I heard a thump on the window, jolting up, I reached for the knife in my boot by the window. I crouched in a defensive position, a light appeared flickering against a dark background. Creeping to the window, I flicked the latch open, pushing out the window. The light flew at my face, I ducked last minute, spinning around.

It floated around the room, the light a dim sparkle in the dark room, it was mesmerizing. The light flew closer to me, I leaned back, and then my mouth dropped open. A tiny face looked back at me, her honey blonde hair pulled back into a bun, her twinkling blue eyes blinked back at me. Her wings beat furiously behind her, sparkling dust fell off her naturally, and her skin was a warm peach. Her petit body was clad in leafy green dress, her dainty feet in the same material.

I cocked my head to the side, "Tinkerbell?" she mimicked me, cocking her tiny head to the same side. Then flew into a twirl pointing fervently to the window, I glanced towards it and jumped back in shock. A young boy stood on the windowsill, feet shoulder width apart, hand fisted on his hips. His brown hair fell softly into his chocolate eyes.

A small dagger lay sheathed to his waist, he wore a green tunic, tight green hose clung to his legs, a green cap with a feather in it. I noticed his ears were slightly pointed, he looked elf-like, "Wendy told me to bring you." I shook my head, rubbing my eyes.

"I've got to be dreaming, you don't exist" he grinned and spread his arms out wide.

"of course I do, I'm Peter Pan." He crowed like a rooster, I jolted.

"Wendy…as in Wendy Darling?" he nodded enthusiastically, and then pointed to the stars the twinkled against the canvas of dark sky.

"Yeah, second start to the right, straight on till morning. Wendy's there, she told me she needed a companion. So I'm bringing you. Oh she'll be so happy." He clapped his hands and floated cross-legged across above my floor.

I stepped back, pressing myself to the door, "I'm not going anywhere with you." He uncrossed his legs, flying around me in a circle.

"Tink? I think you should do the honors." I turned to…dare I say it…Tinkerbell. She pulled her arms behind her head and threw them out at me. An explosion of fairy dust erupted in my face, I screwed my eyes shut and sneezed.

A hand gripped my arm and pulled me towards the window, "stop" I yelled, "stop you freak!" He shoved me out the window, grabbed my arm and flew me into the inky sky.

I struggled against his hold, a warm sensation fell over me. drowsiness filled my brain, my limbs felt like jelly. We flew through a kaleidoscope of colors that swirled around us in a multicolored dance, fairy dust fell over us like a light blanket of snow. I closed my eyes and we flew into a whole other world.

"Welcome," Peter gestured to the beautiful land, "to Neverland." I gasped, we rode a rainbow down over the tree covered island. We flew around a lagoon where three mermaids lounged, an Indian village where smoke curled lazily out of teepees.

My eyes widened as we flew past a pirate ship, "Peter!" a nasally voice called from the ship. An eruption of cannons filled the air, Peter shoved me out the way as a cannon ball flew passed us disappearing into the cottony clouds that surrounded us.

"You missed you old codfish!" Peter crowed diving gracefully through the sky. He grabbed my arm and flew me down into the woods. Reaching a hollowed out willow tree Peter pressed a knarled old knot on the tree. A whole appeared and Peter placed a hand on my back and shoved me head first into the whole.

"Crapp!!" I screamed as I slid down the smooth wooden slide. I twisted and twirled, and fell onto a bed of straw with an oomph,.

I blew a puff of air out and strands of scarlett hair out of my eyes. Six young face stared down at me. I jerked up and yelped, reaching for my knife in my boot only to find that I wasn't wearing my boots. I only had my pants and socks on.

They each had animal suites on and my brain clicked in registration. "Tootles" I pointed to the shortest child in a ratty black skunk suite, his freckles standing out against his pale skin, and he frowned nodding.

"Nibs," I pointed to another kid in a rabbit costume, he snarled showing off sharpened buck teeth.

"Slightly," I pointed to a kid dressed in a fox outfit, a tuft of blonde hair peaked out from beneath the cap, he nodded shortly, dark circles under his eyes.

"Cubby" I pointed to the slight round child, dressed in a bear cub costume. He grinned cheekily, raising massive bear paws.

"and finally, the twins" I stated. They were dressed in raccoon outfits fight each other off, snarling and biting. I put a shaking hand to my head and ran it through my hair, this was not the Lost Boys that I remember.

"I have to be dreaming." I muttered to myself, shaking my head.

"I can assure you that you are not dreaming Jennifer." A small feminine voice said from behind me, I twirled around and gasped. A girl about my age stood by the back wall. Her coffee colored hair pulled back and curled perfectly, her wide blue eyes sparkling, a pale blue dress clung to her chest and fell fluidly to her knees.

"Wendy? I imagined you much younger" she smirked, and crossed her arms,

"and I imagined you much prettier." I glared,

"your definitely not like the stories." She shook her head and placed her hand on her hip,

"of course we're not, now you will stay here and be my friend." I shook my head backing away,

"I don't think so, I cant stay here, I need to get home." Her eyes narrowed, her lips thinning.

"Boys" she said menacingly, I tensed, ready to run, my eyes flickered towards the exit, they inched towards me, claws sharpened, teeth "get her" she snarled. I took off out the door, my socked feet slipping on the floor. I regained my balance and doubled my speed. I burst through a curtain of vines, and squinted as the sun pierced my eyelids.

"Jennifer come back here" I heard the chorus of slimy voices behind me and pressed myself harder. I crashed through the forrest, leaves and branches snapping against my face. Blood trickled down my face, I winced in pain. I reached a clearing that overlooked a rushing river.

I stopped, my hands resting on my knees as I regained my breathe. "Who're you." My head snapped up, my eyes connecting with startling green. Long dark hair brushed his neck and fell into his eyes, he wore a black tunic much like Peter's, and black stockings. Instead of a dagger, he wore a sword at his hip.