Hello My Name's...Hostage
Chapter One: Dr Pepper
© Chazza-x
Somebody save my life – Anything But Ordinary, Avril Lavigne
Tears started to form behind my light grey eyes, I couldn't blink them away. I couldn't look away from the horrific scene in front of me. I felt my blood run cold as I stared at the man with blood down his scared face. I felt a scream build in my dry throat, but I couldn't scream. If I screamed then they would know I was there and then...and then I would probably end up like the man in front of me. Terrified and staring into the face of death itself.
I started shaking violently when I heard the clear click of a gun. I turned my frightened gaze to the man – I could tell it was a man from his build – that was causing the shop owner so much pain. He was dressed all in black; black, polished dress shoes, black dirty jeans and a black long-sleeved polo neck. On his face was a black mask, it covered his whole head, only two holes for his eyes and another one for his mouth.
I felt sweat trickled down my face as I thought about calling the police. I could easily just walk out of the shop again, but then I would make a noise from outside when I opened the door. I couldn't call the police from inside the shop because they would hear me, and then the man would have no chance of escaping. I was surprised that they didn't know I was in there, though they were pretty consumed in what they were doing.
"P-please, tell Mr Stewart that I-I'll pay his money back. I p-promise, the shop is doing g-g-great in business now, one more week. Please, j-just one more week!" The shop owner cried, tears running down his middle aged face.
My heart broke as I watched him beg for his life, I wanted to help him so much. I looked all around me, searching for something that could help the man escape. Anything would do; my eyes widened when I saw thirty tubes of Pringles next to me. I slowly bent down and reached for the first tube of delicious crisps with my snow-white hand, picking it up I noticed that it wasn't very heavy but it might be a good distraction for the man to run.
Flicking my midnight black hair out of my face, I picked up another three tubes. I was careful not to make a single noise in case the man with the gun turned around and shot me. That would not be good.
"Nope," his voice was deep and husky...it was also kind of familiar. Like a song you used to love as a kid, but stopped listening to when you grew up. "You didn't pay your debt, you know what happens when you don't pay your debts, mate."
I gulped down another scream and got ready to throw the first Original flavoured Pringles at the back of the monsters head. It flew from my hands and thumped him in the back of the head, for a second my heart stopped beating, there was no turning around now. The man rubbed the back of his head as he quickly whipped around to face me. I threw more Pringles.
"RUN!" I screamed at the shop keeper, after about thirty seconds he got the point and ran. I kept on chucking tubes.
I really needed to get out of there.
I was Pandora Dean. Seventeen years old, though I could easily pass for eighteen. I had just above the waist, wavy ebony hair. Grey-silver eyes, which were always rimmed with mascara and black eyeliner. I was a Goth, though I did sometimes like to wear long white dresses. I had come to the corner shop for a Dr Pepper. Turns out I was going to have to run for my life from a psycho almost-killer.
A shot rang out next to me, the bullet had missed me by one centimetre, eyes turning into saucers I ran as fast as I could out of the corner shop. I heard the man behind me; I felt the shot ring out around me. Oh, God I was gonna die. And I hadn't eve finished watching series six of Buffy the Vampire Slayer!
Tears fell from my orbs as I ran around a corner, my black Doc Martins thumped against the damp floor. My heart raced. My breath deepened. My blood ran cold. Sweat slipped down my face. My legs ached. My skin prickled with coldness. My eyes darted around the streets. My skin shook with fear. Fear's a terrible thing.
Suddenly an arm reached out and dragged me down an alley. I got ready to scream for my life before a sweaty hand clamped down on my lipstick red lips. I started wriggling around in fear, and in hope that the person holding me would let me go.
"Don't move, it's me; Martin the shopkeeper." A voice whispered in my ear. I visually relaxed.
He turned me around to face me; Martin was the same height as me. But he was fatter than me, I wasn't super skinny. I was...average. Not fat, yet not skinny.
"We have to call the police, get that man arrested." I hissed at him once he removed his hand.
"No." He stated simply.
"WHAT! What do you mean no? He. Was. Going. To. Kill. You." I demanded what the hell he was on. That...monster deserved to rot in jail.
"I went to a lone shark. I knew what would happen if I didn't pay him back." He told me like I was four.
"Martin, are you hearing yourself. The monster was going to murder you. If I hadn't of stopped him he would have, you would never see your kids grow up. You remember your kids don't you, the twins. Their four aren't they! If you died they would never know their Dad!" I cried, though I didn't shout. It was more of a whisper shout.
"I did it for them!" He glared at me, rage yet guilt in his brown orbs.
"Jasmine and Leo wasn't it? I'm sure that you could have gone to a bank, and even then you would have found a way to pull through, for them. They need their Daddy." I muttered.
"All well, he did what he thought was best." A husky voice interrupted Martin before he could say anything.
I froze, oh god please say I was imagining. No, I thought I lost him half way up the street. I was brought back to reality when yet another gunshot raced past me. And into...into the centre of Martin's forehead. My mouth fell open as I watched him die instantly. He dropped to the floor, his eyes still wide open. The look of fear still gazing slightly in them.
I heard the click of a gun.
I ran.
And faster.
And faster.
It was the look in Martin's eyes that kept me going.
That kept me running.
It was the look that made me dodge the bullets.
Out run the murderer.
The look made me want to live more than ever.
It was the look that brought me too the woods.
I knew the woods, when I turned ten I made a den somewhere hidden inside the heart of the woods. I knew it like the back of my hand, and unlike many of the girls in the care home where I lived I wasn't afraid of being there at night. Or in the day. Or at Christmas.
I ran towards the biggest and scariest looking tree. Once when I was fifteen I had climbed all the way to the top, it was a week before one of the girls at the home fell from the third branch and broke her neck. I never climbed trees again.
I tried to slow my breathing down as I leaned against the trunk of the tree. I tried to calm the racing in my heart. I tried so hard to survive.
But he caught up with me.
"Sorry, love, couldn't let ya get away."
But I'm sure it was just my imagination. And I was sure that I had just fainted with stress.
He could not have caught up with me.
AN: I own nothing that you recognise, I hope you like the new version of Hello my Name is...Hostage. I'm trying to make it less confusing and more realistic in a sense. Please remember to review! Also the competion is still up, thank you to the two people who entered, basically if you don't know what the competion is, you have to make up a character for this story. Tell me their name, description, personality etc etc. The competitons open until.....about the fifth chapter! Thanks.
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