I made a bunch of mistakes that led me to this moment.

I was utterly humiliated and in front of everyone, too. I knew Jace was a jerk, but this put the icing on the cake, I didn't know someone could be this mean.

I should have guessed, but I was in pure bliss, too happy to read the signs. Call it wishful thinking if you will, but I actually thought Jace liked me back this time.

He led me on and let me think that I was special to him. And I actually believed it. You know the saying "screw me once shame on you, screw me twice shame on me"?

Well, shame on me.

My name is Wynter Lynn (Wynter for short) and this is the story of how my heart got crushed to pieces by Jace Edwards.

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Ok, so sorry it's short this is only the introduction. Hope you enjoy the story!