
Everyone's heard of Cinderella, Snow White and Rapunzel and how they all had evil stepmothers and hardships to overcome but still got their handsome prince. But what about those girls who instead of a fiery dragon that capture them instead gets captured by the prince. They say the prince should be charming and that they should have a carriage waiting to take them to his castle and eventually live happily ever after. Man, I wish that was my case, but it isn't. My name is Saffron and I was a girl who lived freely with her family until the disaster. My mother died when giving birth and my father died when I was 15 from yellow fever. I had no family, friends or anyone to support me for that matter. My life changed when I was walking home one day from my jobs and I was wrestled to the ground, chained and taken from my home. They put shackles on my hands and legs and even put me in a cage like an animal. I was locked up in the horrible cage for days until they sold me off to a man in a black cloak. He touched my cold dirty face and ran his hand up my leg. He dragged me to an all black carriage and didn't say a word. Before I looked up at where I was going we had stopped at a bleak gray castle.

Hey Everyone this is a new story I'm trying out so I'm going to post Chapter 1 and I'm going to need evryone's support in deciding if I should finish this story. I know my prologue doesn't really show what might happen but I've been trying to work on my othr story. So please REVIEW THANX