I slammed the door of my house, turning on the lights so violently, I could have pulled a circuit. I threw my coat and backpack onto the floor, and stormed upstairs, feeling no interest in calling for my mother. Like always, she wouldn't be there.

I flung myself onto the bed, crying into my pillow. These were the tears I had forced myself to hold back all week. These were the tears that I wanted to cry every single night while praying to god that he could just help me through this one little thing. Now, I had given up on finding my miracle. All the shit I'd gone through must have been a sign that there was nothing he could do. And even though I had hoped on being invisible all this time, now I wanted to appear. I wanted to be seen. I wanted someone to dare talk to me, and pick me up into a big hug, and make me smile again.

Thomas had already offered himself, but believe me I wasn't going to be desperate like he said I was. I was going to be happy with some real friends, and, unfortunately, Jo and Logan weren't the ones.

The doorbell rang. Who in the hell would come to my house?

I walked to the door, calling in a sobbed voice, "My mom isn't home!"

"Hannah? Why are you crying?" I heard a girl's voice. The voice, in particular, I didn't know. Who would be looking for me?

I opened the door, in surprise, seeing Aubrey's concerned face, staring into my teary-eyes.

"What's wrong?" She said, pushing my loose hair behind my ear. I refused to speak, and finally she draped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me to the couch.

"Why do you care?" I said loud and angry. "You don't care about me! Why the hell are you here? Leave a shirt!? Loose something?" She shook her head with confusion.

"Hannah, what's wrong with you?" She said, still sounding concerned. "You are really upset if you think I don't care about you anymore."

"And how is that surprising!?" I said, even louder. "None of you talked to me all week, and I really needed you! Jo and Logan betrayed me, you all forgot about me, and now I've got no friends and you haven't even payed attention!"

She sighed. ".. Okay, I see how you would assume that. But Jo and Logan talked about it together and-"

"TALKED? THEY WERE ROLLING AROUND AN ENTIRE STALL WITHOUT A WORD!" She stared at me, now even more confused.

"Wait a minute, if you think that Logan cheated on you, you're wrong!"

"I was there!" I said, not even caring how stalker-ish it might have sounded. "I heard them!"

"You heard what they said?"

"No! I heard them playing tongue hockey in the girls' bathroom! They weren't discussing anything!" She still looked at me, not knowing what to say.

"Well, that's something you need to talk to them about! All I know, is that they told the rest of us what they said, and Logan seems to know how scared and desperate you are! Jo thinks that we should take you for the-"

"Don't even talk about the fishing trip!" Aubrey stared at me for a minute, but had given up on talking.

"Okay then," She said, grabbing her coat and standing up. "Then you talk about the fishing trip! To Logan." Before shutting the door, she turned to me and said, "I just wanted to let you know I've been sorry, and was thinking all week. It's just hard ya know, but I really do want to be your friend again." With that, she left. And I couldn't help but feeling guilty.

There she was, at my door, apologizing, alone, for everyone! And still feeling bad about what Thomas had told me, I had turned them down, because I felt too desperate. Now I was just the opposite.

I brought together all the courage and energy I had, that weekend, to go to my car and drive to Logan's house. I was planning on playing it cool. If all went how I wanted, he wouldn't know that I had heard him and Jo in the bathroom, and would feel guilty once I apologized to him for being insensitive about his blistered feet.

I drove up to his big yard, and I could already spot him out front, mowing the grass while his little sister played with a barbie doll.

I walked toward him slowly, wondering if he could see me. He didn't seem to pay attention. I watched his muscles bulge from underneath his sweaty t-shirt, as he pushed the machine angrily forward.

It wasn't until his sister threw her barbie into the mower's path, and some of the blonde plastic pieces of hair flew in my direction, that she noticed I was there and pointed at me to catch his attention.

He pulled some head phones out of his ear, and walked toward me, smiling shyly. He turned, and called, "Hailey, why don't you go shave another doll?" She nodded, enthusiastically, then ran inside. I looked around, and there were alot more doll carcasses than I expected.

"So, what's up?" He asked, crossing his arms. I licked my lips, trying my hardest not to sound nervice. I always did when I was lying.

"Well, I just felt it was necessary to apologize, for the other day! I was wrong to focus on myself, compared to your... sickness.." He stared at me, with even more mystery than I had thought. He almost made me doubt my sources again, no matter how sure I was at the moment.

"Oh really," he replied wearily, wiping sweat from his forehead. I nodded, smirking darkly at him.

"And, I just wanted to say, that although we had a fight, I still want to be with you!" I then embraced him in a deep hug, squeezing tight, though he didn't hug back. The plan was working.

I stepped back. "Something wrong? Anything on your mind?" He still stared at me.

"You aren't this forgiving." He finally said. "What is it? What are you trying to do?" I shook my head.

"Nothing." He licked his lips again. There was a dead silence, and he stared at me, as if trying to figure it out.

"Looking for a favor from me?" He asked. I shook my head. "..a confession?" "Nope." "..Or an apology?"

I shook my head yet again. But he ignored it.

"I'm sorry. I should have helped in the first place, and though this was your problem to deal with, I talked to Jo, and the group anyway, and we all miss you alot. So you're cool, and all is forgiven and forgotten! So, I'm sorry, Hannah." He placed a hand on his chest.

I stared him down. "Well, not ALL is forgotten you know! I'm not saying I forgive it either!" He stared at me, now even more dumbfounded.

"What? I apologized! You're back in the group what more do you-"

"I would like something!" I said, cutting him off, growing impatient. He just stared. "I want you to tell me everything that has happened that you're sorry about, and no matter what it is, I'll forgive you! But only if you admit to it!"

A confused expression remained on his face, but he sighed.

"Alright.." He scratched his chin. "I'm sorry for being inconsiderate. I'm sorry for bailing on you the first day back. I'm sorry I didn't give you a chance to talk to the others, for not inviting you to the lunch table. Or speaking to you, practically at all!" He paused. "And, I'm sorry for the rest of the group, shunning you, and sending Aubrey to talk to you instead of ourselves." He paused again. "And I'm also sorry for not apologizing sooner."

I wasn't done, but he seemed to be.

"And.." I continued. He didn't say anything.

"What about you and Jo?" I tried to keep my voice down, frustrated and eager. "What about the two of you.." I drifted off. "YOU KNOW!!" He still looked confused, watching me, while I searched for words.

"What about the two of you? Are you even going to admit to that?"

He looked at me, now surprised.

"Admit to what?" I clicked my tongue, now about to burst.

"I heard you! I was there, in the girls bathroom, I recognized your feet! ..in a stall!"

"You think I cheated on you!" He accused, suddenly. I nodded angrily. "Well I didn't!"

"I'm a witness! I saw the two of you, and I saw your faces. There was no way you could have been doing anything else-"

"Like talking!?" He exclaimed.

"I saw you shifting, and moving, and didn't hear a noise!"

"That's because we didn't want to get caught! We were talking about what happened between me and you, and we didn't want to talk about it in front of everyone else! We just brought it up to them! It wasn't a group conversation, Hannah!"

"What about Aubrey? She cared enough for everyone to come talk to me last night! If you guys cared so much for me, why didn't you do it yourself? Why am I here at your house?" This seemed to have stumped him.

"Think what you want, but I didn't cheat on you! It was my mistake!"

"Well I made a mistake too, apparently! I just can't trust you, and I'm sorry, but we're over!"

I turned and left, and he didn't bother to stop me.

AN: Sorry I was so long again! Tell me what you think! (like always) plus here's the question: If you were Hannah, what would you do? Believe what they say and take them back, or leave them and find new friends? (maybe, Thomas for example?) REVIEW!!! x)