The 2nd Alternate Ending
The day had flown by and Alex was still locked in her room. She had heard what sounded like Williams voice calling for her many times but sadly her own responses were never acknowledged. She had tried to pick the lock with a hair pin that she had but it, as had many other techniques, proved unsuccessful. Time was running out before the wedding and Alex had just about given up. With the room in a disarranged state from her attempts at knocking down the solid oak door she sat down on the floor and cried. Hope seemed lost. William would just have to marry May.
Near by Caroline, the head maid, found herself short of hands and in a constantly busy state with putting the little wedding together. She was briskly walking the servants quarters looking for a helping hand when she heard the sound of crying coming from on of the doors. Pausing Caroline tapped on the door and called, "Is everything all right in there?"
The crying ceased and footsteps sounded, the person obviously approaching the door. "Please let me out!" came the voice of Alexia.
"What do you mean let you out? Come out! What have you been doing slacking off in there? I need help out here!" Caroline snapped, thinking that Alexia had been lounging about to get out of work.
"I swear to you I am not still in here on my own accord! Please let me out I am without a key!" Alex cried.
Caroline pulled the group of keys out of her apron pocket and swiftly unlocked the door. Alex came dashing out and gratefully hugged Caroline.
"Get off!" Caroline squirmed, "You have work to do! You will be needed with the seamstress as Miss Peters will need help with her gown. There are only five minutes until the wedding starts!"
Alexia's eyes lit up and she soon hurried to get to the May and the wedding dress.
When Alex made it to the seamstress's room May and the wedding dress were gone. Only Emma was there in the room. Frankly she looked very surprised to see Alex. "What are you doing here?" Emma asked.
"I was sent to help with the dress. Where is May?" Alex asked anxiously.
Emma, knowing well what Alex intentions were stepped in front of the door and answered, "You should have stayed in that room Alexia. But there is still no way I am going to let you interrupt this wedding."
"So you were the one who locked me in!" Alex confirmed.
"Yes and I am proud of what I did. Although even though it only stalled you in getting to May I will not-" Emma was instantly silenced by a blow to her face. Emma crippled down onto the floor, her nose bleeding and a black eye soon appearing.
"Shut up." Alex said firmly. Stepping over Emma and heading to the door. "You know, people like you really piss me off." The clock which signaled that it was now 1 tolled. The wedding ceremony was about to begin.
Alex's steps quickened with each step as she descended down the stairs from one of the upper levels of the mansion. Deftly making her way through the rooms a corridors Alex stormed into the outside court yard and made a bee line for the wedding ceremony.
William was standing in front of the priest with May. May was just finishing her vows. She was glowing as she looked up at him but William didn't seem to be present. It was as if his spirit was lost in some far away land, never to be recovered.
His spirit, his love, is with me. Alex thought. Then straightening out her frazzled hair and garment Alex decided that now would be a good time to make her grand entry.
"Does anyone object to this union?" The priest then asked the small gathering of people.
I DO! William wanted to shout but alas he found that he could not even scream. But as if a miracle happened someone called out, "I object!"
Instantly recognizing the voice William turned to see Alex standing at the end of the makeshift isle. Everyone was stunned and household staff were instantly called out to contain this 'unruly maid'. But William would not allow that to happen and left May's side to go to Alex. He scooped her up and swung her around in his arms crying, "Alexia! Alexia! I thought you were gone for good!"
Alex was crying as she sobbed her happy replies. Yet although this couple was in the midst of their joyous reunion the rest of the gathering were not at all taking part in the celebration.
"What is the meaning of this?!" Mr. Peters yelled tearing stopping their celebration. "I demand to know the purpose of your awful conduct Mr. Collins!"
Alex clung tightly to William, afraid of losing him again. William stepped up to the plate in defense of Alex and himself.
"Sir I cannot marry your daughter for I have found myself to be in love with another." William stated plainly.
"Why this is folly! You cannot possibly suggest that a mere maid would have more value to you then a wealthy young woman!"
"Sir money has nothing to do with my happiness in life. Besides, I do believe I am much better off financially than you."
"You might be at this moment but once the Duchess finds out about this-"
"She will accept my new bride." William then took Alex and led her up to the priest. He conveniently ignored the angry protests of Mr. Peters. Yet although Mr. Peters was an easy man to walk away from May was a different story. She had been left by the groom on her wedding day. She now stood by the priest in her wedding gown facing the man she loved and the maid he was about to choose over her.
William touched May's hand and did not say a word. May felt as if her whole world had crumpled beneath her feet. Yet she was determined to walk away with what little dignity she had left so she refused to cry. "Marry Alexia. You could never be satisfied with my love." May said, stepping out of the picture.
Suddenly nothing seemed so joyous as May walked back down the isle and stood back to watch the ceremony. Protests were shouted from all over. The priest looked at May, then William and Alex before announcing, "I am sorry but I don't think it would be right to carry on with this wedding."
William rummaged through his coat's pocket and pulled out a substantial amount of cash. "Will this do?" He asked the priest as he slyly slipped it into his palm. The priest took an inventory of the money and then proceeded on with the ceremony.
"William, do you take this woman as your lawful wedded wife?"
"I do."
Butterflies fluttered in Alex's stomach and she could feel the heat rush to her face.
"Alexia, do you take this man as your lawful wedded husband?"
"I do."
"I now pronounce you husband and wife." The priest stated. He didn't have time to tell them to kiss because William and Alex were already doing so.
Johnathan looked at a picture happily. "Well, I suppose these could be my grand kids." He chuckled to himself as he looked at the old photo of William, Alex and their three children. "You sure do have a good looking bunch there Alex, I am proud of you."