Love Grows with Time

Summary: A story like that of Beauty and the Beast. Only this arranged marriage is between a man who is not so beastly and a girl who isn't much of a beauty.

This story is like the last one I wrote…but different. I wrote this one about the same time as the other because I felt I could take this story into two different directions so it is basically about what if the same circumstances happened to different characters. I think the idea of an arranged marriage is very interesting so that is why I wrote two stories.

This story takes place in colonial America.

Chapter 1 – Crawford

The day was beautiful in the small settlement of Crawford. It was a settlement founded by some who had come to America for many reasons: some had come for religious freedom, some for new opportunity, and some just for the adventure of it. It was a town built from propriety, believing that private matters should be kept behind closed doors. However, there was hardly a difference between good news or bad news, especially when the news was that of your neighbors.

But even with the favored hobby that of gossip, great faith and discipline was placed upon going to church, and that is just where Mary Williams was headed.

"Elizabeth, what are you doing?" Mary asked her dearest friend.

"I'm trying not to cover my skirts in mud the way yours are!" Elizabeth huffed as she daintily tried to tip-toe around the muddier paths of the road with her skirts pulled just below her knees.

"I'm too happy to care for the condition of my skirts. I can't remember the last time the sun was out! It has rained almost a month! I thought I would never see its beautiful rays again." Mary replied stopping in the street with her face turned toward the sky and her eyes closed.

"Would you stop that! You look absolutely silly." Elizabeth said still tip-toeing.

"If any one should look silly I would say it was you." Mary said as she returned to walking. "Besides I know you are only taking the trouble of trying to stay clean so you can impress James Bradley! But after he sees you walking in to service like a bird, I'm sure you'll definitely give him something to remember." Mary laughed.

"I do not understand what you find wrong with James Bradley. Do you not think he is handsome?"

"I do agree he is handsome, very handsome, and a gentleman as well. But I just don't see the use of trying to capture his attention because I would never marry him. I doubt his father would take a liking to my less than wealthy family, much less my plain face."

"How can you be so critical of yourself? Things aren't always as clear as you would like to think they are." Elizabeth admonished.

But Mary wasn't so wrong. Mary's parents had once been indentured servants to Thomas and Rachel Martin, Elizabeth's parents. That is one reason Mary and Elizabeth were so close because of growing up together. The Williams' had had their freedom for several years now but prosperity was slow coming on their small amount of land they called their own.

Mary was by no means un-attractive but she was slightly less beautiful than the other girls her age. She had a round face with brown eyes and no distinctly beautiful features. Beneath her cap you could just make out the shade of her hair that wasn't the fair blond like many of the other girls or the silky black that was Elizabeth's. Instead it was of a pale brown.

"If you do not fancy James then who do you fancy? There has to be someone." Elizabeth asked.

"I can't say that there is anyone. I haven't really thought much about it."

"Do you not think of being married one day?"

Mary thought for a moment, "I suppose so. Just none of the men have caught my eye and I doubt I have caught any of theirs. I'll admit I should try harder. I'm my parent's only child and being a girl I'm not much help to my father. A good marriage would help my family greatly."

She glanced down at her mud covered skirts as they reached the steps of the church. Elizabeth took the time to adjust hers before they entered.

"Do you ladies plan on standing out here all day?" Thomas Martin smiled as he walked up.

"We were just about to go in." Mary returned to Elizabeth's father.

"Well then, I would be honored to enter in with two lovely ladies on my arms." He offered an arm to each of them. Elizabeth scowled for a moment but accepted, as did Mary but with a slight blush.

"You don't plan on sitting with us do you father?" Elizabeth almost pleaded.

"Is there a reason I shouldn't?" he raised his eyebrow.

"She's trying to capture James Bradley." Mary offered

"When you put it that way it makes my sound like I'm hunting something." Elizabeth remarked offended.

"That's probably about right." Thomas whispered in Mary's ear making her let out a soft giggle. With that he left them to sit by themselves and went to sit with some of the men.

Thomas Martin was a handsome man. Although entering his late 30's he still seemed to hold onto his youth. His tall body was still muscular and lean and his face, though slightly bearded remained un-aged. The past year he had started to look more worn after the death of Rachel to a sudden illness. Having to take care of Elizabeth and her younger sister Abigail alone, had helped age catch up to him somewhat.

After the service, many of the village stood outside the church visiting and enjoying the sun. Mary smiled when she saw a group of girls whispering and gawking at James Bradley. She would confess he was a handsome sight to behold. He was almost to the age of 20 and taller than most of the other men. He had a strong, tan build, with black hair and piercing blue eyes.

"Look! There he is!" Elizabeth pinched her cheeks and examined her skirts. "Who is he talking to? My father?! Mary he is talking with my father!"

"Here's your chance." Mary grabbed her by the elbow and started to walk over to Mr. Martin. Elizabeth quickly removed her arm but continued to walk with her. She replaced her originally shocked look with one of sweet demure. She had always been an accomplished actor.

"Hello, father." She said sweetly.

"Oh, hello Elizabeth, I have just asked Mr. Bradley to join us for lunch, and he has kindly accepted." At this James smiled upon Elizabeth and in return she flirtatiously batted her lashes. Mary could see in his eyes that he was already taken with her. Elizabeth had captured her prey.

"How wonderful!" Elizabeth said.

"Mary you are welcome to join us as well." Mr. Martin offered.

"Thank you, but I really must go home."

"Very well."

James offered his arm to Elizabeth and she openly blushed as she accepted it. They then began to walk towards the Martin's home and started a conversation on the way.

As Mary walked to her home she couldn't help but think on the events of that morning. She really ought to start taking better care of herself. Perhaps is she did look more presentable and tried to flirt like the other girls someone would notice her. Perhaps if she did that she wouldn't look so plain. But as she thought about it, she really thought the other girls were silly for the way they acted. Besides, that just wasn't her. Shouldn't a man know who he is truly marrying? These thoughts and others plagued her throughout the afternoon.

Mary noticed many things as she walked into the church that evening. The foremost was how all the young girls seemed to be scowling yet Elizabeth seemed to be the happiest one in the room. Mary sat on the pew next to Elizabeth.

"I have the most wonderful news!" Elizabeth started. "After the lunch time meal James asked my father permission to court me!"

"Oh, that's why the other girls are scowling!"

"I hadn't noticed," she looked around, "But isn't that exciting! Just think I could be Mrs. James Bradley!" With that she let out a rather loud squeal capturing the attention of those around them.

"I'm very happy for you, but it might be best if you weren't so loud!" Mary whispered.

"I can't help it. He's coming over tomorrow evening so we can talk! I don't know how I will sleep tonight!" she looked towards James who she found to be looking at her and she quickly turned away blushing.

As the service started, Mary took the opportunity to look about the room. Elizabeth sat smiling and her cheeks were still slightly flushed. She could just make out the small smile across the lips of James Bradley, but she was caught off guard when she saw Mr. Martin. She assumed that she would have seen a smile on his face as well, but she found none. He looked tired and his eyes didn't hold the joyfulness they held earlier. Was he not happy about the arrangement? She could think of no reason why he would be. It must just be the fact that his oldest daughter is most likely soon to be married, she decided.