Hey everyone! Sorry it's taken a while to update! I hope you all like this chapter! :D And thanks to everyone who's been reading and reviewing! Please Review ! :)
Chapter 19
I suppressed an eye roll, I didn't want him to ask me about the "vision." I clicked my tongue to stall, staring out into space once again. "It-" I shook my head, thinking of the right words. "I had a 'vision,'" I shrugged my shoulders, acting like it didn't matter.
He sighed, leaning back on his bed. "Save it, Haylie, don't shrug. You're hiding something, and that something must be huge. What was the vision about? I know it wasn't about ponies, so spill." He gave me the boyish grin that caused my heart to skip a beat, then, pouting his bottom lip, he added: "Please." I laughed, hitting him in the shoulder. "Owe," he frowned, holding his shoulder, "mean much?"
I smirked. "That didn't hurt, and you know it."
He raised an eye brow, giving me a full on sexy grin that almost made me gasp aloud. "How do you know?"
I stared at him while I crossed my arms, cocking him a half smile.. "You do farm work, you've probably gotten hurt tons of times, I'm sure my tiny punch hurt you." I drew out the last word, then I rolled my eyes. "Stop being such a drama queen."
He smiled amusingly. "Drama Queen?"
I nodded. "Yeah, they complain a lot. Oh, princes complain a lot too...well, from way back when, not now a days, though..." I held my finger to my chin in a thinking gesture while sending him a cocky smile, I left the sentence hanging, letting him finish it in his mind.
He held up a finger as if he was counting something. Then, standing up he started to pace the room, "you underestimate your strength, young one. That was a powerful punch, I have every right to be upset."
He was talking old times, and I couldn't help but laughing. "Oh yeah?"
He gave a tight nod. "Yeah, you do. You see..." he held out his hand, and I grabbed it. Suddenly, he pulled me up. Taking my hand, he lifted it gently. "This hand, well, this hand has a lot of strength. Farm injuries are less painful."
"So, falling off a horse hurts less?" I bugged, poking him in the chest.
He touched the stop I poked, considered, then nodded. "Yeah, pretty much."
I shook my head, my hair flying all over and covering my face. "You're such a faker." He pushed aside the fallen pieces of hair in front of my face as I continued to shake my head.
His touch sent wild chills through my body, and I froze abruptly, not daring to speak for I might stutter. I stared at my feet, trying to regain my breathing that I lost.
Suddenly, taking me by total surprise he put his hand behind my neck and his free arm around my waist. Smiling, he pulled me closer. "Am I?"
I heard my own voice gasp as I looked up at him, and my heart felt like it was caught in my throat and I couldn't speak. My mind was spinning. Heat from his warm hand surged through my body like a comet and I couldn't look away from his grassy green eyes. His lips were right there...so full...such a perfect opportunity. "N-no." I stuttered out, proving myself right that I shouldn't of spoke. I cursed myself silently while I kept staring into his mesmerizing gaze.
He grinned, his eyes searching mine for something. "I'm just playing with you."
I swallowed as I tried to claim all my breath back into my lungs. I nodded shyly, not trusting my own voice at the moment.
My heart slammed againts my chest so fast I thought it was bound to come out at any moment. My mind kept screaming at me to do something, but I was frozen in his embrace. He was so close...I tried to keep my eyes locked with his, but mine kept wandering to his full lips. It's so hard to explain how I feel, being in this position. I've never had a boyfriend, never been held by a guy...besides Joe. Which did not feel right. But this...with Jason kept so normal, that it shocked me. I've never been in a real relationship, and suddenly I told myself I wanted to be with Jason. He sent waves through me all the time, held me, made me feel safe...no one has made me feel safe.
He leaned down slowly, bending his head carefully. A bunch of emotions sped through my body as he neared. I felt his warm breath on my lips, and just before he kissed me I pulled away slightly. I ducked my head, not wanting him to see my embarrassed face. I wanted this so bad, wanted to taste him, but I didn't feel ready to kiss yet. I wanted to take it slow, and...
He lifted my chin up gently. "I'm sorry."
I rested my head on his shoulder. "No, I'm sorry...I-I'm not ready yet."
"Is it because of Joe?" he whispered.
"Yes." I said through my tears. It was true, Joe hurt me so badly, used me, that it brought make too many memories.
"What's wrong?" he questioned while he stroked my back soothingly. His touch just made me want to faint, it was like silk on my skin...smooth, calming, and sexy.
I kept my tear streaked face in his shoulder. "When him and I kissed he wanted sex afterward, and he wasn't nice to me...I know you wouldn't do that to me. And he used me, and I know you also wouldn't do that but-"
"I understand." He murmured. "I swear, I want to kill Joe." I felt his embrace tighten around me. "He shouldn't of treated you that way."
I pulled away while wiping my cheeks. "It's okay." When Jason was about to protest, I started before he could. "I'll tell you my vision." I didn't want to say that, but it was the first thing that came in my mind.
He sat down, taking my hand and started making lazy circles with his thumb. His gaze never faltered with mine. "Fine, but we're not done talking about him." He smiled then, waving me on. "Whenever you're ready."
So I told him the whole vision. The three people, two of which were Jason and Sam, and the third unknown. The giant egg, everything. His mouth was gaping open in shock, and his eyes said that he was clearly confused.
"An egg came from the sky?" he asked, puzzlement written clearly on his handsome face. Despite the moment, and everything that's going on, I wanted to laugh because he looked so much like a young boy, and sounded the part too.
I shrugged, remembering the dream all over, how horrible it had felt. "Yeah, red and black like the colour of...darkness." I shook my head as if the memory would go away. "Weird, eh?"
He nodded, his mind fixed elsewhere. "Yeah, but before we dwell on it any farther I had a vision too."
I widened my eyes, then narrowed them as I leaned forward curiously. "About what?"
He scratched his shaggy set of hair, seeming lost in thought. "It was odd. Usually I only see up to the part when the man curls up to the wall, but not this one. The man was my Father, and he was scared and everything, Martin said the weirdest things to him."
I waited for him to go on, but he stared off out the window, his eyes fixed on anything while he thought about something. I took his hand. "Jason, hey, it's okay." When his eyes returned to mine, I saw they had UN-shed tears in them, and he truly looked like a young boy. Only, he looked like a devastated young boy. I squeezed his hand in encouragement while giving him a small smile.
He sighed heavily as he attempted a smile that him and I know was not convincing, and he started. "Martin said: 'You fool, do you not know who I am?' and then he said that he'll concur, and that my Father is getting in his way, and that I'll get in his way. But...the weirdest thing was that he mentioned you, he said that the pathetic little girl, meaning you, will get in his way, but that he'll take care of you...not in a good way I presume." He froze, clenching his jaw tightly, I guessed he was re-playing the vision. "I wont let him hurt you, and you are not pathetic."
Tears spilled angrily from his eyes as he remembered the vision, and I pulled him into a tight hug that I hopped made him feel safe. "It'll be okay."
He embraced me, stroking my hair softly as if he might lose me any moment. "He wont hurt you, I promise."
His touch felt amazing, it felt right. And I'm not just saying that. He sent warmness surging through my body every time he touched me, and it felt so fantastic, so right, that I don't want to leave his arms.
When I pulled back, I was crying too. "I trust you." Then, I took my hand and wiped his tears. "Now, we need to stop crying so we can figure all this out." I paused and stroked his cheek, then smiled softly. "I'm sure your Father was a great and strong man."
Jason grinned, his eyes far away, as he remembered his Father I'm guessing. "Oh, he was. He would of loved you." He paused, then took in a ragged breath. "Oh, how I miss him."
I cocked my head sadly, then took his hand in my own. At first I stroked it absently, then I brought it too my heart, holding it there. When he looked away from my gaze, I took my finger tips on my free hand and turned his head back to me. "Jason, can you feel my heart beating?"
He nodded tightly, not trusting his voice.
I took his other hand then, and held it to his heart. "Can you feel yours?"
Again, he nodded. I felt his hand squeeze mine softly. I grinned.
"We're both alive. And as long as you're alive, your Father will always be here with you." I stopped and considered, then gave him a sweet smile. "Well, even if you're gone he'll still be with you. But, my point is, he's always in your heart and he's always in the space around, don't forget that."
We stared at each other and I never took his hand from my chest. The hand I held to his chest grabbed my hand, and he held it himself, then brought it to his lips and brushed them with such softness I didn't know was possible. I felt myself blush suddenly, his lips warming every part of my body...sending a longing through me. "Thank you."
I smiled like a silly girl, then caressed his hair. "Any time." I paused, then remembered something I've been meaning to tell him. "I believe you." I said abruptly, taking him off guard.
He cocked his head, his hair falling to the right. "About...?"
I smiled, then let out a huge breath I didn't realize I was holding until now. "I said a while ago that you'd have to get me proof to believe it was visions...well, no need, I got it. I believe you." I drew out the last word, making him understand.
He kissed my hand once more, sending more gigantic waves through my body, then let it go. "You're amazing. I was hoping so badly you'd believe me."
I smiled gleefully, suddenly feeling a little bit giddy because of the kiss. We sat for a while, then a thought came in my head. "Lets say we go to the forest, I miss that place..." I glanced out the window, then back at Jason. "We have a little time. We can worry about the egg and everything tomorrow, okay?" I wanted him and I to catch up, talk, and forget about the crazy things and focus on something else for once.
He nodded happily and he shook his hair from his eyes. "I'd love that."
He grabbed my hand and pulled me up, bringing me into his waiting embrace. "I'm so happy you're back." He whispered into my hair.
That's the 19th chapter! :) Review? :D