I'd like to think I know everything about her.
I know that she uses French vanilla shampoo. I know that she loves her worn pair of black Converse that she's had for years. I know she loves wearing a hoodie on a cold day. I know she loves playing tennis, but doesn't think she's good enough to join the team. I know she has a small beauty mark on her forehead, hidden by her bangs. I know she loves the color purple. I know her favorite band is Sum 41. I know that she enjoys listening to classical music, even though most people think it's silly. I know she hangs pictures of Gerard Butler in her locker.
I know the way her hair feels: silky, fine, and soft as an angel's touch. I know she doesn't think she's pretty, but she's the most beautiful thing I've ever laid my eyes on. I know that she complains about her appearance every day, saying that her 'hair's too unruly,' 'her skin is breaking out,' or 'she's just plain awful looking.' I don't see any of that; I love her amazing wavy hair, her beautiful skin, and her good looks. I know the way she smiles when she's happy and the was she smiles when she's putting up a mask for others to see. I know the melodious sound of her laughter and the twinkle in her eye that appears when she's joking around.
I know that she has a secret crush on the quarterback of our 2nd-string football team, and that she's slipped more than a few love notes into his locker. I know that she's kind and caring, and loves dogs. I know that she's a little disorganized, but she tries to stay as organized as she can. I know she can be forgetful, and to try and prevent it, she takes amazing notes. I know she doesn't like coffee. I know that her favorite flowers are red chrysanthemums, even though they make her sneeze.
I know that she's loyal to her friends and family. I know she secretly tries to please constantly, to the point of nearly giving herself a nervous breakdown. I know her family is close, though her parents are divorced. I know she loves her sisters and brother more than anyone else in the world, and feels the same about both her parents. I know that she sometimes cries herself to sleep, wishing her family wasn't broken, even though she knows there's nothing she can do.
But I know I don't know everything about her. For example, I don't know the way it feels to have her hold my hand. I don't know what it sounds like when she tells me she loves me. I don't know what it's like to kiss her perfect lips.
I wish I knew, but I don't, because I know that she's straight as an arrow and will never give me a chance, simply because I'm a girl, too. So I'll just sit here and continue to study her, learning more and more about her, this girl I'm absolutely head-over-heels in love with.