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I walked down the stony steps of my new home here in Fain. I wonder why they named a city Fain but I don't think anybody does. Fain, hump sounds nice but to close to his name. Fain…..Fernand.
"Damn it Jason! Are you trying to get depressed and sent home on your first day of work!" I scolded myself. The aren't even close. Right? Shacking the thought of him from my mind, my usual insanity made me yell something I wish I hadn't. "Remember you swore off men, for a while but I sure am making sure it happens!For a while. UGH! Men are the Devil!"
"You shouldn't say something like that." A small voice beside me said blankly. I turn toward the voice to find a long curly blond haired girl, with big green eyes starring blankly at me. "Besides you shouldn't talk out loud about the first part thing around here. Most people here do not like people who like to fuck the same sex." She stared me in the eyes and frowned. "Hey but I don't really care. You go on liking what ever makes you hot. In that way at least." She brushed her one size to big jacket, and pants, then kept walking on. I was in shock from hearing that come from such a small girl. She had to be 5'4, and to me who was 7'2 she looked too small and young though her choose of words and tone disagreed. But that doesn't really matter. High schoolers talk like that all the time. Ugh kids these days make me seem way older than twenty-seven. I mean I talk sometimes like that(only when I'm mad shocked, or just to lazy to care how I put things) but my Dad smacked most of that out of me.
"Hey Jason, hows has your first three hours of work been treating you?" A soothing male voice asked.
"Fine Fernand. Look I'm kinda busy I don't want to hear about how I should look for the 'one for me' so good bye for now." I answered never looking up from my work.
"Dude don't get all moody because I got a chick and you don't." I growled wanting no more than to jump up and yell out my stress but if my Dad found out. Man I'm sure he would die.
"I don't need one." Suddenly my mind flouted to the girl this morning she wasn't like most girls I had meet. She didn't try anything on me like most woman do. Oh don't be vain Jason!
After work I couldn't shake a strange feeling about the girl, she seemed different to must girls I had meet. But suddenly something smack the right sighed of my face.
"Fuck!" I cursed, rubbing my cheek. I turned to see a familiar green eyes starring blankly at me holding a soccer ball.
"Sorry Sir." When I looked at her again she didn't look the same as before. She almost looked like a boy! I quickly shock the idea out of my head as she still stared blankly at me. Slowly her stare traveled down and back up. Nervously I brushed my brown hair out of my eyes, and sighed.
"It's okay – um I don't known your name!" I laughed.
"-" She paused as to think over something. Her green eyes looked to the sky and her fingers played with her lips. She smiled as she again looked me up and down.
"What do think it is?" She asked, I in return muled over it looking her up and down.
"Sarah or maybe Luna?" She smirked and stood in a way that completely matched my laid back kind.
" Don't you think it's weird that middle aged man is asking a nineteen year old their name?" She drowned.
"Now little Missy I ain't a weirdo who raps children and sorry not into little teenage girls either. Even if they are legal, I like them my age." I said stressing on the girl, as a couple slowly walked by studying us. They glared at the blond girl and she averted her eyes.
"Sir, no offense but I don't think you want anything to do with me." She quickly ran to the house next door's back yard, slamming the gate shut. I noticed the couple were slowly making there way up to me.
" Hey man, I couldn't help but to notice you talking with - Haru. Just so you known you want like living here if you hand around – Haru . Just a warning." The couple left before I could get a hold of my vocal cords to respond. I quickly got inside and fell to the couch.
Bang Bang! Went an annoying sound from my door.
"Hello?" I asked finding the girl Haru there.
"Hey this morning you dropped this, I thought it might be important. I looked down at the gray folder holding my missing reports for tomorrow thank god.
"Thanks! Um, how about I invite you in for a drink. No beer until your twenty one though." I laughed wondering into my kitchen. Haru slowly came in unsure what to do I noticed. She slowly plopped on the coach, and stared toward my way. I quickly dived into my fridge, and pulled out two Diet Cokes. I nearly ran into the living room where Haru sat quietly, when I interred she quickly stood when I stumbled.
" I thought at least you could walk." She muttered silently. I smiled and handed her a Coke witch she slowly took from me.
"No need to fear me!I wont jump you or murder you or whatever your thinking!"
"You used or two many times. ' I wont jump, murder you, or whatever else your thinking.'. It easier for me to understand your gibberish." She drown an evil grin slithering onto her face.
"Hey Haru that couple-?" I began to ask.
"Don't worry about, they just don't like me cause I'm different. Remember here being different is kinda bad if you want to live a happy life here." She explained bitterly.
"Oh. Well I don't really care what they think. I'm not that different. Really it's no big deal I like men, so what if I am one!" I laughed. "I don't get it. It is okay with most people who –."I stopped remembering one certain person.
" Oh I get it. Their like my Dad but worse." I barely whispered. She cocked her head in confusion which made me slightly laugh.
"Your Dad? Oh so if your in the closet when it comes to your Father. That's sad." I bitterly laughed at her comment.
"Well let's see.. Here is he what he always tells his friends... ' I am perfectly fine with gays, but if one of my children turn out to be one, I don't think I could live with that!'." I laughed at my fathers way of thinking.
"That's confusing. He is fine with people being gay, just not you being gay. Right."
"Yeah." I smiled at her. I quickly changed the subject, and I found out some stuff about my new friend Haru-San : 1: Haru family doesn't talk to her for personal reason she would not tell. 2: She donates her longs curly blond hair. 3: That her best friend is gay like me, but a woman. 4: She's training to be a comedian.
The next morning I found Haru in her front yard glaring at the group of boys whom were laughing at her.
"Hey Hart! Why don't we get you a date! How about Johny here! He likes it -!"
"Why don't you guys go get a life!" She growled; I quickly walked over to the boys and smiled.
"Boys I my be new around here but I don't think thats how you talk to pretty little girls." I stated, wondering what was wrong with them. OH wait hormones.
"Girl?" One the boys mocked; I nodded not really caring for his tone.
"Yes. Now unless you want me calling the cops for disturbing the peace, and harassment I suggest you leave in-. How about 5...4...3....2-!" A the end of two the boys snickered and ran off. Haru smiled and stumbled over to me.
"I told already being different here is not that fun." She snickered watching the boys run down the block.
"What? What do you mean? I wonder what makes you so different for boys hitting on you" Haru grinned and snickered to herself.
"I known your dirty little not so secret how about you learn mine!"
"Your a – a- a-- a cross-dresser" I slowly muttered to myself brushing my hair out of my shocked blue eyes. We sat at Haru's table, and the second her mouth opened she only said ' My secret is that I'm really a boy who dresses like a girl sometimes.'
"Yup. Haru is a coed name though. I think it is still a boy name though. I really didn't learn much Japanese from my Japanese mother before she stop talking to me."
"Cross-dresser." I muttered again.
"Chikao is my real name."
"Cross – dresser."
"Yeah it started when I started donating my hair. Since people who didn't known me started think I was a girl I thought 'what the hell! Let them keep on thinking that!' It turned out I am rather pretty as a boy and girl. But I must say you thought I was a girl the day I wore boy clothes. You known the day I -"
"Cross – dr-dresser."
"The day I sucked your cock." I stopped muttering to myself when she through that curve ball to me.
"You never-?!" She or I mean he laughed. Boy this is going to take some -
" Yeah only in your dreams-" she, I mean he smirked than fished in a more masculine voice; "and mine." I gulped dry and hard on that. I noticed that we were the only ones in his house, making me more nervous.
"Really your gay too?"
"Yeah. But I also like girls too. But mainly men, like you." He smirked
"What does that mean?" I asked dumbly, as he slowly leaned over the table stooping an half a inch from my face.
"What ever the words mean when you put them together." He answered his lips brushing against mine as he spoke, somehow he had moved closer for I was frozen stiff.
The next day I sat at work, when Fernand came walking up to me with a red headed girl at his side.
"Hey Jason, look here is my lucky lady I've been telling you about. So before you get snappy at me I have two prepossession for you." He said cheerfully, I looked dully up to the man who had broken my heart, but now I felt nothing but annoyed by him near. Though not for what he did, that feels like it happened years age, but for the fact I was busy thinking about Haru or Chikao I mean. " First I have a girl here who is looking for a manger, but I got to many clients who are kinda keeping me busy, so do you want her?"
"Hey wait till I'm finish. Second Tara and I are going on a date but her sister is coming up so I need to to be double. So Please please could you go with her?" He begged, I sighed and turned to his desk to see the client he was talking about while a muled of his second favor (prepossession). I gasped when I saw a every annoyed Chikao sitting at his desk glaring at his bobble head of Elvis. I quickly stood and rushed over to him.
"Hey Chikao!" I laughed when I approached him. HE quickly shushed me, and pointed to the slower couple advancing toward us.
"Call me Haru it's my stage name at the night club I'm going to start working at!" Fernand came up behind me and slammed on my back.
"Damn Jason I didn't known you knew this fine creature!" He proclaimed as Tara rolled her glossy brown eyes."Though I already have one."
"Nice save." Haru droned, getting a laugh from Tara. "Anyway is this the guy you were talking about before pretty girl here rolled in the door?" I laughed at the annoyance in Haru's voice as he glared at Tara. I wonder why he doesn't like Tara? I mean I use to not like her know I could.........care less!
"Yeah, but anyway can I steal Jason away for a minute lady's please talk amongst yourselves!" Fernand laughed pulling to the corner of his office. I knew that Haru could hear whatever Fernand was going to say. I mean Fernand I think can't whisper to save his life!
" So how about it tonight do you want to go out with Tara's sister! I mean they are twins they look just a like!" I looked to Tara her short red hair tickling her neck, pale clean skin looking dazzling in the sun light, and her rather large breast cleavage was showing a little more than I think is needed. Then I caught the stare Haru was giving to her. It was sad and a little mad I think. I look back to see Tara as calling someone and not even noticed the stare she was receving.
"Hey Jason! Are you listen I was telling you how to get there!" Fernand cried. I noticed that Haru was now staring at me with wide eyes. He quickly ran to me grabbing my arm, and smiling.
"I'm sorry but I can't allow my Jason to go anywhere another girl!"He purred sounding more like a girl than even before.
"Really your Jason? So I guess the rumor was true Chikao!" I new person from the door droned. I turned to see the almost mirror image of Tara only with blond hair. "Not only do you dress like a girl you date other boys now! Did you really believe all I told you when we split?"
"Your a boy!" Fernand muttered, while Tara gasped. "Jason your gay! I would have never guessed." I looked to Chikao who look very disturb with the fact the so said sister was causing. I glared at every eye in the room who all but Fernand seemed not okay with the shocking news.
"Chikao! Is that really you! Gross!" Tara whined while laughing. Chikao turned away from the face and dashed out of the room.
"Tara your-!" I began.
"Tara get your ass and your fucking sister ass out of my fucking office before I call security." Fernand growled at them. " You do not talk to people in my office like that. Oh and considered yourself dumped. I smiled at him as I quickly remember the poor Chikao who ran out. I dashed to my car and speed to his house only to not find him there yet.
After a minute of waiting in my car I got out and changed clothes. I quickly ran back to Chikao's house to find a small light on in the back yard.
"Chikao?" I asked looking over the fence. I saw him kicking soccer balls at a small net with furry.
I let myself in and slowly made my way to him.
"You known that blond bitch. I did go out with her, but she dumped me when she learn I was bisexual. She found it gross that I also liked men, and sometimes dressed like a girl. She also couldn't just dump me, she told my mom, who in return found it gross and sent me to my father!" She spatted at the ground. " When I heard Fernand trying to set you up with her I felt jealous. I didn't want her having you when-." he stopped to hold back a sob session. I suddenly found myself grabbing Chikao to my body where we fell back wards onto my butt.
"Chikao don't cry over the past, besides I don't date girls. But I want to date a guy who dresses and acts like a girl, but has the right body parts to make me quiver." I seductively soothed in his ears.
"really." He said in a husky voice; I smiled at that fact. I ran my cold hands over his warm chest sliding under his sweaty shirt. Running softly over his slight abs and to his erect nipples. I rubbed them betting a pleasured moan from the poor boy in my lap. I qiuckly slid him into my arms and carried him into his home up to his coach. I laid him there while grasping his soft lips with mine. I nibbled on his bottom lips before I begged entrance into his mouth. Finally he allowed me in where I quickly began to explore the warm and wet cavern. I pulled my mouth away and trailed kisses along his jaw.
"Jason..." I grasped the end of Chikao's shirt and pulled in over his head, and began to trail kisses from his neck to his left nipple. I pinched the right one between my thumb and index finger, while I flicked my tongue at the right.
"Jason.... I -" Chikao moan has he brushed his hips against mine. I smiled as hard brushed against mine making him shiver. I took his left nipple between my teethe and softly pulled getting pleasured moans from Chikao. I took my free and brought it to his hard member. I rub it through his jeans making him squirm.
"Not here Jason...HUFF....new.." I smiled and left him up. He rapped his legs around my waist as I swiftly stood keep his nipple in reach. I rushed up to his room and dropped him on the bed. I quickly ripped his jeans and mine off leaving only our boxers. His boxers matched mine in a tent, when a painfully nice idea came to mine. I straddle his his to where I member where right by each other pulling his and my boxers down a bit you grinned.
"Jason what are you doing?" Chikao asked his eyes tight as he gripped at the blackest. "OH it hurts so much it feels good." noticed his dick twitch and moaned.
"Have you ever played with swords?" I moaned. I gasped as I began to rub my member against his. I whimpered as he opened his eyes wide.
"damn..." Chikao moaned as he rubbed back. I felt myself got harder when Chikao's hand brushed against both of your erections.
"Don't let me." I said stopping are movements. He whimpered in protest as I flipped him on his tummy. I fully straddled him as I began to kiss down his small back to his small round ass. I kissed the two pink bumps and I leaned up.
"Do you have any oils?" I asked, he pointed to the table by the bed, I qiuckly snatched it and opened it. The oils drizzled onto my hand and it qiuckly got my hand warm. I split his checks and inserted one digit into his tight ass. I moan as I add another and began to stretch him. I noticed his face twitch from pleasure to pain and back to pleasure as he lift his hips up. I add another digit and finally I couldn't take it anymore.
"Chikao!" I muttered as I slowly interred him. He gasped as I enter him and slowly pushed in while grunting his name again. "Damn it's so tight!" I told him to lift his hips and he did pulling me in more. I quickly wrapped my hands around his front grabbing his dick in my hands. I gentle rubbed my thumb on the tip before grabbing his hips. I barely pulled out of him before going in again.
"Come on Faster Jason! Please!" Chikao barely moaned out to me. I nodded and rammed in him fast and hard. He screamed in pleasure as I kept pumping in and out of him. I rubbed his hips as I rode him. I finally found his prostate and rammed into it.
"Fuck!" Chikao shouted before he start purring like a cat. " Jason I'm going too..."
"I'm too..." I said moaning, as I began to hump him. Pulling his hips to mine we moaned so loud, I think the neighbers down the black heard us. Finally I heard Chikao scream my name when he came. I felt mine coming Chikao began to ram back against me harder than I thought he could mange and pushed my pf the edge when leaned up and grasped my lips. Pushing in all the way I released myself into this poor Chikao.
"Oh Chikao don't think I'm done with you yet.." I muttered as I felt him cuddle into my back.
Yeah it's finally over, though it seems kinda rushed to me.... hmmm anyway . Well I know I did something wrong. Well I hope I didn't bore you.