Finding Love after Marriage

Summary: After the marriage of a Prince and a Princess, it is does not become a happily ever after right away; especially when the marriage is arranged.

This takes place at no particular time or place. The story is already completed and I will update the chapters as I review them one last time. I appreciate constructive criticism (I'm a dancer so I'm criticized all the time). I wrote this for my own enjoyment and decided to share it.

The idea of an arranged marriage is very interesting to me and I have found very few stories to read about it so I decided to write my own. I had three going at the same time so I hope to update all of them.

~Chapter 1~

They told me to sit and wait: so I did. I sat alone in the hallway of the castle, the first time I had been alone for a week it seemed. The past few days seemed to have blended together. Faster than I could even comprehend it all came rushing back and the reality of the situation struck. I fumbled with my skirts trying to compose myself. It was no use; the tears welled up and blurred my vision like frost upon a glass window. I couldn't control myself any longer and I wept. Something a princess should never do, at least not out in the open. In the words of my father, "it was unbecoming of a lady of my station,"--it showed weakness.

My grief did not come from being engaged but from being engaged to a man I had never met, Prince Gerard. My engagement had come as a predictable surprise. How could I have never seen it coming? The memory of my father telling me the news was still fresh in my mind.

"Evelyn, I need to speak with you." Father started. "I have some very exciting news!" he led me to a chair and had me sit while he remained standing. "I'm sure you're well aware of the conflict between our house and that of the Ferris'." I nodded. "Well, I have been corresponding with King Herald Ferris and we both agree it is time to end it."

"That's wonderful, but what does this have to do with me?" I asked.

"We both think that the best way to settle things between our kingdoms would be to combine the houses." My palms began to sweat and my stomach began to turn. "We have decided that you and Prince Gerard will wed."

"But how…" I started.

"I know this comes as a shock to you but I'm afraid this should have been done a long time ago. I take the blame for letting you idle here so long. You should have been married long before now. You'll have to forgive me but I've done the best I can raising you without a mother…and she would be so proud if she could see you now…but as your brother, Edmund, is reaching the age of a man it is time you start your own family and have someone to look after you so I can start preparing Edmund to take the throne." He paused as though waiting for me to respond, but I could find no words. I just searched his face, looking for a sign that this was all some sick joke.

When I said nothing he continued, "We will leave in a few days to begin our journey to meet the Ferris'. Oh, don't look so sad Evey, you will be very happy. I hear the Prince is a fine young man and will one day be a great king, and you will be his queen. This is your duty to your house and kingdom and as my daughter you will fulfill it. Now get some rest, we have a long few days ahead of us."

And with that he left me.

Looking back now, I can see how naïve I was to think that this would never happen to me. I had stopped crying now, but a few silent tears still escaped from my eyes.

So many thoughts were racing through my head. Would we be happy? Could I learn to love him? Could he learn to love me? I had seen 18 summers, an age that deemed me a woman, but in my heart I still felt young and vulnerable. I had always dreamed of falling in love and getting married, not the other way around.

My thoughts were cut off by raised voices behind the large doors across from me. I quickly brushed the remaining tears off my cheeks and tried to make myself look presentable, to make my father proud.

The voices softened for a time but before long the doors opened and out stepped my father. "You can come in now Evelyn." He smiled. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't return it as I rose and began to walk across the hall. When I stepped across the threshold I was greeted (if you could call it that) with an array of people. I recognized the king sitting on a couch and sitting next to him was who I presumed to be the queen. The king seemed pleased with himself but the queen's expression was hard to read.

Across from them sat several gentlemen. I tried to find which one might be my future husband but I prayed it was not one of them. They looked closer to the age of my father than of a prince. Standing in the middle of the room was a tall, handsome man in his mid-twenties.

"May I present to you the Princess Evelyn Morgandy." My father introduced me. I gave a small nod in recognition, all the while trying not to panic.

At this, King Herald stood and kissed my hand. "It is a pleasure to finally meet you. I would like for you to meet my wife Maura and finally," he turned me back to the man standing, "My son Prince Gerard."

"Your Highness," I curtsied, "It is a pleasure to meet you." Perhaps this would be a good match after all.

The Prince looked at me for a moment then to his mother and father, all the other members of the room, and finally back to me. He blinked a few times, clenched his jaw then proceeded to walk past me out of the room.

King Herald sputtered, "I apologize for my son's brash behavior. I assure you he acts only because of the hast of the news." He gave a weak smile.

This was going to be worse than I thought.