its a sick world and we are all apart of it,
fucking halfwit,never mind ur stupid clic,
ill slit your mothers tit,with scissors bit by bit,you student divs no forgot im gona quit,n start some mother loving peace shit,
lucky for you your face wont get damaged by a brick,
thick prick i might aswell show you hell tho,
cos my patience is runnun low,
one more line,n i'l drag you on your last mile,
i'll make sure your disapearence wont be shown on file,
look at you popstars,i'l cut ur last microphone wire,n rob your car
fucking halfwit,never mind ur stupid clic,
ill slit your mothers tit,with scissors bit by bit,you student divs no forgot im gona quit,n start some mother loving peace shit,
lucky for you your face wont get damaged by a brick,
thick prick i might aswell show you hell tho,
cos my patience is runnun low,
one more line,n i'l drag you on your last mile,
i'll make sure your disapearence wont be shown on file,
look at you popstars,i'l cut ur last microphone wire,n rob your car