Chapter One: Pint-size Hero

"Unit Two, go after Miller. Don't let that bastard ran away!" yelled captain Strutson. As soon as the words left his mouth, two burly officers tackled a scrawny man to the floor. They handcuffed him and held him firm to the ground as he tried to wriggle around. Mission completed. Miller had been captured and being led into the waiting police car. Captain Strutson looked at his surrounding. The situation was chaotic.

There had been a bust here, behind an old abandoned hangar. One of the largest child prostitution ring had taken place there not long ago. Months of evidence collecting, stake outs and careful planning had nailed the main persecutor, Ivan Miller. The bust had been quick. Inside information had let the police knew that tonight, less people will be guarding the hangar. Inside the hangar, nearly one hundred of girls had been captured and held hostage. Most of them were below the age of eighteen. The youngest is almost fourteen. Captain Michael Strutson was really tired. It had been a very really long day. They had been on the site for nearly eight hours.

The press were starting to crowd the location. The girls had been transported back to the station where they will be taken care of. Further action will be discussed in regard of their well-being. Strutson hate this kind of exploitation the most. Nobody with a heart can commit such a crime. The girls seemed traumatize by the whole event. He scanned around the site to look for a familiar face. Someone who had helped tremendously on this case. Then he notice her. Almost swallowed by the crowds. He was about to walk up to her when a female reporter from Channel 6 beat him to it. "I'm here behind the location of the arrest. Ivan Miller is captured by the police and shall be brought to justice immediately. What concerns people most is the situation faced by these girls. Standing beside me is one of them. By looking at her appearance, she must be not more than fifteen."

Strutson raised an eyebrow at what the reporter had just said. "Uh oh, I have to stop them before she explode" he thought to himself and made his way to her. The oblivious reporter continued to talk and try to interview her unwilling subject. The reporter then pat the head of the girl not realizing the impending danger. "I am twenty five! Fucking twenty plus five!" the girl barked out suddenly. "I am not a girl I am a woman and stop petting my head you stinking... umph!" her tirade was stopped suddenly by a large hand on her mouth. Captain Strutson quickly took over the situation. "Go back to the van Andrew! Go. I will handle this." She stared at him hard and glared at the cowering reporter. "Yes sir." she gritted her teeth, turned back and made her way to the police van. Strutson went back to the reporter and tried to play down the whole fiasco.

The so called 'girl' sat by the van and drinking a cup of coffee offered by her colleague. No-one could deny that officer Samantha Andrew really looked her part. With long light brown hair, big green eyes, heavily applied make up and skimpy dress, she looked exactly like one of the girls. She blend in so easily with the scene. Thats why no one from Miller's side suspected that she was an undercover cop. She had been on this case for almost two months. Feeding information to the police on what's going on and where the girls are going to be transported. "Who does she think she is? Simply assuming my age? how dare she!" she fumed. She looked around and yawned. Today had been a really long day and she was tired to the bone.

She blinked sleepily and scratched her "breast". Her bra had been stuffed with padding to make them look bigger. The normally flat chested officer reached under her breast and took out the stuffing. "Ahem. You could wait until you get home to do that Sam." A voice behind her said. "It itches! and my back ached! These thing are so heavy they almost bend my spine! " she pointed at her chest and continued to empty the stuffings in her bra and toying with the silicon padding. She didn't really need to wear a bra considering her underdeveloped chest area. Strutson looked at her with amusement and shook his head. This is one of his best undercover officer. Without her, this mission will not be succeeded. She then proceed to shake off her wig. Shoulder length dirty blonde hair peeked out from all directions. He looked on, trying to hide a smile. Samantha perhaps is one of the brightest and competent officer. But she was often misunderstood by people around her because of her looks. With her curly blonde hair, big eyes, long lashes, rosy plump lips, pale skin and small size, it is hard to take her seriously.

She looked just like a doll! He had misjudged her when they first met. The same goes with the others. Boy... how she proved them wrong. With her black belt in karate, she kicked all the others' asses while sparring. She proved to be a witty, hardworking, reliable, intelligent and brave young woman. He looked at her proudly. He had taken her under his wing and considered her as his own daughter. "Old man, can I go home now? I'm about to fall asleep standing," Sam grumbled. Sleep deprivation and Sam does not mix well. "Alright Andrew good job today. Go get some rest and we will meet you at the precinct tomorrow. Salander will give you a ride." He said and guided her to the waiting officer. "Kay, see you tomorrow. *yawn* g'night" she waved back and got inside the car. Strutson looked on until the car is out of side. "The pint-size hero did it again" he thought to himself and smiled and walked back.