Chapter 3

I rolled around in my spot, moaning, in a half conscious state. I found out I could no longer sleep and sat up.

I realized I was in a red circular bed with red sheets from yesterday. But the bed was no longer made up, neat and tidy from before. Now some of the sheets were slumped off the bed and scrunched up together.

"Good morning, Saffron" someone said from somewhere in the room.

"Who's there?" I asked looking around the room, knowing it was a stupid question, but I was scared.

Before I could scream the person who had called me was in front, hovering over me, while I was still in the bed.

I went from a calm state to a scared little girl, shivering in fear.

My hair was hanging down in front of my hair, very unkempt. I didn't even look at the figure in the eyes, since I already knew who it was.

My new lord and master, Michael.

Lord Michael was wearing a white shirt that was halfway opened, black pants and his eyes looked beautifully with his pale skin.

I kept my eyes glued to the floor, as he touched my face. He used his index finger to brush the hair out my eyes. Once my hair was out my eyes, Lord Michael started to stroke my cheek with his thumb; I looked up at him, meet is gaze and looked back down in a hurry.

"Aren't you going to speak Saffron? You should be polite to people, it could get you in trouble" Lord Michael told me.

"G...good m...morning m...master" I stuttered keeping myself from looking at him.

"That's a good girl" he said talking me like a dog, but stroked my cheek like a gem he was trying to polish.

Lord Michael continued to touch my face as I looked down at the floor, afraid, trying to remember everything that occurred last night.

What happened last night, I thought looking up slightly as he stopped touching my face.

"A lot of things happened last night, my pet. I'm not surprised you don't remember what occurred, you were in very bad condition when you arrived" Lord Michael explained.

"Oh" was the only thing I could really say.

Lord Michael placed a finger under my chin and made me look up at him.

"I expect you to use proper English, my pet" he demanded waiting for my response.

Proper English, I thought that was English but okay. I have to do what he says at least for me to stay alive I thought to myself.

"Yes..." I started but my response was intercepted.

"Yes you have to do as you're told my pet and I don't want you contradicting me. Whether you say it out loud or not...understood?" he said furious, his silver eyes scaring me.

"Yes master...I'm sorry" I whimpered afraid of him for the second time since I've been here.

"You are forgiven my pet; let's make sure it doesn't happen again. Let's get you bathed and changed, so we can go downstairs" he ordered walking over to the door.

I watched as he walked toward, called someone by the name of 'Claire'. I sat on the bed as my master sat beside me, running his fingers through my hair.

"Saffron, my pet, you could be so much prettier for your master, if you kept your hair intact" he said, twirling my hair with his finger.

I didn't say a word, just instead kept my gaze towards the other side of the room.

I didn't know that I was supposed to answer him, until later.

He wretched my hair back so that my head was pulled back and I was staring at him.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk Saffron, your job is to always please you master in any way. So when I say you should keep your hair intact, I expect you to tell me that you'll do just that" he commented pulling my hair back.

He was hurting me so much and I was getting a headache from the pain. I winced in pain as he continued to pull.

He pulled even harder, placing his other hand behind my back so I wouldn't fall on the bed for comfort.

"What do you have to say to your master, pet?!" he asked keeping his grip hard and firm.

"I...I will master" I said tears forming in my eyes.

"You'll do what my pet?" he continued to question.

And after a few minutes she knocked on the door.

"I'll...please you in any way master" I cried out in pain, tears clouding my vision.

I didn't know that's what he wanted to hear because he had let go of my hair.

I sat their crying choking on my sobs.

He placed me in his lap, bringing my head into his chest.

I continued to cry as he placed his hand on my back, trying to comfort me.

Eventually I stopped because I remembered an event that occurred last night...he had kissed me.

He must have read my mind again because when I looked up there was a smirk on his face.

"Yes pet, I did kiss you last night, you don't have a problem with that do you?" he asked looking at me with curiosity.

I really couldn't say no because the fact was there was no way I'd be getting out here unless he wanted me to. Also the fact was that if I ran away he'd punish me again.

I can't say no, I belong to him now, I thought.

"At least you grasped the concept you belong to me my pet, I may do whatever I wish with you. But I'll say it again you can get punished but also rewarded if you be a good girl" he said wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Yes master" I said looking up at him.

Before he could talk to me anymore someone knocked on the door. I looked up at him for an answer. He smiled at me and then spoke.

"Come in" he said to the person outside the room.

A girl about nineteen walked into the room and bowed. The girl had red hair that reached her back with green eyes. She kept her gaze on the floor waiting for permission to get up.

"Saffron this is Claire, Claire say hello to Saffron" he ordered as the girl looked up since her name was called.

"Hi, nice to meet you" Claire said standing up from the floor.

I looked up at my master for some odd reason and turned back to the girl called Claire.

Hi was the only thing I said before looking away from the girl, still in my master's lap.

"Forgive her Claire, she's still a little scared but anyway could you start a bath for her" Lord Michael asked or rather ordered.

"Yes my lord, anything else?" Claire asked curiously.

"Yes, I want you to do something with her hair and nails. I can't have my pet looking like she's the walking dead can I?" he asked out of humor since technically he was the walking dead.

"Yes my lord, I'll start right away" Claire announced before bowing her head, then heading to the bathroom.

Lord Michael gave her a courteous nod and watched as the girl left.

I wasn't paying attention to the conversation until he started talking to me.

"You shouldn't be so rude, pet, Claire is nice girl. I will allow you to make friends my pet but remember you belong to me and I always come first" he said looking down at me once again.

"Yes my lord" I said looking back into my lap, very uncomfortable.

"Good, now I'll leave you with Claire for the time being. I expect you to behave yourself, there are guards outside the door and you won't be able to leave unless Claire is with you..." he started warning me, "...after you are finished she'll bring you down to my office. Am I clear?" he finished basically warning me not to try and run away.

"Yes my lord, but what will I be wearing?" I started before adding if I may ask.

"I see your manners are improving, but Claire will decide later" he said before placing me on the bed, then standing up.

"I'll see you later my pet" he said kissing my forehead and started to walk over to the door.

My stomach started growl slightly realizing I hadn't eaten today.

He smirked probably hearing my stomach because of what he said next.

"If you behave yourself you'll get something to eat, if not you won't be eating until lunch" he said turning to open the door and leaving.

I sat on the bed looking around the room again, to see Claire in the bathroom. She peeked her head out the doorway and called me over to her. I stood up from the bed and walked over to the bathroom, which was directly across from the bed. I hadn't had a chance to see the bathroom, but it was pretty. There was a white tub on the north side of the bathroom, on the west side was a shower unit and a sink on east, door to the south side. Beside the tub was a small table and a closet near the sink.

"Undress and get in" Claire ordered.

I shook my head violently not wanting to undress in front of a girl.

"Listen if you don't get to Lord Michael we both get in trouble and you don't eat. So you can undress and get in by yourself or I can push you in and we can explain how your clothes got wet" she explained.

I sighed at her logic and started to undress. Once undress I got into the tub, crossing my arm in front of my chest. The bath water was not to hot but not cold at all, it smelled like roses; probably because there were bubbles in the tub water.

"That wasn't so hard was it?" she asked picking up my dirty clothes.

I didn't say a word just looked ahead.

"You know you'll have to talk sooner or later if you want some friends" she said putting the clothes in hamper like basket.

I just looked at her and smiled.

"Every time I say something it gets me in trouble" I said before looking back into the void.

"Is that all? You just arrived, child, we've all been there but everybody talks to their fellow human" she said looking at me with sadness.

"How am I supposed to know who to talk to? I got beaten the first day here and got treated like a princess later that day; I'm just trying to die without bruises" I exclaimed getting very annoyed.

"One you can talk to me, and two I'll tell you but we have to get you ready" she said walking over to a cabinet and pulling out two bottles and a bar of soap.

She placed the items on the table beside the tub and walked behind me.

"You like strawberries and roses right?" she asked.

"Yeah, they're my favorite flowers and fruits" I said wondering how she guessed.

"Good, your master also like them, I was just wondering. Anyway keep your eyes close, while I wash your hair" she told me before pouring water on my hair.

"Claire...I'm a personal slave...why are you here?" I asked as she lathered my hair with rose and strawberry shampoo in my hair.

"My mistress used to reside in this house before getting married. After she left Lord Michael took me in, I help with the new slaves and the younger ones" she explained before dumping water on my, causing me to cough slightly.

"Oh, do you... you know get fed on?" I asked as she continued washing my hair.

"No, Lord Michael told me if I continued to do my job he wouldn't make me a feeding slave" she told me putting conditioner in my hair, then combing through it.

"That's good, I like you Claire, I don't want you to get hurt" I told her realizing she was very friendly.

"I like you too Saffron, so I suggest we hurry before Lord Michael gets angry" she said before handing me a washcloth and soap.

"You're right" I said grabbing the cloth and soap.

"Wash up while I see what you should wear" she said before leaving me alone in the bathroom.

After a few minutes of washing my body, Claire came back and washed out the conditioner. After that was done I wrapped myself in a red towel and followed her back to the bedroom.

On the bed was a purple knee length dress with a black sash around the waist line.

I really didn't understand why was I a slave and wore garments like this... I mean I am a human pet according to everyone around here.

"Put the dress on, Saffron" Claire ordered grabbing the dress and shoving it to me.

"Why?" I asked.

"What do you mean don't want to walk around naked around this place as many of male vampire are here" she said.

"No, I mean, why am I getting clothes like this?" I asked putting on a pair of underwear on, as she looked away briefly.

"Oh, I understand what you're asking. Well, the head of the clans wants all slaves to look presentable, especially their pets, like you. They have a sort of contests to see who has the best taste of human, in their words" Claire explained as I slipped the dress on.

I nodded at her response, understanding that humans were like pets and they wanted to have a pet show.

Go figures.

"Here let me fix your hair" she said before pulling me to the bed.

After a few minutes my hair was in a ponytail with a few strands hanging from the side.

"All finished, now let's get you to Lord Michael" she said no even giving me a chance to speak before pulling me through the door.

As we walked down to the corridors towards my master's office, several cloaked figures were looking at us. Now and again I'd see people that I think were human. Before I could ask any questions we appeared in front of a door, identical to the dining halls.

Claire knocked hesitantly on the door, before someone on the inside told us to enter.

We both walked into the room to see two cloaked figures standing in the center of the room; and another figure behind the desk, which I figured was my master.

Lord Michael's office was nice compared to his bedroom. There were black curtains hanging from the ceiling covering the light from entering the room. A mahogany desk was in the center. To the far left were book cases and a small couch, black to match the curtains. In front of the desk were two chairs side by side.

"Look what we have here, a little snack you shouldn't have Michael" the cloaked figure on the left said, pulling down the hood of his cloak, baring his fangs, readying himself to attack.


Please give me your opinion I've been trying to figure out what to do with this story.

But don't worry I'll definitely finish it to the end.

Read And Review for ever and ever

Hugs and Kisses