"Chestnuts roasting on an open fire, Jack Frost nipping at your nose." Michael Buble's voice sang lowly through the empty apartment. A fire flickered in the fireplace lighting the small room with a soft warm glow, I lay down on the couch staring up at my empty Christmas tree. The green branches stood bare against the deep maroon of the living room walls. I had made a pact with myself that I would never decorate my tree alone, the pact had been made two years ago. I had kept my promise; usually my best friend Katie helped me, as we ate the cookies we made. Unfortunately, she was spending Christmas with her Fiancé, Dave's family this year. Which left me all alone; I sighed and pulled the blanket up to my chin. The warmth of the fire seeped into my body, relaxing my tense muscles, letting me drift into unconsciousness.

I was ripped out of my dreams of snowball fights and chocolate chip cookies by the obnoxious ring of the phone. My auburn curls stuck up in a disarrayed halo around my head, I rubbed the haze of sleep from my eyes, reaching behind the couch, and I grabbed the cordless phone from the glass table.

"Hello?" I answered, my voice still muddled with sleep.

"Nat?" my brothers deep voice answered back, "hey sis, what are you doing this Christmas?" I looked up at the empty tree and sighed inwardly, hating the feeling of aloneness.

"Nothing at the moment, why?" I heard rustling on the other end of the line, "Russell?"

"Want some company this Christmas? Mum and Dad are heading the Cayman Islands for the holidays, so my usual plans are out the window." I cracked my neck, stood, and stretched the sleep from my tired muscles.

"Sure, why not. Is James coming with you?" I thought of my brother's partner, James Conroy. He was a tall, lithe, executive. He and my brother met a year ago when Russell was redecorating his house in Denver. I loved James as I loved my brother. Then I thought of my parents, they had never earned that title.

They were the rich socialites that flitted from party to party, to immersed in their own lives to care about their children. They fit the stereotype of people who blew their noses with hundred dollar bills. My mother Clarissa Johnson was the eptimum of Audrey Hepburn. With her perfectly coiffed honey brown hair, crystal blue eyes, and wrinkle free dresses. My father Theodore Johnson was a tall, ruthless business tycoon. He owned several companies and was CEO of Johnson and James Inc.

"Of course my sweet sugar plum." My brother's sugary sarcasm broke me from my reverie. My bare tree once again caught my eye.

"One condition my dear, sweet brother" I grinned evilly to myself.

"What is it?" his wary voice questioned.

"You and James have to come help me decorate my apartment…today." Again, I heard the rustling, and then I heard Russell call out,

"James we have to go over and help decorate Nat's place!" I pulled the phone away from my ear at the sudden volume.

I heard James' voice in the background, "Winter is here!" I couldn't draw a face to the new name, I had never heard of him. I waited patiently, as I waited; I folded the blanket I had used.

"Slight problem Nat, James' brother, Winter is here." I quickly interrupted him,

"It's fine, bring him over. I'll make dinner, does chicken and mashed potatoes sound good?" I could hear Russell's stomach growl over the phone, I laughed, and beat him to an answer. "I guess it does, okay come over in about an hour." I hung up the phone after saying our goodbyes and made my way to the kitchen.

The kitchen filled with the intoxicating aroma of seasoned chicken and garlic mashed potatoes. I was deftly chopping carrots and green onions to toss in a salad, when I heard my front door open. "Nat my darling, I brought the wine!" I grinned softly to myself and yelled back, "in the kitchen" he smelled the air and his eyes widened, "it smells like heaven in here." I shrugged, "just some chicken, potatoes, and salad. Russell shook his head, "you act as if your culinary masterpieces are nothing." I laughed softly, "you haven't even tasted it yet, how would you know." He kissed me on the cheek and plopped down in a chair and leaned back, James came in and sat next to him I smiled at him.

"Hello James, long time no see." He grinned, flashing a bright grin.

"Hello my precious." They relaxed as I cooked; a heavy presence filled the room. I looked up from the carrots, a man stood in the doorway. His dark hair fell into his eyes, he leaned against the doorway. I stopped chopping, his black sweater straining against his broad muscled shoulders. I swallowed and turned back to my carrots, attempting to fight the blush the flushed across my cheeks.

The oven went off, jolting me, I spun towards it and I took the chicken breasts, seasoned with thyme, basil, Cajun, and other seasonings. The aroma tantalized the air, my mouth filled with saliva. Placing the chicken on the stove I began mashing the potatoes in a bowl, mixing in the garlic, salt, and pepper, cubes of ham, shredded cheese, and sour cream.

Busying myself to keep from looking up "Nat I'd like you to meet Winter Conroy."

I stilled my nerves, wiped my hands on the apron I wore, and stuck out my hand. "Natalia Johnson." He reached out and grabbed my hand; his strong fingers were roughed and calloused; yet warm. They engulfed my small petite hands easily.

"Nice apron" he smirked, I flushed as I looked down at the apron Russell had bought me a couple of years ago. It was a white apron with the silhouette of a rather…busty woman on the front. He had poked fun at my figure, I was not exactly modelesque; you couldn't be when you cooked like I did.

I pulled my hand from his and returned to my cooking, my hands shook with nerves. "So Nat, did you get all the decorations down?"

I nodded and motioned to the living room. "They're all by the wall next to the tree."

"Well boys, let's get a move on." Russell slapped his hands on his knees and stood up.

I sighed to myself, "have a holly jolly Christmas" I began to hum under my breathe; this was certainly going to be a Christmas to remember.