating her pudding.
The rest of the lunch break went by really fast. They talked about a lot of things, unfortunately focusing most of the time on Oliver and asking him questions. Thanks to Megan's interventions the questions weren't too personal; they talked about his tutors and his mansion, abut some recent things like his joining the swimming club and about their interests.
"Oh! That's right! You all know about a party that Jackson Monaghan is throwing? It's next Friday." Jennifer asked excited. "Think it over guys. Although I know we're all going to go, right?'
"I wanna go and get trashed." mumbled Ryan finishing his dessert and glancing at Megan.
"You only think about getting drunk." Rachel commented.
"What do you mean? That's what parties are for, right?"
"God, Ryan." Rachel huffed resigned and Ryan grinned happily.
"So, now Megan needs to convince Oliver." Jennifer stated.
"Yeah, I guess it won't be easy. " Megan murmured.
"I...kind of...don't think I'd like to go." Oliver stated almost at the same time.
"See?" Megan sighed. She knew Oliver would want to get out of the idea.
"Come on man. It'd be good for you to meet people. Jackson is a senior so there will probably be a lot of people from our school. Ty and Ash will probably come, right Megan?" Sam explained and looked at Megan for confirmation but the girl didn't answer. She wasn't paying attention to him. She was looking somewhere behind Sam, blushing and smiling.
When everybody looked in the direction Megan was gazing, Oliver did the same and noticed a boy, rather tall and well built one, waving at Megan. Megan waved back completely out of it, not noticing glances her friends sent her.
"Megan" Natalie said quietly.
"Meg!" Rachel hissed.
"What? Sorry, I didn't hear-"
"Sure you didn't! That fucking shithead, look how he's drooling-"
"Ryan! Don't." Jennifer tried to pacify her friend. "Meg, you should stop it. You know he's...not the best choice -"
"I don't care what you're gonna say Jen. He's not what you think he is. Besides it's my decision who I'm going to be friends with not yours."
"I know but...Megan..."
"Who is he?" Oliver asked finally. He was quietly listening to the discussion but he was curious about the mysterious boy who was Megan's friend but her other friends didn't like him.
"It's Jake Johnson, Scott Johnson's younger brother" Sam said glancing at fuming Megan.
"Scott Johnson's brother?! That bad-mannered, vulgar, arrogant, rude person's brother?" Oliver was astonished. He never would have thought Scott Johnson would have a brother, especially one who was civilized enough to wave at somebody and smile.
"You meant that 'fucked up, stupid, sadistic, shitheaded bastard's brother'" Ryan corrected.
"Uh...that too" Oliver agreed and a second later was harshly pulled by the arm. Megan stood up, making him do the same. Her face was grimaced in anger and she hissed "So what if Jake's that bastard's brother? He's not like Scott. All you people do is make stupid assumptions. Come on Ollie."
Megan left the table and the group of stunned people behind her and stormed out of the cafeteria. Oliver followed her.
"Don't listen to them Ollie. They're prejudiced. Just like Tyler...oh!" she suddenly remembered about something and looked at Oliver. "Ollie, um...don't tell Tyler about it okay? Please?"
"About what?" the blond asked confused.
"Nothing. Never mind. Let's go. The bell's going to ring in a minute."
"Right." Oliver sighed. Girls were really complicated sometimes. He was totally confused and didn't know what it was all about. Jake was Scott Johnson's brother and Megan's friend but her other friends didn't like him and Tyler wasn't suppose to know about...that. Meaning what exactly?
Oliver just shook his head and went after Megan to their next class. In the last moment before turning the corner he noticed something that disturbed him. He saw Ashley standing by the window, close to the cafeteria door. He wasn't alone, he was talking with some boy Oliver didn't recognize, which meant they didn't have classes together. The scene wouldn't be so disturbing if not for the fact that Ashley was acting in that way. He was smiling coquettishly and the thing Oliver saw was the kiss on the cheek. Ashley kissed that boy on the cheek. It all looked like flirting to Oliver. It looked wrong and inappropriate for somebody who already had a boyfriend.
But then again Oliver didn't really know a thing about Ashley, his relationship with Tyler or about flirting. Maybe he was wrong or it was just Ashley's personality; he was a bit weird, he kissed Oliver in the end too. He shook his head to get rid of that memory and hurried after Megan to their next class.
The next few days Oliver tried really hard not to scare Megan's friends off or notto run away himself. He had no other choice but to spend every free minute with them. It seemed Megan wanted him to become a part of their group. He had to force himself at first. It was so strange to walk the corridors with so many people, eat with them, laugh with them and talk about anything and everything, or in Oliver's case, listen. He decided it was nice and he could get used to it.
He really liked Jen and Sam. They were both really calm, quiet and warm people. Oliver really liked talking with Sam. He had to admit that the dark haired boy was an intelligent one. Jen was nice and reasonable girl. Completely opposite from Rachel, whom Oliver was a bit scared of, although he wouldn't admit it to anyone. Even though he had a bit of experience with Grace and Megan, the Forloni girl seemed even more overwhelming and intimidating with her sharp almost black eyes and straight, long, black hair. The only person that Oliver couldn't get along with was Ryan. The boy seemed to resent him from the first second they met. At first Oliver didn't know why, but he slowly started to have some suspicions. Ryan's hostility wasn't as bothersome as the boy probably thought.
Every time Oliver showed any activity during the lesson he would hear Ryan snorting and soon after that a hiss of pain, probably caused by Rachel who tried to shut her friend up. Oliver didn't mind, it's not like Ryan was really harmful. Natalie would always smile apologetically if she sat near Oliver or simply apologized for Ryan after the lesson ended. It wasn't necessary. Oliver didn't even pay attention to that kind of stupid jokes.
Besides, Oliver didn't ask to have friends and so he didn't care what those people would think about him. At least that's what he was telling himself. He felt that strange wall between him and other people, between him and Megan's friends. He felt it even between him and Megan. She was something very close to a friend but still he couldn't feel completely at ease with her. The only person he felt okay with was Grace. Somehow she gained his trust almost the second they met. Maybe it was that whole 'mother-thing', her motherly instincts and his yearning for a mother. If it was somebody else Oliver automatically would crawl into his shell and dream to be left alone. But that would mean being alone among the groups of people creating groups of friends and it would remind Oliver about that stupid wall;he was simply going in circles.
Leaving all that, there was still a problem called Ashley. The kid started to irritate Oliver badly. During classes he would either look at Oliver strangely or write stupid notes about how he and Tyler were going out and where. He would usually start the conversation with weird remarks such as 'it's a really nice t-shirt Oliver Eliot' or 'wow that color really suits you' or 'you're looking better Oliver Eliot, have you slept well recently?' or even 'did you have a haircut? 'Cause you're looking so sweet today'.
Oliver's blood was really boiling at times at those strange utterance. Yet he tried to be quiet about it. Ash was Tyler's boyfriend, maybe he wanted to be nice or he just had that kind of personality, nonetheless Oliver didn't want to offend the strange boy. Even though he really didn't like that fox, but still; manners were manners and he swallowed his bitterness. Usually.
Today it was different. Ashley just crossed the line. The worst is that he disappeared before Oliver could even react so he couldn't vent his anger on the red-haired fox. That's why he was now fuming with frustration and was going to blow up at Tyler. Of course Oliver knew to solve his own problems by himself and not go tell on, but with Ashley...it was completely different story. Oliver sometimes felt that he would be able to kill because of that little...person. He just needed to shout it all out in somebody's face and his victim today was going to be Tyler, he was in the end Ashley's boyfriend.
Oliver stood before the house's door and took a deep breath ready to burst in and raze Tyler to the ground while showing his displeasure. He smiled hopefully feeling that he will be better after finally blowing up at somebody.
When he opened the door he heard voices coming from the living room so that's where he headed. After hearing a bit of the conversation he stopped dead in his track and decided that interrupting wasn't a good idea. Tyler's irritated voice was coming from the room.
"- I'd be grateful if you stopped doing that! I said-"
"Ty, just look it over, there's nothing-"
"- I won't read it, think it over or go there! I told you million times, leave me the fuck alone!"
"That's enough! Don't speak to me like that Tyler! I'm your-"
"Father, yeah unfortunately."
"I expect some respect Tyler."
"Respect?! That was a good one! Why should I respect you?!"
Oliver had a feeling that the gigantic quarrel was about to erupt, if Tyler's raised voice was anything to go by. Greg sounded angry as well. It was strange for Ollie whenever he heard that cold note in Greg's voice; the man was usually so calm and kind, being angry or arguing with somebody didn't suit him. From what Oliver could see so far, only Tyler could send Greg into a tizzy.
For a second Oliver wasn't sure what he was supposed to do; go unnoticed to his room and wait for the father-son fight to be over or go into the living room to stop it, nip it in the bud. It wasn't his place to interfere. He was just a stranger. On the other hand he knew that Tyler was always in a bad mood after the talk with Greg, he was quiet, withdrawn and Oliver really hated it. He had a bad day himself and he wanted Tyler to make it better, by being the victim of Oliver's wrath or just by talking.
Besides, although he didn't know what was it between Ty and his father, he himself liked Greg. He didn't know the man too well, didn't have much occasions to talk with him, but Greg was always kind to him and Oliver somehow admired Greg. Good-looking, intelligent, a doctor, even rich...in some standards, yet Greg wasn't conceited, didn't put on airs. He was always kind-hearted and nice to everybody. Oliver could never be like that, that's why he idolized Greg a bit, not that he would admit to it. Because of that he also didn't like the hurt look on the man's face after he had an argument with his son. Couldn't the both of them just get along with each – other? They had the luck to be together – father and son – Oliver didn't have that, he didn't even remember his father too well, so why were they always fighting?
After thinking things over Oliver decided that he would interrupt them but pretend he wasn't aware of their serious conversation. That was the best way out of this.
"Well? Why should I respect you?!" Oliver heard Tyler's sarcastic tone once again and sighed deeply. Now or never.
"Hello! I'm back. Is anybody there?" it came out kind of artificial and stiff but at least they looked at him. Tyler stood for a second looking strangely at Oliver then murmured something like 'hi' and run out of the room, the loud stamping suggesting he run upstairs to his room.
Oliver heard Greg sighing behind him and looked at the man who was sitting on the couch, his elbows propped on his knees and head hidden in his palms. After a few seconds the man looked at Oliver and smiled weakly.
"Hello Oliver. How was your day?" he asked.
Oliver swallowed not knowing how to react. What if Greg wanted to be alone or something? Should he stay here and talk with the man, comfort him somehow or should he leave him alone? Oliver wasn't used to...'interacting with people' he thought sarcastically. 'Oliver Eliot, you're pathetic. You don't understand other people at all'.
He felt timid with Greg, but he decided it was the time he tried to get to know the man better. If he was going to live here for at least two years he couldn't get along only with Grace and he should give Greg, and himself, a chance, he should start talking with people, maybe opening up to them a little? Only a little.
"Hello...um...my day was okay..." he started then reprimanded himself inside "actually it wasn't too good." he laughed a little. "It was tiring and um...difficult."
"Oh? Is everything okay?" Greg asked a bit surprised that Oliver answered him honestly. The boy would usually just answer with one sentence that everything was okay, so that he wouldn't have to be engaged in the conversation.
"Yes...it's just normal stuff I guess. Everything is a bit new to me, that's all." Oliver admitted and sat down opposite from Greg.
"I guess it is. But don't worry Oliver, you'll get used to it in no time." Greg reassured.
"I hope so. What's this?" Oliver took the catalog laying on the table and started to browse it. It was a pamphlet of a Medical School, the one that was in the city, and the one Greg supposedly graduated from.
"I wanted Tyler to read it." Greg sighed heavily once again. "He's so difficult. I don't like it when he says he wants to go to some college somewhere...I think he should try for this school."
"Are you forcing Tyler?" Oliver asked. He didn't understand how the people in this house looked at education. His grandfather choose university for Oliver and Oliver would go there just because that was his obligation, especially because he was the heir to the company. Especially because he decided never to oppose his grandfather, he had no right to do so.
Now that didn't matter but still if Greg choose the school for Tyler maybe Tyler should listen to his father? But on the other hand Oliver was aware that not everybody thought that way, probably normally people would choose the university alone, without listening to their parents?
Suddenly Oliver thought about himself; what would he do in the future? There was no company to take over anymore and no parents or grandfather to choose or at least advise him what to choose for himself. What's even worse Oliver didn't know what he was supposed to do, all his life he was preparing to be grandfather's heir. He shook his head to dismiss that train of thought; he still had time to think it over.
"I'm not forcing him. Of course, I'd like for him to go in my steps. And stay here. He could live in the dorms if he wants to but leaving the city just to anger me or oppose me is stupid. Sometimes Tyler is behaving really childish."
"Maybe he just doesn't want to study medicine? Why force him?" Oliver inquired.
"I really don't know Oliver. He used to dream about becoming a doctor. He's smart enough to achieve it as well. But if he really wants to do something else I won't stop him."
"So where's the problem? Why can't he just choose and decide and tell you normally?"
"That's exactly where the problem is, Ollie. That boy doesn't even know himself what he wants to do. I wish he would just decide on something. I'm...worried about him."
"Do you think he's doing all that to spite you? Because he...hates you?" that question sounded so weird. Oliver didn't even know why he asked that. It was definitely inappropriate and he shouldn't meddle in somebody else's matters. Before he could apologize Greg already started talking.
"I don't think he hates me Oliver. At least I try to believe he doesn't...he's still my son and...we used to have a really good relationship when he was younger."
"So why does he behave like that? What happened?" Oliver didn't understand and he really wanted to know already.
"There was a time when I hurt him, I guess...and after that it was hard to make up, the more time passed the harder it got and now...we just don't get along. It's hard to understand him now when he's already almost grown-up" Greg explained with a sad smile.
"When I look back at everything....it really wasn't that big of a deal...I mean sure I hurt him and did something despicable to my whole family but...it's not something that should end up in this kind of distance between us. You see, my wife and daughter had forgiven me...maybe I...Tyler..." Greg sighed frustrated and added quietly.
"I'd like things to be the way they were before but..." he laughed helplessly and run a hand through his hair "...it just isn't that easy." He looked at Oliver for a few seconds then smiled warmly. "I'm sorry Oliver, you probably didn't want to listen to my grumbling."
"You should just apologize, both of you, and talk it over." Oliver said surprising even himself; why did he say something like that? He knew it wasn't that easy. He knew.
Greg looked at the boy before him, a little shocked. "It sounds so easy Oliver. It probably is the only way, you're probably right but it's not....I don't know-"
"I know. I understand. I couldn't apologize even though I knew it was my fault. I always knew and I couldn't apologize even though I knew I was hated and resented. I wanted to say "I'm sorry" but it wouldn't change a thing and I would just admit that way that...uh...ah...I mean..." the boy suddenly stopped talking looking shocked and scared.
Greg didn't know what Oliver wanted to say but he didn't like the things the blond was saying, he didn't like the strange hollowness in his voice, the fear of letting somebody in and the embarrassment that showed on Oliver's face after speaking. The boy's eyes were sad and scared. There was something about Oliver that made him look pitiful and Greg wanted to know what was bothering him. Greg felt something was definitely bothering Oliver and it was something big. He had his suspicions but...
"Oliver, hatred is a very big word. It's not easy to hate somebody, especially somebody close to us." Greg tried to drag something out of the boy, something more, to confirm his suspicions or better to eliminate them. He wanted to make sure that the boy was okay, that maybe he was talking about some small argument with his friends or something like that. Greg wanted to confirm that that familiar to him feeling of guilt didn't really reflect in the boys' eyes, that that was just his imagination, his own feeling of guilt.
"Excuse me Greg....I'd better check on Tyler. Besides I have homework. I'll take these okay?" Oliver said taking the pamphlets with him and smiling stiffly he left the room as quickly as he could.
Greg decided he wouldn't stop him, for now. He had to observe the boy more carefully, maybe he could talk to Tyler about it, his son was spending a lot of time with Oliver, he definitely knew if the boy behaved oddly. He had to talk to Grace as well. Greg breathed out exhausted and leaned on the coach closing his eyes.
Oliver ran up the stairs hurriedly, much like Tyler did a few minutes before, to avoid more questions. How stupid was it to talk about that?! Oliver couldn't understand how he let himself to even start the topic. Why did he even speak with Greg? What would Greg think about him?! What would Grace think if she knew?! What would Tyler think?! Oliver didn't want to know the answers to these questions.
Oliver opened the door to the room he shared with Tyler and distractedly headed to his bed, pamphlets still in his hand.
"What's up?" he heard a voice and jumped surprised. He turned around to see Tyler looking at him.
"Oh...Tyler, you scared me." Oliver said looking at his friend.
He was laying on his bed, headphones in his hand and mp4 next to him; he was obviously relaxing listening to music before Oliver stormed into the room. Tyler was wearing his usual white wife-beater and gray sweats. And even though it was his usual wear at home, suddenly Oliver noticed what Tyler was wearing. It was weird, but even more strange was Oliver's next thought; Tyler looked really good in that wife-beater. Not only did the white color emphasized his hazel eyes but it was well fit to his toned body. A bit tousled honey colored hair only added Tyler some charm.
Oliver gasped, shocked by his thoughts. Why did he even think about what Tyler was wearing and how he looked in his clothes?! What was wrong with him today?! He looked away quickly and sat down on his bed.
"Oh...um...yeah, sorry. I was just thinking about something" The blond answered trying really hard to suppress the flush.
"Why are you blushing? What did you think about?" Tyler asked with knowing smirk.
"Okay, okay. I won't ask. So what's wrong?"
"Huh? You just said you wouldn't ask." Oliver said surprised. He was a bit confused at everything that happened during the last hour, he needed to lay down and calm a bit for a moment, not go into another discussion.
"I won't ask about your dirty thoughts Ollie" at the words Oliver blushed even harder and Tyler chuckled. "I'm asking what's wrong? What happened? I could see something was going on in that pretty head of yours when you came in. Did my genius father managed to piss you off too?"
"P-pretty?" the blond hissed, suppressing his anger. When would Tyler learn not to call him that?
Tyler only smiled widely at Oliver's glare and sat on the other side of his own bed, so that he was sitting across from Oliver.
Oliver looked at Tyler for a second before saying "Your dad didn't do anything. We just talked a little. I think he's a really nice person."
"A nice guy Ollie, try using that word sometime." Tyler smiled wider at Oliver's confused look. "And I don't think my dad is a nice guy."
"But of course he is, Tyler! Everyone in this family is nice." Oliver said sincerely. He really thought that, how could Tyler think otherwise?
"Thanks man. You're sweet." Ty said grinning like a Cheshire cat.
"Oookay...I didn't mean you. Everybody except you!" Oliver corrected himself. "I'll just ignore the 'sweet' comment. You're just like Ashley sometimes. You just make me ang- I mean...you just piss me off every possible minute." The blond added angrily. In that moment he remembered why he was so vexed earlier.
"That's right! Ashley!" he exclaimed.
"What about Ash?" Tyler asked confused, why was Oliver so pissed off all of the sudden?
"He's your boyfriend am I right?"
"Well...yeah. Why?"
"You have to do something about him. I can take his stupid remarks or ramblings about your dates. He's giving me really bad time every day, but I can take it. But I don't ever want to be kissed by him! Ever again! And in front of somebody else?! I just wanted to smash my fist in that foxy face of his-"
"Wait! Stop!" Tyler interrupted and Oliver was really grateful for that. For a second there he completely lost himself. Just thinking about the red-head made his blood boil and he lost his composure. He even called him a fox and to Tyler as well! What worse could he say if Tyler didn't interrupt him?
"I'm sorry." Oliver dropped his head and said quietly, barely able to apologize for this. A second later he heard Tyler laughing and his head snapped up, he glared at his older friend with the intention to kill with his look.
"Oh man. Sorry Oliver. So what did Ash do this time?" Ty asked catching his breath.
"I really don't like you sometimes you know that?" Oliver hissed.
"Yeah...I can see that."
"When we were going to the lockers, he suddenly stopped and said he had to go back to classroom. I was really glad about that so I said 'okay' happily. And then he stood on his toes and k-k-uhh-issed me! Can you believe that?! After so many times I told him I'm not gay, I don't like boys, I don't like him! I'm sorry Tyler I know Ashley is your boyfriend but he really rubs me the wrong way and I don't like him!" Oliver ended in raised voice.
"Okay, okay. I get it. So he kissed you goodbye and you-" Tyler couldn't stop his laughter; after a few seconds of calming down he continued. " You don't like Ash. I can understand it. Is that all?"
"I don't like him and I hate it when he does that. Of course there's more. He did that in front of Scott Johnson. I didn't see him at first, only after Ashley run back to the classroom Johnson was kind enough to show himself." Oliver said hoping it would explain his anger.
"Oh shit! Did he do something to you?" Suddenly Tyler looked more serious and Oliver felt satisfied that he finally managed to make Tyler understand the weight of Ashley's sins.
"He just called me a f- ekhm... a faggot and shoved me into the lockers. He was lucky because Mr. Higgins was coming, so I couldn't really do anything to him. But now he thinks I'm gay and I don't like that okay? I don't like another boy to kiss me as well."
"You should really watch out for Johnson, Ollie. You were lucky he didn't do anything to you, jeez. He's bad news. I'll talk to Ash. He's doing that probably because his so called gaydar is never wrong, so he just doesn't get that you're not gay. I'm sorry he did that."
"Sure you are, you did the same." Oliver mumbled ironically before he could think what he's saying.
"What?" Tyler asked shocked and both of them looked at each-other for a second blushing madly. Then, simultaneously they dropped their heads.
'Why did I have to say that?' Oliver thought nervously, he cleared his throat and asked " So....is it normal? For your boyfriend to go around and kiss other boys?"
"Oh...hmm...yeah, I mean we have some gay friends so I guess...he is a very touchy-feely person...he likes to cuddle and kiss I guess." Tyler answered still a bit embarrassed.
"What? And you don't mind it?" Oliver was really confused right now. Shouldn't Tyler be jealous about his boyfriend kissing other boys?
"Yeah...Not really, he's just like that. He doesn't mean anything by it. Ollie, it was just a little peck on the lips right?"
"Well...yeah but...it's abuse. I was unwilling. I don't want the whole school to think I'm gay. What if I can't have a girlfriend because of that?"
"Wha-? You wanna have a girlfriend Ollie?"
"Well" Oliver felt his face going red once again. "Maybe not now but....um..."
Tyler burst out laughing once again and said "Don't worry, your fan club will be loyal. You won't have a problem with finding a girl prince Oliver."
"Stop it."
"Okay Ollie. I promise to talk with Ash."
"You do that, because the next time he tries to kiss me, I'll seriously punch him" Oliver warned.
"But he's shorter than you"
"So you're saying that he's weaker? But he's a bo- a guy too." Oliver smiled at Tyler.
"Yeah, he is."
There was silence for a few minutes and then Oliver decided to ask.
"Tyler, I'm sorry for asking but...how...why...hmmm...."
"Spit it out."
"I just can't understand why Ashley is your boyfriend." Oliver felt really bad asking this. Why did he even ask? "I mean...uhh....I'm asking because, well...he's so different from you and Megan said-"
"Yeah, you shouldn't listen to everything that Megan says. She never liked Ash much, she just doesn't know him and doesn't understand." Tyler interrupted sharply.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to....I guess I shouldn't say it. In the end he's your boyfriend and you must...um...love him..." The blond continued nervously not looking at Tyler.
When he heard Tyler sighing, he looked back. The older boy was looking in the direction of the window, behind Oliver and finally said. "Love is...kind of a big word...But yeah...I like Ash, we have a few things in common."
Oliver was so surprised that for a second he didn't know how to react. Finally he just started to laugh.
"What are you laughing about. I was being serious here, for once." Tyler said sulking a bit.
"S-sorry Ty, but...you say so many bad things about your father but you're actually very similar to him, aren't you?" Oliver asked smiling at his discovery.
"Greg said something like that just about half an hour ago."
"Really." Tyler mumbled disgruntled.
"I can't imagine what things you could have in common with Ashley but whatever."
"We both don't like our fathers."
"And that's it?"
"It's enough, at least for the beginning."
Oliver looked at Tyler for a few seconds. He tried to understand, what was so wrong about Greg? He seemed like such a great father. What could happened?
"What?" Tyler asked a bit perplexed and looked away.
"Nothing. Never mind." Oliver lost the courage to ask Tyler anything more. He guessed it was enough for the day, he did ask a few questions he never thought he'd be able to ask. He felt a little overwhelmed by his sudden 'open up to people' attitude. Besides, the nice smell of dinner told him it was time to eat.