Dear Diary,

Life sucks as usual.

Today I fell down the stairs again but this time it was in front of him. Of course just my luck it was a major fall and I went all the way down the stairs (I was practically at the top!), now that hurts a lot I got bruises all over my arms and legs there are a lot of stairs at St. Peters Secondary, he came to the bottom and helped me up and helped me out with my books which had fallen all over, I didn't really know what to say and of course the whole time I was blushing all I managed to say was a small uh thanks.

Isn't that just brilliant? Then again who could blame me the hottest guy at school just helped me out, just think about it, Sean Austen, the football jock and guy who should not associate with a girl of my stature only cuz im considered a emo kid at school.
Honestly though they should really get to know someone before they say crap…im not a cereal box so don't label me! but whatever that's life.
My best friend called me up today and told me she had finally lost it, kinda shocked the hell out of me.

The guy? Oh he's alright he's pretty good for her though she has had her fair share of troubles, Rain what an amazing friend I can talk to her about almost anything, those things that I cant I tell you.
For example Sean I cant tell her anything about him the only person she keeps trying to hook me up with is Daniel yeah he's a good guy and he's cute he's just not exactly my type, I know what your thinking yea for some stupid reason jock boy IS my type don't know what it is about him but Rain doesn't like him one bit she's a tad too busy lately hanging around with Corey I don't really like him, but Rain does and I guess that's all that matters it is her life she can do with it as she pleases.

I hope that this was one of her better choices, she's made a lot of pretty bad ones lately she's started up on smoking Heroin not a good drug to start up on and now she's screwing Corey, I don't like it at all but I wont tell her that.
When we were younger we made a pact that when we have sex for the first time that we'd tell each other all that happened I don't know why cuz it was Rain's idea, she would always say ill call you on my honeymoon! And tell you everything…you better do the same.

well that's not possible now is it well I plan on keeping my side of the pact I don't think she will keep hers anymore she's not really the Rain I knew and loved she's changed a lot, and I think its time I changed too I don't want to be just another girl at the back of the classroom I want Sean to look back at me in the middle of science and look at me like he looks at the cheerleaders...

But that will never happen.

Thanks for letting me vent on your pages,

Love always,

Hail Thompson