The new stranger had edged on my nerves for most of the night, but today was a new day and I was in dire need of my breakfast. I sighed, looked at my watch, and tapped my heel against the taupe linoleum floor.

"Hey Annabelle here, I've got yours ready!" a voice broke through my impatience, I peaked around a man who's beady eyes stared at me from behind thick bifocals, intelligence glittering slightly. I smiled wanly and slipped around him; brushing his trench coat as I passed.

"Hey Sam! Thanks so much!" I reached for the paper bag that held a single blueberry bagel and wrapped my right hand around the warm cup filled with a cinnamon latte. The steam wafting the sweet scent of cinnamon up to my nose.

I breathed in deep, "again thank you," I smiled at the small woman with bright blue eyes, and left the coffee shop that stood solitarily on 5th Street in lower Manhattan. I balanced my cup of coffee in the hand that held the brown paper bag as I dug through my purse searching for my keys.

I let out a disgruntled sigh as a few wisps of auburn hair fell out of my tight severe bun on the top of my head. The crisp winter air enveloped itself around my bare legs. I finally gripped the cool metal of the keys and yanked them out of the bottom. I pressed the unlock button to my black Grand Am; I heard the locks release and I opened the door.

Throwing my purse into the passenger's seat, I climbed in, relaxing a bit as I sipped the latte. The warm liquid slipped down my throat, warming the frozen tips of my manicured fingers down to the froze toes encased in a cheap pair of black pumps. My maroon blackberry curve vibrated against the loose change in the cup holder loudly.

I grabbed it, pressed talk, and held the phone up to my ear; cradling it between my ear and shoulder.

"Hello Annabelle Mowry speaking." I answered.

"Annabelle I think you should get home, both the twins are sick, and your mum's out." My lips thinned as I looked around.

"Five minutes" I answered, and threw it back into the cup holder; the change jingling as if in alarm.

I twisted the key in the ignition and the engine roared to life, shifting it into drive; I took off towards the house. I hurried inside; I hopped on one foot as I pulled off one heel at a time, threw the keys on the table by the door, and ran as fast as I could in a pencil skirt up the stairs.

The twins lay in their beds, their faces twisted in pain. I felt each of their foreheads; their skin was warm to the touch but not searing hot. My phone vibrated against my hip, I sighed irritably and left the room to answer it.

"Annabelle Mowry speaking" I answered.

"Annabelle you need to get over to 216 Bleaker Street in the Boulder Suburb, change out of your fancy editor's clothes." My lips thinned as I looked down at the white ruffle blouse tucked into a black pencil skirt.

"15 minutes" I said ending the call.

"Stella! Can you come here please!" I called down the hallway. The luscious blonde slipped out her room followed in suite by none other than Sebastian. I grimaced but said nothing.

I focused on Stella, ignoring Sebastian's intense stare, "I need you to give each of the boys a children's Tylenol, a glass of water, and cool wash cloth. I have to go to my other job; I'll be back as soon as I can." Stella nodded, understanding how busy I was.

I brushed past Sebastian, ignoring the stab of anger I felt for him being with Stella. I stared befuddled at my closet, which by compulsion had been separated neatly in half. My crisp, 'fancy' editor's clothes to the left; and my secret full-time job clothes to the right.

Pulling a pair of dark washed jeans off the hanger, I picked up a clean white cotton shirt, and a black blazer. As I hastily yanked on the clothes, I missed the knock on my door. Sebastian leaned against the doorway, arms crossed lazily over his chest.

"Sorry if I am intruding I was just wondering where you were off to in such a hurry." His deep voice was languid.

I glared at him as I dug through the bottom of my neatly arranged shoes and pulled out a pair of work boots with an accomplished grunt.

"I fail to see how where I go is any of your business Mr. Noire, now please excuse me, I am sure Stella is probably looking for you right now." I bit out. I snatched the items I would need off the top of my Maplewood dresser and ran back out the door.

Silently cheering at my cold attitude towards this stranger. I sped down the highway, weaving in and out of traffic. My hands gripping the steering wheel in anticipation of what was to come. My phone vibrated again and I answered it just as before but with a slight snap.

"Watch it sis."

I paused, "Sarah! Hi, how's the baby?" I grinned as I chatted with my older sister. I expertly dodged a swerving semi and sped up.

"Janelle is good sis, how are you doing?" I shrugged to myself.

"On my way to the suburbs got a call." As I listened to her scold me for working too hard, I pulled up to 216 Bleaker Street. The blue and red lights of a dozen or so cop cars rotated like an old seventies disco ball. An ambulance screamed past my slow moving car, people milled frantically about.

I swallowed, "Sarah, I need to go." I quickly ended the called and climbed out of the car. As I shut the door behind me, a frantic slip of a woman clamored up to me.

"Ms. Mowry. Good luck" she wrapped her arm around her stomach and put a hand to her mouth, gagging. My nose wrinkled in disgust as she vomited next to my car. Stepping easily around her I warily walked towards the house teeming with people from every department.

An officer stood at the front gate, his beefy arms crossed over his barrel like chest. I flipped out my badge and held it out to him, he looked warily at it, "I can't allow you to go in there ma'am."

My eyes narrowed, "why not?" I snapped

"You aren't certified." The cop rumbled.

"She's with me Tony." A deep voice interrupted him, a tall shadow draped over me from behind. I tensed up, my fists clenching.

"Jack." I bit out and turned, looking angrily up at him.

"Hello Annabelle, long time no see."

"Not long enough, how was Guam? Too bad nobody captured you." I looked him over, worn jeans, leather jacket, and black boots.

He smirked and led me through the gate, "of course."

The door was open; the smell of fresh blood assaulted my nose. I twitched anxiously as I stepped over the threshold, the scene before me was one of ghoulish slaughter. The first body lay in a large pool of her own blood, her vicious wounds gaping against her pale skin. I forced back any emotion, detaching myself. I stepped around the body lying by the door, noticing how her hand lay outstretched towards the door; fingers curled in defeat.

My gaze swept across the room, furniture lay over turned, books torn off shelves scattered around. I knelt down next to the girl, I glanced up at Jack.

He slightly nodded his head, "alright everybody out! Annabelle needs to be alone." He bellowed. I jumped slightly and softly smiled as the technicians scurried out the door; eyes wide.

When the room was empty with the exception of Jack, I took a deep breath. Slowly clearing my mind, I reached out and placed two gloved fingers against the victim's forehead. My fingers slick in the blood, I flinched as I was pulled into her mind. Time became of no consequence, I shifted as her memories came pouring in. I saw the faces of her family, her mother's sparkling blue eyes, her father's deep warm laugh; her little brother's golden curls.

I flinched against as that world was ripped from my vision, and gave way to the last night of her life. I felt the fear that poured through her body as her mother's scream pierced her ears, the pain as her attacker ripped through her body, the sight of her father's mangled body through the film of blood. Then black began to feather her vision, I pulled myself for fear of being lost along with her soul.

I slipped back into reality seamlessly, my breath came in even shallow breathes, my head throbbed, my throat was parched, I licked my cracked lips, and closed my eyes against the wave of pain.

I rubbed my temples, "her brother, a little blonde. Brother didn't die, he's here somewhere." I grunted under my breath, I winced and looked up at Jack.

He glared down at me, I raised an eyebrow, "what?" he shook his head and I pushed myself off the floor, I stumbled slightly but got my bearings. I looked down at the blood on my hands and grimaced but did nothing.

I relaxed my muscles, closed my eyes, and reached out through the mental world, thoughts poured in.

"I wish she'd love me," a deep voice entered.

"What am I going to do for dinner?" came a sweet sultry voice,

"Stay here, sissy said stay here." I pressed deeper into that though and began to follow it.

I slipped down the hallway, dodging forensic specialists and detectives. The tug of the thought pulled me into a storage room. I lifted some boxes out of the way of a wall. The wall seemed impervious; I scanned the pale beige paint. My eyes caught a small flaw, pulling slightly on the peeled paper; it gave way to a small door. Behind the small door, a little boy sat huddled with a teddy bear his golden curls matted with dirt and dust.

I smiled slightly, his grey eyes stared up at me, full of fear, "Hello Daniel." I whispered softly, "My name's Annabelle, I'm a friend of your sisters."

He paused, "Alicia? Where is she?" his small voice hit me hard, I swallowed.

"She's on vacation with angels." He stared blankly up at me,

"oh." He clamored out of the wall, he reached out and wrapped his small fingers around mine, right arm clutching tightly to the teddy bear. I took a deep breath and walked with him into the chaos.

Detectives and the forensic people stopped in their tracks, mouths hanging open unattractively. I felt slightly irritated that they were staring, "what" I snapped, their jaws snapped shut and they busied themselves with their tasks.

I smiled warmly down at Daniel, "you're going to like Jack, he's a good guy." Daniel nodded, but said nothing. Jack stood as a statue among the pandemonium that surrounded him, arms crossed over his broad chest, feet spread; his defensive stance.

The stoicism of his face faltered as his eyes landed on the boy clutching my hand, he walked over kneeling down to become eye level with the tousle headed boy.

"Hello kid, your sisters…" the little boy held up a tiny hand, halting Jack's speech.

"My sister's dead, my mum and dad to. I hear them scream. I may be six but I know." His little voice held a cold determination as he stared down Jack.

He looked innocently up at me, "I want some water," he whined.