"What if I fell for you?" His voice rang clear in the crowded halls.

It was all I can hear, his voice. For a moment, I felt hope well up in me. Then I looked up. I felt disappointment crash down, dark and cold. His eyes told me that he was joking. As usual.

So I joke back, "I'd brutally reject you in a million ways."

This was our relationship, a barrage of jokes, exchanged, swung back, like a tennis match. Almost a friendship, not quite that. Trey smiled in a way that looked as if he was somewhat disappointed, ruffled my hair, and headed off to his classroom, just across the hall from mine. I figure that his disappointment has nothing to do with me, I rarely talk to him at school besides homeroom. I absently stared at his back while trying to fix my hair. Trey Morgan, the boy who has been in my homeroom every year since seventh grade, almost always sitting near me, Rachel Lindsey. Over the years, we have formed a somewhat symbiotic relationship. I'd help him with his work, he'd help me with mine.

Somewhere down the line, I guess I fell for him. I don't just mean, I fell and got right back up, I mean I fell, as in I fell from the roof a forty story building, never to get up, because I was completely and desperately in love with the boy. He'll never notice me though. To him, I'll just be one of the guys, a cool person to hang with and talk to. We know each other's phone number, but I don't think he's even realized that I live just two houses down from him.

To him, I'm someone to consult when he had girl troubles, when a girl wouldn't notice him, or something or the other. I can't imagine a girl not noticing him. He was on nearly every sport team in school, and he was good at every single one. Not enough to be the star, but definitely enough to attract the attention of girls. Dark brown hair, brown eyes, not remarkable colours, but on him, it works. He was a jock, at the top of the social hierarchy, but he never let it get to his head. He was friendly and easygoing, completely approachable. That was why, I suppose, he was always surrounded by a gaggle of giggling girls. That was why I never understood why I never heard of him having a girlfriend.

I was lucky to have known him since junior high, considering that if I didn't, I wouldn't have the nerve to talk to him now. I was average, just another on of those girls you see in the hall, one of those whose name you recognise, but whose face you never remember.

The warning bell rang threateningly loud and I jumped, jolted out of my reverie. I turned around to get to class, but not before I saw Trey staring at me, a smirk on his face, giving me a thumbs-up. I knew what he was thinking, "Good job, Rachel the Astronaut, how was your time on Mars?" He said that to me a lot, ever since he realized that I tended to space out.

I almost entered my class when someone stormed out of Trey's class, shouting, "Rachel! Rachel!"

I turn around to find Trey, wondering what he was going to say.

"It's gonna rain after school ends."

Figures Trey would make a big deal to tell me something so obvious, the dark clouds were already gathering in the sky. I nod in reply, there was nothing to say.

"You didn't bring an umbrella today," he points out.

Impatient, I nod again. As much as I enjoy the fact that Trey noticed something about me and was talking to me, I was not too keen on getting to class late. It was quiet, awkward. I wonder what he was getting at. He seemed hesitant to say something.

"Well then," I look at him and turn back to enter the class.

"No, wait!" he said, biting his lip, "Rachel... Would you like a ride home?" he blurted out.

"Um... sure," I said, getting more confused by the second, "So, I'll see you later?"

He nodded, smiling, and headed into his class.

After school ended, I waited outside Trey's classroom. He appeared, talking to a beautiful blond girl.

"You are coming to the party tomorrow, right?"

"Tomorrow? Sure, why not." he answered.

"It's a date! It won't be a party without you there!" the girl, Cassie Morris, smiled brightly, kissed his cheek, waved him good-bye.

I watched as she sauntered down the hall, feeling quite hollow and desolate. Trey saw me, smiled so happily and beckoned me to follow. Of course, I did. He waited at the school entrance until I caught up. When we pushed open the door, I saw that it was pouring outside. I couldn't see anything beside the sheets of water falling down. The weather mirrored my inner feeling; the turbulence and the tears that threatened to well up in my eyes.

A small part of me wished the rain would drown me and just end the pain I felt. It was like someone took a scalpel and emptied my insides out. Trey put his arms around me and opened his umbrella. He guided me through the rain to his car. Rummaging through his pocket, he took out the car keys and opened the passenger door.

"Get in," he said gruffly. When I got in, he slammed the door shut. Was someone in a bad mood or what?

He got in the driver's seat and started the engine, "So something bad happened in class?" He asked without looking at me.


"You look as if someone ran over your cat."

Was I so transparent that everyone can see I felt depressed?

"Nothing," I sighed, "It's... nothing. What about you?"

He didn't answer. He kept his eyes on the road. It was amazing, really, since I can't even see the road. He turned on the heater, within a minute, the car's windows had started to steam up. Trey cursed, and turned his car into a parking lot. He grabbed his umbrella, and went outside.

"Stay here, alright?" he asked as he closed the door.

Ten minutes later, he came back in, holding a large bag that smelled of food. He slid back into the seat, and opened it. Immediately, the smell of greasy burgers and fries assaulted my senses. My stomach rumbled in hunger. I hadn't eaten lunch today, I woke up late that morning and forgot to bring money. He handed a burger to me.

"You're hungry right?" The slightest smile flitted at his lips, "You didn't eat lunch."

I carefully unwrapped the burger and savored each bite. He then started on his burger. We ate in silence, listening to the raindrops fall on the car, making a hollow tup-tup-tup sound.

Suddenly, a question popped into my head, "Wait. Do you even know where I live?"

He turned to look at me, a funny expression on his face, "You live two doors down from me. Haven't you noticed that?"

"Uh, yeah, I have. I just didn't think you knew..." I turned around to look out the window on my right, so he wouldn't see my face.

"So what's up with you and Cassie?" I ask when we reach my driveway.

His eyes darkened, "She invited me to a party."

"But that doesn't answer my question," I prodded, knowing that his answer will probably kill me on the inside.

"She's my girlfriend."

"Oh," I figure this might as well be the last time I talk to him. What was the point, when my heart was crushed? I knew what type of girl he liked now, and it was pointless to try to be like her. I might as well tell him how I felt about him.

"You know Trey, I had a crush on you. But I guess that I won't ever stand a chance, right?"

I look him in the eye, his mouth was open, as if to say something. Then I turn around and open the door and leave without a goodbye. I walk up my driveway and fumble with my keys, barely managing to open the door. I dash up to my room, and look at myself in the mirror. I was soaked. I knew that even on a really good day, that compared to Cassie, I was insignificant, perhaps hideous. I peel off my wet clothes, and take a shower. Usually when I'm upset, a hot shower makes everything better. But not today. The pain was too much, too great. I dry myself and put on new clothes. I drop myself onto my bed. I can't cry, though I feel that if I could, I would feel so much better.

I must've fallen asleep on my bed like that, since the next thing I knew, my cell phone was shrieking, willing me awake. Touching my eyes, I realize they were wet. I've been crying. I was wrong. Crying made me feel so much worse. Checking the caller ID, my heart nearly stops. It was Trey. I didn't feel like talking to him, I probably couldn't talk to him without crying. So I turn off my phone, and drop back on my bed. Next, the home phone started ringing, it was Trey again. I cursed its inconvenience, it wouldn't stop ringing unless I picked it up, and I wouldn't.

The phone rang for five minutes until it appeared that he had finally given up. What made him so desperate to call? Why couldn't he leave me alone the day I wished he'd just disappear?

I head back upstairs, and stuff my earbuds into my ears and fall asleep with the lights still on listening to music.

"Rachel?" It was my sister.

"What?" I said grouchily, my head buried beneath a mountain of pillows.

"Someone's here to visit you."

I heard my older sister leaving and someone else coming in. I sighed, upset with whoever disturbed my sleep. Sitting up, I rubbed my eyes. And stared at my visitor.

"Trey?" I was confused, then the day's events caught up with my sleep muddled brain.

His eyes were red, he had been crying. Why? He sat on the edge of my bed. Though he was wet, I didn't argue.

"I just needed someone to talk to."

I frown. As much as I hated everything about him right now, I still had to listen. He was somewhat of a friend, and I didn't want to lose him, "What's wrong?"

"Cassie and I broke up."

I was shocked, they were getting along so well earlier.

"She dumped you? Why?"

Trey snorted, "She didn't. I ended it."

"Why?" I asked again, clueless as ever, "You two seemed to get along so well earlier."

And that was when I realized that his hand was stroking my hair.

"Because I realized that I had a chance with a girl I loved. I wouldn't forgive myself if I let her go."

"And who's that?" I whisper, breathless.

And he didn't answer. He put both hands on my face. When his lips touched mine, it was all I can think about. Trey. This was Trey, the boy I was in love with. He loved me. He loved me, of all girls. What were the odds?

He let his lips brush up my cheeks, and whispered in my ear, "I love you."

And as we sat on my bed, bodies and hearts intertwined, I listened to the gentle drip-drip-drip of the rain. It sounded lighthearted and happy, and it promised sunshine after a dark day. Nothing reflected my mood better.