You know you're not a teenager anymore when…


-You realize that all your angsty poetry sucks

-You can't eat anything you want without actually gaining weight

-You leave MTV for its older brother, VH1

-Living with your parents begins to look…ridiculous

-Suddenly half of your wardrobe looks even more ridiculous

-Jobs with minimal wage are not as useful to your needs as they used to

-You look as one of those "TV Teens"

-Party in your basement playing Halo is not funny anymore

-Party with girls, booze and Halo IS funny…

-You leave MySpace for Facebook

-Your "pop-star" reference is Britney Spears, or even Hillary Duff; Miley Cirus is nobody for you.

-Your face doesn't look like a Pizza, the Moon surface or an Iraq Battlefield

-Spending the Christmas with your family moved from "Hell" to just "Purgatory" level in the scale of awkwardness

-It's not illegal to respond your "teacher's" smooth moves (if you know what I mean…)

-It's illegal if you are the teacher (but I'm saving that for my "you know you're not a young adult anymore when…")

-Voting doesn't look as glamorous or political relevant as it used to seem

-You realize how retarded you look when you shout "fascist!" at every single person you disagree with.

-…And you actually know the meaning of "fascist"

-You know your parents can't legally ground you…

-…and yet, you try to have "good behaviour", since you also know they can kick you out from their house.

-A break up is a good excuse to eat ice cream or getting drunk, but it doesn't looks anymore like the 2012 Mayan Apocalypse in terms of pain or destruction.

-You can actually think before act…

-…but you do the idiotic thing anyway

And specially, you're not a teen anymore when you stop thinking only in yourself, and start thinking in how much the other people's suck