Sean Austen was in the shower when Gilbert called up for him,
but Sean still heard his voice briefly through the sound of the water running out of the shower head onto his skin.

"Sean, there's a young woman on the phone by the name of Hail Thompson!"
he jumped out of the shower and put a grey towel around his waist, he walked slowly into his large bedroom and sat down on his bed. He picked up the phone and spoke lightly
"hello? Gilbert I have the phone now, thank you"
after Sean had heard the sound of the phone on the other end click out he changed his tone to be more calm and collected.
"Hey Hail, how's it going?"
he heard her sharp intake of breath and smiled to himself, he could just picture her cheeks lightly tinging with red the way they always did when anyone in class had talked to her.
"Hi Sean, uh I'm calling because we are supposed to get together and work on some science stuff, Mr. Tanner gave me your number"
she spoke so quietly he could barely hear her
"well did you want to come over here or would you like me to drive over to your place?"
his heart was beating so fast he was scared it would jump out of his chest.
"uhm I guess I can come over there in maybe 20 minutes? but I kinda need directions"
he could hear the hesitation in her voice
"yeah sure, no problem do you have a pen?"
he smiled again as he could hear her rummaging through what sounded like a desk
"mhm, go ahead"
he walked over to the mirror and ruffled his brown hair
"drive towards St Pete's, and continue down the road for about 10 minutes you'll reach a fork in the road, take a left my house is the one at the end of the street it shouldn't be too hard to find"
he heard her breathe in heavily
"okay, well I guess I'll be seeing you soon then"
still the hesitation in her voice remained
"yeah, I'll see you soon Hail"
he could hear the smile in his own voice
"bye Sean"
he just loved the sound of his name coming out of her mouth.

hey guy's it's sure been a while, hopefully my writing has improved lol
I can't make any promises for updates obviously!
I don't know how I feel about the formatting for this chapter,
soo that might change in the next one.
Sorry about the inconsistency in that!