The rain pattered heavily against the cool glass window that I leaned my forehead against, the glass fogging as I breathed slowly. The thundering of feet echoed down the spiraled staircase and I twisted my neck to watch as the twins Michael and Marion trample down after each other with foam bats.
"Annabelle!" they yelled in unison as the attacked me, throwing their arms around me.
"Boys," I giggled wrapping my arms around them. My mother came out of the kitchen, apron hung loosely around her neck, her honey hair pulled up into a bun, strands framed her face.
She put her fists on her hips, "what have I told you two?" her face was taught, but I could see the humor in her sapphire eyes. The boys' chocolate skin flushed, they ran straight to her wrapping their arms around her middle.
"Miss May don't be mad at us." Marion whined,
"It was all Marion's fault Miss May." Michael interrupted him and I chuckled, it was just like him to throw his brother under the bus.
"Hey Mum, what are you cooking now?" I stood, kissing her on her aging cheek.
She kissed each of my cheeks, "I'm cooking nothing now, dinner's ready." She ruffled my hair.
"Hey don't touch the merchandise woman." I growled, ducking under her reaching hand.
I reached for the intercom button and screamed, "DINNER", my voice echoed throughout the three story Victorian house.
My mother and I ran a boarding house for many people throughout the many walks of life; I took a seat in the bay window and watched everyone scramble down the stairs towards the kitchen. I crossed my arms across my chest, relishing in the warmth of my Ohio State hoodie.
Stella Lockwood, an aspiring actress who seemed to thrive in the 1920's era with luscious blonde hair, crystal blue eyes, and ruby red lips was first. A pink satin robe flowed over her body; she tucked a stand of her short bob behind her ear and waved at me. "Hello darling." Her voice purred. My lip curled up in a sly smile as she disappeared into the kitchen.
Following Stella was Louis Grimworks, a classical pianist, far beyond his age and too eccentric to hold down a good job. His white hair stuck up around his head, his pale watery eyes, and lined face was a spitting image of Albert Einstein. A cigar was clenched between his teeth as he grinned at me, "Hello Louis, you know what mother says about smoking in the house I'd put that out if I were you." He only laughed and disappeared as well.
Edvard Norton was next; his perfect chocolate hair was slicked back, only a single strand fell across his forehead. His green eyes pierced me through me; I shook my head and grinned at his attire. Edvard was stunning to say the least, even with a hot pink feather boa wound around his neck, white skinny jeans, and black European boots. Edvard was a singer at a club during the week, a male club, but a club nonetheless.
Seraphina Blake followed close behind Edvard, they were close. Seraphina was a starving artist, her black hair was choppy and laced with Acrylic paint. Her clothes were dark, her skin pale. Her heavily lined dark eyes latched onto mine and she gave a silent not, hurrying after Edvard.
I followed them, marking off each tenant on my mental checklist and froze, with a deep bodily sigh, I ran up the stairs. Room 5 was a gauche room, Esther Clemens was an odd old woman with a raspy voice and kind smile, she dabbled in the paranormal and predicted many people's future; many thought she should be committed, "Miss Esther are you coming down for dinner?"
She was sitting in her rocking chair, her white cat Feather curled up contently in her lap, "danger comes this evening, danger for us oh no, danger for those who wish to harm us. Your life will change tonight child, for the good or for the bad is up to you." Her voice rasped slowly her eyes focused off in the distance.
"O-Kay Miss Esther let's go down to eat, Momma made pot roast just the way you like it." I reached for her arm, as soon as my hand made contact with her, her yes came into focus.
"Oh hello deary," she smiled at me; standing with difficulty she grabbed her cane, "is dinner ready?"
I rolled my eyes, "yes ma'am let's go, the food will get cold." I helped her down the stairs and into the kitchen. Everyone was eating heartily, talking amongst themselves. Edvard and Seraphina were talking in hushed tones waving their forks animatedly around. I helped Esther with some food and sat down next to the twins. Michael and Marion had been dumped on our doorstep when they were infants; we had legally adopted them two years ago when they turned six.
My mother was busy with them as she shoveled their food into their mouths, chucking carrots at each other. I ate my potatoes and beef, watching around me, I smiled at the familiarity of it all; it was home. Louis and Stella broke out into Frank Sinatra's 'The Way You Look Tonight', Stella's deep throaty voice complimenting Louis smooth gravelly tone.
The doorbell rang throughout the commotion, the table fell silent, I wiped my mouth with a napkin and stood, "I'll get it." The table erupted with noise once more.
I let the kitchen door swing close behind me; I looked through the peephole. A black fedora filled my vision. I undid the deadbolt and pulled open the door. The rain slanted away from the porch, the lightning lit up the sky behind the stranger. His form filled the doorway, his height was threatening.
I gripped the door, "how may I help you?" His head lifted, the rain dripped of his fedora, blue grey eyes stared luminously back at me.
A black back hung from his shoulder, he readjusted and smiled dazzlingly, "Hello miss, I have heard that you are offering rooms for board, is that not correct? I was wondering if I may possibly rent one of them from you." I swallowed.
My eyes trailed over him, a gray suit fit snuggly against his presumably fit body, a dark trench coat hung to his knees, blue grey eyes were framed by dark lashes, straight white teeth. "Miss, I would love to stand here and let you look at me all day but please, it is raining and I am quite damp." His proper voice caused me to blush.
"I-im sorry, I m-mean, I wasn't looking at you. Oh just come in, let me go get the papers." I stumbled idly over my words and stood aside.
He brushed past me, the scent of him washed over me, I breathed in deeply subtly as I could. I closed the door behind him and watched as he gracefully pulled off his coat and took of his hat, revealing a head of curly dark hair. I clenched my jaw, tore my eyes away from him, and stalked into the office.
I could not believe myself; I had never acted that way around a man before. I sifted through files of papers and grabbed the appropriate ones as well as a pen. The stranger stood where I had left him, hands clasped behind his back, standing straight backed. I handed him the papers and the pen sharply, keeping my face straight.
"Please fill these out." I stated sharply. He cocked an eyebrow, and briskly took the papers from me.
"As you wish," he shifted his coat, sat, and began to write slowly, his penmanship was impeccable. As I was quietly watching him fill out the papers, my mother came through the door, her hair wild, eyes tired.
Her eyes flew to the stranger and she quickly smoothed her hair, "dear who was at…oh…who is this?" she looked pointedly at me.
I fingered the frayed ends of my sweatshirts sleeves, "this is…um I didn't quite catch your name." His eyes slid up to mine and once again, I was struck by the intensity of his gaze.
As he heard and spotted my mother, he stood gracefully and grabbed my mother's hand kissing her on the knuckles. I fought the sudden spark of jealousy and stared as my mother's face flushed with a healthy shade of pink. "Please forgive me, my name is Sebastian Noire. It's a pleasure to meet you; your sister here was just letting me fill out the papers to rent on of your rooms."
I rolled my eyes, his charm was becoming apparently false, yet my mother blushed harder, "oh she's not my sister, this is my daughter Annabelle." He gave the appropriate level of shock.
I could not help but interrupt, "are you implying that I look old Mr. Noire?" I bit out. His eyes slid over to me once more, I stood my ground.
I clenched my jaw and turned to my mother, "I am sure you can handle this. I'll go start to clean up the kitchen." I brushed past Sebastian and bristled as his arm touched mine and through the swinging door.