We traverse this world twice over, looking
for ourselves, for meaning, for
love. We are cold, fighting an inner war
and all over the most precious thing,
we stomp our careless feet, not
realising we trample over this priceless place:
Earth; over a skeleton with no face;
over people we have left to rot
in our reckless haste. We walk over
civilisations left behind and forgotten,
ignore how graceless gifts are ill-begotten.
We throw nature away like a used lover,
failing to remember how it loves us
like a parent, like a Mother. Deep
beneath our footprints, antiquity weeps
because we destroyed their trust
in the future. We destroyed an unrecovered
past and the secrets it carried with care.
We damage and destroy beyond repair
all the beauty that once covered
our heads. We walk over graves and we
don't see the bones that need to be salted
and burned so we cannot be haunted
by the grief, pain and loss. Life is not free
and there is a price we refuse to pay.
Every step we take is upon earth
millions of years old, before the birth
of a melody we have forgotten to play.
The air we breathe to survive is older
still and isn't that a glorious thought?
We live lives that cannot be bought
so love everything before we get any colder.