Hm...This may be a bit of an information overload...lemme know what you think! Thanks to anyone who R&R or favourites~ plus, i know this is a reallllyyyy weird plot, but I just felt like writing it.

'Oh c'mon!' I cried

'Vampires? Pfft, if you three believe your vampires, then you're all fucking crazy' I said, between half laughter and half panic, as I was just starting to remember that technically, I was drugged and kidnapped here

'Oh my god...' I started

'you're all actually Insane...and you' I said, pointing my finger at Todd

'I bet your not even an authorised doctor, I bet you just take people's blood, so that you can all pretend to be vampires and drink it' I shouted with horror

I stood up quickly, adrenaline from panic starting to set in

'Why am I here?' I asked again

'What do you want with me? You need to take me home, what your doing is illegal and stupid and fucking psychotic' I hissed at them

'Miss Foxe' Dr Fey began calmly

'We're not crazy as you simply suggest, but perfectly sane' he started pacing again

'Obviously, I was expecting this sort of reaction, so we decided that you might want to see some proof?' he asked

I laughed bitterly at the three men

'Do you want me to turn around so that you guys can slip your plastic fangs on?' I said, shaking my head

'Look, just take me home and I won't tell anyone about this okay?' I demanded weakly

Dr. Fey, Todd and the third nameless guy were beginning to close in on me

As Dr. Fey approached, he gently stroked my face before smiling idly, obviously, my eyes wandered to his teeth, where slowly but surely fangs were beginning enlarge from his canines

They arched harshly and stuck out prominently from his gums

'Fuck' I whispered, clutching at his hand that had moved down to grab my collar

'GET OFF!' I screamed manically

'LET GO OF ME' I continued, kicking at his shin and trying to pry his hands away from my neck


He smirked at me as if to say I told you so and then released me from his grasp, stepping back to give me room, whilst I struggled for breath and composure

'So what?' I asked finally 'want to suck me dry or something?'

He chuckled ever so slightly

'Practically the opposite of that... Why don't you have a seat and I'll explain this proposition' he said, gesturing to the sofa

I thought about it for a second. These people were truly vampires, and I was curious as to what the proposition was. I thought about what would be the outcome of rejecting all of this – would they kill me?

I nodded and took a seat, eyeing all three men suspiciously

'Maybe you wanted to ask some questions before we start' smiled Dr Fey

'' I began, racking my brains for questions...

'You guys really allergic to the sun?' I said pathetically. In all honestly, I didn't want any vamp-details right now, but just the reason behind my kidnapping

'As vampires, we lose a lot of basic human functions, and being able to adjust body temperature is one of them – going out into the sun burns the skin because it gets too hot and the cells die. Of course, in the beginning, when our race was stronger, we were able to heal the cells that got fried in the UV rays, but we've lost that. The sun is deadly, but winter we can actually handle, providing its cold with low cloud coverage, to protect us from what limited sun there is. But because we live nocturnally, it's very unusual to be up when the sun is out' he replied

'When you're race was stronger?' I asked, not fully understanding

'Yes, our race has been weakened considerably. – over thousands of years, vampires have been created via biting another human being and replacing their blood with infected blood, but that has weakened us as the blood becomes unspecific and mixed.

In the beginning, vampires were able to gain all sorts of powers – for example each vampire had the ability to transform into animal forms as a way of living and protecting ourselves throughout the day. These animal forms were usually passed down in families – clans – for example one clan may take the form of panthers, while another clan may take the form of wolves or dogs.

Eventually, due to vampires losing blood ties, and transforming humans into vampires, the powers were weakened. Weakened so considerably that only pitiful forms such as bats could take place – im sure you've heard of that famous form before?

But in the past few hundred years, we have discovered a way of breeding stronger vampires. This is to limit the different races of people being turned into vampires, and keeping it limited to one blood group entirely, as blood carries ethnic and race information.

And this blood type happens to be the same blood group that you posses. You have AB Rh (D) Negative, which is extremely rare – only 0.5% of the population share this blood, and by producing a line of vampires created from this specific blood type means that hopefully, we can become a superior race again. Are you following where I'm going?' he finished

It was quite a lot to take in, and I was confused at how this would be applied to me

' want to use my blood to create new vampires with?' I asked uncertainly

'Yes, exactly, the proposition is to have you produce human heirs by reproducing with a vampire of the same blood type – the baby will be born and sometime after its 18th birthday, will be infected with vamparic blood. Hopefully, by doing this, in a thousand years or so, powers will begin to form again by having pure blood'

He paused for a second

'of course, we're not completely sure if this will work – there's an equal possibility that the powers vampires possessed, will have been lost forever, and no matter how much interbreeding we do, it won't make a difference...'

Clearly, he had not seen my disgusted face at this point

'Stop' I ordered

'What do you mean human heirs and reproducing?' I asked shakily

'You want me to fucking develop Stockholm syndrome and pop out babies for you guys?' I said, finally starting to grasp what was being said

'No, of course not, we are a race of class Miss Foxe. We have our own laws! No transforming of humans under the age of 18 or without consent. Hunting is strictky forbidden in certain states, towns and countries – live by donations supplied by our government only. All new vampires must be registered. No killing of other vampires apart from in cases of emergency and self defence' he said, listing of systematically

'We need vampires to be brought up in the right environment, which means, that if you give us your consent, you'll be married off and breed at your own rate – which means that you'll be in a perfectly happy marriage and relationship. Our government is putting a strictly 2 child per couple policy, so that breeding doesn't get out of control. It's important to keep vampires a small race, so that we do not die out from surpassing the population of humans. After that, you'll be turned into a vampire, and shall raise the children and prepare them for life as a vampire, where they will find either a human of AB Rh (D) Negative or another vampire of AB Rh (D) Negative and produce of their own.' He explained

'So...' I began 'I have a choice in all of this?' I asked

Who'd the hell would want to follow along with this crazy plan?

Dr. Fey winced slightly

'You have...every right to reject this proposal, but we have to inform you that if you tell another person about this, you will be killed, inorder to protect our race, and it is also highly likely that if other vampires find out about your blood type, you may be forced into it by other clans. Our race is becoming pathetic, and there are many out there who will do anything to strengthen their clans...

But, if you would like to consider our proposal, I'd be happy to inform you of what life would be like as part of the Fey clan. We understand the concepts of freedom and limitations. You're only 17 and still in full time education. Joining us doesn't mean the end of that. You can continue your education, and even get a job later on. You'll be living an ordinary life, just one for eternity. This by the way is amazing. Aren't you just curious to see whether the earth will really end up being so advance, that everything is run by Robots and hover cars?' he finished, smiling to himself as if he'd just won a million pounds

'So...who would I marry' I asked

God I hope it's not him I thought mentally old is not my type

'Well, my youngest son is probable best suited for you. Turned a week before his 19th birthday' he said

'Does this mean you're interested?' he asked enthusiastically

'No. I was curious' I replied

But then I took a long look at his crestfallen face and felt a guilty pang – which I was totally not entitled to because I had no reason to be.

'Okay then...maybe I am' I said, feeling better when I saw a triumph smiles amongst him and the other two vampires.