A/N Ahhhh I am so sorry to everyone! Especially to those lovely, patient people who kept me on their alerts and are reading this right now! I think it's been about...at least eight months since my last update? I just completely lost interest in the story because, to be quite honest, I hadn't the faintest clue what I was writing about. I was trying to write a story with themes and ideas that I hadn't experienced or knew nothing about, which after a while made it pretty hard to write. But I'm back now, with new inspiration, motivation and determination. So I WILL continue this story, and I'll finish it :) Bear with me, and I'll have some chapters up in a jiffy as I've been writing non-stop recently. Also, if you aren't to annoyed with the horrifically long gap between this and my last chapter, give my new poem a look, cause it's only around 80 words or something along those lines (no pun intended, although it did make me giggle for a moment). ANYWAY on with the show! DustEyes xx

"So where were you last night?" Tom mumbled as he poured milk into his cereal, almost missing the bowl in his tired state. He was never good with early mornings, especially on school days.

I shrugged, knowing he would be too tired to push the matter. The truth was I had been at Craig's house eating some good old Chinese food, and watching a terrible horror movie. It had been three days since Craig and I had kissed. Well maybe kiss is putting it lightly. Perhaps make-out session is a little more accurate. Anyway, we were keeping our relationship under wraps for a while, as I'd only known Craig for a few weeks so we guessed people might be a tad sceptical if they found out about us, and the last thing I needed was disapproving glances from Tom and my new friends.

The walk to school was boring with Tom slipping something in about Callie every two seconds. At least it was a nice change from his one sided conversations concerning Call of Duty. Although I must admit, I'd secretly played it now and again when Tom wasn't in the house and as terrible as I was at it, I guess I can understand some of its appeal.

When we arrived at school Tom went over to our group's table in the form room. Everyone was already there and as soon as Craig saw Tom fly past his head shot up to where I was standing, just inside the door. He smirked at me cheekily and I helplessly grinned back. His eyes were as bright as ever and his hair messier than usual, sticking up in all directions. I'm guessing he was in a hurry this morning and didn't check a mirror.

He waved me over to sit with everyone as I had done the day before in school, but I lifted a book out of my bag with the book mark signalling that I was almost finished it. I sat down at a desk on my own, not to be anti-social, but simply so I could continue reading. Craig nodded and joined back into everyone's conversation.

I'd barely opened my book when I felt a whoosh of air as someone sat down beside me. I looked up to see Holly looking at me intently. Her blonde hair was falling gently around her shoulders instead of tied in loose plaits and a few stray hairs kept falling in her eyes causing her to push them away with her hands frequently.

I closed my book and she spoke, "So how long have you and Craig been going out for?" How on earth? She raised her eyebrows knowingly at me, "Just because I'm blonde doesn't mean I don't notice these things. I don't know how everyone else hasn't noticed yet. You and Craig really need to learn how to be subtle instead of staring at each other like lost puppies."

Would Holly tell? She seems the sort to keep a secret, but what if she's told everyone already? And maybe Tom won't approve! And he'll stop talking to me! I can't lose my twin over something so silly!

Holly watched my anxious expression as I inwardly ranted and she jumped in to put my mind at ease, "Eva, don't worry I won't spill the beans to 'em. I'm happy for the two of you." She cracked a smile and I glanced over to the group to make sure no one was listening in. Sure enough Craig was the only one glancing over, and judging by his confused stare, he was out of hearing range of Holly and me. He looked so funny when he was out of the loop. Just like a confused child seeing a man climb out of a Santa suit at a Christmas grotto for the first time.

I heard the click of snapping fingers beside my ear and a hand waved in front of my face, blocking my view of Craig.

"Eva! Eyes over here! See what I mean? Be subtle." She smirked to herself for a moment before letting it fall into a frown, "But seriously, I don't think anyone would mind if you two went out, and just think how huffy Tom would get if he found out you were keeping this from him. You just need to be truthful and let the chips fall where they may." She sat back in her seat feeling satisfied with her conclusion before starting to laugh again, "God I sound like some cheesy therapist, don't I?"

I nodded and rolled my eyes at her, but even so, she had a fair point. Tom would probably be more annoyed if he found out I kept this a secret than if I just told him in the first place.

By lunch time I was aching to leave my new friends for an hour in the old practise room, so while they were all queued in the canteen for some food, I slipped away quickly and silently.

As I spent a few minutes playing and writing my music I thought of how things had changed so suddenly over the course of a few days. Of course I was still sitting alone in the practise room, but at least now I had the option of sitting with my friends. My friends. Sounds odd doesn't it? You know what's even more of a foreign concept to me right now? I have a boyfriend.

My melody was beginning to frustrate me, I had this slow eerie beginning, a beautiful optimistic middle, but I couldn't find an ending that felt right. Sure I came up with various arrangements, and I suppose each sounded okay, but I wasn't settling for okay. It needed to be perfect. Wow I'm beginning to sound like I have OCD as well as being mute.

A soft knock interrupted my thoughts and the door opened slowly to reveal Craig, "Figured you'd be in here," he spoke in a soft tone, as if he were afraid to upset the gentle and quiet atmosphere of the old practise room. "Can I come in?" I nodded and he closed the door gently behind him.

He softly took my hand which still rested on the piano keys, and pulled me up so I was facing him. His warm breath breezed over my face and he leaned in and kissed my cheek, wrapping his arms around me, and then moved his lips across my skin until they reached my lips where they remained for the next few minutes. I began to get so dizzy that I could feel myself beginning to wobble.

Craig began to gently laugh before pulling his lips away from mine. My hair had fallen into my eyes and before I could take care of it he pushed my hair behind my ears and kissed my nose causing me to blush.

"I hate to sound like a cliché but I've wanted to do that all day." I smiled, which is something I've been doing a lot lately.

"Play me something," he said nodding towards the piano.

He might not like any of my music, maybe he'll think it's terrible...

"Please?" And I made the famous mistake of letting my eyes slip into those grey whirlpools.

I sat down at the piano and Craig stepped back to give me some room. I decided to play what I had so far of my new melody. As soon as I began I forgot he was even there. Playing music took me away from reality. It took me to a place where everything was silent, except for me. Where I could whisper, sing, shout and even laugh. Too soon though, I came non-existent ending and had to stop playing abruptly, launching my mind back into the real world where I was silenced.

"Do you realise how good you are?" Craig sat beside me on the stool. I shrugged at him. Did it actually seem good to someone other than me? "You should show this to someone! There's all sorts of music based summer programmes, and performing arts schools that you would be perfect for!" I shook my head vigorously making sure I expressed my absolute opinion on that matter.

"Why not?" He tried to catch my eye to push an answer out of me. I did the only thing I could do when I didn't want to talk or communicate about something – I remained completely unresponsive.

"Okay, I'm sorry. It's just your music is great." He put his arm around me and I automatically rested my head on his shoulder.

It was at this moment that the door opened wide revealing a very confused looking Tom. "Hello Craig...hello my sister," he scratched his head and blinked for a few seconds as if he thought he were dreaming, "Well...this is awkward." He joked and chuckled slightly and I thought that maybe he wouldn't care about the secret after all, until for a moment his guard slipped and I saw a flash of hurt in his eyes. And with that he turned on his heel and walked briskly away.

I shrugged Craig's arm off of my shoulder and ran after Tom, hoping he wasn't too upset with me for keeping Craig and I a secret.

A/N Once again, apologies for the months and months of waiting, but here you go. The story is planned out chapter by chapter after this, so I'll keep writing and I promise it's picking up even more soon. Keep reading and please review! DustEyes xx