Well, I brained stormed and decided that the name of Tristan's story was going to be titled, "Thank You." It's actually the name of a song by Led Zeppelin. Anyway, so I'm sort of sad this story is over and if you are too, don't worry Jacey and Chris will be in the squeal. Hell even Vinny, Case and Rena! I'll be posting the first chapter right after I post this. So go look for it.
Thanks to everyone for reading and reviewing my first ficitionpress story, it really means a lot. So really, thank you.
With love,
Epilogue- Tristan.
Five years later.
I turned around and glared at Michael, before walking towards his car.
"What the hell took you so long man?" I demand, while sliding into the front seat.
"Remmington. You know he needs to look good everywhere he goes."
I turn my glare towards Rem in the back seat.
"Don't give me that look; you know I don't do it on purpose."
I roll my eyes. "Yeah whatever, you bitches knew I had to go see Jacey in the hospital. She'd never forgive me if I didn't go see her."
"Yeah we know, we know." Michael says, this time rolling his eyes.
"Nothing man." Rem says. "We just know that you're excited she's finally home."
I don't say anything; instead I turn my head and face the window. Truth was I was excited she was coming home. She was more my sister than my brother was my brother. She helped me out a lot and I did whatever I could to help her during her "No Touching phase". Since I was being honest, I'll admit that she's probably the only person I've ever said I love you to since- well since never. She had a special impact on my life and I'd be crazy not to be excited she was home.
A hand reaches out and lands on my shoulder. "Trist?"
I shake my head and look towards Rem. "We're here."
I take a deep breath and slide out of the car, pushing up the passenger seat so Rem could slide out.
We walked up to her hospital room in silence; they knew I was excited to see Jacey, but my brother, not so much.
My brother and I hadn't really clicked. Sure he came home from the holidays but we were stiff and awkward around each other.
"You'll be fine, Tristan." Mike says, breaking the silence. "You don't even have to talk to him. You're here for Jacey, remember?"
I nod my head glad that he already knew what I was thinking without actually having to tell them.
I gripped the door handle tightly in my hand before pushing it open.
I smile instantly recognizing Jacey's voice. She was lying on the bed her arm wrapped tightly against her body. Her shoulder needed major surgery after an accident she had in her senior year of softball.
"Hey there Jace." I said stepping forward and hugging her softly on her good side. "Congrats heard you won that championship."
"You did not hear it Tristan!" She exclaims. "You better of watched it on TV."
"You know he did." Rem said stepping forward. "How's it going Jace?"
"Fine." She mutters.
Chris smiles and pushes her hair back from her face. "She's mad."
"I can tell." I dead pan, before turning to her. "About what?"
"She can't throw a ball anymore." Casey, Michael's older brother says as he walks through the door.
I turn to Jacey again as Mike and Casey start talking.
"What does he mean you can't throw a ball anymore?" I demand.
"I lost like half the feelings in my arm." She shrugs her one shoulder. "Don't feel sorry for me." She says, reading the pity on my face. "It was way worth it. I knew what would happen when I decided to put off the surgery. It's my own dammed fault."
"About time you owned up to it." My brother mumbled under his breath.
Vincent, his best friend, caught onto it and laughed.
"What was that laugh for Vincent?" Jacey asks with a raised eye brow.
He clears his throat loudly. "N-nothing Jace."
"Sure." Rena, Vin's wife, says with a grin.
"No really it was-" Vin stops and turns to me. "Didn't you have some news for Tristan?"
He was obviously trying to change the subject, but it must have really been something important for it to distract Jacey.
"Oh yeah!" She turns to me, her smile huge. "We're going to be family!"
I stare at her. "Did they drug you or something? I thought we already were family."
She sighs and holds out her left hand with a huge, glittering diamond. "No, silly. I meant real family. The wedding is set for your Christmas break."
Mike lets out a low whistle. "Damn."
"Tell me about it little brother." Casey says, slapping him on the shoulder. "Now I'm the only single one."
"You act as though that bothers you." Chris says with a smirk.
Casey seems lost in the thought for a moment before saying, "You're right. It so doesn't."
Rena makes a noise of disgust.
"Anyway." Jacey interrupts loudly. "There's something else."
I raise an eye brow.
"Your brother and I were talking and-"
She stops, takes a deep breath, look me in the eye and blurts out the words that change everything.
"We want you to move in with us."